It will take about a month to arrive at Soutuo City where we will fight in the arena to gain some experience and money for our tuition fee. Using the cover of Illusion Ice Transformation, we leave Blue Snake Academy. Using this opportunity, I check each of our statuses:


Name: Chen Wulin

Age: 10

Spirit Rank: 31 (Spirit Elder)

Physical Strength: 150kg

Spirit: 3-tailed Frost Monkey King

1st Ring: Illusion Ice Transformation – 52,830-years-old (Black)

2nd Ring: Black Ice Staff – 72,128-years-old (Black)

3rd Ring: Monkey King Transformation (60% increase) – 4,320-years-old (Purple)

Immortal Realm: 3rd Level Unlocked (16x more effective), 3rd Level of Spirit Ascension Realm Unlocked

Martial Arts: Basic Monkey Staff Arts (Self-Comprehended), Monkey Steps (Self-Comprehended)



Name: Chen Yue

Age: 10

Spirit Rank: 21 (Spirit Grandmaster)

Physical Strength: 85kg

Spirit: Ancient Ice Phoenix

1st Ring: Flash Freeze – 401-years-old (Yellow)

2nd Ring: Ice Chains – 650-years-old (Yellow)



Name: Yan Xifeng

Age: 10

Spirit Rank: 21 (Spirit Grandmaster)

Physical Strength: 100kg

Spirit: Ancient Fire Phoenix

1st Ring: Fire Phoenix"s Talon Strike – 422-years-old (Yellow)

2nd Ring: h.e.l.l Fire Blast – 638-years-old (Yellow)


Since we have been cultivating while studying, we barely had any time to rest and relax, so now that we are on a journey, we decided we will take it casually as a break from all the hard work. I buy all the spots on a carriage so that the three of us can be alone. We would spend our time watching the scenery pa.s.s by while cuddling together, or chatting about what we want to do, even playing around in the back of the carriage. Sometimes there would be a Spirit Beast along the way, which scared the driver into praying, but I used Monkey King Transformation and scared it away. When I use Monkey King Transformation all the fur on my body disappears and gathers on my head, except for a ring along my wrists, neck, and ankles, making it look like I am wearing jewellery made of fur (Imagine Ichigo Vasto Lorde: ). My body also becomes larger, reaching 170cm while my feet transform back to human feet. The fur on my face also disappears and shows my handsome face, my tail grows longer and stronger as well.

When we arrive at another town, we would stay in there for a day or two, so we can go on dates while checking out the shops for anything interesting. Like this, we meandered from village to village flirting with each other and going on dates. It took a little longer because we were taking our time but after a month and a half, we arrived at the outskirts of Soutuo City. In this time, I was able to evolve my Monkey King Transformation to become 12,888-years-old, increasing its stat increase to 80%. If using pure strength, I can fight evenly against a pure-offense rank 60 Spirit King. We booked an inn near the arena and went out to get something to eat. We enter a nice-looking restaurant named Wild Turtle Restaurant. It didn"t have many customers and was quiet, so we decided to eat here. Whilst eating I was talking to them about our future plans, "Soutuo city is one of the two major cities of the Balak Kingdom that we are in, we will stay here for a while to gain experience in the arena and make money before we go and enrol at Shrek Academy."

The girls listen and agree while eating their food, when suddenly the doors of the restaurant are loudly shoved open, A group of youths wearing the same clothes walk in arrogantly and sit at a large table. They seem to be from some sort of school and are supervised by an equally arrogant looking teacher. One of the youths notice Little Yue as she is facing their direction, whispering to his friends they begin staring at us. Soon, the leader of the youths gets up and swaggers towards us, "Hey pretty girl, why don"t you come and eat with us, we are from Lightning Lion Academy, we will treat you good." Then he looks at Feng Feng and is surprised that there are two people of such beauty, then looks towards me, but seeing that I am a man he loses interest and ignores me. "Your friend can also come with us as well, we are very friendly."

