第一百九十三章 实力上涨
Days pa.s.sed with time.
On the afternoon of the seventh day.
The door of the training area opened and Ye Chen stepped out of it.
“No wonder you can’t really stay long in the training area, as time elapses, the evil fire would cause people to get an anxious feeling, where any continued training could, and would produce an unhealthy obsession, giving unforeseen consequences. Although it would be worth mentioning that this might be a good time for a short rest, for which I could then practice the Three Floating Nets technique and also Breaking Reality.” To Ye Chen, the Three Floating Nets technique is very important, because once the right amount of speed is acquired, he could then have the chance to escape when facing danger, unless there are routes in the sky or the earth.
“But I think I’ll grab something to eat first before anything else.” Spitting a slightly hot breath of Qi, Ye Chen opened the door and walked out the courtyard. Even though Clasping Yuan Realm users can go for a long time without food or water, but when it comes to training, there’s no question that they will be hungry afterwards, and Ye Chen is no exception.
“Kid, this is a note your companion pa.s.sed to me.” Outside the courtyard, the represntative who was hospitable towards Ye Chen and MuRongDaoChen saw Ye Chen and quickly ran over to him, pa.s.sing him the note.
Ye Chen opened up the note to take a look.
“Little Ye, I still have some business to take care of, I’m going back to the Flying Sky Devil martial school first, make sure you take care of yourself, goodbye.------MuRongDaoChen!
After folding up the note, Ye Chen asked , “When did she leave?”
“Four days ago!”
“This is to compensate for your troubles.” From his spirit ring storage Ye Chen took out ten pieces of low ranked spirit stones and gave it to the representative.
The representative kept the spirit stones and silently said, “Such generosity, one time and I get ten pieces of low ranked spirit stones, this should be enough for me to train a whole month.”
At a nearby restaurant.
Ye Chen sat at the second floor which was near to the windows.
“Yuan Zhong Bo’s strength should not be underestimated.Before walking out of this city, my spirit needs to be at Early Peak Clasping Yuan Realm level, and my Three floating Nets techinique has to be trained to another power level along with the YaXiangDi Heart Refining skill, which would allow me to possibly stand up to him. It is a shame that the third type of the Breaking Reality method is extremely difficult to practice, and if the chances of me comprehending it is around one to two in ten, then I would have a better chance.” According to Ye Chen’s surmise, the Breaking Reality method is a Heaven Realm martial art level, and the order of that is not low, from those stone pillars any Life and Death Realm level demon would be able to spot the broken parts.
Very quickly, the food order came, along with a pot of wine.
Without a care for decency, Ye Chen gobbled it up.
“Were any of you aware that yesterday, XuanZhongShan killed an Astral Reaching Realm user.” Beside the third seat, a few Clasping Yuan Realm users sat together, discussing about this matter amongst themselves.
“What! An Astral Reaching Realm user died, who killed him?”
“It was one of the Shock Mountain Old Men DiaoKui, and the one that died was also not a nameless one as well, he had the nickname Evil Knife, his power level reaching that of Early Peak Astral Reaching Realm already.”
“Evil Knife, so it was him, decades ago, he killed the Old Man of the Mountain’s disciples, and he has held a grudge for that ever since, I didn’t think he would be caught this time, and yes, they only used a few strokes to kill him. The Old Men of the Shock Mountain may be Astral Reaching Realm users, but Evil Knife’s strength is on the same level, I heard that he could go toe to toe with a Mid Astral Reaching Realm user.”
“Three strokes, that’s all it took for the Old Men of the Shock Mountain to kill Evil Knife.”
“That’s impossible! There’s no way that Evil Knife didn’t even manage to save himself?”
“Hmmm, aside from saving himself or not, Evil Knife was only able to make one move at most, because at that moment the Old Mountain Men were possibly filled with a lot of anger, they came, no words spoken, and killed him, didn’t even give him a chance to escape.”
“It’s good that he’s dead, Evil Knife has killed countless people, and this time he’s tried to run it killed him.”
