Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1008: For G.o.d"s Sake

Chapter 1008: For G.o.d"s Sake

Bohemia found Lin Sanjiu very annoying that day.

Of course, this person was generally unlikeable every day, but since they left the control room, the discomfort in Bohemia"s heart became even more p.r.o.nounced. After some thought, she realized it wasn"t because Lin Sanjiu had acquired two more people. Although she secretly agreed with Puppeteer"s words, this woman did indeed seem like a scavenger.

Oh, she herself was different. She had come to collect a debt, so she couldn"t be considered someone else"s scavenger.

What was it that made her so uncomfortable?

During Bohemia"s absent-mindedness, fragments of conversation from the others intermittently reached her ears. She absentmindedly listened to them, stacking the box in her arms on the dock, then turned and glared at Lin Sanjiu, asking, "What did you say?"

That woman looked at her blankly.

"You just said that the Chicky brothers are also one of the twelve personalities, so they hijacked Exodus? But they"ve been in the Twelve Worlds for many years, so it doesn"t make sense!"

That woman opened her mouth like a gra.s.s carp, as if her intelligence had flowed out of her mouth.

It was infuriating!

Bohemia glanced at the man and the girl next to her—these two should belong to the "good personalities" and seemed to have been in a constant struggle with the "bad personalities." She wondered what they had been doing before. It was only after the Ocean Voyager became empty that they appeared. However, this didn"t affect Lin Sanjiu"s trust in them, which seemed to surpa.s.s her own.

Thinking of this, she rolled her eyes at Luther. "Besides, your personality split isn"t even creative. Splitting into two again, aren"t you just twins? I don"t believe it."

"Bohemia!" Before Luther could speak, Lin Sanjiu immediately frowned, her tone sounding like a parent scolding a child.

"Why are you cursing?" Bohemia wasn"t afraid at all; in fact, she was getting angrier. Wasn"t she right? Who were these two people? Why should what they said be considered the truth while she had to endure being questioned for stating a fact?

"Bohemia," Puppeteer"s voice turned cold and eerie, causing her to startle and obediently respond, "Yes."

"Come here."

At that moment, Puppeteer was sitting on several boxes across from Exodus. His seven puppets—he had found another person with a rectangular face in the s.h.i.+p, which made Lin Sanjiu happy for a while—were busy like the others, shuttling back and forth, counting, searching, and organizing the remaining supplies on the Ocean Voyager, moving everything they needed to Exodus. With seven laborers, not even Lin Sanjiu complained about him sitting around.

"Sir." After spending time together, Bohemia"s fear of him had lessened a bit, and now she could even smile. "Do you have any orders?"

Puppeteer slowly picked up a coffee cup from one of the boxes. It was the [Energizing Bulletproof Coffee] that Lin Sanjiu had given him, but the cup was already empty. He placed a dial on top of the cup, and as he turned the hour hand round and round, he said, "This coffee cup can only be filled once within 24 hours."

Bohemia looked serious, waiting for him to continue.

"I accelerated its refill time, and I drank it for the second time before the effects of the first one wore off." Puppeteer explained patiently. "But my [Fluidity] also has limitations, and I"m afraid there won"t be another cup."

After saying those words, he took off the dial, and it disappeared when he closed his hand. The coffee mug was now filled with steaming hot coffee, and the white vapor blurred Puppeteer"s dark eyes.

"When the effects of the third one wear off, you have to follow the instructions I gave you." He didn"t look at Bohemia, but half his face twitched slightly, and the blue veins appeared and disappeared, his breathing becoming heavier as if he was grappling with something invisible. "If I fall into a coma again, you"re responsible for guarding me and not letting anyone near me."

Bohemia hesitated for a moment, then understood his meaning.

"Do you mistrust those two newcomers, sir?" Her eyes lit up. "Since that"s the case, why don"t we take action now—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Puppeteer abruptly interrupted her.

"I... I trust them," he gritted his teeth and said those words, his hands trembling slightly as if uttering these few words violated every part of his brain, making his voice sound almost pitiful. "They... they are companions..."

Bohemia slowly widened her eyes, bravely examining him.

Didn"t Puppeteer exchange a few words with that girl? Or did that girl ask him something first... Could it be that the bigwigs in the Twelve Worlds were all lonely inside?

"Do you understand?" Puppeteer suddenly lowered his voice, almost scaring her soul away. "If you let anyone get close to me, even half a step—"

Bohemia nodded her head like a pecking chicken.

Puppeteer lifted the coffee cup, and his Adam"s apple slowly sank and rose. Normally, his Adam"s apple was barely visible—of course, not many people dared to look at it. "Lin Sanjiu is not allowed either." His voice came from the coffee cup, a bit m.u.f.fled.

