Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 998: I Killed Bohemia

Chapter 998: I Killed Bohemia

Amidst the intense rock music that felt like it could shatter skulls, Lin Sanjiu faintly heard a woman"s voice call out something, seemingly Bohemia. But before she could determine where the voice was coming from, it was immediately drowned out by the music.

Was she under attack?

Lin Sanjiu quickly scanned her surroundings. However, at this moment, the Night Wanderer woman finally reacted to the situation. Even though she couldn"t find Bohemia"s trace, at least five or six posthumans lunged towards her, with the effects of their abilities and items slas.h.i.+ng through the air, creating a whirlwind of light and shadow.

"Cease the attack on Puppeteer immediately! Everyone, strengthen your defensive layers!" The clear voice of the pet.i.te woman pierced through the rock music. "Second row, take down the blue-faced one!"

After dealing with the robed man, she had also been exposed. Lin Sanjiu knew she had to quickly break free from the Night Wanderers" encirclement. She raised her voice amidst the drumbeats and shouted at Bohemia, wherever she might be trapped, "Bohemia, follow me and retreat!"

She couldn"t read her expression, but she should be able to understand human language, right?

As soon as she finished shouting, she no longer had time to think about Bohemia. The rock music released waves upon waves of sound waves through her body. Every drumbeat was like a heavy baseball bat swinging horizontally, quickly and heavily smas.h.i.+ng away the incoming attacks. However, with the countless variations of evolved abilities and Special Items, despite having this defensive layer, her [Defense Forcefield] continued to flicker, indicating that her mental energy was being rapidly depleted.

Lin Sanjiu employed the same strategy and once again activated [How to Render]. As her shadow distorted, the attacks coming from all directions became slightly chaotic, intersecting and pa.s.sing by her. Finally, she found a brief moment to catch her breath.

Now was not the time to hold back.

Lin Sanjiu had no idea how Puppeteer managed to withstand such a dense and heavy onslaught of attacks. To be honest, if the entire level hadn"t been "covered" by the sealing abilities, the Ocean Voyager would have been shattered into pieces long ago in such a battle.

She gritted her teeth, opened both hands, and activated [Mosaic Censors.h.i.+p]. Like a leopard, she lunged towards the direction where several posthumans were trying to block her path. In the intense flickering of the [Defense Forcefield], the bodies of those people were instantly blown apart into a b.l.o.o.d.y explosion wherever they couldn"t evade in time.

As she was about to break through the encirclement, the pet.i.te woman became anxious. Under her consecutive orders, the majority of the firepower concentrated on the direction Lin Sanjiu was trying to break through. Coincidentally, the rock music was approaching its climax, and the female voice, accompanied by the drumbeats, roared almost madly. The sudden acceleration of the rhythm conveniently blocked many attacks for Lin Sanjiu. However, if she didn"t break out of the encirclement by the end of the rock music, her fate wouldn"t be much different from those posthumans who had fallen with pitiful screams just now.

When Lin Sanjiu swung her [Tornado Whip], several posthumans were swept away by the howling wind. Amidst the chaos, a figure stumbled through and approached them. As soon as she saw the sweaty face of the middle-aged man, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Quick, come over here! Let"s break through together!"

There weren"t many posthumans blocking their path anymore, and with their combined effort, the possibility of breaking through the encirclement greatly increased. It seemed that Bohemia attracted far less firepower than Lin Sanjiu. Some even mistook her for trying to break through to stop the "blue-faced" one. With little resistance encountered, she hurriedly reached Lin Sanjiu"s side.

"You"re such a useless piece of entertainment," Puppeteer"s sinister and soft voice suddenly sounded, chillingly penetrating the rhythm of the rock music and clearly reaching everyone"s ears.

Although Night Wanderers all wore puzzled expressions, it was obvious who the words were directed at. Lin Sanjiu clenched her teeth, feeling a bit irritated even with her good temperament.

The attacks unleashed by the Night Wanderer woman on Puppeteer earlier still seemed trapped in the air, rolling up and down on both sides of him. Although it was he who initiated the battle, she somehow became the primary target of the attacks. Puppeteer had already resumed sitting down, his gaze coldly fixed on Lin Sanjiu, showing no intention of helping—aside from his severe injuries, he appeared calm and composed.

"What are you doing?!" Lin Sanjiu shouted angrily. "We came here to help you!"

The rock music gradually subsided, and now it could end at any moment. However, the various attacks closely behind them became increasingly heavy and intense. The protective layer formed by the sound waves and the [Defense Forcefield] might be completely destroyed at any time.

"You"re obstructing my view?" Puppeteer sneered coldly, showing his disdain even while seriously injured. "Your greatest talent is causing trouble for others, don"t you know that?"

If their lives weren"t at stake, Lin Sanjiu really wanted to have a good argument with him. Even though she deliberately provoked him earlier, was this the time for pettiness?

"Behind us!" Bohemia suddenly exclaimed. Lin Sanjiu couldn"t afford to pay attention to Puppeteer. Without turning her head, she grabbed hold of the rhythm of the rock music and stomped her foot on the beat. As the floor shook heavily, the sound waves suddenly spread out from under her feet, fiercely colliding with a purple smoke approaching them.

When the purple smoke scattered with a howl, the music abruptly stopped. The corridor filled with a cacophony of mixed sounds once again became chaotic and distinct. Lin Sanjiu hastily tossed away the [Ultra Music Festival] card, hoping to summon another song. However, no matter how many times she tossed it, there was no response.

She hadn"t finished reading the introduction to the Special Item, so she had no idea if there were any limitations to its usage. Cursing under her breath, she shouted at Bohemia, "Quick!" and increased her speed, rus.h.i.+ng towards where Puppeteer was.

"Your wind," Bohemia closely followed behind her, breathing heavily. "When I flick my hand backward, release the wind!"

"What?" Lin Sanjiu turned her head and noticed that she was holding something like sand in her hand. She immediately nodded. As Bohemia swung her arm backward, casting a scattering of golden sand behind them, Lin Sanjiu controlled her strength and swiftly released a gust of wind. The sand, carried by the wind, instantly filled half of the corridor. Following that, cries and shouts echoed from within the sand mist, and the attacks noticeably slowed down.

Now wasn"t the time to find out what exactly happened behind them. Lin Sanjiu seized the opportunity and finally broke through the encirclement, swiftly rus.h.i.+ng deeper into the corridor. When she stopped her footsteps a dozen steps away from Puppeteer, she couldn"t catch her breath. She leaned her hands on her knees, her heart pounding in her chest. Although Puppeteer was terrifying when angered, as long as she had the promise of "not killing her," it was safer here than with the Night Wanderers.

It was a harsh "cough" sound that made Lin Sanjiu abruptly raise her head.

When her gaze fell upon the purple-faced Bohemia, her face turned pale in an instant. "What are you doing? That"s Bohemia, let her go!"

Puppeteer was still sitting on the wooden box, seemingly unchanged, but Bohemia appeared as if an invisible hand had gripped her neck tightly. Lin Sanjiu knew that if left alone, she would soon become a new puppet.

"I killed Bohemia," Puppeteer"s face curled into a half-smile, cold as the frost formed beneath the winter clouds.

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