Of course Chi Xiaochi wouldn’t know about the Lord G.o.d’s anger.

In only one morning, he finished recording all three songs.

To Cheng Yuan, this kind of person with an impeccable music foundation, the only possible concern was that they wouldn’t be able to perfectly showcase the quality of his voice with the restrictions of a CD.

Lunch was on Cheng Jian that day. Su Xiulun and several staff members attended. Chi Xiaochi accompanied them the entire time, eating gracefully with his chopsticks.

He spoke little and was quiet, greatly contrasting his excellent technical skills.

Su Xiulun became more and more appreciative of this junior of his. Throughout the meal, he was constantly taking care of him and even gave him a few tips.

His tips had little to do with music itself, but rather involved interpersonal relationships, business contacts and such matters, all about work.

Chi Xiaochi listened seriously, silently noting them down.

Cheng Jian saw all of it.

After bidding Su Xiulun goodbye, Cheng Jian drove Chi Xiaochi home, chatting with him along the way.

“You’ve never shown an interest in matters like interpersonal relationships before.”

Chi Xiaochi opened the window slightly, preventing the heating in the car from becoming too warm and the water vapour from forming on the windscreen. “Mister Su is really enthusiastic, I should learn a bit from him too.”

Cheng Jian, “He even agreed to help you check the CCTV. This kind of thing usually wouldn’t be his responsibility.”

Chi Xiaochi asked, “Did they manage to find him?”

Cheng Jian, who had his conversation topic derailed, was a little uncomfortable, “……They checked, but they didn’t find the person you were talking about.”

061 also affirmed this statement, “I also checked. There really wasn’t.”

Chi Xiaochi was not at all surprised. He leaned back against his seat, thinking, sure enough, I was wrong again.

Cheng Jian saw the tired expression on his younger brother’s face. He knew that recording was tiring work. His heart softened quite a bit, but his mouth remained as unyielding as ever. He ordered, “Close your eyes, rest.”

Chi Xiaochi closed his eyes obediently. He pulled over the blanket on the backseat, spread it flat, then rolled, wrapping himself up like a sushi roll.

Cheng Jian’s heart shook from the cuteness of his younger brother’s actions. Thinking back to all the things he had experienced over the past few days, he felt that it had all been so sudden but also was glad.

……Fortunately, his younger brother woke up from his infatuated pipe dream in time.

People like Yang Baihua looked gentle and harmless, but in reality were extremely selfish. Obviously, he didn’t not like Cheng Yuan, but the person he loved the most was himself.

He wanted to make Cheng Yuan stay, not by actively partic.i.p.ating in a life with Cheng Yuan, but by using inciting words, peeling Cheng Yuan out of his original friend circle and reducing him to someone utterly dependent on himself.

He protected his younger cousin Yang Xiaoyan, not because of their deep sibling relationship, but because “if she got into trouble, it would be hard for him to defend himself”, and Yang Xiaoyan knew of his shameful secret.

And he himself was an incompetent older brother. He’d obviously noticed so many indicators beforehand, but didn’t think to find his younger brother and have a good talk with him, only trying to tear the two lovers apart, which naturally resulted in just the opposite effect, giving him no other choice but to look on helplessly as they became closer and closer.

If not for that housing incident causing a conflict between Yang Baihua and Cheng Yuan, Cheng Jian could hardly imagine what would’ve happened.

The entire way home, Cheng Jian thought a lot.

The sushi roll in the backseat had his eyes closed while resting, but was not in the least sleepy.

The afternoon sun was shining strongly. Upon closing one’s eyes, one could only see a swath of bright red; veins illuminated by the light shining through their translucent eyelids.

But after a moment, the swath of annoying red gradually faded away.

Chi Xiaochi had a feeling, “……Liu-laoshi.”

“Like this, you can rest a little more comfortably,” Next to his ear sounded 061’s low voice. “For now, don’t think about other things.”

Chi Xiaochi said, “I was focused on soaking in the sun.”

061, “……But you’re frowning.”

Chi Xiaochi shut his eyes. Like a huckster, he spoke calmly, “I’m experiencing the slow process of becoming cured meat.”

061, “……cough.”

Chi Xiaochi, “If you want to laugh, just laugh. No need to hold back.”

061 let out a laugh. His pleasant laughter also made the corners of Chi Xiaochi’s mouth rise slightly.

