The Emperor Battle Team were positioned so that the auxiliary system Spirit Master, Xie Ling Ling, was hidden behind everyone while Yu Tian Heng was at the front.

Shrek"s formation had Mu Bai leading the front line with Xiao Wu just beside him. Feng Feng was in front of Tang San while Little Yue, Rong Rong and Oscar were at the back. They positioned themselves so that Tang San is the pivotal role and the commander on the battlefield.

I could see a small line of River Gra.s.s that Tang San attached to each of his team members. When the announcer declared the battle, Mu Bai and Yu Tian Heng charged at each other as they struck their fists out.

Rong Rong gave Mu Bai a power amplification while Oscar gave Feng Feng a flight mushroom. Using her flight speed and superior fire power, she held off the two light attack system Spirit Masters, Yu Feng and Osler.

Little Yue used her First Spirit Ability and froze the ground in front of the Dark Turtle Spirit Masters, before using her Yin Ice Chains to hold them down.

Rong Rong gave a speed amplification to Xiao Wu, and she used her agile body to make her way towards Xie Ling Ling.

Mu Bai was slightly weaker in his clash against Yu Tian Heng and was forced half a step back. Yu Tian Heng mercilessly showered attacks on Mu Bai but not a single one was able to deal significant damage.

Mu Bai was being helped by the River Gra.s.s connected to his waist. Tang San was using it to whip Mu Bai around, allowing him to dodge most of Yu Tian Heng"s attacks.

Yu Tian Heng could clearly see that Tang San is helping Mu Bai to dodge all of his attacks. Enraged, he used an attack to push Mu Bai away before he rushed at Tang San.

Little did he know, this was a trap that Tang San prepared specifically for him, Tang San pulled on all the strings of River Gra.s.s he had attached to everyone quickly pulling them away from their battles.

They quickly surround Yu Tian Heng while the Emperor Team is still in shock and begin to use a combo attack on him. Dugu Yan, the Jade Phosphor Serpent and vice-captain of Emperor Team was the first to recover and quickly shouted, "Quick! Go help Tian Heng!"

Little Yue chained Yu Tian Heng down using her Yin Ice Chains while Tang San used his abundant River Gra.s.s as a wave to hold back the rest of the Emperor Team. Mu Bai used his White Tiger Blazing Light and shot it at Yu Tian Heng.

Yu Tian Heng used a Spirit Skill that calls a barrier of blue lightning and broke free from the Yin Ice Chains while dodging Mu Bai"s attack.

Mu Bai didn"t give up as he used his White Tiger Vajra Transformation and attacked using his Self-Made Spirit Skill, his attack broke the Lightning Barrier as Yu Tian Heng got stunned by the rebound effect.

Feng Feng attacked using her Yang Fire Talon Strike and knocked the hurt Yu Tian Heng towards Xiao Wu, who caught him between her calves.

Xiao Wu twisted Yu Tian Heng around in the air as she used her Waist Bow. She threw Yu Tian Heng out of the arena, but just as he was about to hit the ground, the flying Yu Feng caught him and set him down in front of Xie Ling Ling.

The battle started off with such intensity that the audience wondered if this was really a Spirit Elder level battle.

Dugu Yan was outraged at the sneaky combination attack against Yu Tian Heng and screamed out, "You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! I will kill all of you!" She leaked killing intent as her eyes turned into slits.

She puffed out a large poison fog at everyone as Tang San called them to retreat. The fog had a slight fishy smell to it and it made them feel nauseous and dizzy.

Oscar immediately distributed Detox Garlics to everyone as they got rid of the poison in their systems. Since they were just touched by the poison, they weren"t poisoned by the Jade Phosphor Poison.

Tang San used his Mysterious Heaven Techniques to bring all the poison into one area, before taking a water sack out of his storage belt.

He threw it into the poison fog as he yelled, "Mu Bai, Sister Feng, Blow it up!" Mu Bai and Feng Feng used their long-ranged Spirit Abilities to blow up the water sacks. When the water sacks exploded, the water showered all over the poison fog, neutralising the poison.

Dugu Yan stared dumbfoundedly as she couldn"t believe someone was able to counter her poison, "No! Impossible! How could you break my Jade Phosphor Poison!?" Even the rest of the Emperor Battle Team were wide eyed when Tang San broke the poison.

However, this didn"t last long as the Emperor Team attacked again to gain more time for Yu Tian Heng to heal.

Dugu Yan used her other two Spirit Abilities on the members of Emperor Battle Team. One was a numbing poison that increased the defence by 30 percent in return for numbing the senses, and the other stimulates the nervous system, increasing power and speed by 20 percent.

Everyone began battling again as Tang San swung the River Gra.s.s connected to Xiao Wu to try and send her towards Xie Ling Ling, but she was intercepted by one of the Dark Turtle Spirit Masters.

