Doll Dungeon

Chapter 15

Doll Dungeon chapter 15!!!


「What’s happening with those people?」

「At the moment, they are sleeping in the guest rooms. In regards to their treatment, a damp towel has been used to clean their wounds and body, have been given potions to drink.」

Not using bandages or disinfecting the wounds is a little bit concerning but, remembering that I didn’t bring out the emergency first aid kit, I spent 50DP to buy and handed it over.

Having non-human species in my dungeon, doesn’t normally require the first aid kit, but since there will be more people from now on, there may be times where this would be needed. It’s a prior investment.

Its past noon, the automatons that don’t have stomachs appears in groups and Eins finally comes.

「Klein-san has regained consciousness.」

「Is that so, well then let’s go. No.7 you did well. It’s okay to return to your work.」

「Hai (TN: Yes in j.a.panese I don’t think I have to tell you tho o.o, it sounded better this way), Goshuujin-sama.」

「Ha (TN: same as the one above), such words are too good for me.」

Taking Eins with me, we headed towards Klein’s room in the guest area.

Checking on his condition halfway through, it seems like he can’t stand but able to talk. While keeping a reminder to no cause too much confusion, there doesn’t seem to be any traces of struggling.

「How are you feeling?」

Arriving at the guest room, I opened the door without knocking and started to question him.

「Eh? A, ah. The wounds hurt, but there nothing to making me feel bad. Were you the one that helped us?」

Floating a smile like a normal person would, he hastily answered the question. From time he was looking at the window and how he is talking is completely different but, when facing a someone for the first time is like this huh?

「The feeling, I’m asking about isn’t this. I’m asking how does it feel to watch your partner die.」


Of course, he isn’t dead. But should be sleeping without worry in the room next door.

「Gram is, dead?」

So that guy’s name was Gram.

「Lie. It’s a Lie!!」(TN: I felt it would sound better like this.)

Forcefully standing up from the bed, but fell while turning.

「There no way he would be dead!! I’ll go save him. I’ll go now. I will definitely go save him.」

He stood up countless times but, his legs didn’t listen to him, causing him to fall countless times. During those times his wounds have opened, the bandages slowly coloured by blood but, it didn’t stop him from standing up.

That being said.

「He’s causing a fuss.」

「It’s because Goshuujin-sama had said things that would cause a fuss.」

I’m in the wrong?

「I won’t let you die! I will definitely save you! 」

「I’m saved through.」

He, who fell countless times adding over ten times, heard a different voice. In other words he heard Gram’s voice.

「What, You’re awake already? But I didn’t get any report from my maids.」

「I woke up not too long ago. I woke up too because of this idiot’s loud voice.」

This guy’s talking differently as well.

「Gram, you’re alive」(TN: no s.h.i.t Sherlock, he has legs)

「Of course (or no s.h.i.t) I’m alive, don’t kill me at you’re own convenience!」

Sorry, the one who kill you conveniently was me.

「But, this guy said you were dead.」

「What? Why did you lie?」

Why did I lie, huh?

「I wanted to know whether you people were worth of being saved. Eins, make some food that will make them feel better.」

「As you wish. (TN: do you guys like this one or “By your will” or “as you command”).」

I left the room along with Eins.

Well then, how well will those people recover? Since I let them drink the potion, I think they would recover faster than normal but, how will it go?

By the way, since Gram had forcibly walked, he was carried back by the maid in the way of a princess carry.

In the morning the next day, they said they had fully recovered they had sustained and are able to walk on their own, and are able to do light exercise.

This recovery power is probably their own toughness as well but, the effect of potions was probably pretty high.

Potions are, only obtainable in dungeons, with the name of recovery accelerators, are also known to have the effect of being called spirit medicine. If it was sold in the markets it would call upon hundreds of millions, a high cla.s.s item.

When I became lvl3, I became able to make the potions but, since it costed 500DP, it wasn’t something I could make easily, but I made 3 just in-case something was to happen.

The effects were evident through the experiment of them drinking it but, to think that people who were breathing like bugs would only need one day to recover to this. It greater than what I imagined.

That being so.

「If you have recovered to the point of being able to do light exercises, than hurry up and leave.」

Calling the two to the library, I returned all their equipment.

「Eh? All of a sudden?」

What are you so surprised about?

「Originally, in-order to save your lives, you guys were placed here. We saved your lives, to the point where you can exercise, now, you have no reason to stay.」

「That is true but…」

「Or is it that, you won’t leave until we carry you out?」

There was a short silence till, Klein lowered his head.

「Thank you very much for saving us.」

Following that, Gram also lowered his head

「Thank you very much.」

「Hurry up and leave (TN: It literally translate to this. Ps I love our protag’s att.i.tude).」

Once again, the two lowered their heads and left.

「Naa, Eins.」

「What may it be?」

As usual, whenever I call for her, she’s always nearby.

「Maybe it was because, I was envious of them?」


「Just like those guy’s, who can show their expression on their… No, forget it.」

「As you wish.」



Rei here

Here’s chapter 15 >o< yay,="" i="" know="" most="" of="" you="" guys="" have="" been="" waiting="" a="" while="" for="" this="" chapter="" so="" here="" it="" is="" lol,="" but="" you="" would="" read="" the="" whole="" thing="" before="" reading="" this="" hahaha="" welp="" thanks="" for="">

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