Once Xiao Wu was able to stop crying, Yu Xiao Gang had all of us sit down as he said, "There is only a year left until the Continental Tournament. The thing all of you lack in most is Spirit Power, Erlong will show each of you to a suitable mimicry cultivation area, during this year, you should focus on increasing your Spirit Power.

Simultaneously, we nod our heads, "We will listen to teacher"s instructions!"

Although I say that, I won"t be cultivating during the day since the Immortal Realm is much better for cultivation.

Liu Erlong leads the way, showing each of us to a different mimicry cultivation area. All of us got advanced mimicry cultivation areas that are occupied by only one student, it is up to us to beat them and take the cultivation area.

The common ranked mimicry cultivation areas are shared between lots of students, making it harder to concentrate and cultivate.

All of us told Liu Erlong our cultivation bases, causing her to look at us strangely, she couldn"t believe there were so many people who could reach Spirit Elder at thirteen years of age.

It was meant to be an impossible milestone but there are so many people in our group that can achieve it. We still have three that are Spirit Grandmaster, but they are certain to reach Spirit Elder before they turn fourteen.

Upon telling Liu Erlong that I was a rank 44 Spirit Ancestor, she was bewildered. It is to be expected, after all, reaching Spirit Ancestor at my age was unheard of.

Unknown to me, however, was that Liu Erlong thought I was a similar age to Mu Bai because of our appearances, and the fact that I have a couple wives.

She knows from Yu Xiao Gang that Tang San is just thirteen years old and already a rank 34 Spirit Elder, so he will likely surpa.s.s me in the future.

If she knew that I was also just thirteen years old, she would probably have a heart attack. A thirteen-year-old Spirit Ancestor, n.o.body even dared to dream about it.

Liu Erlong showed me to the highest ranked forest mimicry environment, it has many trees and plants, making it suitable the most suitable for Little Jing and I.

Little Jing didn"t want to cultivate on her own, and since my mimicry cultivation area has similar effectiveness to her one, so she decided she will cultivate with me. I don"t mind since I won"t actually be cultivating there but training my body instead.

Apparently, it is currently occupied by one of the strongest students here, Orangutan Beast Spirit Master, Tai Long. He is also a Spirit Ancestor, but he will be no match for me.

One of the most important rules in the Blue Tyrant Academy, or soon to be Shrek Academy, as well as the entire Spirit Master world, is that Might always speaks the loudest. If you want the best cultivation areas, you must fight for your place.

After showing everyone to their respective mimicry cultivation areas, the a.s.sembly bell rang. It was time for Liu Erlong to pa.s.s Shrek Academy to Flander and begin her advances on Yu Xiao Gang.

We followed Liu Erlong to the a.s.sembly area where all students and staff of the Blue Tyrant Academy had gathered. Everyone from Shrek Academy were standing to the side of the stage, kind of like a backstage area.

Liu Erlong strutted onto the stage, her walk was filled with grace as her perfect hips swayed from side to side. Because she prefers to stay in her cottage behind the main campus, she is not very known among the students.

While the students are whispering among each other, Liu Erlong uses her Spirit Power to amplify her voice, "My name is Liu Erlong, the dean and founder of Blue Tyrant Academy." This incited a wave of shock among the students, they didn"t know their dean was so young and beautiful, looking like a perfect example of femme fatale.

"I have decided to hand the dealings of this Academy to someone more capable than myself. From now on, our Academy will no longer be known as Blue Tyrant Academy, but instead as Shrek Academy!" Liu Erlong announced.

This announcement came as a shock to not only the students, but most of the staff as well. The students were just able to meet their beautiful dean and the first thing she does is step down from her position.

Liu Erlong ignored their chatter as she motioned for Flander to come on stage as she introduced him, "This is the new dean of Shrek Academy, as well as my old-time friend from when I travelled the Spirit Master world. His Academy is known for cultivating monstrous geniuses."

Flander, in his usual arrogant walk, strolls on stage with his hands behind his back, like he is walking through his own backyard.

This completely p.i.s.sed off the Blue Tyrant Staffs as one of them yelled, "We can"t accept this, you are our dean! Not this sinister looking miser!"

All of us from Shrek Academy were snickering on the side as Zhao Wuji said, "Blue Tyrant Academy Teachers are really capable, to be able to correctly guess so much in just a glance."

