Doll Dungeon

Chapter 41

After training earnestly for three days, Alphonse has made a remarkable growth.

He can now win every time he fights against an unnamed Automata and Automan at the same time.

"Thank you very much! I guess I will be returning to the kingdom now!"

"Is that so… Then, you can have that sword."

"But, this is a magic sword!"

"Consider this the last gift from the master to his disciple. Please accept it."

After all, he"s been learning on his own for the past three days.

So I"m giving it to him to make up for that.

"Quickly, go now."

“Thank you for what you have done!”

After Alphonse gracefully bow, he left the place.

『The intruder has been repelled. 』

Stay alive.

You don"t need to come back here anymore because I"m sure you will survive.

That"s the sole reason I trained you anyway.

"Master, it seems that the country that will become the leader of the alliance has been decided."

"So, which one is it?"

"It"s the Ilfiana Kingdom. It"s the kingdom from the neighbouring country which has a dungeon gate."

If it"s the neighbouring kingdom, then there"s nothing to worry about.

At first, I thought the leader will be this kingdom which has done the hero summoning but it seems that I was wrong.

"Since they"re working with us, even if they have the record of summoning the hero, they aren"t qualified to be the leader."

I see. I guess doing so is a bad thing.

"But so far, it wasn"t up to that extent."

Does that mean they will not be working with us anymore in the future?

"It seems the Ilfiana Kingdom thinks that we have been dominated by our contracting party, the Gaulia Kingdom."

"Did they send troops to our place too?"

"According to the story, it looks like the Gaulia Kingdom try to clear the misunderstanding but the chance for it to happen is low."

I don"t want to get involved in this war any longer.

In the first place, that was his intention of sending Alphonse out all along.

"Gaulia Kingdom will surely request us to cooperate."

"What a bother."

If I don"t partic.i.p.ate in the war, I"ll be crush by the allies of Gaulia country.

If I were to partic.i.p.ate in the war, I have to submit under the rule of the Gaulia country.

I would only like to keep my neutrality as a dungeon.

"This is really bothersome."

The next day, Aisha brought me an unknown escort.

"This time, the guild and the royal representative of Gaulia country came here would like to request you to partic.i.p.ate in the war."

As expected.

Since the war will be in two days, surely they will come.

"I don"t feel like joining it."

"We, the Human, have united and formed an alliance. The country in the alliance was very hoping so for you to join the war as well."

"And your reason is?"

Aisha"s face turned blue.

"Are you making a fool out of me? You and I, we both have signed the contract. I never remember becoming your subordinates isn"t it?"

"It"s true we are contracted on equal terms."

"So why should I partic.i.p.ate in your war."

"It is for the honour of our country, Gaulia."

What does she mean by that?

It certainly became difficult to refuse since it"s impossible to besmirch someone who is on equal footings.


"Are you trying to persuade me using your honour?"

"Yes. Please allow me to use it."


You admit it?

"I want to be in good relationship with you people but what a shame."

"Please wait. We don"t intend to abuse our relationship with you like that."

"Then, what are you trying to do?"

"We surrendered the territory."

Wait, the territory you say?!

"I don"t need it. My dungeon is already good as my territory. There"s no need for me to have a Human territory."

"The territory will also include the neighbouring village."

"So what? Scram."

"If you have that territory, you can send your message directly to us!"

“Even though I"ve heard of this from one side only, so to say if I obtained the territory, that means I can use the villagers to talk directly to the kingdom!"

Certainly, until now, I could only wait for someone to come by.

"That"s true. However, apart from this, you can also get news from the messenger. If you like, you can also trust the message to the village you helped before."

"Are you planning to send the demons from the kingdom to this place?"

"It’s our last resort. I"ve told you, right? 『If you like, you can also trust your message to the village.』"

"Besides, if I were to partic.i.p.ate in the war around here, what exactly must I look for?"

"This territory."


What do you mean by that?

"Actually, surrendering the territory is one of the military exploits to remove it from the use of the enemy. You could say it"s like removing one"s hand that moves on its own without cutting it."

I see.

If you surrender it to someone below you, you don"t necessarily have to remove them.

It seems that the highest order doesn"t agree on equal terms with us.

"But, why does it sound like you"re trying to use my monster for your military exploit?"

"Actually, it"s not like that. But still, even if we establish military service to express our equal terms, it"s unlikely you can do anything from here. ”

To express our equality? That may be so.

“All"s well that ends well. I also knew there was a reason for these cuisines."

"Everything"s well "but"…"

"It"s not a problem. We gave it to you because we don"t need it."

"The territory, you sure you don"t need it?"

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