Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1219: Truly Indestructible

Chapter 1219: Truly Indestructible

Lin Sanjiu was dumbfounded.

The door was very close to her, and she could easily reach it with just a raised arm. Unfortunately, within arm"s reach, two guards were standing firmly on each side of the door. Additionally, the two people behind her took a step to each side, effectively blocking her path.

The closed door prevented her from hearing any sound inside the room, and she couldn"t call out to Bohemia to open the door for her. Without cooperation from inside the room, she had to find a way to break through the encirclement of the four guards on her own.

"What are you doing here?" one of the guards asked. "Where did you come from?"

The effect of the candy was still in play, so the guards still didn"t consider her an intruder. That was the only good news at the moment.

She lowered her head, acting shy and avoiding eye contact. "I... I was just pa.s.sing by."

The excuse was so absurd that even the guards were left speechless for a moment.

"Just pa.s.sing by?" one guard questioned after a brief pause, his voice rising with suspicion. "Who are you, exactly?"

Lin Sanjiu didn"t answer but quickly a.s.sessed everyone"s positions and the potential attacks from the guards. There were only four of them left, and she felt confident enough to try Hei Zeji"s method. However, before making a move, she needed to calculate carefully—

With a loud and m.u.f.fled bang underfoot, the floor shook violently, and countless small fragments rained down from the broken light fixtures on the ceiling. To their surprise, the ground quickly returned to calm. Just as the group was unsure of what had happened, another strong tremor struck, and this time, it didn"t stop. All of them failed to stabilize themselves in time, except for Lin Sanjiu. The security guards were shaken and stumbled, and one of them reached out his arm in mid-air, grazing her back as she, too, fell to the ground.

"What"s happening?" the others chimed in, their voices mingling with the ongoing tremors, leaving them bewildered.

No one knew what was happening except for one thing: the epicenter of the tremors seemed to be inside the room. The room"s door blocked all sounds, but the intense vibrations came in waves from beneath the ground, repeatedly knocking the guards outside off their feet. In their struggle and shaking, their bodies repeatedly swept over Lin Sanjiu, who was pressed firmly onto the ground by the successive waves of weakness.

"s.h.i.+t, this is deadly," she cursed in her mind, knowing there was no room for hesitation anymore. Now, even the guards didn"t know where the tremors would throw them, and Hei Zeji"s tactics were useless. The only solution she could think of was to use a Special Item stored in her card inventory.

Among the seven Special Items she obtained in the Lakeview Park pocket dimension, only two had not been used yet, and one of them was [Break the Coc.o.o.n and Transform into a Moth].

[Break the Coc.o.o.n and Transform into a Moth]

This item provides you with a chance to shed your old self and transform into a moth. When this item wraps around you layer by layer, you will experience a moment of absolute tranquility and peace amid the chaotic world. Inside the pure white coc.o.o.n, there is only one truly important thing: your breakthrough and transformation. Disturbances and threats targeting you will be effectively blocked by the coc.o.o.n. Only when you decide to emerge from the coc.o.o.n will you come out; otherwise, no external force can break the coc.o.o.n and force you to appear.

Note: The coc.o.o.n can be used for a total of ten minutes, and the number of uses is unlimited. The user can enter and exit the coc.o.o.n multiple times within a minute or remain inside for the full ten minutes at once. After ten minutes, the coc.o.o.n will not disappear. However, if the user stays inside the coc.o.o.n for more than ten minutes, they will transform into a moth.

PS: Not an actual moth. Please imagine a human with mixed moth genes.

Once it took effect and became a coc.o.o.n, it wouldn"t budge unless someone pushed it forward. Lin Sanjiu gripped the card and seized the opportunity when she regained her strength. Without even having time to stand up, she rolled and rushed towards the door, which was just a few steps away. The ground was shaking violently like a stormy sea, disrupting her sense of direction. She could only pray that she rolled to the right spot. She quickly activated the card in her hand, and her vision was soon covered with a snowy white coc.o.o.n.

Now, she was like a woolly caterpillar wrapped in a coc.o.o.n. As far as her eyes could see, there were dense layers of white silk threads continuously trembling amidst the tremors. At least the guards couldn"t touch her anymore. She felt people repeatedly banging against the outer sh.e.l.l of the coc.o.o.n, only to rebound.

Lin Sanjiu steadied herself as best as she could and reached out her hand in the direction she remembered the door to be.

Under her will, the white coc.o.o.n quickly melted to form an entrance. The entrance rapidly enlarged, and she couldn"t wait to peek outside. Sure enough, she saw a blurry door handle. Just as she was about to let out a sigh of relief, a powerful tremor rushed out from behind the door like a tidal wave, much stronger than before. The entire coc.o.o.n was lifted and thrown high into the air. Lin Sanjiu felt like she was about to be thrown far away, but she managed to reach out and grab the door handle firmly.

Like a bivalve expelling sand, she fell out of the increasingly large opening. The coc.o.o.n was flung far behind her due to the trembling ground. Without looking back, she gasped for breath as she climbed up. At the same time, the door was pulled open, and she threw herself inside.

The ground rumbled as if someone had taken her feet from under her. Lin Sanjiu quickly rolled, barely avoiding being thrown out of the door. Amid the shaking, trembling, and constantly changing colors and light, it seemed as if all matter was impacted and lost its shape, wavering between disintegration and maintaining its original form. She couldn"t see anything clearly for a moment and had to lean against the wall to keep her balance. Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the corner, and before she could throw a punch, the figure crashed into her arms, pus.h.i.+ng her several steps away.

"Watch out!" Bohemia exclaimed, her frustration evident. "After all this time, you still haven"t learned to dodge!"

What happened?

Thanks to her excellent dynamic vision, Lin Sanjiu quickly adapted to the constantly shaking and deforming scene. She looked back and saw the place where she had just landed. It was like a big mouth slowly opening, and a crack spread from the floor to the wall, just enough to fit one person. The two of them had stumbled several steps away, and it couldn"t reach them. The mouth-like crack hesitated for a moment, then quickly closed and disappeared as if nothing had happened.

"What"s going on?" she asked, flipping back up and picking up Bohemia. "What happened?"

"That fatty said the pocket dimension invasion caused the hospital to go crazy," Bohemia hurriedly explained. "Where did you run off to? Why did you run around at a time like this?"

The effect of the candy must have worn off. Lin Sanjiu touched her face and said, "What about the NPC? Everything that makes up the hospital seems to be collapsing. Even my sight can"t reach far. How are the others doing?"

"They"re all alive. Hei Zeji is just not very mobile. Fatty is near the white tree. I was about to go over there," Bohemia replied in haste. "Since you"re here, that"s great. You can bring him over to the fatty."

What? Who?

Lin Sanjiu"s questions were still stuck in her throat when Bohemia pointed not far away, saying, "Him!"

Following Bohemia"s finger, she saw a trembling figure lying under a table. It was the former guard, staring up at Lin Sanjiu.

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