The Dark Turtle Spirit Master used a Telekinetic Spirit Ability to send the shield flying at Xiao Wu, blocking her way and attacking her.

Tang San used his Controlling Crane Catching Dragon Technique to hold the Turtle Shield in place while Xiao Wu landed on it.

Just as she was about to jump forward, the Dark Turtle Spirit Master used another Spirit Ability, breaking the shield into sharp pieces before using the telekinesis ability to shoot them at Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San shouted as the shards of Turtle Sh.e.l.l cut into Xiao Wu"s body. Xiao Wu quickly used her Teleportation to get out of the Turtle Sh.e.l.l"s barrage as Tang San caught her using his River Gra.s.s.

Seeing Xiao Wu this badly hurt, the members of Shrek"s Demonic Generation go crazy as Rong Rong gives them speed and power amplifications. They used their strongest abilities, forcing the Emperor Battle Team to retreat.

Dugu Yan quickly tells them to regroup and defend. With the two Dark Turtle Spirit Masters defending, Yu Tian Heng will be recovered before they can pierce through.

Little Yue looks at Feng Feng as they share a glance before nodding. Feng Feng yells at Tang San, "Brother San, get ready to attack, this will be our only chance, go all out!"

Tang San gives Xiao Wu to Rong Rong as he nods to Feng Feng. Tang San and Mu Bai stand at the front while Little Yue and Feng Feng are standing beside each other in the middle.

The two girls take hold of each others hand as they close their eyes, their Spirit Power mixes together, causing a slight gust to appear around them. The gust of wind grows stronger rapidly as their Spirit Power fuses together, turning into a full blown tornado as it picks up the dust in the arena, shrouding the entire stage.

The audience couldn"t help but shield their eyes from the dust, as it rampages around the arena. Suddenly, from within the tornado, a sonorous cry is heard, and the gust of wind immediately disappears, as if it never appeared in the first place.

Feeling the tornado stop, the audience open their eyes again and stare at the arena. The dust settles as they see a giant blue fire bird floating above Little Yue and Feng Feng"s head.

The bird seemed to be made completely of blue flames as they danced around on its body, even the head seemed to be made from fire. It had nine long feathered tails that touched the stage under it.

Where ever the tails touched, the arena was turned to ice and seemed to burn at the same time. Scorch marks appeared under the ice as the Phoenix cried out again.

Little Yue and Feng Feng opened their eyes as they simultaneously spoke, "True Phoenix"s Sorrowful Cry!". The two of them activated their third Spirit Ability as their Spirit Rings overlapped each other.

The Phoenix above their head lets out an ear-piercing cry, breaking all the Spirit Skills the Emperor Battle Team had prepared and disorienting them, causing them to be unable to keep their balance.

Yu Tian Heng on the ground spits out a bit of blood, as Xie Ling Ling"s healing ability was broken, causing a small backlash.

Tang San took this opportunity to unleash his Eight Spider Lances, and while being buffed by Rong Rong"s Speed Amplification, charged at the Emperor Battle Team with astonishing pace.

He quickly arrived in front of them as he used his River Gra.s.s to throw the disoriented opponents out of the arena, before arriving directly in front of Xie Ling Ling.

He releases his killing intent while placing his Spider Lances around Xie Ling Ling"s neck, "Heal Xiao Wu, or die!" His eyes seemed to change to a shade of red, but this could have been Xie Ling Ling"s imagination from the fear she felt.

Xie Ling Ling is brought out of her confusion when faced with Tang San"s killing intent and with a pale face, quickly surrenders and agrees to heal Xiao Wu.

The Phoenix above Little Yue and Feng Feng"s head disappeared after using their Spirit Ability Fusion, and they fell to their knees, exhausted.

The announcer, while still shocked out of her mind, declared, "Th-The winners of this team battle goes to Shrek"s Demonic Generation!"

While still fearful of her life, she uses her Nine Heart Flowering Apple"s Spirit Ability to heal Xiao Wu"s injuries.

Tang San has already returned back to his average gentle self while he looks at Xiao Wu while carefully holding her.

She was already sufficiently healed by Xie Ling Ling"s ability, but she pretends to be injured anyway and leans on Tang San for comfort.

They leave the arena and go back to the waiting room, Rong Rong helps Little Yue and Feng Feng walk while Oscar gives them some recovery tofu to regain their strength.

Little Jing and Fatty have been cheering the others on the whole time and were very shocked when they saw the Spirit Fusion between Little Yue and Feng Feng. Qing"er was also very shocked to see their Spirit Fusion, and went into a contemplative look.

Once we saw them leaving, we also left and followed them to the waiting area with the three teachers.

