"Young Master, congratulations on getting your Bidding Qualifications Certificate! Little Hua will show you to your VIP room, please follow me!" She enthusiastically said as she reached for my arm.

However, Rong Rong quickly s.n.a.t.c.hed my arm from her and glared at her. Little Hua was a little frustrated but didn"t show it as she ignored the mishap just now and led the way.

Little Hua introduced all the parts of Heaven Dou Auction House as she tried to get intimate with me but was blocked by Rong Rong at every chance.

I don"t bother myself with their little war, as I said before, I only looked at Little Hua because of her pretty face and hot body, I don"t want to make her my woman.

Little Hua brings us to the VIP room, inside is a luxurious s.p.a.ce with a couple seats set around a table filled with food and fruit.

The room is decorated in a way to exude the majestic feel of being a person of Red Grade Bidding Qualifications, the walls are painted in fancy colours with silk draping everywhere, there is even a small chandelier above the table.

There is a balcony that allows us to see the stage from afar, we can also see all the other bidding regions. None of them are as luxurious as the Red zone VIP rooms.

Little Hua explains how to bid on items before standing by my side quietly, Rong Rong glares at her as she asks, "What are you still doing here?"

Little Hua didn"t mind her anger as she smiled, "Young Master is a Red level bidder, so he can have a personal a.s.sistant at all times while in the Auction House. Young Master, are you hungry, would you like me to feed you some grapes?"

Rong Rong gives me a silent death glare, "If you dare accept her offer, I will tell my sisters and we will not have s.e.x with you anymore!"

I pale a bit as I understand her look, "It"s alright, Little Hua. We won"t be needing any more a.s.sistance, you can go now." I dismiss Little Hua while I try to give Rong Rong a look that says, "Look at me, I am a good husband!"

Little Hua is frustrated that Rong Rong blocked her chances of getting a rich man, but professionally nodded her head with a smile.

"Yes, Young Master. As your personal a.s.sistant, I will be waiting just outside the door, if you need anything, please call for me and I will come quickly." She bowed as she backed out of the room.

"See Rong Rong, your husband is a good man, I will not be tempted by other women!" I say as I try to please her.

But she just gives a huff as she looks at me disdainfully, "Humph! You will not be tempted? Then how did you get me, how did you get Little Jing?"

I was shocked speechless as I could only awkwardly rub my head while laughing, "You are too beautiful, do you think that Little Hua could compare to you. I naturally couldn"t hold myself back when I saw you, but even if there are a thousand Little Hua"s, I will not be tempted."

Rong Rong tried to keep up her act, but was quickly melted by my sweet words, "Hehehe~ Okay, I will forgive you this once, my beauty is too great, of course you couldn"t hold back. I don"t blame you!" She laughs as she boasts about her beauty.

Relieved that I dodged that bullet, I turn my attention to the auction as I tell Rong Rong, "If you see anything you like, just tell me and I will buy it for you."

On the stage, the middle-aged auctioneer was dressed in a tidy tuxedo as he used his Spirit Power to amplify his voice.

He also used his Spirit Power to create a small reflective light to make some items look purer, but I could easily see through it using my Golden Fiery Eyes.

Unlike the auctions I saw in my previous life, this auction was very evenly paced. The auctioneer didn"t need to speak like a machine gun, and there are not people waving their hands crazily, all we need to do is press a b.u.t.ton on our chairs.

I sat in a chair on the balcony with Rong Rong sitting in my lap as we listened to the Auctioneer introduce new items.

There is rarely a fight that breaks out, unless they are sitting in the same zone, most people have to give in to the zone higher ranked than theirs.

Only a couple times did I hear people throwing around their t.i.tles and ident.i.ties. I bought a couple famous dresses and stones for Rong Rong while I also bought some metals and ores so that I can forge some stronger equipment.

There were even a couple slaves being sold off, they were mainly young girls or male Spirit Masters. From the words of the auctioneer, these girls have been sold by their families to pay off debts.

Rong Rong wasn"t even fazed as she watched the girls get auctioned off like property. She has come here since young and is brought up with a different set of values from commoners, well even commoners aren"t that opposed to slave trading.

I used my Observation ability on all of them, but they were not talented at all, none of them even had level 10 Spirit Power. The men were all older than me but still Spirit Masters or Spirit Grandmasters.

In the end, the girls were bought by a couple l.u.s.tful pigs and the men were bought by a couple Clans that will take them as butlers.

We continued to listen to the auctioneer while we flirted with each other to pa.s.s time. Soon, two hours have pa.s.sed, and I have spent almost 50,000 Gold Spirit Coins.

A perk of being in the Red Zone is that very rarely are people willing to bid on something you bid on. n.o.body is willing to offend someone who has the qualifications to enter the Red Zone.

"Honoured Guests, this next item is sure to be worth your bids!" The lights dim slightly as the auctioneer talks in a mysterious voice, trying to gain the attention of everyone.

Since this is a first for the Auctioneer to do something like this, I was interested as I sat up properly and stared at the stage intently.

"This item is another slave, however, this slave is nothing like the ones that were previously auctioned." As the Auctioneer talks, two beautiful and young girls push a large cage onto the stage.

The cage was covered by a dense white cloth, blocking everyone from seeing inside. There is no noise coming from the cage, just complete silence.

"This slave is of an exotic variety! You may never be able to find another such like this again!" The Auctioneer was upselling the slave even without showing it, "This slave is incredibly beautiful and comes from a reclusive clan called the Blood Clan. I introduce to everyone this top-quality slave, Xue Mei!"

The Auctioneer waves his hand to the two girls standing beside the cage. In unison, the two a.s.sistants pulled the cloth in a practiced manner, the cloth falls down slowly, showing a young collared girl inside.

