Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 945: Serving the Enemy

Chapter 945: Serving the Enemy

"Luther is on a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, right?"

The flames crackled on the ground in twos and threes, and countless crimson Mars particles drifted in the night wind, scorching the skin and turning the night red. The wind howled, causing Lin Sanjiu’s combat suit to billow, and her disheveled short hair kept hitting her cheeks, cutting her field of vision into fragmented lines.

The two individuals standing in front of the slender tower exchanged glances.

"To be honest, I really don’t understand," Twelve spoke up, his voice soft and indistinct, as if it could be swallowed by the wind at any moment. His smile lacked warmth and felt lifeless, carrying an indifferent demeanor towards worldly matters, yet strangely likable. "...Why are you so obsessed with someone you happened to meet years ago?"

Gong Daoyi smiled, lowered his head, and the cigarette between his slender fingers glowed red.

"So, he is indeed on a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p," Lin Sanjiu said coldly, not answering his question—this time, her tone was very certain.

"As for you," she turned her gaze slightly and fixed it on Twelve for a moment, "I had already guessed that you are one of Luther’s personalities, but I didn’t know you were Twelve."

After Twelve mysteriously disappeared from the Sky Bus, there was a period of time when she couldn’t figure out how he did it and where he went—this was the first time she realized that people could vanish without a reason.

The second time was when Septimus vanished from the ground in a similarly abrupt manner.

It was after that night when she saw Septimus that she began to suspect that the man she had followed at that time was probably one of Luther’s personalities as well.

But how did they manage to do it? The fact that they could voluntarily return to Luther’s body indicated that they weren’t far from him. However, Septimus’ disappearance could be understood, but how could the other person return from a kilometer-high alt.i.tude?

This question wasn’t answered until her gaze inadvertently fell on the giant floating s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p in the sky when she boarded the s.h.i.+p to the Orange Orchard.

In the sky of the Heaven Underworld, there was never a shortage of ma.s.sive hovering s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps. Whether it was Twelve or Septimus, whenever they vanished, the clouds would be dotted with whale-like s.p.a.cecraft... No one looked up, and no one ever doubted them.

"It’s really unexpected," Twelve shrugged. "You always have a special sensitivity for unexpected places... even though you don’t seem to be a particularly smart person."

"I think, besides defeating both of you, there should be no other way for me to make you take me to find Luther, right?" Lin Sanjiu lifted her chin and glanced at Gong Daoyi. "As for why you’re involved with them, we can talk about it later."

"I’ve noticed that no matter what I do, I rarely receive the grat.i.tude I should receive—you know, I’m doing good things," Gong Daoyi smiled, squinting his eyes, and gestured with the cigarette b.u.t.t towards the area beside her. "That being said, do you have a chance to defeat us?"

Percival Levin took a step forward from Lin Sanjiu’s side, his silent gaze scanning back and forth between the two parties.

"They are our enemies. Do you think you can take them away from under my nose?" he grumbled softly, "Considering you didn’t partic.i.p.ate in the destructive killing, I suggest you stay out of this."

"What if I don’t?"

"There are no ’what ifs’," Percival Levin glanced at her coldly, "The thing around your neck won’t give you any chances."

"You heard it?" Lin Sanjiu suddenly turned her head and smiled at Gong Daoyi, though there was no trace of amus.e.m.e.nt in her smile, "You antic.i.p.ated it, didn’t you?"

"It was not all part of my plan," Gong Daoyi casually discarded the half-smoked cigarette, took off his outer coat, and treated it just like the cigarette b.u.t.t, throwing it into the wind with a flick of his hand. "However, I did know that you would be here... It would be a waste not to take advantage of that, wouldn’t it?"

He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his disheveled bangs, sweeping them up onto his forehead. His delicate and androgynous face emerged in the darkness, like a white moon emerging from the clouds. With a smile that was half regretful and half satisfied, Gong Daoyi softly said, "If you want to find your friend, it seems you’ll have to protect us from the Munitions Factory first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Percival Levin’s sharp gaze pierced through the slits—Lin Sanjiu took a step back, feeling that her own expression must be very unsightly. She steadied her breathing and pointed to her own neck.

"Remember," the Munitions Factory officer slowly opened his eyes and waved his hand to the surrounding fighters, speaking in a low voice, "Once the halo senses any external force, even the weight of a fly, it will immediately activate and separate your head from your neck. Of course, the same applies if you lay a hand on me."

"I understand," Lin Sanjiu nodded, "I wasn’t planning to take any risks anyway."

Percival Levin must have had great confidence in this Special Item because his attention was immediately drawn to the imminent situation. Twelve swung his wrist and casually walked towards the center of the encirclement, as if taking a leisurely stroll. Gong Daoyi put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly behind him.

Just as Percival Levin’s body swayed and charged forward, Lin Sanjiu quickened her pace and quickly caught up with his footsteps—she should have kept the distance between the two within ten steps. Therefore, the tall man in front of her didn’t notice anything unusual. His speed was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, the faces of Twelve and Gong Daoyi on the opposite side were magnified and clearly visible. At the same moment, Lin Sanjiu suddenly took a step forward, enveloping her voice with her Higher Consciousness, and quietly said something to Percival Levin.

"Have you heard of Route 300?"

Without making a sound, the halo coiled around her neck suddenly loosened and slipped down, ending up in her hand.

Gong Daoyi raised his eyes towards her and smiled approvingly—just a split second of an electric moment, but she seemed to hear his silent words: "Everything will be much easier according to my script."

Was it an illusion?

Lin Sanjiu didn’t have time to think about it. In an instant, her body twisted sideways while simultaneously launching a kick, hitting a member of the Munitions Factory who had just pounced towards Twelve. The person didn’t expect her sudden attack and was sent flying. Before she could retract her leg, she heard Percival Levin’s angry shout.

"What have you done?"

Even without the Special Item, the department head of the Munitions Factory couldn’t be underestimated. She gritted her teeth and whispered a "sorry," then opened up [A Twinkle in the Sky] with both hands and rushed towards him. Within a few breaths of time, Gong Daoyi and Twelve were entangled by the incoming members of the Munitions Factory. However, at that moment, a figure suddenly flew high into the air from the direction of the tower—this person was also wearing the Munitions Factory uniform and left behind a parabolic cry in the air.

Besides Gong Daoyi and Twelve, there was a third person in the tower!

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