第一百九十九章 兽潮 下
“Young Hero, the villagers pa.s.sed in the Iron City direction, it is estimated that takes 2-3 days of time to arrive.” The woodcutters walk to inform Ye Chen.
Ye Chen jumps down from the fence, asks: “Which villages and small towns do Huaiyang Village surrounding area dozens li have?”
“Liyang Village, Dashan Village, Lu Village, Dahe Village, Yangliu Village as well as Huangshan Town!” The woodcutters are familiar with.
Ye Chen said: “The Monster Beast speed is quick, perhaps does not wait for us to arrive at Iron City, will pursue, you inform the villagers to rush to Huangshan Town first, the human are many had the safeguard.”
The preliminary Monster Beast rank will not be high, a rank 5 rank 6 Monster Beast Ye Chen person that occasionally presents can cope, but the villagers basically are the average people, even if two-level Monster Beast can take them to rip the smas.h.i.+ng, must have a large quant.i.ties of martial artist protection to be good, Huangshan Town as a town, Condensing Reality Realm martial artist will not lack, the luck said erratically can find several Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist.
“The Young Hero is right!” The woodcutter are not silly, he is also clear the Ye Chen manpower to be limited, impossible attending to every detail that protects the village several hundred people, in front of tens of thousands of Monster Beast, the casual impact, can let the Huaiyang Village villagers casualty completely.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Displays four Whirlwind Destroying Clouds one after another, terrifying flight Monster Beast in wind tornado sky the scatteredness that strikes to kill, cannot make a name, Ye Chen holds the woodcutter, plunders in the direction that the villagers hurry along.
More than two hours pa.s.sed, people run into the Liyang Village villagers.
Six hours pa.s.sed and the people run into the Liyang Village villagers.
The population is developed the present No. over a thousand person from the original 300-400 people, a group of people enormous and powerful hurries to toward dozens inside and outside Huangshan Town.
“Little tall, who this youngster is, has a person killed these many Monster Beast?” The Liyang Village village head inquired the woodcutter.
The woodcutters have grasped scratching the head, and proudly said: “He is high level martial artist, as for name? I had not asked that in any case he is fierce high level martial artist and that"s the end.”
“Yes! if it weren"t for he, our group of people feared that did not have the means of livelihood.” Master Dashan Village looks at the distant place Monster Beast corpse everywhere, the mind is shocking.
This is third batch of Monster Beast that Ye Chen strikes to kill, each batch of several hundred heads, most dangerous one time flushed from the team unexpectedly, is Huangshan Town nearby Monster Beast, Ye Chen can very much obviously now hard anti- established Clasping Yuan Realm late-stage martial artist, in Cloud Storm Sword Art several moves of wide scope killing strategic moves, in addition True Qi Instant Restoration Pill, just now reluctantly makes the people impa.s.sible.
For all this, more than 30 li distance also died over a hundred person.
“That direction also had Monster Beast to throw, quant.i.ty many, minimum over a thousand.” Running over protection people, some martial artist of pa.s.sing by volunteered along the way, majority were Condensing Reality Realm middle-stage martial artist, Condensing Reality Realm late-stage martial artist, only then, speech this age 30-year-old guy, in the hand was holding a giant chopper, above dripping with blood.
Ye Chen said: “I struck to kill them in the past as far as possible, you protect the people.”
“Good, you be careful.” The guys know that the Ye Chen strength is excellent, should unable to injure him depending on Monster Beast of earlier period.
His figure trembled. Ye Chen splits up three True Qi afterimage, fires into beast tide abreast in row
Ye Chen true body sword makes the wind tornado bang to beast tide, but three True Qi afterimage are unarmed, stopping other Monster Beast to go forward.
Killed about several hundred Monster Beast, Ye Chen could not support again, was shouting to clear the way to the crowd direction: “All people prepare to meet the approaching enemy.”
“Relax! We are also not incompetent.”
Ten several Condensing Reality Realm martial artist prevent before No. over a thousand person, although the population is few, however imposing manner is not quite weak, in the villagers some cultivation level achieved the Qi Practice Realm over five people also to walk, they could not cope with rank 2 above Monster Beast, rank 2 Monster Beast can kill.
Low level Monster Beast that Monster Beast in sky was swept away by Ye Chen, remains cannot fly, these Monster Beast dense and numerous firing into people, the roaring sound continuously, frighten many children in a low voice to sob, the women tremble, closely holds in the arms own child.