With my eyesight, I can easily see all of her features. She curled up in a corner of the cage, showing blank eyes that seem slightly lifeless. She is only wearing a couple rags, covering her most important places.

She has lightly tanned skin, but she has an unhealthy and pale colour on her face. She appears to be around 17 years old, however it is hard to tell with her sunken cheeks and skinny body.

Her hair and eyes are the same deep red colour, giving her an unusual charm. Unlike Feng Feng"s fiery red hair, this girl"s is much deeper, like blood. I guess this must be a genetic of the Blood Clan.

I can imagine that she is a very beautiful girl, but her body looks like skin and bones, like she hasn"t eaten in three weeks.

"All of you might be wondering why I have introduced this girl as special even though she looks like this, there is a very good reason for this, but first allow me to give a small introduction of the Blood Clan." The auctioneer said.

"The people of the Blood Clan all awaken Spirits that have relations with blood. In Xue Mei"s case, she awakened a Blood Rose tool Spirit. This Spirit drains blood as well as Spirit Power from her body in order to use Spirit Abilities, thus the reason for her appearance."

"However, this is not what is special about her. Xue Mei is an extremely talented Auxiliary System Spirit Master! Reaching the thirty seventh level at just 17 years of age!" The Auctioneer"s voice rises the further he speaks.

The Auction House instantly erupted in chatter, reaching the thirty seventh level at 17 years old, this girl is incredibly talented. I am also interested as I use my Observation Ability on her.


Name: Xue Mei

Spirit Rank: 37 (Spirit Elder)

Spirit: Blood Rose


Indeed, she is a rank 37 Spirit Master. If she is truly 17 years old, she has plenty of potential to become a t.i.tled Douluo in the future.

Although her blood loss is a problem, with the many plants growing in the Immortal Realm, I should be able to help her recover quite easily.

Right now, in my team I only have Rong Rong as a supporting Spirit Master, however I prefer to have two Spirit Masters. If I buy Xue Mei, she may be able to prove herself useful to us, and she will be completely loyal with the slave collar on her.

Convincing myself quickly, I look at Rong Rong as I say, "I"m going to buy her."

Rong Rong looked a little confused, "Why do you want to buy her? Even if she is talented, that problem of draining blood is too cost consuming, even for me." Suddenly, she glares at me, "She is quite pretty though, could it be that you want another girl? Didn"t you just say that you wouldn"t be tempted by other girls?"

I shake my head helplessly, "How can I be interested in that bag of bones, I rather having some meat on my girls…" I stick a hand into her dress and ma.s.sage her b.u.t.t, causing her to blush and punch me lightly on the chest.

"Not only is she a beautiful talent, but she is also a virgin! Everyone, whether you want a loyal Spirit Master or a beautiful s.e.x slave, Xue Mei will definitely meet expectations. As long as you help her recover, her beauty will outshine even the princesses from big clans!" The Auctioneer added at the worst possible time.

Rong Rong stopped blushing as she returned to glaring at me, "She"s a virgin, how lucky of you, to be able to pluck the beautiful flower, even more beautiful than us girls from big clans…"

I sweat lightly as I think, "What the f.u.c.k is this auctioneer doing, is he targeting me?!"

"I really am not buying her for that… It"s just a coincidence, I am thinking about her talent as a Spirit Master… I should be able to deal with her blood problems." I give up as I shrug my shoulders.

The bidding quickly starts, "101,000!" "105,000!" "110,000!"

The bidders fight back and forth with tiny bids, quickly rising the total bid to 150,000 Gold Spirit Coins.

However, I have no interest in their games as I press a couple b.u.t.tons on my chair.

Suddenly, the auctioneer calls out, "Red 6 has increased the bid to 200,000 Gold Spirit Coins! Is anyone willing to top that bid!"

Almost all the Spirit Masters and n.o.bles go quiet. Though they still have money to bid on it, they aren"t sure if it is worth it to waste on this slave, nor do they want to offend someone in the Red Zone.

But, there will always be daring people. After a couple seconds of silence, the auctioneer calls out again, "Black 42 has increased the bid to 210,000 Gold Spirit Coins, how will Red 6 react!"

I shake my head as I press another b.u.t.ton, "Red 6 has increased the bid to 250,000 Gold Spirit Coins!"

The auctioneer saw that people were hesitant on bidding, "Xue Mei is still extremely beautiful right now even though she is thin! As long as you nourish her body, she will become even more beautiful. Imagine having such a loyal beauty waiting on you at all times." He first tried to entice the l.u.s.tful n.o.bles and Spirit Masters.

"With her talent, as long as she cultivates properly, she could even become a t.i.tled Douluo in the future! This is a free loyal t.i.tled Douluo as a slave to guard you and your family or sect! A little bit of money invested now will be paid back many times in the future!"

The Auctioneers efforts don"t go wasted as a couple people were encouraged to bid again. "Red 18 has increased the bid to 300,000! Xue Mei is well worth the investments right now! 300,000 going once… Red 6 has increased the bid to 350,000!"

I was a little annoyed, this Auctioneer was able to even drag in another person from the Red Zone. Looks like it will cost me a lot more money than I was hoping, but the potential of another Guardian G.o.d of Shrek will be worth it.

400,000… 450,000… 600,000… 700,000… After a bidding battle with this person from Red 18, they finally gave up once I bid 800,000 Gold Spirit Coins.

I could be considered lucky that Xue Mei is being auctioned at this odd time, if she was auctioned at night time when every big clan gathers, her price would rise even higher.

"800,000 going once! 800,000 going twice! 800,000 for the third and final time! Sold! Congratulations to Red 6 for buying the talented and beautiful Xue Mei! You may pick her up whenever you are ready!" The auctioneer congratulates us.

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