After returning home, Chi Xiaochi, as usual, played the piano for two hours, then went downstairs and popped some popcorn in preparation to eat while watching the movie tonight.

But compared to Chi Xiaochi’s leisure, some people’s lives were not as good.

Yang Xiaoyan had her head lowered as she entered the canteen from the southeast door, which had the least traffic.

She asked for a serving of small wonton and picked a quiet corner to sit down. Before she could even have two mouthfuls, she heard snippets of hushed, eager discussions spring up from all around her.

“……her, it’s her.”

“You can’t see her face though?”

“You need to see her face, it’s on Weibo. She deleted the photo alb.u.m herself, but it seems someone was a step ahead of her and took a screenshot.”

“……It really is her, I even shared a cla.s.s with her on Marxism last year.”

“Tang Huan’s fans are also quite crazy though. A whole crowd of people came to our school and overloaded the school website’s bandwidth, showering it in abuse, one after another. I tried to put in a few good words for our school and got more than a dozen private messages cursing me.”

“Whose fault is it, a pile of rat s.h.i.t……”

After a few bites, Yang Xiaoyan couldn’t eat any more. Just as she was about to get up and leave, she saw a girl from her dorm enter the canteen and coincidentally make eye contact with her.

That girl walked over, “Yang Xiaoyan, the counselor is looking for you. He wants you to visit his office.”

Yang Xiaoyan’s legs turned to jelly. She instinctively took to her heels and ran.

The girl shouted after her from behind, “Where are you going? ……Hey! I pa.s.sed on the message like I was told to, so I’m done, okay?!”

Yang Xiaoyan didn’t dare listen further, directly rushing out of the canteen.

She didn’t dare to return to the dorm, and especially not the counselor’s office. In her nineteen years of life, this was Yang Xiaoyan’s first time feeling sincere panic, suffering, despair, and regret. The many emotions suffocated her, making her unable to breathe.

Finally, Yang Xiaoyan squatted by the door of the sports field equipment storehouse, sobbing as she dialled her father’s number, “Papa, papa, come quickly…… I’m in trouble, I’m begging you, please come quickly——”

That night, Chi Xiaochi deliberately only ate till he was half-full, saving room in his stomach for popcorn.

061 didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Chi Xiaochi’s carefree att.i.tude, “Is there really no problem with not paying attention to that matter?”

Chi Xiaochi shot back, “What problem could happen?”

That afternoon, the blue bar representing regret level rose sharply by 10 points. Following that, Yang Baihua called him quite a few times, which Chi Xiaochi ignored.

At the time, Chi Xiaochi thought that Yang Baihua, this face-loving person, had just had a fight with him that morning and needed a period of buffer time. There was no reason to believe that he turned over a new leaf so quickly. Something must definitely have happened.

Sure enough, a message from Yang Baihua confirmed Chi Xiaochi’s suspicions, “My parents know about us now.”

Chi Xiaochi said to 061, “Ha, I knew it.”

Immediately after, he responded to Yang Baihua in a friendly manner, “Congratulations on successfully coming out of the closet.”

Yang Baihua didn’t respond for a long time. Chi Xiaochi could even imagine the look on his face. He must look like he’d eaten a fly.

His next text came a few minutes later. “They’re really angry.”

Chi Xiaochi, “Oh.”

Yang Baihua became angry, “Back then, you were the one who bent me.”

Chi Xiaochi threw a report from the American Psychological a.s.sociation on the impossibility of trying to change someone’s s.e.xual orientation at him, and rationally discussed with him, “I could have bent you, but I couldn’t have made you hard.”

Yang Baihua once again fell silent for quite a while. He must have suffered a big fright this time.

Compared to Chi Xiaochi, who was enthusiastically playing Yang Baihua, 061 actually wasn’t feeling very optimistic.

From Cheng Yuan’s original memories, it seemed that the old Yang couple, especially the mother, were by no means fuel-efficient lamps.

To 061’s uneasiness, Chi Xiaochi expressed his understanding, “I know. After all, someone who can come up with the idea of letting their son serve as a free duck for a few years just so their entire family can immigrate over is really a talented person.”

061 said, “But you’ve just entered a career growth period.”

Chi Xiaochi rubbed his chin, talking to himself, “En. To Cheng Yuan, this is indeed a problem.”

