I wake up to the rustling of Little Jing as she was waking up. I open my eyes and look to the entrance of the cave, my Illusion is still active and there doesn"t seem to be any traces of something that has come near it.

Little Jing wriggles a bit in my embrace before stretching her limbs with a soft moan. She opens her eyes and looks at me, seeing me stare at her she gives a little laugh and hugs my neck, "Good morning, Daddy!"

I stroke her back as I say, "Good morning, darling." We lay in bed together for a little while before getting up and taking a bath.

I dress Little Jing before dressing myself and start preparing breakfast. Little Jing clings to my back as she asks, "Daddy, what are we going to do today? Are we going back?"

She sounds a little eager to go back to the academy, as she finally made some friends there. My girls dote on her endlessly, so she likes them a lot as well.

Little Jing is like the treasure of our group, everyone dotes on her and takes care of her, even Qing"er who is actually younger than her.

"I will absorb the Monkey Tail Spirit Bone this morning, then if we have time we will go back to the academy, otherwise we will have to wait another day." I am going to absorb the External Spirit Bone in this place since I don"t want to risk humans fighting for it when I haven"t fully absorbed it.

After breakfast I sit cross legged on the bed as I pull out the Iron Tailed Monkey"s External Spirit Bone. Little Jing is watching while off to the side.

I use my Spirit Power and input it to the Spirit Bone, it glows as it moves automatically to my tail bone.

I feel a sharp pain as it touches my skin, that keeps growing worse, like it is drilling into my body before melting my bones and fusing with it.

I use my Monkey Emperor Transformation to increase my defence in an attempt to subdue the pain a little, but I am surprised to find that the tail grown from my Monkey Emperor Transformation and the External Spirit Bone start fusing together quickly.

The pain receded as quickly as it came, the two tails fused together seamlessly as they become one. Soon the process is finished, I was surprised that using my transformation made the absorption process so easy.

A small emperor tattoo appears on my forehead before fading away, symbolising a perfect fusion. I turn my attention to my tail as information starts flooding into my mind.

My tail has the ability to harden while keeping its flexibility, allowing me to use it as a weapon or shield. It can also be used to increase my mobility as the tail is a couple meters long, I can use it to pivot on the ground or swing from trees.

I can also feel that it has the ability to absorb the tails of other Iron Tailed Monkey"s, this will let the tail evolve and grow stronger.

I move the tail around and realise I have even better control of it than when I used my Monkey Forms, like it has been a part of my body since birth.

The thing that confused me was that I didn"t get any information about how to recall the Spirit Bone, perhaps it is like Little Jing"s which became a natural part of her body.

It"s not much of a problem since the people I know can be trusted, and I can make an excuse of being mutated to the people I don"t know, since it is a monkey type bone and my Spirit is also a monkey.

I open my eyes and look at Little Jing, she is just sleeping on the side of the bed. I give a helpless sigh, it has only been two hours since I started absorbing the Spirit Bone and she already fell asleep.

I expected the absorption process to take at least half a day, and be a lot more painful, but probably thanks to my apt.i.tude to the Monkey Type Spirit Bone, I was able to absorb it cleanly.

I stare at Little Jing for a little bit, since I finished so early, I still have plenty of time to go back to the academy. I take Little Jing"s delicate body into my embrace and fall asleep after giving her a small kiss on the head.

It is noon by the time that we wake up, and I pack everything back into my Immortal Realm. I hold Little Jing"s dainty hand and we leave the cave. Since we know where the academy is, it will only take a couple hours even if we take our time.

Little Jing and I hold hands as we walk through the forest and in 6 hours we reach the outer edge of the forest. There shouldn"t be any strong beasts this far out of the forest, so I summon my Nimbus and carry Little Jing as we fly back to the academy.

We arrive at the Academy shortly after and head to the cafeteria where everyone should be right now. We enter and see everyone eating while chatting and fighting like usual.

The others also see us and jump up before crowding around us. I give the girls a kiss before they steal Little Jing and take her to Xiao Wu and Qing"er so the five of them can dote on her. They boys look a little reluctant to see Little Jing leave but they turn their attention back to me.

Mu Bai steps forward first and asks, "How was it? Did Little Jing get a good Spirit Ring?"

Although he tries not to show it, he is very caring for Little Jing and doesn"t get mad at her even if she bullies him.

