Doll Dungeon

Chapter 61

In the afternoon, as the farm expansion is finished, the puppets returned to the mansion.

Now then, is it still early before the auction start?

Well, all I need to do is summon someone to make something for me.

"This time it will be a doll."

It cost more than a puppet. But if you consider the skills needed this time, the doll is a better choice.

First of all, it comes with 《Learning》and 《Natural recovery》for free.

Then, I spend some of my DP to give them 《Compound》and 《Create Magical Tool》skills.

I summoned 10 dolls of the same type and order the puppets to build a cabin next to the blacksmith workshop as their workplace.

The interior was made simple by providing the bench to create magical tools and brewing stand for potion production.

Next, I summoned herbs and the like to the warehouse, which is right next to blacksmith workshop.

I"ve come here to resupply the iron for many times already but this place still looks dull as ever.

"Dolls, go to the newly made cabin and use the iron to create non-weapon tools."

As the dolls nod, I left the place and refill the warehouse with iron and mana stone before returning to the mansion.

Sitting in the chair in the study, I was deeply thinking about something.

What is the main selling point of this country?

We have auction house here but the visitor will only come during the opening of the auction and leave the day after.

I want a big seller that can make the auction house pale in comparison to it.

…An arena?

If I could create the place as an attraction, there"s a chance there will be someone who would want to partic.i.p.ate in it.

Even if they came out dead, it wouldn"t be a problem if they sign a consent form first.

However, the human auction is a crime. Can I build the arena here?

Should I ask the guild first?

"An arena, you said…?"

Is it bad?

I would think so too.

There"s no way it will be okay when it"s clearly cruel to do that.

"I think it would be bad for the country if someone dies from it…"

Regardless of what kind of agreement we have, if something were to happen because of it there"s no doubt I will be criticised for it.

"Surely, in the olden days, we have an arena filled with the slave. But since it has become the source of conflict between the n.o.bles, there were no longer exist."

So it"s the grudges of the n.o.bles who killed the slaves.

And at the same time, the resentment piling up will hinder the progress of diplomacy… I never thought about that.

"But this time it will not be the slave, you know? The arena will be using the partic.i.p.ation system."

"But if the weak country and the strong country fight each other, it could become a flashpoint for war."

I certainly can"t deny that possibility.

"But, even if the country is weak, can"t they just bring strong men from their country?"

"…. So, are you going to excite a battle between the strong men?"

Is it useless?

If they lose against a weak country, will they be okay with it?

"But you don"t have to worry too much about that. Their mood will improve as long as they can win against other countries after that."

"You"re right. Another thing, my medical team will be handling the injured people."

I don"t have to think much of the dead since the Witch Doll under Vier can take care most of the wounds.

"…If I could say, isn"t it cruel to put people"s lives in danger for the sake of entertainment?"

"What makes it fun to watch is not their struggle in life and death situation but their showcase of skill during the fierce of battle."

But there"s no denying it is still cruel.

"…I understand. The guild won"t say anything about you building the arena."

I wonder if there’s anything else I want to say…

I"m glad to consult with them first.

"Really? Then I"m going to build the arena."

From the mansion, I went to the second floor of the dungeon and order the puppet to build an arena next to the auction house.

After I lay out all the needed materials and summon the required puppets, the construction immediately begins.

"I"ll be counting on you."

I leave the place to the puppets and return to the first floor of the dungeon.

By the way, how should I spread the words about it?

Should I post a poster about it too?


"By your side."

It would be better if I ask her about it.

"I want to let people know there will be an arena opening soon. How do you think I should inform them?"

Eins manage to come up with something after thinking for a while.

"How about giving away free tickets?"

"Free tickets?"

Free ticket to enter the arena?

"You should only distribute the free tickets to those who are living in this country and sell the paid spectator tickets to the people from other countries."

I see.

So, the free tickets will be the back seats but if you pay for the tickets you can get the front seat. This way there will be no complaint about it.

We also need a countermeasure for the counterfeit ticket.

"…Do you use a watermark?"

"Will it be alright?"

Counterfeit will be difficult if you place a watermark that can only be seen under light.

I have no choice but to spend a lot of DP recently.

It"s important to build the foundation first.

I summoned five dolls with《Paper Making》, 《Learning》 and《Natural Recovery》skills.

Since there"s no puppet left for the job, I summoned the paper manufacturing cabin for 300 DP.

The building is sandwiched between the houses just the opposite of the blacksmith workshop.

Then, I order the doll to create the watermarked paper with the word "Free" on it.

Come to think of it, they have to go through Enwork to go the second floor.

If I let them through Enwork, it might leave a bad impression since the arena is not something related to the auction.

Should I create a new entrance…?

I have to explain it to Rista first.

"I can accept it if it"s for the auction. But to go pa.s.s through the stadium first is a bit…"

"As I thought, it"s a no right?"

It"s so obvious.

"I"m sorry."

"It"s impossible after all. There"s no need for you to apologize."

Now then, what should I do about it…?

…If there are multiple entrances why not multiple exit too?

First, set the exit at the entrance of the auction house.

Then, put the exit of the two buildings outside the entrance of the mansion.

So, if I could place the entrance and the exit of the arena somewhere, that means I can decide where it goes.

Since it goes both directions, you can use the exit as the entrance too.

"The question now is where should I place the arena entrance?"

"How about next to the mansion?"

By the way, I still haven"t moved yet.

That"s right, next to the mansion.

Certainly, that place is still empty.

It also not too far from here.

"Yes, let"s make it there. Thank you for your good idea."

"Not at all. I"m honoured to serve you."

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