Under the leaders.h.i.+p of ten several Condensing Reality Realm martial artist, including the woodcutter, the competent villagers moved forward to meet somebody completely, the eye is red.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
The first impact, Condensing Reality Realm Initial-stage martial artist was pierced the chest by a fang of wild boar Monster Beast, spits blood to perish, ten several villagers were trampled by Monster Beast lethal, the woodcutter luck is good, what pesters together in him is the rank 2 Monster Beast mist cow, this Monster Beast strength is not high, the build exceptionally is big, instead makes the woodcutter not need to be worried that by other Monster Beast to the body, covered with blood that treads.
A figure appeared in the beast group, Ye Chen both hands grip Star Marks Sword, wields a sword in four directions respectively.
Four ten several meters of Sword Qi created an incision in the earth, everywhere one visit, numerous Monster Beast were cracked in abundance two halves, the blood flies horizontally.
“Tyrant Qi Thousand Swing!”
Sword Qi just crossed, Ye Chen banged his fist on the ground.
The earth avalanche, a surrounding area dozens meters big hole appears instantaneously, to cannot control the body in front Monster Beast, falls in Jinkeng, because following Monster Beast clashes is too quick, stops the body without enough time, slid, time, in the big hole has most little buried dozens Monster Beast.
Not being able to attend to killing all of these monsters one by one, Ye Chen hurried to the crowd direction, has Monster Beast to overrun.
“Mama, I’m very scared!”
Seeing that an enormous mouse Monster Beast was pouncing towards them, the child shrunk into the arms of woman.
“There’s no need to be afraid! Mama is here.”
The woman paled and comforted the child in her bosom.
The enormous mouse Monster Beast is rank 3 Monster Beast, before, ten several villagers had gnawed off the head by it, the dead shape is extremely miserable, at this time clashes, is n.o.body can resist unexpectedly.
In this time, a fist falls on the head of mighty mouse Monster Beast, boundless Fist Force flying upside down that it rumbles, the body is split up.
“Informs the others to close up in the same place.”
Stands before two people, on the Ye Chen sword is dropping the blood.
“Many thanks.” The villagers within this piece of range died, the population is scattered, the woman leads the child to run hastily toward the crowd centralized place, often has wiped tears, her man just died under the nose.
Kills, Monster Beast that killing of being not aware of fatigue, on this day, Ye Chen kills has 2,000-3,000 fully, are more, murderous aura that the past added made some low level Monster Beast not dare to face him, the movement was stiff, even if were rank 3 rank 4 Monster Beast also wants the whole body to tremble.
The fight ended in merely fifteen minutes.
More than thousands of beasts had died and more than two hundred people had died. This was all due to Ye Chen’s fast beast killing speed. If not, there would not be a single person who could leave the field alive.
“Walk. Increase your speed. Take advantage of the daylight and reach Huangshan Town before dark.”
In the people, Ye Chen without a doubt is everybody"s pillar, issues an order, the people could not attend to the dead family member"s corpse, taking care of the old person child to hurry along.
That cultivation level sighed one in the Condensing Reality Realm late-stage guy, “Beast tide too terrifying, this many long time, many people died.”
Star Marks Sword sheathes, Ye Chen heavy said: “First do not be exasperated, when a true beast tide erupts, the population of dying by ten thousand will make the unit, we can do as far as possible protects the villagers to enter the town to enter a city, is based on the city, with the Monster Beast decisive battle.”
“Yeah, having a city to protect us would be much safer.”
The sun sets in the west, Monster Beast howling all over the place.
The people saw Huangshan Town standing erect on the earth from afar.
“Huangshan Town arrived, everybody tries harder.” The guys stand side Ye Chen, exhausted raising sound track.
Ye Chen looked at several Condensing Reality Realm martial artist one that the guy and lived, in the heart admires very much, martial artist that the majority pa.s.sed by disliked the villagers speed to be too slow, is not willing to remain to protect them, a.s.sisting that only then these people were duty-bound not to turn back, but also in several fights, half people was swallowed by Monster Beast, almost is wounded, some of remaining were disabled.
Ye Chen cannot bear ask: “Why did you choose to remain and protect them, if you ran away, you can definitely rush to the town or the city first.”
The guys asked back: “Then why did you remain, when I recall, you were the only one protecting these villagers.”
“I am Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist, why wouldn’t I help when I can help?”
“Hehe, although my strength is inferior to yours, but with your similar idea, believes that they are also so.” The guys take out a cloth from the bosom, scratched to curl the chopper of blade edge.
Before long, they arrived at Huangshan Town.
