I wake up in the morning around the same time as Little Yue and Feng Feng. Little Jing doesn"t know our sleep patterns, so she is still sleeping soundly on my chest.

I give the two of them a morning kiss as we chat about what has been happening in the week. Little Yue was lying down on my arm facing me while Feng Feng was hugging Little Yue"s waist from behind, with her face resting on Little Yue"s.

The two of them have been together for almost 10 years now, and they are even closer than normal blood siblings, it fills me with warmth to see them together without conflict, and they also don"t get mad when I bring in another girl.

We continued to talk and flirt around for a few minutes before Little Jing also woke up. She stretched her tiny limbs before propping herself up using her hands. She rubbed her eyes a little before opening them.

She looked around with some confusion before remembering where she was. Her eyes turned to me as she blushed slightly, "Good morning, Daddy!"

I look at her blushing face and give her a gentle smile, "Good morning, darling!"

Little Yue extends her arms and pulls Little Jing into an embrace as they exchange their morning greetings, since Little Jing is so cute, the girls" motherly instincts go haywire as they feel the need to dote on Little Jing.

Feng Feng reaches her hands out and tickles Little Jing"s body while she is being held by Little Yue. Even in bed, their teamwork is terrifying!

Little Jing wriggles around in struggle, "No! Big Sister Feng! It tickles! Heheheh~" her crisp laugh echoes in the room, causing the atmosphere in the room to radiate.

"Alright, let"s go for a bath first, let Rong Rong sleep for a little longer, since she is still exhausted from last night." Since I didn"t want our noise to wake Rong Rong from her sleep, I tried to move the girls to the bath.

Feng Feng and Little Yue get up as they take Little Jing to the bathroom.

I gently put Rong Rong"s head onto a pillow as I slide my arm out from underneath her. I give her a kiss on the forehead before getting off the bed.

I also go to the bathroom where the girls have already prepared the bath, the girls are already naked and waiting for me to wash them.

Little Jing is still a little embarra.s.sed, but she allows me to wash her thoroughly since I wash all the others, and she didn"t want to be left out.

I was the girls gently while I flirt with them, before I let them wash my body. After we were clean we washed all the soap off before the four of us huddle together in the warm bath.

Little Jing sat in my lap while Little Yue and Feng Feng took each of my sides, we sat there and relaxed for 15 minutes before getting out. We dried off before getting dressed and heading back to the bedroom.

It was almost time for breakfast, and if Rong Rong didn"t want to miss out, she would have to wake up now.

I go to the bedside and gently shake Rong Rong"s shoulder, "Rong Rong, it"s time to wake up now, otherwise you will miss breakfast, and have to eat Fatty"s leftover burnt food."

This is able to get Rong Rong"s attention as she, a princess, can"t eat the burnt food that Fatty makes. Her lips pout a little as she wakes up, she opens her eyes and looks at me with a gentle smile.

I give her a light kiss on the lips as I greet her. Rong Rong tries to move her body to get out of bed, but she suddenly feels a sharp pain in her abdomen and she lets out a hiss.

I quickly grab a hold of her as I keep her body still, she lets out a gasp and takes a couple deep breaths to reduce the pain.

I feel a twinge of regret when I see her in so much pain, causing my heart to tighten, "Little Yue, give me another Phoenix Tear, Rong Rong is in too much pain!"

I try to get Little Yue to heal her but Rong Rong grabs my arm as she shakes her head, "No! This pain is proof of my determination, it is my pride! I don"t want to get rid of it!"

With my help, Rong Rong slowly gets out of bed before she makes her way to the bathroom. Her walk is a little uneven, so she probably still has some phantom feelings of me being inside her.

This also happened to Little Yue and Feng Feng before, they would walk around like they had something stuck in their b.u.t.t, which made them embarra.s.sed, so they didn"t come outside until they were fully healed again.

I wash Rong Rong as gently as possible before I let her rest in the bath for a couple minutes, while I sit by her side and talk to her.

I carry Rong Rong out of the bath before I dry her carefully and help her put her underwear on along with her usual white flower dress.

Feng Feng and I take Rong Rong"s side as we walk her to the cafeteria. Little Yue is carrying Little Jing in her arms as Little Jing is curiously looking around. The two of them together look like a pair of sisters with their silver hair and beautiful features.

We enter the cafeteria, and everyone is already there, we were a couple minutes late from taking care of Rong Rong. Qing"er saw us holding Rong Rong and saw her unusual walk as she quickly got up and ran to her side.

Qing"er looked at Rong Rong with concern as she asked, "Sister Rong Rong, what happened to you? Are you injured?"