Anyone meant including Lin Sanjiu.

Bohemia had something on her mind, so she remained particularly quiet during the process of moving things and searching for supplies. Fortunately, with Lin Sanjiu reuniting with her old friend and being overwhelmed with mixed emotions, she was only concerned with catching up and talking with Luther, and didn"t pay attention to her. When they almost finished searching for everything, Bohemia frowned and said with dissatisfaction, "There are no more supplies! I need to rest!"

"Other supplies are one thing, but we don"t have s.p.a.cesuits." Lin Sanjiu seemed completely unaffected by Bohemia"s temper, which made her even angrier. "They were probably taken by the Night Wanderers, right? But now we can only stay inside the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. If there"s a ground battle, it will be very disadvantageous for us..."

However, before she had a chance to discuss a solution with everyone, the s.h.i.+p"s broadcast, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly sounded, "Approaching the destination "RH102". The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p will pa.s.s through the atmosphere in ten minutes. Pilots, please quickly take your positions and use the manual operation system to find a surface landing point."

Everyone was stunned.

"A landing point?" Bohemia finally realized, stammering, "Y-yes!"

The Night Wanderers hadn"t been to this new planet called "RH102," and their detection of its surface was probably not as advanced as it was before the apocalypse. They would definitely need to find a suitable place for the large s.h.i.+p, the Ocean Voyager, to land while flying at low alt.i.tude...

But who would pilot the s.h.i.+p?

Lyanna, who always had a hint of cheerfulness at the corners of her mouth, also froze. She glanced at Lin Sanjiu and her voice turned colder, tinged with a bit of resentment. "The man you killed was the only pilot, wasn"t he?"

"It was my oversight," Lin Sanjiu sincerely apologized to her. "I didn"t expect... I messed up your plans."

See, it"s in moments like these that people become especially annoying.

When Bohemia rolled her eyes, she heard Lyanna continue in an unhappy tone, "All that busywork was in vain! If you ask me, there"s no other way but to abandon the Ocean Voyager and use your Exodus... It can land without manual control, right?"

"No, I think there must be another way..." Lin Sanjiu bit her lip, lost in thought for a moment, then suddenly slapped her forehead. "Bohemia!"

"Why do you keep calling my name like you"re calling for a ghost? You scared me!" Bohemia"s face turned pale with anger.

"Give me your Higher Consciousness," Lin Sanjiu didn"t beat around the bush. "Hurry up, we don"t have much time."

"Why should I?" Bohemia raised her voice. "Just because you have it, you"ll be able to pilot the s.h.i.+p?"

"That"s right."

Those words sealed off all her mockery and retorts. The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds. Bohemia"s face suddenly flushed with anger. "Go to h.e.l.l! You treat me like a raw material barrel!"

However, despite her anger, she still knew how to prioritize. With Bohemia"s insistence, the two of them transferred Higher Consciousness inside Exodus. For some reason, she felt like this was as simple as changing clothes and tried to avoid any onlookers. Lin Sanjiu, who didn"t know any better, urged her several times to "give more since the mimicking consumes a lot." After giving away more than half of her Higher Consciousness, Bohemia hastily greeted the others outside the s.h.i.+p and ran towards the control room.

"Didn"t your mother teach you to say thank you!" Bohemia emerged a little later and shouted at Lin Sanjiu"s back. Although her voice was loud, she couldn"t help but feel uncertain about her current battle prowess, which was all over the place. She was originally very strong, but lately, she had been bitten by bad luck left and right. Speaking of which, it was all Lin Sanjiu"s fault.

She didn"t know if she could get Puppeteer to help her out a bit... After all, she had to complete the task he a.s.signed to her.

As she hesitated with her head lowered, she saw a pair of small shoe tips in her line of sight. Only Lyanna wore such delicate little shoes. Bohemia didn"t bother to look at her, averted her gaze, and stared at an empty s.p.a.ce under Puppeteer"s feet in the distance, asking with a stern voice, "What is it?"

"Um, sis..."

"Who is your sis?"

"In that case, I"ll call you Bohemia," Lyanna remained unfazed, sounding as cheerful as ever. "I want to show you something because I need to hear your opinion."

Puppeteer suddenly sat up straight. He rarely revealed such a hesitant expression, as if he had been engaged in some internal struggle. He hadn"t spoken yet, but Bohemia became curious and turned her head to ask, "What do you want to show m—"

The two of them abruptly fell into silence.

"f.u.c.k." Puppeteer stared at the two of them, muttering under his breath, and then he collapsed onto a wooden crate in front of him.


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