I nod my head as I say, "Of course, I wouldn"t let her get something bad. I was even lucky enough to find a Spirit Bone for myself." My tail swings behind my back a little before coiling around my waist like a belt.

They noticed my monkey tail and look at it in shock, "Since I don"t want to cause needless troubles, let"s just say that it is a mutation like Little Jing." They nod their head at my words before asking how I got it.

I tell them the story about the Vampiric Bat and the Iron Tailed Monkey family but skipped the details on finding a second External Spirit Bone.

At this time Little Jing comes back, "Daddy! Do I look cute~?"

I turn my head to see Little Jing with all the girls standing behind her. Little Jing changed her hairstyle from her flowing hair to a pair of pigtails, it emphasised her cuteness by a hundred, no! A thousand times!

I pick Little Jing up and give her a kiss on the cheeks, "Of course, you are so cute! If you become any cuter, Daddy will have to kidnap you!"

Little Jing giggles at my silly remark, "What do you mean kidnap me! I am already your daughter, how can you kidnap me!"

Little Yue speaks up at this time, "Big Brother used to force me to wear pigtails when I was little, so I thought that he would like it on Little Jing, it seems that I was right." She has a small smile of smugness as she pushes out her chest, almost causing them to burst out of her dress.

The guys stare for a bit before remembering that she is mine, as they look away. I go to Little Yue and hug her as I give her a loving kiss, "Of course, you know me so well..."

I let Little Yue hold Little Jing as I give hugs and kisses to Feng Feng and Rong Rong, "Did anything happen while I was away?"

"No, we are all getting used to our training, though Princ.i.p.al Flander said that Fatty will have to sell his body if he burns down the kitchen again!" Rong Rong gives me a brief overview of what happened over the two days as we sit down and eat dinner.

After dinner I take the girls back to our cottage and have a nice long bath with them. We played around together while Little Jing told them about our adventure.

Afterwards we headed off to bed while I had s.e.x with the three of them to make up for lost time.


Half a month pa.s.sed, and it is the end of the special training. By now, everyone except Qing"er has already turned 13.

It seems that time in the cave awakened Little Jing"s love for licking, sometimes I wake up to her licking my neck and sucking on it, to which she says that it"s a show of affection among foxes.

I can never stop her because I am usually in the Immortal Realm, so I don"t know what is happening to my body outside, unless I specifically look, and it"s not like I dislike it anyway.

Today, the banquet for the teachers has finally been completed. As a final touch, everyone helped to make a giant pie before serving it to the teachers.

Naturally, the teachers loved the food, with how conservative Flander usually is, they never get to eat like kings and instead eat cheap things made by the housewives in the village, or they cook for themselves.

Yu Xiao Gang was satisfied with the results of the training and pa.s.sed all of us, even though Xiao Wu, Little Jing and I didn"t do anything since we already have great Spirit Power Control.

He told us that we have free time for the rest of today and that the next stage of training will start tomorrow morning.

Xiao Wu dragged Tang San to go on a date, while Mu Bai was able to get Qing"er to go "food shopping" with him. Oscar and Fatty went out to look for cute girls because they were lonely, so it was just my girls and I at the academy.

We are at the training area as I look to Rong Rong, "Well, it"s the moment of truth, did you create your own Spirit Skill?"

Rong Rong has an arrogant look on her face as she grins, "Of course! How could I, the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, fail at creating a Spirit Skill!"

She releases her Spirit as she gathers her Spirit Power together. Her Spirit Power condenses and becomes a small shield in front of her. She looks to Feng Feng and asks, "Sister Feng Feng, please attack me!"

Feng Feng looks at me for my approval. After I nod my head, Feng Feng prepares herself and attacks Rong Rong with her Talon Strike. The talon strike and shield collide as Feng Feng is bounced back, the shield has a small crack in it.

"This shield allows me to block 3 strikes from someone a rank above me, or one strike from someone 2 ranks above me, before it breaks." Rong Rong explains her ability.

"This will help your survivability, good job. I will keep my promise tonight then." I nod my head, this Spirit Skill will be very useful for her in case she is in a situation where she is against someone without a partner.

If she can combine this with some of Tang San"s hidden weapons, she should be able to protect herself until someone helps her.

Rong Rong"s eyes light up when I said that I would keep my promise, she comes and hugs my arm and presses her chest against it, they are still pretty small, but she is developing quite fast now that I take care of her every night.

I play around with the girls for a while until night comes and it"s time to complete my promise with Rong Rong.

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