“Good, there is Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist.” When the town front door opens, a 21 or 22-year-old youth welcomed to Ye Chen.
Ye Chen looked at the big fence of breakage, opens the mouth saying: “Was here also hit by the attack of Monster Beast?”
The youth nodded, “From afternoon till now, altogether encountered five Monster Beast to attack, most one time had 5,000-6,000 Monster Beast, all over, many people hurried to the Iron City direction, I keep the person who the protection did not have.”
“I am Ye Chen. You are?”
“Tian Hao.”
“Huangshan Town definitely cannot defend, but today already late, but must defend again for night, everybody fights side-by-side!” Ye Chen was also very happy to see a Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist, that beast tide erupts, has Condensing Reality Realm above martial artist to be able the wide scope to kill Monster Beast, many one person of many one point safeguards.
Tian Hao said with a smile: „Huangshan Town may continue my Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist, other Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist defend near another three town front doors, in addition your words, altogether seven people, three people are Clasping Yuan Realm middle-stage martial artist, I want to defend for night should not to have the issue, after all quite a while time, true beast tide has not then fermented to come out, at the appointed time we almost in Iron City.”
“Yeah, seven people is enough.”
Ye Chen exhaled, in a town gathered seven Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist, absolutely is the unfortunate great good fortune.
The town is not very big, before because, walked the reasons of many person, wells up the people in three villages all of a sudden does not appear crowded, naturally, there are villagers in nearby other villages to catch up, but their luck did not have Huaiyang Village Liyang Village to be good, because did not have the Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist protection, the casualty was serious, arrives at the Huangshan Town population unexpectedly less than 100.
In major restaurants.
“Everybody fill your bellies heartily, restaurant boss has fled to Iron City, food is completely free.”,
Major weapon shops.
“Weapon every, do not take much, little do not take, tonight must kill Monster Beast by them.”
Faced with beast tide, all people work as one, this in the peace period, is absolutely the unlikely matter.
On the streets.
Looking at the crowd and martial artist of coming and going, Tian Hao said: „I lead you to go to and other Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist meet, tonight, everybody was a partner.”
Ye Chen nodded.
The encounter was a joyous one, everybody regarding many Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist was fully-confident, they are very clear, Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist can be as good as dozens Condensing Reality Realm martial artist sufficiently, no matter in the lethality or the kill zone, may not place on a par.
The dim light of night covers the earth.
The Huangshan Town atmosphere becomes especially dignified, including Ye Chen and the others.
Roar! Roar! Roar!
The Monster Beast howling to transmit, is away from Huangshan Town not to be far.
It was unknown how much time had pa.s.sed, bang the sound all over, taking advantage of the moonlight, grasps the people of weapon to see distant place dense one piece, is Monster Beast, what runs in the forefront is rank 1 rank 2 Monster Beast, later is rank 3 rank 4 Monster Beast, what finally side is rank 5 as well as minority rank 6 Monster Beast, these Monster Beast are not attacking Huangshan Town anxiously, but has pressed step by step, has a strict hierarchy.
In front of the crowd.
Tian Hao rejoices saying: “Here rank 6 Monster Beast, only then a head, looked from the Monster Qi fluctuation that should be equal to Clasping Yuan Realm middle-stage peak martial artist, your I collaborate to kill him first first.”
Ye Chen said: “There is no need to be so troublesome. You help the others. Let me deal with the rank 6 and 5 monsters.”
“You, alone?” Tian Hao revealed doubts about that.
Ye Chen had not replied in the spoken language that he puts out a hand a move, Star Marks Sword appears in the hand, the sword comes out of the sheath, a sword cuts to the front.
The smooth ground splits, to gets down in front Monster Beast but actually a piece, the Sword Qi complementary waves explodes in the Monster Beast group, struck to kill 78 first three rank 4 Monster Beast once more.
“Such fierce Sword Qi.” Tian Hao is surprised, he is the same with Ye Chen, is Clasping Yuan Realm Initial-stage peak martial artist, on Hidden Dragon Ranking compet.i.tion, although has not arranged to first 72, but thinks that this time has confidence absolutely the impact position, thinks the Ye Chen battle efficiency and on he, where does not know the opposite party also wants terrifying compared with him, Sword Qi struck to kill dozens Monster Beast together.
That rank 6 Monster Beast sees Ye Chen so aggresive, immediately roars, Monster Qi sweeps across, appears in the beast group front rapidly, the yawn spouts a giant hot wave, bang firing into Ye Chen.
Ye Chen cut out with his sword from a distance of hundreds of meters.
