While Xiao Wu is sobbing and calling out to Tang San, he finally wakes up. When he sees Xiao Wu sitting there, he reaches out carefully as if worried she isn"t real. When he touches her, he realises that he isn"t dreaming and holds her hand tightly, "Xiao Wu…"

His voice is shaky, "I… I couldn"t protect you, Xiao Wu… I"m sorry…" tears flow down his face. Xiao Wu is also crying as she shakes her head, "It"s ok, as long as you don"t leave me! I don"t want to be on my own anymore!"

Tang San pulls her into his embrace and hugs her tightly, "I will never leave you, Xiao Wu… I… I love you!" His words shock Xiao Wu as she stops crying for a second, but they start flowing again as she smiles happily, "I also love you, Brother San!"

They stare at each other for a couple seconds before sharing a quick kiss. Oscar and Fatty at the side start squealing at the scene, causing the two of them to break the kiss and blush deeply.

Xiao Wu seems to become violent when she is embarra.s.sed as she begins beating Oscar and Fatty up, while I go up to Tang San, "Congratulations, on reaching Spirit Elder and getting a girlfriend!" I pat his back while he blushes again and thanks me.

Zhao Wuji gets up and claps his hand while saying, "Okay Okay! Let"s not stay here for long, I don"t want any more drama today! Pack your bags and let"s go!"

As if answering Zhao Wuji, a scream comes from behind the trees, "Who killed my Human Faced Demonic Spider!" a girl comes out from behind the trees and looks at us, "You guys again!?"

Tang San rubs the back of his head awkwardly, "Sorry, it was me who killed and absorbed it."

"What! You actually took my Demon Spider!" She looks shocked and angry. Mu Bai cuts in at that moment, "Miss, do you have any evidence that the Spider was yours?"

Suddenly, a bunch of Spirit Rings appear behind Meng Yiran, as an old man"s voice calls out, "I shall prove it. Two of the eyes on the Spider was wounded by me." An old man walks out with the Serpent Grandmother beside him.

Zhao Wuji hurries forward and cups his hands, "Dragon Grandfather and Serpent Grandmother, good to see you."

Meng Yiran is still angry, "Come on! First you guys took my Snake, and now you take my Spider!"

Xiao Wu also gets angry with this girl, "Your thick skin makes me want to choke! Why don"t you just say the whole forest is your home! We hunted this Spider, you had nothing to do with it!"

"Go to h.e.l.l!" Meng Yiran yells as she throws hidden weapons at Xiao Wu, but they were caught by Tang San, and they start fighting again.

I walk up and stand in front of the old couple, and I give them a smile, "How about we let the two of them handle it themselves, unless you don"t think your granddaughter can win?"

The Dragon Grampa, Meng Shu, looks at me before snorting, "Fine! I refuse to believe my granddaughter will lose to that kid. How about we make a bet instead? If that kid loses, we cut off his arm as payment."

My smile grows even wider, "Sure, lets bet. But what do we get if we win?"

Before he could say anything, Fatty and Oscar chip in, "How about the pretty girl has to give Xiao San a kiss!" Instantly, Xiao Wu flicks her foot, standing on both Oscar and Fatty"s feet. "Hmph! See if you dare, if she loses then we will allow you to retreat."

"Fine! If you are able to beat me when I have these knives, then I will keep my promise!" Meng Yiran also agrees.

Meng Shu gives a sharp look, "Good! Whoever breaks the rules, don"t blame me for getting mad!"

Meng Yiran begins her fight against Tang San, throwing her hidden weapons at him. But she quickly realises that she is at a disadvantage.

Soon, she had thrown out all her knives and Tang San had gathered them all in his hand, defeating her. Then Tang San gives her some bone needles, a scroll for Sound Location Tracking and another scroll for learning to use hidden weapons.

Meng Shu is angry that he got tricked, "You people! You dare to bait me into a trap! What"s to stop me from accidentally killing all of you!"

"Hmph! Let"s see if you can kill them in front of me!" A man in a cloak walks out from behind the trees. He releases his Spirit Rings, and 9 Red coloured Spirit Rings appear behind him, completely destroying Meng Shu"s previous momentum.

Meng Shu has a pale face as he hurriedly apologises, "Sir t.i.tled Douluo, please forgive me! I was just making a joke! I wouldn"t really do that!"

The man just gives a snort, "Hmph! Just hurry up and leave. Take the girl with you!"

Meng Shu nods his head like a chicken, "Thank you, Sir t.i.tled Douluo! Thank You! Yiran! Let"s go now!" he grabs Meng Yiran and the Serpent Grandmother and speeds away.

Zhao Wuji faces towards the man and cups his fists, "Thank you, Sir t.i.tled Douluo! May we know your name?"

The man nods his head, "Yes, my name is Wulin…" as he said that, he disappeared from existence. Everyone is shocked by what the man said, before looking at me.

I just give them a laugh, "Hahaha! When I saw them I quietly used my Illusion Ice Transformation to make a clone, to be used to intimidate them. It looks like it went pretty well."

They speechlessly stare at me for a while before I feel a little awkward, "Come on, let"s hurry up and leave, before more trouble comes out way!"

They snap out of it and quickly agree, packing their bags and running through the forest. Soon, we make it out of the forest and rush back to the academy.

We get back and have a bath. I go out for a walk, to see Rong Rong talking to Tang San. Seeing her talk to Tang San alone, this late at night makes me a bit jealous, but I know that she is only asking to make a trade for his hidden weapons, so I don"t make things difficult for her.

