"This herb is called Yearning Heartbroken Red. It is considered a divine treasure, even better than all the Immortal Treasure Herbs I gave the others. There is also a legend about this Flower…"

Tang San had a grim face as he recalled the story of the Yearning Heartbroken Red, "A very long time ago, a youth who was quiet and contented, liked gardening and planting trees the most, filling his garden with innumerable flowers, green, blue, red, purple.

Ordinarily singing to flowers, toasting to the moon, when a flower fell, he would be boundlessly grieved, sweeping up the flower, burying it in the ground, shedding tears again and again. It"s said his feelings moved Heaven, and his great love for flowers moved the Heavenly Flower Immortal, who personally descended to the world to marry him, happiness like fish in water need not be mentioned.

But unexpectedly the good times didn"t last, G.o.d learned about their matters, and was furious, saying immortals and the mundane didn"t match, ordering Flower Immortal to return to the divine realm. That youth having lost his lover, moaned and groaned in pain all day, depressed, discarding matters of flowers, consequently the walls fell, and fences collapsed, flowers and trees withered, the land growing desolate.

One day a white-haired old man arrived, telling him that the white tree peony flower in his garden, was his wife"s reincarnation, as long as he destroyed the flower, the Flower Immortal would lose her immortality, banishing her to the mundane world to be his wife again, but he couldn"t by any means destroy a flower.

The words turned into a pure wind and disappeared, and the youth suddenly came to himself, deeply regretting his mean treatment of the blossoms, he again carefully tended to the flowers and plants, even though he deeply loved his wife, he couldn"t bear to burn down the tree peony.

It was even more cherished than himself, day and night watering the flowers with his tears, the tears stemmed from deep sorrow, and yearning and heartbroken he died, in his final moments, he dripped some blood on the petals, and you see those dark red stains, that is the heart"s blood of that youth."

We quietly listened to Tang San"s story, Little Jing, Rong Rong and Xiao Wu had tears running down their face. I hugged Little Jing and Rong Rong closely, Little Yue and Feng Feng were holding onto my sleeve and Xue Mei was holding onto my back.

Xiao Wu had tears streaming down her face as she held onto Tang San"s arm. Yu Xiao Gang was looking down, lost in his thoughts as his heart felt heavy.

Tang San had a solemn look on his face, "The flower has its own sentience and chooses a master of its own. To pick it, you must spit some blood on the petal while thinking of your beloved in your heart."

"After picking the flower, as long as it is by your side, it will never wither. If it is forcefully picked from the rock, or if the rock is broken, the Yearning Heartbroken Red will lose its medicinal strength. By my estimates, the use of this Immortal Herb can increase your Spirit Power by at least ten ranks."

Afterwards, he went back to his awkward look, "All of us here are couples, including Teacher Yu Xiao Gang, I don"t know who should try to gain recognition of this Immortal Herb…"

I look at all my girls", each of them is staring directly at me, waiting for my decision. The benefits of the Yearning Heartbroken Red are incredible and would boost any of my girls straight to the fortieth level.

However, this is an extremely important item for Xiao Wu and Little Jing, it has the ability to mask their Spirit Beast presence.

I plan to keep Little Jing by my side until she reaches Spirit Emperor, once she becomes a Spirit Emperor, not even t.i.tled Douluo"s will be able to tell that she is a Spirit Beast.

I also have absolute confidence that Little Yue and Feng Feng are able to gain recognition of the Yearning Heartbroken Red.

We have been together for over a decade, even if most of that time wasn"t as lovers.

But it is impossible for me to ruthlessly choose one girl over the other, and there is the slight anxiety of them failing to gain recognition.

After contemplating over my choices, I decided it was best for my group to step out of this, Tang San still has Immortal Treasure Herbs prepared for us.

After steeling my heart, I said, "Count my girls and I out, I don"t want to favour one of them more than the other, and I am not a single-minded lover."

The girls smiled gently as they gazed at me lovingly.

They understood that only one of them would get the flower and they didn"t doubt that their sisters would be able to gain recognition.

So, if they were not chosen first, they definitely wouldn"t be able to get it. Me giving up on the flower was probably the best choice.

Though they still wanted to see if they would be able to gain the recognition of the Flower.

Tang San was surprised that I gave up on such a heavenly treasure so easily, but kind of understood my troubles.

He nodded his head before turning to Qing"er, "Little Qing, you and Boss Dai are also considered sweethearts, how about you give it a go first…"

Xiao Wu pouted her lips unhappily as she looked at Tang San, but he ignored her and pa.s.sed the Yearning Heartbroken Red to Qing"er.

Qing"er bit her tongue lightly and spat some blood onto the flower. She tried her hardest to think about Mu Bai while she held the flower.

The flower started swaying from side to side as the entire flower trembled. Qing"er tried her best to keep the best of Mu Bai in her mind but couldn"t help but remember his playboy past.

The flower gradually stopped swaying without falling off the stone as we all quickly lost hope.