061 continued his a.n.a.lysis, “The situation has changed, and their att.i.tudes have naturally changed as well: When Cheng Yuan was in dire straits, it was the Cheng family who came to beg for their help and the Yang family also planned to exploit that. Both families could be considered to have benefited equally. But now, the Yang family is at a disadvantage; for Yang Xiaoyan’s sake, they might try to threaten you with the love affair you had with Yang Baihua.”


061 said, “You’ve just entered a career growth period and still need to consider your public image. The barefoot aren’t afraid of those wearing shoes, who knows what they’ll do.”

This world was very similar to Chi Xiaochi’s original world. Rainbow flags were waving all over the internet, but in real life, the acceptance of h.o.m.os.e.xuality wasn’t very high. Of the stars who openly admitted their s.e.xual orientation, many suffered from being buried by their companies.

After a moment of contemplation, Chi Xiaochi said something very meaningful, “Who’s barefoot, and who’s wearing shoes, has yet to be decided.”

After that, he made a call to Cheng Jian and told him the whole story.

Cheng Jian wasn’t very surprised to hear this but still let out a few curses on the inside, “I understand. Ge will help you……”

“Ge, this matter isn’t insignificant, so I don’t want to hide it from you,” Chi Xiaochi said, “But…… This time, I want to deal with it myself.”

Cheng Jian was left a little stunned. He answered with a few “en”s and “ah”s, hung up the phone, and stared at the French windows for a long time in a daze.

……How did his family’s Xiao Yuan grow up so quickly.

It was really very fast, almost as if it happened overnight.

Seeing Chi Xiaochi hang up the call, 061 was very curious, “Since you plan on dealing with it yourself, why did you need to go out of your way to tell Cheng Jian?”

“Many people feel that family members’ hearts are connected, so there are many people teaching all kinds of tricks for communicating with bosses, cla.s.smates, colleagues and friends, but very few people teaching how to get along with family members. In fact, in the process of getting along with family, communication is very important,” Chi Xiaochi said, “Speaking up is only the first step.”

This sudden mouthful of chicken soup for the soul made 061 a little confused, but in retrospect, he found it somewhat strange.

These words of Chi Xiaochi’s weren’t for himself to hear, rather, it seemed like he was specially explaining something to someone.

However, Chi Xiaochi didn’t speak on his thoughts again, so 061 didn’t ask further.

Just like this, a human and a system waited until the dead of night before pulling up the curtains, turning off the lights, and settling down with popcorn to watch a horror movie.

From the last time they’d watched horror movies together, 061 had acc.u.mulated some experience. As soon as the ghost came out, he would take the initiative to turn down the volume.

After he did this twice, Chi Xiaochi said, “What are you doing? You’re looking down on me, aren’t you.”

061, “Aren’t you afraid of……”

Chi Xiaochi said, “If you want to mute it, just mute it. You don’t think these kinds of vague scares are actually scary, do you?”

061 turned the volume back to a normal level.

At that moment, the little girl ghost suddenly scuttled out from underneath the car and grabbed the protagonist’s leg.

Chi Xiaochi cried out at the top of his lungs, his scream even more wretched than the protagonist’s.

He said sadly, “Liu-laoshi, I never thought you were this kind of teacher. Where are your teacherly ethics?”

061 hadn’t actually expected the previous scare and the next one to come so close together, but he was also used to roleplaying with Chi Xiaochi. He went along with it, saying, “This teacher has looked after so many students, yet this is the first time anyone has said that I lack teacherly ethics.”

Chi Xiaochi said, “You don’t have teacherly ethics.”

061 raised the volume.

Chi Xiaochi immediately said, “Teacher, I was wrong. Please give me another chance to be a proper person.”

061 and Chi Xiaochi chatted back and forth for more than an hour. The horror movies ended with happy chatter and laughter.

After washing up and going back to bed, Chi Xiaochi checked up on Yang Baihua’s regret level and found that the amount was already reaching 80.

Chi Xiaochi wasn’t at all surprised by this result.

Hatred was clearly more effective than love in promoting a negative emotion like “regret”.

Seeming to think of something, he asked 061, “Has no one ever played it like I have before?”

061 said, “From what I know, no one has.”

Chi Xiaochi was curious, “Why?”

061 said, “Fear of the situation spiralling out of control, fear of collapsing the character setting, fear of regret level not being calculated like this, and as such, waste their effort and just barely fall short of success.”

But Chi Xiaochi asked, “Exactly that. Don’t you think there’s something wrong with that?”

