Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 975: Logical Thinking is a Scarce Resource

Chapter 975: Logical Thinking is a Scarce Resource

The short-haired woman who looked like she was born to be a cla.s.s monitor paused slightly at Lin Sanjiu"s words. She squinted her eyes and a.s.sessed Lin Sanjiu. The expression on her face made one think that she had once been the kind of diligent and helpful student who didn"t hesitate to report to the teacher.

If they wanted to tempt someone from the opposing camp to switch sides, the cla.s.s monitor was the worst choice.

For someone like her, her significance was always closely linked to the group she belonged to. Moreover, the current situation between the two sides was so disparate that even a fool would a.s.sess the risks and not dare to betray their comrades at this time.

"My biggest advantage is my height. Although I have lost my physical enhancement, in the water, I can at least carry a woman on my back. This alliance can be with you or the other girl—"

Lin Sanjiu spoke rapidly, but she didn"t hold much hope for it. The few men present were only slightly shorter than her, with a difference of no more than four or five centimeters at most. It was not an overwhelming advantage. She saw the people behind her wading through the water, getting closer and closer. She gritted her teeth and took a step back in the water. She slammed her hand on the edge of the pedal boat and shouted sternly, "Stop!"

The five people indeed froze. According to the rules, as long as one side touched the boat, they could launch an attack. The group reacted quickly, each holding their respective Special Items. However, Lin Sanjiu had taken the advantage. At the same time as the word "stop" left her mouth, she had already pulled out her Tornado Whip from behind and lashed it forcefully on the water surface in front of her.

The lake surface suddenly tore apart, and a burst of white spray splashed into the air. A surging and heavy gust of wind roared out like a ferocious dragon, cras.h.i.+ng into the five people in front of her. Without the basic physical enhancement, they had become like ants under such intense wind. They screamed and struggled as the force of the wind swept them away, plunging into the distant lake with a splash.

Coughing and struggling, they crawled out of the water. When they realized where they were, a wave of angry curses erupted. Mixed within the curses was a half-disgusted, half-angry scream from the Eastern European girl. It seemed that she had landed in the embrace of a huge corpse. When she stood up, she couldn"t help but vigorously rub her bare legs.


The round-faced man shouted loudly, "Quick, use the Dispersal!"

The drooping-faced man coughed and wiped the water off his face. He rummaged through his waist pouch and pulled out a small flask—it looked like it had just been taken out of a chemistry lab and had a paper label attached to it. Lin Sanjiu couldn"t read what was written on the label. Her eyesight had also weakened significantly after her abilities were stripped away.

Since they had all been thrown back to the center of the lake, Lin Sanjiu let go of the boat. They had only suffered a minor setback earlier. Perhaps they still had some long-range attack items that they hadn"t used yet. To be on the safe side, since both sides hadn"t touched the boat now, they couldn"t do anything to her for the time being.

The drooping-faced man paused, and the small flask was put back upright with its stopper in place. "No, Dispersal is not suitable for use now."

"What"s wrong?" The round-faced man panted and helped the middle-aged gentleman out of the water, asking.

"I almost forgot. The flask can only dissolve the effects of her Special Item, but it cannot dissolve the consequences caused by the Special Item." The drooping-faced man explained as he put the small flask back in his pouch. "The wind generated by that item has disappeared, but we have been blown away as a result—"

"Enough, I understand," the round-faced man interrupted him. "Zao Peng!"

The woman who looked like a cla.s.s monitor was the one who suffered the most from the gust of wind, being hit the hardest and thrown the farthest. She stumbled toward her comrades, her face covered in bloodstains from the garbage at the bottom of the lake. With a pale face, she replied, "I"m here."

"Quick, you know what to do," the round-faced man stared at Lin Sanjiu intently. "Set up a defense line for us quickly. We absolutely cannot be blown away again!"

Since she had climbed out of the lake, he had made judgments and decisions quickly and had a clear mind. Unfortunately, all that energy was used in the wrong direction.

"No need!" Lin Sanjiu raised her voice and shouted from a distance, "I didn"t whip a second time because I have something to say. If I blow you to the sh.o.r.e, you won"t be able to hear me!"

Of course, her words held no credibility for the five-person group. The cla.s.s monitor untied a scarf from her neck and waved it in the air several times—there didn"t seem to be any changes in the surroundings, but the expressions of those people visibly relaxed.

"Hurry up," the round-faced man said angrily, his face stiff like a round metal disk. "Let"s go back quickly! How much time has pa.s.sed?"

The middle-aged gentleman looked at his watch and his expression turned grim. "It has been fourteen minutes."

"We shouldn"t take more than six minutes to go back. Right now, we are closer to the pedal boat than the sh.o.r.e," the round-faced man said as he waded forward in the water. "Don"t worry, I"ve said it before, even if it"s a little later, it"s still late. We don"t need to pa.s.s through the checkpoint by leaving the boat. Our goal is to eliminate her!"

Lin Sanjiu sighed.

She had lost all her evolutionary abilities, and even the strength she used when wielding the [Tornado Whip] couldn"t match what it used to be. If she deliberately wanted to blow the five people back to the sh.o.r.e, she would have to run to the center of the lake first. The [Tornado Whip] could only be used once, but that was enough... With that in mind, she rolled it up and put it back into her bag.

When her Special Items were taken away by [Planar World], they all fell into the water with a splash. Fortunately, at that time, they couldn"t engage in any conflicts, which gave her the opportunity to pick them up one by one. As for non-Special Items like food, daily necessities, clothes, and red crystals, she could only let them soak temporarily in the water and couldn"t retrieve them.

She had many items, and now she could only hope that she hadn"t missed or forgotten anything.

"Why can"t you all see this contradiction? When I renew the pedal boat, I have to hand over all the Special Items, including the items in my pocket dimension. Once I hand them over, they become invalid. So, at that time, does this pocket dimension still exist?" Lin Sanjiu watched the people splas.h.i.+ng back in the water and shouted, "This is clearly a paradox!"

This was a logical problem—and logical thinking, no matter where it was, was a scarce resource. The five people waded through the water without responding to her for a while. Only the Eastern European girl took a few steps and suddenly shouted, "Maybe only the pocket dimension items are an exception?"

"Why do you care about her?" The drooping-faced man seemed to dislike her and was being rude to her for the second time.

"Did you hear any exceptions mentioned in the rules when you listened to the horn earlier?" Lin Sanjiu responded quickly. "The horn said "all" Special Items, right?"

She didn"t know if she was being overly suspicious, but as soon as her words fell, she felt a slight hesitation from the people across from her.

"She just wants to sow discord among us," the middle-aged gentleman gasped and spoke. He no longer looked elegant at all, with his hair sticking to his forehead. "Even if this pocket dimension isn"t created by her, we still have to eliminate her."

Although the words were harsh, Lin Sanjiu almost breathed a sigh of relief. This statement implied "eliminating one more person," even though he didn"t say it explicitly. But he was right to some extent—her goal was indeed to sow discord among the five-person group.

With the School of Higher Consciousness also taken away, she couldn"t even rely on the Mimicry Ability of Ji Shanqing. It meant that this time, she had to rely on her own intelligence, intuition, and combat experience to advance through the pocket dimension. To sow discord among the others, she needed to present a substantial discovery.

"Hey, have you found a way to differentiate the pedal boats? Don"t you want to share it with your group members?" Lin Sanjiu suddenly shouted loudly at the Eastern European girl.


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