Blue color Sword Qi cuts the air, imitates, if meteor lasing, not only has broken out the hot wave, is the body of hit rank 6 Monster Beast, at once, this rank 6 Monster Beast also without enough time a.s.sumes an awe-inspiring pose, body then one point of two halves, the ma.s.sive b.l.o.o.d.y water sprinkle in the ground.
“Amazing, I thought that this was going to be a difficult battle, it seems like there is no need for that already.”
Tian Hao first is stunned, then great happiness, with Ye Chen here, rank 6 Monster Beast no longer threatens, he only needed to strike to kill rank 5 following Monster Beast to be good.
The beast group has not approached, Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist launched the attack in abundance, other martial artist are ready, prepares and Monster Beast at any time attacks together.
“Whirlwind Destroying Clouds!” “Mountain range folds the screen-like mountain peak!” “...”
Ye Chen displays wide scope sword move that can display, only sees the Sword Qi lasing, Monster Beast falls down.
“Night fighting eight sides!”
Tian Hao’s strength also could be underestimated, he presented a jet black long blade in his hand, the long blade brandishes, dozens Blade Qi are centered on him, rapid proliferation.
Puchi! Puchi! Puchi...
The trivial their strength, keeping numerous Monster Beast from approaching, often just approached to 300 meters range, strangles to death by innumerable Sword Qi and Blade Qi, even if rank 3 rank 4 Monster Beast is unable to escape by luck, only has rank 5 Monster Beast to be able breakthrough Sword Qi and Blade Qi ***, breaks through a tight encirclement.
Greets their is a fist, boundless fist inspiring range several hundred meters Yuan Qi, fierce rumbling.
Peng x4...
Three or four rank 5 monsters exploded in mid-air.
“He’s too amazing. We practically can’t meddle.”
“Several hundreds of monsters have already died by their hands, following Monster Beast just made up, immediately is struck to kill, rank 5 Monster Beast was no exception.”
“There’s danger over there, why don’t we go over and help them?”
The martial artists behind were all feverently discussing.
Ye Chen listens to the words of people in the ear, said loudly: “You divide into half, people to go to other places, here has us to defend enough.”
Tian Hao said: “Brother Ye is right.”
After hearing what they had to say, close to a hundred people walked away and only more than fifty people were left.
First wave of Monster Beast are not many, shares Ye Chen and Tian Hao, be only 2,000-3,000 heads, this whole time, half died in two manpower, cannot make a name.
“Another rank 6 monster has come?Is it the Hawk Tiger Beast?” Tian Hao was surprised.
Tian Hao voice just fell, that Hawk Tiger Beast was dismembered by wonderful quick incomparable Sword Qi together, imitates, if thunder general terrifying.
Tian Hao is speechless, this too terrifying, rank 6 Monster Beast could not withstand his together Sword Qi, this Hawk Tiger Beast is equal to ordinary Clasping Yuan Realm late-stage martial artist.
Shoving a medicine pill into his mouth, Ye Chen facial expression is indifferent, Hawk Tiger Beast is different from general rank 6 Monster Beast, wanting a sword to strike to kill, must use the Xiao Jue move, Cloud Storm Sword Art last type Supreme Cloud Storm, can not use as for Heart Refining One Sword does not use, a little consumption mind.
Under the fight, the Tian Hao True Qi spending rate is continually quick, but his medicine pill are many, makes up 2-3 tenths True Qi medicine pill many instantaneously, he said: “Ye brother, the medicine pill insufficient words, here has, I in Refining Fire Sect by the elixir specialty, medicine pill am many.”
Ye Chen said: “No need, I also have a lot of medicine pills.”
On him except for bottle gourd True Qi Instant Restoration Pill, ordinary True Qi Restoration Pill also several hundred, was he spends hundreds of thousands of two gold to buy, after all the ordinary time, took ordinary medicine pill to be enough, does not need to waste True Qi Instant Restoration Pill.
When Monster Beast of their this direction strike to kill completely, the fights of other directions had not ended.
Ye Chen said: “I’ll go and help the others first. You should be fine alone, right!”
“Ok, you go! I looked that that side is a little dangerous, rank 6 Monster Beast to us is very formidable.” Tian Hao sits cross-legged on the ground sits in meditation to control one"s breathing, hearing this nods.
A figure show, Ye Chen quickly arrived outside Huangshan Town south gate.
Without demur, a Ye Chen sword cuts to neutralize the Clasping Yuan Realm martial artist entanglement rank 6 Monster Beast, this rank 6 Monster Beast wail, falls down.

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