“…….This kind of mentality should be normal.”

“I’m not talking about mentality. I’m talking about quant.i.ty,” Chi Xiaochi propped himself up with a hand behind his head, “Humans have a thousand different facets: Impulsive, calm, not caring about consequences, overcautious, adrenaline junkies, safe and self-abiding, fierce, mild, decisive, hesitant…… There are all kinds of people. But why is it that I feel like all these hosts’ overcautious personalities are all carved out of the same mold?”

Chi Xiaochi’s words made the back of 061’s head abruptly turn cold.

This guess wasn’t utterly unthinkable, because 061 realised that not counting the experiences of other systems, for all the hosts he had before, they’d all had very similar personalities.

……They were all weak, indecisive, timid people who would hardly disobey any rule.

But 061 soon found a reasonable explanation.

061 said, “But the system picked you. How would you explain that?”

Chi Xiaochi had no way of answering that question, “En……”

Just then, Cheng Yuan’s cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

Chi Xiaochi casually picked up, “h.e.l.lo, who is this?”

The person on the other end was a middle aged man, speaking with a strong accent, “Is this Cheng Yuan? I’m Yang Baihua’s father.”

Chi Xiaochi really wanted to be a little playful and say, ‘what a coincidence, so am I’.

But he remained restrained, keeping a soft and gentle att.i.tude, entirely the image of a good child, “Ah, h.e.l.lo Uncle.”

Judging by the echo from the other end of the call, the other party should have put him on speaker, and he should now have more than one pair of ears listening to him speak.

Yang Baihua’s father said, “Are you free tomorrow? Your aunt would like to have a chat with you.”

From Cheng Yuan’s memories, Yang Baihua’s father was weak, playing no role in any family matters other than putting food on the table, while Yang Baihua’s mother was the tough one.

Clearly, the latter was more difficult to handle.

Chi Xiaochi didn’t make things hard for Yang Baihua’s father, saying, “Alright, I’ll pick the location. Last time Uncle and Aunt came to the city to play and I wasn’t able to accompany you two, so at the very least, I’ll have to invite you two to a meal tomorrow. As for the details, like when and where it’ll be, I’ll contact Yang Baihua.”

“Get your parents to come, too.”

“My parents are very busy, so I’ll see. I can’t confirm if they’ll be able to come.”

This adept move of changing from being a guest to becoming a host had already gone beyond what Yang Baihua’s father was able to handle. He hummed and hawed for half a day before finally choking out a “thanks” and hurriedly hanging up.

061 asked, “You’re going? Alone?”

Chi Xiaochi said, “Don’t I still have you?”

061 said, “When the time comes and they start making a fuss……”

Chi Xiaochi already had a plan, “They won’t be able to.”

It was only on the next day, when they formally met, that 061 finally realised that Chi Xiaochi’s “they won’t be able to”, had a double meaning.

First of all, the place he had chosen for them to meet was the famous Skyscape Rotary Restaurant, a place where a medium steak cost 800 yuan. In its extremely refined environment, everyone ordered and spoke in a soft voice. The moment anyone got loud, a security guard with a baton strapped to his waist would be there to remind them to quiet down.

Secondly, if Yang Baihua’s mother was fierce, Chi Xiaochi was even fiercer.

This n.o.ble temperament of Chi Xiaochi’s that had been refined from years in s...o...b..z was truly extraordinary, often causing people to forget about how he’d walked out of a tube-shaped apartment. It was a base place, steeped in turmoil, where all kinds of people resided and where people could, just for a head of garlic, put their hands on their hips and fight for more than half a day.

That day, Chi Xiaochi tidied himself up, not necessarily with the utmost care, but at least enough to match the atmosphere of the restaurant.

He came very early and ordered all the dishes in advance.

The dishes he ordered were all Chinese. He wasn’t so bad as to make things hard for Yang Baihua’s mother in this respect.

When Yang Baihua and his mother appeared in the entrance of the restaurant together, Chi Xiaochi welcomed them with a smile.

Upon first setting eyes on Cheng Yuan, Yang Baihua’s mother didn’t at all think of him as “a little shameless, stinking brat who’d seduced her son”.

He looked different from the girly and seductive person she’d imagined. Cheng Yuan had jet-black hair, with no traces of dye. There were no messy bits and bobs hanging around his neck and arms, just a simple watch which was lowkey in every aspect other than its exorbitant price. His skin was snow-white, his features delicate. It was unknown if it was because of his clothing, but he exuded a languid, n.o.ble air from inside and out. He had a slight smile on his face, but it was very hard to tell what he was truly thinking on the inside.