Inside, the others were already cheering for themselves as Fatty quickly ran in and joined in the fun. Qing"er went to check on Mu Bai while I went to my girls.

I gave each of them a kiss on the forehead as I said, "That Spirit Fusion was really amazing! It is perfect to stop all of your opponents and disorient them."

Feng Feng laughed a little as she said, "That was only by using my Phoenix Cry as the core Spirit Ability. If we use Little Yue"s Phoenix Tears as the core Spirit Ability, then we can heal the entire team back to full."

I stroke her hair lightly as Little Jing is excitedly jumping about around my legs praising the girls.

Yu Xiao Gang started speaking, "Very good, in this Team Spirit Fight today, you have all pa.s.sed my test with exceptional grades." It was easy to tell that Yu Xiao Gang was satisfied with their performances today, completing the next phase of training.

It was also decided that we would have half a month of vacation before we start the next phase of training. The others were shocked that there were more phases but when faced with Yu Xiao Gang"s stern look, they could only give in.

Suddenly, a person strolled into the room. The others recognised him as the man that was standing at the side of the Emperor Battle Team.

As he reached them, he looked to Zhao Wuji and Flander, before kneeling in front of them, "Dean Flander, Vice Dean Zhao Wuji, disciple Qin Ming pays his respects."

Flander laughed as he helped Qin Ming up while Zhao Wuji smacked him on the shoulder, "I thought you forgot about us, you stinking brat!"

The others were shocked to see the opponent"s teacher kneeling to their teachers, and even more shocked to find out that he was their senior.

Flander introduced us to Qin Ming, "You guys are probably very baffled why Qin Ming would come here. He was once like you, a student of Shrek Academy. Furthermore, he was once our most outstanding student. He held the record for the youngest to reach the thirtieth rank, before it was broken by all of you."

Qin Ming smiles to all of us, "h.e.l.lo, my juniors. Teacher Flander, it seems our Shrek Academy has grown more than before."

Flander and Zhao Wuji smiled bitterly, "What grown, these children are the final generation of Shrek."

Qin Ming was shocked, "Could it be, the Academy"s financial problems are still the same?" He quickly realised he misspoke and looked embarra.s.sed.

Flander sighed, "It"s fine, it isn"t a secret. We are also tired, we have grown old and no longer have the impulses of youth. Come, it"s time to go."

Mu Bai and the others leave to go get their points tallied and gold earnings, Qin Ming sees me carrying Little Jing and didn"t have any recollection of me appearing in team battles.

He asks Flander, "Teacher Flander, I don"t believe I have seen those two before, are they also students at Shrek Academy?"

Flander looks to me before looking back to Qin Ming with a prideful look, "They are also students at Shrek Academy, the young man is the true monster and strongest of Shrek Academy"s students, the girl in his arms is his adopted daughter, though they are the same age."

Zhao Wuji on the side adds, "Apparently he snuck into an orphanage, and took her away. She just randomly appeared, but since he paid for her registration, we allowed her to join."

With my hearing, I could easily hear Zhao Wuji"s slander as I look at him, "Teacher Zhao, looks like we need to spare again, I have felt my hands getting a bit rusty…"

Zhao Wuji shivers and laughs awkwardly, "Hahaha… there is no need for that, Student Wulin… The Great Spirit Arena is right here, you can fight to your hearts content, don"t mind an old man like me!"

Qin Ming is shocked by the usually tyrannical Zhao Wuji"s behaviour, "Teacher Zhao, what"s wrong with you?"

Zhao Wuji just shook his head as he whispered, "You really can"t offend that guy, only Flander and I can beat him, but he is like an immortal demon, just fighting without tiring, I have old bones, I can"t fight him forever!"

"Is his background that strong, or does he have the strength? Why would he be a student of Shrek Academy?"

"His women are students here, so he also joined as a student here. He has fought in the Spirit Arena a couple times, his name is Staff G.o.d."

Hearing Zhao Wuji call me Staff G.o.d, Qin Ming was shocked beyond belief, I am able to beat people at the same Spirit Realm without even releasing my Spirit, naturally if I released it, I could fight much higher realmed opponents.

Flander, Zhao Wuji and Qin Ming leave together to go back to the inn while Yu Xiao Gang says there is something he needs to do and also leaves. I wait with Little Jing for the others to finish getting their Silver Spirit Fighter Badges.

Soon, they come back, and we get ready to leave. I use Illusion Ice Transformation to change the appearances and body shapes of everyone, causing us to look inconspicuous as we leave. I also left an Illusion of Shrek"s Demonic Generation members sitting at the waiting area, so they won"t know when we left.

Since Little Yue and Feng Feng showed their Spirit Fusion Ability, many n.o.bles and people will try everything they can to either get their hands on the girls, or kill them before they can grow, so I have to make sure that n.o.body is able to follow us.

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