Qing"er had a sad look on her face as she said, "I"m sorry, my heart is too greedy… I cannot be the owner of this flower…"

Tang San shook his head helplessly, "Little Qing, don"t be like that. I have prepared backup herbs for all of you, so don"t worry about not being chosen."

He then turned to Yu Xiao Gang as he said, "Teacher, you and auntie Erlong"s feelings run deeper than any of us, you should also give it a go. Perhaps it can even fix your Spirit Mutation."

Yu Xiao Gang sighed, "Such a divine treasure, how could I eat it? If this flower is destined for me, I will keep it at my side forever and cherish it…"

Yu Xiao Gang thought about Liu Erlong and felt a burst of pain in his heart as recalled their past and how much he owes her.

Yu Xiao Gang didn"t bother using his Spirit Power to push out some blood but instead directly raised his hand and hit his chest.

Blood spurt out of his mouth right onto the flower. The Yearning Heartbroken Red shook even more than when Qing"er did it.

However, just like Qing"er, it looked like it was going to fall off the rock before lacking in the final push, and gradually returning to its previous position as if it never swayed in the first place.

Yu Xiao Gang sighed deeply, "I am not qualified to take this herb. I am still unable to put down the burdens in my heart…"

Yu Xiao Gang gave the Yearning Heartbroken Red to Xiao Wu as he sighed once more, travelling further into his thoughts.

"Xiao Wu, are you sure that you want to give it a try… I still have an Immortal Herb prepared for you."

Tang San"s voice sounded a bit strained, and his eyes flashed with anxiety.

Well, I could understand how he was feeling, he just watched two people with deep relations fail to gain recognition of this flower.

Now, it was Xiao Wu"s turn to give it a go, they have only been together for around 7 years and they only started dating recently.

Tang San was anxious and expectant for Xiao Wu, anxious that she might fail and expectant for her to succeed.

Xiao Wu also knew how Tang San was feeling as she smiled gently, "It"s okay, Brother San… I want to give it a go."

Xiao Wu gazed at Tang San as she channelled Spirit Power to force blood up her throat.

She spat a bit of blood on the Yearning Heartbroken Red.

The second her blood soaked into the Yearning Heartbroken Red, the stem of the flower broke off from the rock and quietly fell into Xiao Wu"s slender white hands.

The others were astonished at how differently the flower reacted when Xiao Wu spat blood on it, it didn"t even hesitate before it fell off.

"Xiao Wu… Y-you…" Tang San"s voice was shaking while his eyes were filled with astonishment and happiness.

Xiao Wu walked next to Tang San as she smiled, "Brother San… You should have more faith in my feelings, and have more faith in yourself…"

Tang San absentmindedly stared at Xiao Wu"s lovely face.

"Daddy, it looks like Big Brother Tang San and Big Sister Xiao Wu are going to kiss~!" Little Jing excitedly whispered to me.

However, she was a little loud in her excitement and everyone heard her.

Tang San and Xiao Wu blushed as they looked away from each other.

I smiled as I quickly said, "No no! It is alright, you guys continue. You gave Xue Mei and I some time, we will give you two some time as well!"

All of us smiled as we prepared to walk away, when Tang San hurriedly stopped us.

"Stop! We aren"t doing anything! Xiao Wu, hurry and eat the flower, you will be able to surpa.s.s Boss Dai quickly."

However, Xiao Wu shook her head furiously, "No! Grandmaster was right. An immortal herb like this, how can people part with it by eating it?"

"Didn"t you say that as long as it recognises an owner, it will never wither? I want to keep it with me, loving and cherishing it." She said strongly.

Tang San had a painful expression on his face, such a treasure will be able to help her even catch up to me.

Before he was going to try and persuade her to eat it, Xiao Wu interrupted him.

"Brother San, it should be fine, right? You said you prepared backups for all of us, even if it"s slightly worse, I won"t fall behind everyone else."

Tang San saw the determination in her eyes and knew that she wasn"t going to let this one go.

He also didn"t want to force her to do something she didn"t want to do, so he could only helplessly sigh and give up.

"Fine, I will give you another Immortal Herb to absorb, take care of the Yearning Heartbroken Red, you can still eat it in the future if you need to."

Xiao Wu smiled and thanked Tang San, hugging his arm while she held the Yearning Heartbroken Red in her delicate hands.

I also smiled at Tang San"s words, If Xiao Wu has the Yearning Heartbroken Red with her, she won"t be able to absorb the full efficacy of a second treasured herb.

But, he still said he will give her another Immortal Herb to absorb, meaning he is willing to waste a treasure for her.

Tang San ignored the koala on his arm and turned to Qing"er.

He pulled out a jade-like daffodil from his purse, "Little Qing, this is called a Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone. It will soften your muscles and mend your bones, it also clears the eight extraordinary meridians. I think it suits you the best."

Qing"er gently nodded her head as she took the daffodil, "Thank you, third brother."

She still seemed to be distracted by her thoughts about Mu Bai., however, she still sat on his side of the room when cultivating.

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