Yang Baihua was in a daze.

He had never seen Cheng Yuan dressed so well.

At the beginning, Yang Baihua had even asked Cheng Yuan, isn’t your family very rich, why do you still just wear white shirts and jeans?

Cheng Yuan had replied, self-satisfied, I look good in white shirts and jeans.

Yang Baihua had asked this, but in his heart, he was completely aware of why.

……Cheng Yuan had done this in order to not give him pressure.

Just like how now, Cheng Yuan, dressed neatly in a small suit, gave Yang Baihua an indistinct sense of oppression, making him feel like in front of him, he became a head shorter.

He called out awkwardly, “Xiao Cheng.”

Yang Baihua’s mother had been sizing up the restaurant’s overly elegant decorations. Just as she was starting to lose her confidence, she heard the two words “Xiao Cheng”, only then seeing the young man smiling politely and modestly in front of her.

Seeing that Chi Xiaochi had come alone, Yang Baihua’s mother’s face darkened.

It could be said that this expression was utterly different from the beaming smile she’d had when accepting the Cheng family’s proposal for Yang Baihua and Cheng Yuan to marry.

Chi Xiaochi didn’t care about this.

As a person from the entertainment industry with hundreds of thousands of black powder fans, he would have long since become depressed if he cared about how others saw him.

He led the mother and son into the private room.

This private room was separated from the outside world by a bamboo curtain, making it suitable for a conversation but not for a quarrel.

Yang Baihua’s mother was clearly also aware this really wasn’t her home turf. For a moment, she became angry. After she sat down, she immediately questioned, “Your parents? Didn’t we already agree to meet?”

Chi Xiaochi said, “Auntie, yesterday I told Uncle ‘I’ll see’. My parents are very busy and currently can’t spare the time to come. Besides, I don’t think it’s necessary to get parents to deal with this situation. It’s a problem between adults, not a junior high school scuffle.”

These words made Yang Baihua’s face turn green, then white. He spoke up to try and change the topic, “Cheng Yuan, this place is too expensive.”

“It’s not your money. It’s me paying, so of course I had to bring Aunt to the best place possible,” Chi Xiaochi smiled at Yang Baihua’s mother, “Auntie, I ordered a few dishes, you should try them. If they’re not to your taste, we can order something else.”

Yang Baihua’s mother pulled a gra.s.shopper face. She didn’t move.

Chi Xiaochi thoroughly understood.

Given her att.i.tude towards him, she had probably already heard Yang Xiaoyan’s or Yang Baihua’s own version of events from their mouths and knew that he had no intention of helping Yang Xiaoyan.

Thus, in her eyes, Cheng Yuan, having lost all exploitation value, was just a little s.l.u.t who’d led her son onto a bent path.

Their family didn’t have anyone else who could resolve Yang Xiaoyan’s problem, but Yang Baihua’s mother felt like her son had been led astray by Cheng Yuan and simply couldn’t lower her voice and stifle her anger to speak humbly in front of such a person.

So, as to what kind of tactics she would use, Chi Xiaochi was well aware.

When the dishes were served, while she didn’t eat, Chi Xiaochi ate, since anyways the one who’s heart was burning with anger wasn’t him.

Before he even had two mouthfuls, Yang Baihua’s mother couldn’t sit still any longer, “How old are you?”

“I’ll soon be 23.”

Yang Baihua’s mother sneered, “You’re at such a young age, but you can still do such a horrible thing like shaming someone to death and ruining their life.”

Chi Xiaochi was curious, “How did I ruin a life?”

Yang Baihua’s mother said, “A man doing that kind of thing with another man, aren’t you ashamed? If every man on Earth did this kind of abnormal thing, humans would have died out.”

These words weren’t pleasant to hear, but Chi Xiaochi remained tranquil and even-tempered.

Everyone in the world had the right to hate something. Besides, at Yang Baihua’s mother’s age, her views were already set in stone. Chi Xiaochi didn’t plan on debating this with her either.

Furthermore, Chi Xiaochi believed this wasn’t her real reason for coming.

Sure enough, Yang Baihua’s mother’s next line was, “You need to help with Xiaoyan’s matter.”