After listening to the conversation, Ye Chen silently muttered, “The Mountain Shocking Old Men looked so easygoing, they even joked around with him in front of MuRongDaoChen, but it looks like they become very fierce when they’re fired up. Three moves and they f.u.c.k up an Early Peak Astral Reaching Realm user, it’s worrying if they might do the same three stroke attack on the Thunderer Freers.”
After lunch, Ye Chen came to the street.
While walking, he suddenly stopped, he now faced his enemy in a narrow road, unexpectedly meeting Yuan Zhong Bo.
“Hey, looking at you it seems that you haven’t gotten your power level up to Early Peak Clasping Yuan Realm yet, and it seems your companion has also abandoned you as well.” Yuan Zhong Bo looked at Ye Chen with malicious intentions.
Ye Chen lightly replied, “Right now would be the best chance to kill me, but it’s a shame that this opportunity isn’t in your hands.”
“Using reverse psychology on me won’t work, I’m not stupid, not even the Astral Reaching Realm users dare to kill someone in the martial city, and I don’t too, it’s a shame you can’t spend your entire life staying in the martial city.”
“Then you better wait! I could be here for the next three to five years.” laughed Ye Chen nervously and walked past.
Yuan Zhong Bo’s face became gloomy, being in the martial city for three to five years, and if Ye Chen is able to do that, then he would certainly not be able to do anything.
“Abominable, you don’t want to fall by my hands, otherwise there wouldn’t be any other option.”
Going back to the courtyard, Ye Chen took a short rest before getting started on comprehending the Three Floating Nets technique.
And the seventh day has pa.s.sed.
On the small martial arts field.
He sounded a mark, Ye Chen’s body swept out two very real blurs out of Qi, these blurs out of Qi flew up, and in the blink of an eye they circled one round of the field, suddenly appearing in front of the metal pratice pile, a huge blow on top of it.
Bang! Bang!
There were two more fists marks imprinted on the metal pile.
“Soon, after a bit of time, my Three Floating Nets technique should reach another level of power, but until then this splitting my shadows is only going to be Earth Realm Middle Order grade.” At the moment his splitting into multiple shadows method has already exceeded the original results, and it is in no way inferior to the best of the Earth Realm Low Order method, but the distance to Earth Realm Middle Order is still very far.
The blurs made of Qi were a.s.similated back into his body, Ye Chen then sat on the ground and closed his eyes.
A long time.
He opened his eyes quickly, a very terrifying being made of Qi came out.
From it’s right hand it pointed at the gap on top of the practice pile.
In the middle of the practice pile came a set of very deep finger marks, the prints can be clearly seen.
Upon seeing this, Ye Chen shook his head, “This is not right, there isn’t even a ten percent chance I comprehended it, the third type of the Breaking Reality method is just too hard, it looks like the power level has indeed been lowered, comprehending a Heaven Realm finger technique isn’t something that can just be done in a short time, but currently there is no time to waste.”
In this short span of time, Ye Chen not only practiced the Three Floating Nets technique, but at the same time he also practiced the Breaking Reality teachnique, determined to see if he could make a breakthrough. Looking at it right now, the Breaking Reality method is of a level that is too high, and spending time on it would be unwise.
Time pa.s.sed quickly.
This day.
Ye Chen swept across the small martials arts field very quickly, in the middle of it, his body started to slowly s.h.i.+ver, then two blurs made of Qi came out, heading towards the practice pile at incomprehensible speeds.

The real body and the shadow hit at the same time, violently smas.h.i.+ng the practice pile.
Bang Bang Bang!
Three dull sounds sounded almost instantaneously.
A punch came through, three shadows staggered together, dazed they backed away, not knowing who is the shadow blur, and who is the real one, and compared to the previous one, the speed and results were not the same.
a.s.similating the shadows made of Qi, Ye Chen let out a smile, “The Floating Three Nets technique has finally gone up a power level, now the shadow created is five times stronger, which can be paired up with the blur made of Qi in order to attack the enemy.”
Seriously speaking, splitting the bodily shadow and producing the blur made of Qi will just confuse the enemy, which doesn’t really have much of a use, but once it has reached Earth Realm Mid Order, its attacking power is greatly increased. When a strong enemy is encountered, the blur made of Qi can quickly hold off the enemy, but just barely.