I head back to my cottage and snuggle up with the girls before going back to sleep. In the immortal Realm, I can spend 40 hours of time training. I need to become stronger so that I can hold my own against strong opponents like Er Ming.

So, I spend 20 hours grinding Spirit Rings to increase their age, another 10 hours practicing and creating some self-made Spirit Skills, and the rest of the time on cultivating my Spirit Power.

I wake up with the girls and play around in bed with them for a couple minutes. Then we freshen up and go meet the others.

Everyone except Tang San and Rong Rong are at our gathering point, which I tell them, "Let"s go, Tang San and Rong Rong have already gone ahead of us."

They are confused while Xiao Wu looks a little sad, and we go into the village for breakfast. Soon we come across an octopus stand and see Rong Rong and Tang San there, Rong Rong seems to be buying some heart shaped takoyaki.

She is wearing a large yellow flower hoodie and white flower frilled hot pants, her white thigh high socks cover most of her legs, only allowing a little of her thigh to be seen. The whole outfit seems to compliment her hair and long legs, making her look extremely cute.

She sees us walking towards them and when she sees me her eyes light up. She bounces towards me and holds up a heart-shaped takoyaki, "Brother Wulin! I bought these for you, allow me to feed you! Say Ahhh~"

I take a bite of the takoyaki as I take the container from her hands, "It"s delicious! Thank you, Rong Rong." This takoyaki stand seems to really know what it"s doing, it has delicious food.

Mu Bai asks her, "Why did you guys meet up earlier?"

Rong Rong smiles and says, "I had something to discuss with Tang San privately, that"s why we arranged to meet up earlier."

Xiao Wu looks at her with hostility, "What kind of discussion had to be so secretive, that you had to do it out here?"

Rong Rong was about to talk when Fatty chimed in, "This place is perfect for expressing one"s feelings! Many lovers have special memories of this place…"

Xiao Wu and Rong Rong look shocked, before Rong Rong sends a kick flying at Fatty, "You idiot! Don"t make everyone misunderstand!" Then she quickly turns to me and softly grabs my hand, "Brother Wulin, don"t listen to Fatty! Please believe me, I am not that kind of girl!"

I grip her hand tightly as I console her, "It"s alright, I understand. I overheard you and Tang San talking last night, but I didn"t want to interfere with your things. I trust that you won"t cheat on me."

Rong Rong gives a sigh of relief, then smiles happily, "Everyone, let"s go to the café over there, I will explain it to you all." She grabs my hand and drags me towards the café while Little Yue and Feng Feng follow behind.

We are all seated at a table when Rong Rong begins her explanation, "I trust everyone here, but this is a secret of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, so I hope that everyone can keep it that way."

They all nod their head and wait for Rong Rong to continue, "Everyone should know that support system Spirit Masters are weak, especially those from my clan, they would be live punching bags on the battlefield."

Tang San continues at this point, "Rong Rong saw my hidden weapons, so she wanted to make a deal so that I can produce hidden weapons for her clan, we talked about some of the details today."

Rong Rong was about to show the sleeved arrow that Tang San gave her, but I quickly held her arm and shook my head. I will do Tang San a favour with this and escape that calamity.

I pick up the menu and say, "Let"s order some things, I"m hungry already." I call the waitress and order a couple things for the girls and I, before handing it off to Fatty, who orders two of everything.

Now that Xiao Wu knows that Tang San wasn"t cheating on her with Rong Rong, she became happy again and acted spoiled to him. Suddenly, Tang San grips his head, like he has a headache.

He pushes Xiao Wu off him and runs out of the café and outside the village, towards the forest. Xiao Wu quickly follows him, while I tell the others to meet at the academy and follow her. I catch up to Xiao Wu easily and we see Tang San on the floor, writhing in pain.

Xiao Wu calls out to him, but he quickly shouts at her, "Stay back! I don"t want to hurt you, Xiao Wu…" Suddenly, he curls up his back as a vicious aura comes out from his body. His shirt bursts open as eight spider legs come out from behind his body, slashing wildly around his body.

Xiao Wu instantly tries to jump towards Tang San, but I grab her by the braid and pull her back. She sends a kick at me, "Let go! I have to see Brother San!" but I just catch her foot and set it down, "He can"t control those spider legs yet, and they are extremely poisonous. Imagine how much it would hurt him if he accidentally poisoned you or hurt you."

She settles down a bit and doesn"t leap at Tang San but still calls out his name. Tang San seems scared of his new Spider legs, "I"m sorry, Xiao Wu… I didn"t know that I would turn into a monster…"

Xiao Wu has tears in her eyes as she smiles, "If you become a monster, then I will also become a monster with you! If you want, we can hide in caves and forests, if you want, we can go shopping and sightseeing!"

I interrupt at that moment, "I think your true thoughts are leaking out a bit, Xiao Wu, monsters shouldn"t be going shopping and sightseeing. Also, you aren"t a monster, Xiao San, you were lucky enough to get something called an External Spirit Bone."

Tang San looks at me confused, "External Spirit Bone… What is that?"

"Other than Spirit Rings, Spirit Beasts can also give out Spirit Bones. Usually, a strong Spirit Beast is more likely to give out a Spirit Bone and giving out an External Spirit Bone is even rarer. External Spirit Bones are treasures only second to 100,000-year-old Spirit Rings, they are coveted by all, some may even resort to killing to take it. You should know how to retract it instinctively, give it a try." (Wulin)

Tang San closes his eyes and tries to retract the Spider Legs back into his back. After a couple seconds they finally retract and Xiao Wu pounces on him.

"Come back to the academy once you lovebirds are done." I give him a wink and walk off, leaving the two of them to themselves.

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