Inwardly, Chi Xiaochi thought, here it is.

……This was Cheng Yuan’s last hurdle.

Cheng Yuan having had a relationship with Yang Baihua was unchangeable. The Yang family couldn’t accept this matter. As such, if he let the Yang family keep this leverage, it would forever be a vexing inconvenience to Cheng Yuan.

Only after pa.s.sing this hurdle could he finally be considered to have truly succeeded in his task.

He swallowed the food in his mouth, but his eyes were fixed on Yang Baihua, “What do you mean by ‘need to’?”

Yang Baihua’s mother, “I heard from Baihua that you’re from the Cheng family. You two were partners for a time. If this matter is exposed, it would be disgraceful to your Cheng family.”

Chi Xiaochi c.o.c.ked his head to the side, seemingly doubtful, “Exposed? Who’s going to expose this?”

Yang Baihua’s mother said coolly, “Whether it gets exposed or not all depends on you.”

Since finding out from Yang Xiaoyan that her son had turned into a h.o.m.os.e.xual waste, Yang Baihua’s mother was furious, but also found a way to resolve Yang Xiaoyan’s issue.

From her point of view, rich people all needed to maintain face, as their face was their life, their face was as big as a mountain. Having dated another man was a matter that their relatives and neighbours would whisper about behind their back for the rest of their life.

So she was utterly self-a.s.sured of her success.

She had seen a lot of little brats of Cheng Yuan’s age, and while they looked like they feared nothing on earth, all of them were inexperienced soft-boiled eggs who would p.i.s.s their pants in terror at the slightest scare.

Seeing Chi Xiaochi remain quiet in blank-faced contemplation, she pushed her advantage, “You’re a singer and your family does business, so if your reputation is ruined……”

Chi Xiaochi put down his chopsticks, and stared quietly at Yang Baihua’s mother, “If my reputation is ruined, I can go study in an overseas music academy; if my family’s reputation is ruined, there’s business to be had overseas; if our reputation is ruined amongst our relatives, we can live far apart from them and break off contact.”

Having spoken to this point, the corners of his lips rose, “But if your reputation is ruined, where can you go?”

Yang Baihua’s scalp broke out in pins and needles. He stared incredulously at Chi Xiaochi.

Chi Xiaochi was beaming from ear to ear as he leaned back against his seat, “I couldn’t be gay on my own. I have my half of the military medals, and you have your half. At worst, everyone’s reputations can be ruined together, so it can be perfectly fair.”

Yang Baihua’s mother had never thought that Chi Xiaochi would actually not follow along with her at all and even turn it around to threaten herself. Her blue veins bulged.

Yang Baihua’s face was ashen, “Cheng Yuan, my mother was just anxious. She’s old, don’t threaten her.”

“I’m anxious too,” Chi Xiaochi shrugged, “But no matter how anxious, one needs to hide their tail before leaving the house. I can see that Auntie cares so much about reputation, so of course I need to help her think through some things. In the event that your ‘good reputation’ spreads, I wonder if there will still be any ladies willing to help continue your family line.”

The four words “continue your family line” harshly stomped on Yang Baihua’s mother’s weak spot.

Yang Baihua’s mother almost jumped to her feet in a rage. She gnashed her teeth in anger as she cursed at him, “f.u.c.king AIDS bag!” These three words could already be considered quite civilized for her. As for the rest following that, Chi Xiaochi refused to describe it.

In short, it was very nutritious and enriching.

But she only managed to get out two lines of curses before noticing silence had fallen all around her.

Everyone stared at her in astonishment, making her face and ears burn. She had to forcibly choke back the complete extent of the skills that she was originally going to display; the extent of her internal injuries could be imagined.

Chi Xiaochi was as immovable as a mountain, “Auntie, you can’t talk about Yang Baihua like that.”

He leaned an arm on the table, and said, “Also, Yang Baihua, you said ‘threaten’ just now. You’re wrong. Just now can’t be considered a threat. This can.”

He stared towards Yang Baihua’s mother, and said, beaming, “I know the address of your village. Last year, when I bought you guys nutrients, I was the one who sent them.

“If you dare to raise a fuss, I’ll dare to say that Yang Baihua has erectile dysfunction. I’ll send out pamphlets and brocade banners, and if that doesn’t work, I can carve a monument and have it placed at the entrance of your village. I don’t mind doing this, I just don’t know if you, madam, will be able to accept it.”

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