“The evil fire’s Qi in my body is almost used up already, I must take this chance to break through to Early Peak Clasping Yuan Realm.” Going from Early Clasping Yuan Realm to Early Peak Clasping Yuan Realm is an acc.u.mulation, if there was a Qi increasing pill or if you were a genius , it could be done within a few days, but unfortunately this kind of pill or the gift of genius isn’t something every normal person would get, and it is only the seven martial schools or super martial schools that have the resources to invest in these genius disciples. If MuFongdaoChen first relied on a Fire Dragon Fruit to increase her power level from Mid Clasping Yuan Realm to Mid Peak Clasping Yuan Realm, then according to her, the lists of Dragon masters are also the same.
No room for envy towards the seven martial schools or the super martial schools’ genius desciples, Ye Chen’s only option at the moment is to continuously train step by step.
“What, that little brat went in again to train.” In a private room at the restaurant, Yuan Zhong Bo was furious without measure.
The teenager who came earlier said, “Yes, I used the low ranked spirit stones that you gave me to hire a few representatives, they haven’t seen him exit the place.”
“Continue monitoring him, I don’t believe that he can actually stay in the martial city for three to five years.” Yuan Zhong Bo was really concerned that Ye Chen would not leave the martial city by any means necessary, but let it not be said that no one has done it before, it’s just there are few people who in order to avoid the enemy, would stay in the martial city for ten even twenty years, up until their enemy has been killed by other people, would they then leave.
This time, Ye Chen spent the whole time in the training area for half a month not coming out.
In that half a month he did not drink a single drop of water, focusing all his heart and soul into training, using hundreds of low ranked spirit stones, dozens of spirit enhancing pills, if it was a normal Early Clasping Yuan Realm user how would it go, the chances of steering towards the dark side is very large. However, Ye Chen’s soul is very strong, he is able to increase the time spent by two times, otherwise he would not be this reckless.
Every day outside the courtyard there would be different representatives using their breaktimes to monitor Ye Chen, leading the representative whom Ye Chen rewarded to have his doubts. He has been living in the martial city for many years, and hasn’t not seen much, so aside from it being an accident, someone wants to deal with Ye Chen.
Under the monitor of the representatives, Ye Chen finally came out for once.
“The evil fire’s intense heat/Qi is too wonderful, spending lots of time training, with no problems on the meridian although that might have been the doing of Qi replenis.h.i.+ng pill after Qi replenis.h.i.+ng pill after Qi replenis.h.i.+ng pill.” Martial artists normally train, and at the most they will train for a few hours before stopping, with the reason being that the meridian cannot handle the frequent flow of Qi, which can easily lead to injury. However, within the training area, Ye Chen trained for half a day non stop before stopping for a few hours, then closing his eyes to meditate. After that few hours, his meridian would go back to normal, and he would continue training.
Heavily spitting out a breath, Ye Chen opened the door, saying to himself, “My power has increased to Early Peak Clasping Yuan Realm already, in a short time, there is no way I could have had a breakthrough.”
Knock Knock Knock….
Outside the courtyard there was a knocking sound.
Ye Chen opened the door with his right hand, the bolt on the door pumped open, saying, “Come in!”
The courtyard’s door opened, it was the representative that took Ye Chen around.
“What is it?”, asked Ye Chen.
“for now do not leave the martial city, there’s someone who has the hit on you, making sure some of the representatives keep watch on you close by.”
Ye Chen lauged, “I know, thanks.”
Yuan Zhong Bo sent people to monitor him, he already knew, and now his power and force have already improved, which gives no reason to fear him.
“You knew, looks like I was overly concerned.” laughed the representative.
“You go ahead, don’t get yourself into trouble.”, said Ye Chen.
“Yeah.” The representative coming to bear the news puts him in great danger, even though in these few years he hasn’t left the martial city, but there are certain things that might come unexpectedly.
The second morning.
Ye Chen closed the doors of the courtyard, preparing to leave the training area.

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