Feeling p.i.s.sed off that someone would try to chat up my girls right in front of me, I get up and tell him, "These girls are mine, so go play somewhere else, otherwise I will kill you." Hearing my words, the girls stare at me with eyes filled with love, and a bit of l.u.s.t, but they turn cold with rage when they heard what the youth said, "Hmph! They are both yours? You are probably just some sc.u.m commoner with a white face and was lucky to be picked up by them, now that we are here, there is no need for you, so scram!" Feng Feng instantly jumps up and punches him in the face, sending him flying three metres. All the people from the Lightning Lion Academy get up and rush towards the youth, while the teacher gives us a glare, "You dare to attack one of our students, I will capture you and let the entire school use your body as payment."

Hearing the teacher dare to threaten my Feng Feng, I use my Monkey King Transformation while summoning my Black Ice Staff and charge towards him, when I get close Little Yue uses Flash Freeze and Ice Chains to bind the teacher, although they can"t keep him down, they stun him for a second giving me enough time to get in front of him. Releasing a full powered slam of my Black Ice Staff to his head, half of his body instantly explodes, while the other half is smashed into the ground. Since these youths started it and will probably go back to their academy to get revenge, I also kill the rest of them to prevent danger in the future. I release my transformation and lead the girls out of the restaurant, after leaving some money for repairs and cleaning. We head back into the inn and for some reason Feng Feng is being silent, just walking behind me. We enter the inn and I get Little Yue to prepare the bath. Alone with Feng Feng, I hold her gently and ask her whats wrong, she was unable to hold it in anymore and tears started flowing down her face, "Brother Wulin, it"s our fault that you keep running into trouble. Everywhere we go, we cause trouble for you, because of our Spirit, because of our looks, we are just a burden to you, so why do you still stay with us? Because of us the entire village died!" by the end of it she is already crying loudly in my chest.

"So, do you want me to leave the two of you?" I ask her, and she tightens her hold on me while shaking her head, "No! I don"t want you to ever leave us, but it always hurts to cause you trouble when we can do nothing in return."

"I also don"t want to leave you, I love the both of you more than anything, so no amount of trouble will be able to make me leave you! If trouble comes to you, they will have to pa.s.s through me first, and if they want to pa.s.s me, it will be by walking over my dead body. If you don"t want to be burdened with these troubles anymore, grow stronger, so that n.o.body dares to trouble us any longer." (Wulin)

Hearing this, her eyes burn with determination, before looking at me, "Brother, will you put up with us for just a little longer, until we are strong enough to not cause trouble?" (Feng Feng)

"Of course, I plan to protect you for the rest of our lives." Saying that, I quickly seal her lips with my own, not giving her time to doubt herself. I slide my tongue along her teeth and pry open her mouth, before finding and playing with her tongue. She lets out a small sound, like a shocked mouse, but relaxes and follows my advances, I place a hand on her a.s.s and another on her breast and start ma.s.saging them. We make-out for 5 minutes before I let go, "Let"s stop here, I am still covered in blood, let"s take a bath then go to sleep." We step outside and see Little Yue waiting in front of the door, I give her a hug and ma.s.sage her b.r.e.a.s.t.s a little, "Thank you for giving us time." She blushes and nods her head, and the three of us go take a bath. I undress the both of them and wash their bodies with my hands, while they wash mine. Afterwards we sit in the bath, with one girl on each leg while I hug them from behind, we played around for a little and I let the girls pamper me, because they still feel bad and need to release their emotions. Then, we go to bed and cuddle together on the large bed, I stroke their bodies, soothing them to sleep before going asleep myself.

We arrive in front of the Great Spirit Arena wearing masks to hide our faces, it would be troublesome if my Illusion Ice Transformation stopped working while they were fighting. Each of us will register for solo battles, while the girls will form a team for the 2v2, then the three of us will come together for the 3v3 battles.

When I fight in the arena, I plan not to use my monkey forms as they will make me too strong, instead I will use my staff arts and try to defeat strong with weak. If I can learn to do this, I should be able to defeat people higher ranked than me with only technique, like Tang San does with his hidden weapon techniques.

(A/N: Alternate t.i.tles: "Murder at the Inn", "Burdened by beauty", "Handsome Monkey King", "Just All World Problems" )

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