Liu Erlong looked at the Blue Tyrant Teacher, "I am the founder of Blue Tyrant Academy, my decisions are final! If you think my decisions are wrong, then you can fight Flander. If you win, then you can become the next dean."

Flander stepped forward as he arrogantly smiled, "h.e.l.lo everyone, my name is Flander, I am the new dean of this Shrek Academy." Then he turned his gaze to the Blue Tyrant Staff that yelled out earlier.

"If any of you have any problems with the way I handle things, you are free to come to me. I am very easy to talk to…" As he said this, he released his Spirit, the atmosphere grew incredibly heavy as the Blue Tyrant Staff went pale faced.

Flander was a Spirit Sage, and a high level one at that, even I don"t stand a chance against him, he is just too fast, unlike the stupid bear Zhao Wuji. Flanders seven Spirit Rings floated in the air as they pressured all the students and staff.

Seeing that n.o.body dared to talk out again, Flander retracted his Spirit as he lightly smiled in satisfaction.

"There are still a couple more teachers from the Old Shrek Academy that have come with me. Brothers, come up and introduce yourselves." Flander said.

The seven teachers of Shrek Academy went on stage together as they introduced themselves, everyone except Yu Xiao Gang showed off their Spirit Rank, causing the students and staff to gasp in fright.

With the sinister looks of Flander and the gangster look of Zhao Wuji, the two strongest teachers, the people from Blue Tyrant Academy wondered if Flander has taken Liu Erlong hostage and is taking the Academy by force.

Qin Ming was sent up to introduce himself as a graduate of Shrek Academy and also stated his age, causing the entire Academy to go wild. A thirty-four-year-old Spirit Emperor, they have never heard of such a thing!

Even Tai Long, the strongest student right now is only an early Spirit Ancestor, and he is already well into his twenties.

After introducing the teachers, Flander had a devious grin on his face, "We have introduced all the teachers of Shrek Academy, but we have yet to introduce the little monsters of Shrek. Come on up, all of you, introduce yourselves from weakest to strongest."

We smile as we all walk up the stage together, we begin introducing ourselves, starting with Rong Rong.

"I am Ning Rong Rong, Spirit: Seven Treasured Glazed Tile PaG.o.da, Auxiliary System, Twenty Eighth Ranked Spirit Grandmaster, Thirteen-years-old."

"Zhu Zhuqing, Spirit: h.e.l.l Civet, Light Attack System, Twenty Eighth Ranked Spirit Grandmaster, Thirteen-years-old."

"This great brother is Ma Hongjun! Spirit: Evil Fire Phoenix, Power Attack System, Twenty Eighth Ranked Spirit Grandmaster, Thirteen-years-old. Looking for a girlfriend!"

"This handsome brother is named Oscar! Spirit: Food, Food System, Thirty First Ranked Spirit Elder, Fifteen-years-old. I am also looking for a girlfriend!"

"h.e.l.lo, I am Huli Jing, Spirit: Moonlit Fox, Control System, Thirty First Ranked Spirit Elder, Thirteen-years-old."

"Chen Yue, Spirit: Yin Ice Phoenix, Control System, Thirty Second Ranked Spirit Elder, Thirteen-years-old."

"I am Yan Xifeng, Spirit: Yang Fire Phoenix, Power Attack System, Thirty Second Ranked Spirit Elder, Thirteen-years-old."

"I am Xiao Wu, Spirit: Soft Boned Rabbit, Power Attack System, Thirty Second Ranked Spirit Elder, Thirteen-years-old."

"We have another brother called Tang San, Spirit: Blue Silver Gra.s.s, Control System, Thirty Fourth Ranked Spirit Elder, Thirteen-years-old. He already has a girlfriend!

I am Dai Mu Bai, Spirit: White Tiger, Power Attack System, Thirty Eighth Ranked Spirit Elder, Sixteen-years-old. I also have a girlfriend!"

"I am Chen Wulin, Spirit: Yin Yang Monkey Emperor, Control System, Forty Fourth Ranked Spirit Ancestor, Thirteen-years-old. I already have a couple wives!"

We each introduce ourselves, with the guys doing our stupid antics and announcing our relationship statuses, causing the girls to blush a bit as they glared at us reproachfully.

