Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1044: Isn"t the Dream of Cat Owners to Have Cats Pouncing on Their Faces?

Chapter 1044: Isn"t the Dream of Cat Owners to Have Cats Pouncing on Their Faces?

Bohemia woke up!

Meowie Hu was overjoyed and was about to call out to her, but when its gaze fell on her eyes, it abruptly suppressed the urge to meow in excitement. Her golden-brown pupils were dull and fixed in the center of her eye sockets. Despite her swift movements, it was evident to anyone that she had no idea who she was or what she was doing.

"Don"t panic," the little cat paced anxiously behind the hotel sign, making sure not to step out of bounds. "Right, it took quite a while for the cognitive function to start deteriorating earlier, so the recovery process should also take some time..."

A white stream of air suddenly rose from under Bohemia"s feet, swirling in circles and enveloping her like a vortex. Meowie Hu"s heart skipped a beat, and just as a glimmer of hope emerged, it saw the white light flickering within the frozen contours of her face. The light pierced the eyes but failed to elicit any reaction.

"You startled me..."

Dr. Hu turned his head towards the source of the voice and saw the blurry and dirty ma.s.s of chaos crouching down, seemingly ready to sink back into the ground. "The life-saving move you used earlier only gave you a momentary reprieve... Look, it"s no different from before."

Although its words were unclear, Dr. Hu understood them immediately.

Bohemia had hidden a trump card for herself. When faced with a life-threatening crisis, regardless of whether she was unconscious or injured, this "life-saving move" would be activated, forcibly rescuing her from imminent danger. However, she probably never expected that now that the life-saving move had been triggered and the expected effect had indeed occurred, her brain lacked the capacity to proceed.

White light... Yes, that white light was a protective measure. It should be able to s.h.i.+eld her, right? As long as she had time, her cognitive function should gradually recover! That"s what they thought, but Meowie Hu"s confidence was wavering like a floating piece of driftwood.

However, in an instant, the ma.s.s of chaos began to shrink and waver like a ghostly apparition, gradually sinking into the ground until it disappeared. It didn"t merge with the road surface but seemed to lay another layer of the same road on top...

Not just the road. Guardrails, patches of gra.s.s growing by the roadside, the side of the highway, and even the darkness ahead... When touched by the melting chaos, they all undulated faintly. Then, they were covered by identical new "skin," and in the blink of an eye, it seemed as if nothing had changed.

No, something had changed.

Dr. Hu peered from behind the hotel sign, hoping that it had been a misunderstanding on its part.

The human who had contributed the [Five-Star Hotel] had boasted with great confidence, claiming that it had top-notch all-around protective effects, capable of withstanding unimaginable non-physical attacks. Now, it finally believed it.

If they hadn"t been inside the Five-Star Hotel, they would never have noticed: wherever the chaos had mimicked, everything would constantly generate thousands upon thousands of nearly imperceptible deviations. The seemingly ordinary moon, when observed for a little longer, appeared to be continuously oscillating and vibrating. Within the framework of the moon, the subtle tremors were so frequent and intense that prolonged exposure caused physical discomfort.

When they were driving earlier, was it always like this, gripping the steering wheel that was constantly shaking, looking through the winds.h.i.+eld that was constantly vibrating?

However, now was not the time to dwell on that because the deviations were occurring exactly within the white protective stream surrounding Bohemia.

Gradually, a wisp of the same white stream emerged from the invisible air, resembling smoke that would dissipate with a single puff, and it was immediately drawn into the swirling streams of air. The protective range of the white stream was clearly inferior to the [Five-Star Hotel] and failed to raise any awareness or provide any resistance. As soon as the imitating ent.i.ty merged into it, it began to tremble violently like the surrounding environment—a dazzling and erratic light, s.h.i.+fting left and right, causing Bohemia"s face to flicker intermittently, almost unrecognizable.

"Just bullying me because I"m well-behaved and righteous."

Dr. Hu sighed anxiously and aggrievedly, closing its eyes tightly and turning around to dash out from behind the hotel sign. Amid its terrified "meow" cries, the little cat transformed into a swirling black and white shadow, swiftly maneuvering through the air and pouncing towards the rotating white stream.

[Cat is also a Liquid]

The groundbreaking GX n.o.bel Prize theory, the dual discovery in rheology and biology, is of such great importance that it could potentially serve as the cornerstone of the emerging field of morphobiology! After the news was released, many people expressed that, unlike quantum physics, this breakthrough discovery did not contradict their intuition. After all, it was also applicable in daily life: when you put a cat in a bowl, you have a bowl of cat; when you place a cat on the ground, you have a puddle of cat; when you hang a cat on a door, you have a cat-door—of course, it would quickly slide down.


Although it evolved a bit slower, Meowie Hu had successfully developed its second ability.

Among the swirling and flowing white streams of air, the little cat flattened its body, precisely seizing the momentary narrow gap. Like a boneless creature, it slipped through the narrow opening and slid into the protective airflow—compared to ordinary posthumans, it lacked strength and couldn"t cause much harm, nor did it have any intention of harming Bohemia. The white stream didn"t even pause and smoothly allowed the tuft of fur to land on her face.

"Don"t look!"

Dr. Hu tightly closed its eyes and used its fluffy belly to cover Bohemia"s face. Regardless of where it went, it could always eat and drink well. After several years, its belly was large enough to fulfill this purpose. "This thing manipulates your cognitive function through visual influence!"

"Get lost!"

From the white stream beside them, a heavy voice suddenly emanated from the ma.s.s of chaos, striking their nerves with force. "Do you also want to be absorbed by me?"

Meowie Hu dug its claws deep into Bohemia"s fluffy hair, with its hind legs perched on her collarbone. It closed its eyes, flattened its ears, held its breath, and refused to say a word. Who knows, what if that thing can enter through the mouth?

Within the thick tufts of cat fur, Bohemia"s rhythmic breathing emitted warm breaths onto Meowie Hu"s belly. Dr. Hu didn"t know how long it had maintained this unflattering posture until it heard a low "Huh" from within its belly fur. 

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