Qing"er and Rong Rong are the two youngest girls aside from the recent addition of Little Jing, who is a bit older than the youngest, Qing"er. So, the two of them have always gotten along well since they arrived at the academy.

Rong Rong blushes a bit as she brings her mouth to Qing Er"s ears, "Sister Yue wasn"t joking… Brother Wulin really is the "Big" Brother…" She whispers lightly into Qing Er"s ear.

Qing Er starts blushing furiously as she glances at me before quickly retreating to her seat, causing Rong Rong to laugh at her innocence. I help Rong Rong sit next to me as we eat our breakfast.

The guys stare at Rong Rong as they ask her what happened, but she just smiled and held my arm.

Everyone except Tang San understood what she meant, and Xiao Wu looked like she was jealous, before stomping on Tang San"s foot, causing him to shriek out in pain.

After breakfast everyone went back to doing their special training. I was training on mastering my new self-made Spirit Skill, so that the consumption is lowered.

Little Jing went with Xiao Wu to watch the others as they fail, while Rong Rong went back to the cottage to rest, since she is still exhausted and in pain, she won"t be able to teach us the Heart Separation Control Technique until later.

I am trying to master my Monkey G.o.d"s Nimbus, which is a bit harder to master than my Golden Fiery Eyes. The Nimbus is made by emitting my Spirit Power while gathering the natures of water, fire, and wind together.

Using my Spirit Power as a container, I mix the three natures to create a solid cloud to ride on. Currently, it can move at 3 times my movement speed for half an hour before I run out of Spirit Power.

I need to try and reduce the amount of Spirit Power drain while also increasing my movement speed.

As I test out new theories, Yu Xiao Gang comes up to me, "Chen Wulin, can we have a talk?"

I stop training and nod my head, we walked a little distance away from the others so that n.o.body can listen in on our talk.

Yu Xiao Gang looks at me with conflict in his eyes, "You… you are married to your sibling?"

"That"s right, is there a problem?" I ask him.

"But what about others, don"t they condemn you for loving a sibling?" (Yu Xiao Gang)

I look at him like he"s an idiot, "Yu Xiao Gang, you are meant to be incredibly smart, one of the smartest in the Douluo Continent, but how can you be so dumb… What does it matter if they condemn me?"

He looks shocked, before questioning me, "What do you mean?"

"The one I love and care about is Little Yue, not those idiots who only know how to speak ill. I would gladly take on a bad reputation if it means I can keep Little Yue happy for the rest of her life. If they try to condemn me, let them, I will see if they still dare when we become t.i.tled Douluo"s."

My eyes shined in a determined light, the people at Shrek Academy don"t condemn my relationship with Little Yue, but that doesn"t mean that others also won"t. If they want to try and separate us, then I will beat them all to the ground.

He contemplates on my words, "If I can keep her happy…" he lets out a sigh as he says, "I"ve made a terrible mistake… Wulin, will you listen to my story…?"

I nod my head as he begins to tell me about his past. He told me about his jouney and meeting Liu Er Long and Flander, him and Flander falling in love with her as Yu Xiao Gang wins her heart.

He got married with Liu Er Long but soon found out they were cousins. In grief, he leaves the team and leaves Liu Er Long alone, and his hair turned white due to the shock he faced.

And now, it has been 20 years since he left, yet he still can"t get over her. But when faced with the condemnation of his trash mutated Spirit and his forbidden love, he is unable to be with her.

I listen to his story intently, at the end of it I give a deep sigh, "She"s such a poor girl, and you"re such an idiot… I hope that she has given up on you already, otherwise you will have wasted the most precious years of her life."

I look into his eyes, "You should see her, if she has given up on you, then that"s fine. But if she is still waiting, then you have to pay her back for the rest of your life…"

He sighs, "Yes… You"re right, I will ask Flander to help me look for her in the future. Thank you, Wulin…"

After he thanks me, he walks away. I stare at his lonely back, he has also had it tough. Hopefully, he will find the right path and not worry about the thoughts of others from now on.

After a few minutes I also leave and go back to training.

(A/N: Some people have said that I am focusing too much on s.e.x instead of story right now, I also agree that I went overboard on s.e.x over story, I blame the side effects of virginity! So I rewrote a couple chapters so that it is more about story, so I think there is 3-4 chapters of story then 1 of Ecchi before going back to story. But I made it so the Ecchi chapter is on its own so my fellow perverts can read and others can skip without missing anything.

Also, before you go off about motherly instincts on 12/13 year olds. My sister literally took care of me when I was 1 and she was 3, so I"m pretty sure 12-year-olds can also be doting.)

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