All the students and staff gathered have lifeless eyes, they have never seen such a monstrous person before, and now there are 10 of them, each more monstrous than the last!

Soon, some of them recover as they begin yelling among each other, awakening the rest of the Academy. "Heavens! They are so young, yet so strong!"

"How is it possible! There"s no way!"

"They truly are monsters!"

"What about the girls! Are they single?!"

Mu Bai and I heard that last one, in our most domineering voices, we answered, "All girls are taken!"

Since we finished introducing everyone, Flander brought the a.s.sembly to a close, "Alright, we have introduced everyone, please take good care of us. Dismissed!"

With that, Flander swaggered away with his hands behind his back, the rest of us also followed behind him.

Flander turned back to us as he looked at us with confusion, "What are you guys doing?"

We were also confused when he said that, "We are following you?"

"Following me? Why are you following me? Go to cla.s.s! Do you want to skip out on your very first cla.s.s?" Flander said loudly.

All of the Shrek Academy teachers are here, what is the point of us going to cla.s.s, there will be no teachers there!

Of course, we don"t dare to say anything and quickly scatter, running to our cla.s.s room. We quickly enter the cla.s.s room where a bunch of students are already seated.

They turn their heads and stare at us, whispering to their neighbours. We ignore them as we take our seats. I sit together with all my girls and Rong Rong drags Xiao Wu to sit with us.

Xiao Wu is still sad and worried for Tang San, becoming a little unresponsive and constantly zoned out. Rong Rong tries to make conversation with her to distract her from her sadness.

I pull out a carrot from my Immortal Realm, it is my ultimate bribing tool that I have prepared for Xiao Wu. After growing in the Immortal Realm, it is very big and juicy, at least three times more delicious than any carrot grown by farmers.

Xiao Wu who was talking with Rong Rong instantly froze, her nose wiggled slightly as she sniffed the air. She looks in my direction and sees the carrot, her mouth starts watering as her eyes glow with greed.

"Do you want it?" I ask lightly. Xiao Wu unconsciously nods her head, "… I want…"

"Then, no more being sad, okay?" I toss the carrot to her and she s.n.a.t.c.hes it out of the air before nibbling on it with an expression of ecstasy.

She unconsciously released her Spirit while she was eating, her ears twitching and flopping around as she happily ate the carrot.

I really wanted to touch them to see if they were softer than Little Jing"s, but I was able to hold myself back since she will probably kick me in the face.

Mu Bai and Qing"er are also sitting together, they have gone on a couple dates and even held hands, so they are making good progress in their relationship. After reuniting with Qing"er, Mu Bai has stopped doing anything playboy-like, showing that he is devoted completely to Qing"er.

I don"t know if they have kissed yet, I should let my little deviant Rong Rong to pry the details out of Qing"er, I can even give her a fish from the Immortal Realm to try and bribe her.

Oscar and Fatty sit away from us in separate desks, hoping that a girl sits next to them, so they can finally get a girlfriend. However, luck never shines on them, and a couple guys sit with them as they begin asking lots of questions.

After a couple minutes of waiting, Yu Xiao Gang comes in and begins the lecture. He mainly focuses on theoretical knowledge as he talks.

His theories and knowledge about the Spirit Master profession caused all the students to greatly admire Yu Xiao Gang, this was the first time they have ever had such a smart and comprehensive teacher before.

After a couple hours, the lecture finally finished as Oscar and Fatty sprinted out of the cla.s.sroom with the excuse of, "I need to cultivate quickly!"

The boys that were sitting next to them had admiration in their eyes, "No wonder they are monstrous geniuses, the second the lecture finishes, they leave to cultivate."

Of course, The two of them only ran away because those boys were constantly asking them questions, causing them endless grief. All they wanted was a couple girls to sit next to them, but these boys sat down before any girls could.

The rest of us also get up and leave to our respective mimicry cultivation areas. I hold Little Jing"s tiny hand as we walk through the campus, she is always happy when it is just the two of us, she can act as spoiled as she wants.

We reach the cultivation area and enter but suddenly, a shadow flies out from inside and blocks the way. It was a large and st.u.r.dy man, he had a monkey-like face with big ears.

He gave me a look of hostility as he said, "This is my, Tai Long"s cultivation area! If you do not leave, I will have to force you."

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