Tang San also recognised the snow-white scorpion as a Giant Earth King Spirit Beast as he quickly counted the tailbones.

The tailbones of a Giant Earth King represented how old it was. A snow-white Giant Earth King means that it has evolved to 1,000-years-old and each tailbone represents 500 years.

Tang San relayed the information to his team and searched in Wulin"s direction for back up, however it was empty except for a shirtless Wulin casually sitting on a chair.

Wulin shrugged his shoulders as he called out, "Too many people and it will be too easy, your group can handle this by themselves."

Tang San could only helplessly nod as he began directing his team, "Oscar, supply us! Everyone, keep at least 20 metres away from the Giant Earth King…"

The Giant Earth King unfurled its tail and pointed the hook directly at Mu Bai who was playing the vanguard.

A long pillar of fire spewed from the hook, quickly finding its way to Mu Bai.

Although he could dodge it, Mu Bai"s dignity and arrogance when confronted with this Spirit Beast stopped him from making this decision.

Instead, he laughed unhesitatingly as he released his Spirit and First Spirit Ability, increasing his defence significantly.

The pillar of fire crashed into Mu Bai"s body and scattered into the surrounding area as it forced him two steps back.

The fire died out as Mu Bai laughed, "Haha! Not very strong, how about you give me another?"

Of course, as he said this, he was retreating to meet up with Tang San, even Mu Bai wouldn"t want to take multiple fire pillars like that.

"I, your father, have a mushroom sausage! Everyone, come and eat brother Oscar"s mushroom sausage!"

This wasn"t the first time Oscar had chanted like this before, so although everyone was disgusted, they didn"t hesitate to catch the sausages and eat them.

Spirit Wings grew from the back of them as they flew into the air, leaving the flightless scorpion to try and shoot fire pillars in the air.

However, Tang San and the others were like fairies in the sky, gracefully dodging every pillar.

A couple stray Fire Pillars made their way towards the teachers and Wulin but such a weak attack is easily blocked.

Zhao Wuji simply stood in front and waved his hand, sending a pulse of Spirit Energy at the Fire Pillar, causing it to scatter in an instant.

Wulin was even more of a s...o...b..at as he only casually glanced at the fire before mentally commanding his Primal Energy Staff to branch out and create a conical shield above him.

The beam of fire fell directly into the conical shield and dissipated, not even a scratch or burn was made to the shield as it retreated to the chair.

Once the teachers saw that there was no trouble, Liu Erlong harrumphed as she glared at Flander, "Xiao Gang and I are going back to bed, don"t disturb us!"

She s.n.a.t.c.hed Yu Xiao Gang"s hand and dragged him back to the tent without waiting for confirmation.

Flander helplessly glanced at Liu Erlong"s angry figure as he sighed, "Wuji, you keep watch tonight, this Spirit Beast is suitable for the little Fatty, so I will watch over his absorption."

"Is she really that scary? Although she is strong, it"s not enough for her to arrogantly boss you around, right?" Zhao Wuji asked in confusion.
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"You simply haven"t seen her when she is really mad. She is called the Slaughtering Corner for a reason, and she gained that t.i.tle through blood." Flander shook his head gently.

Back with the Giant Earth King, Tang San was playing the commander as he sent multiple orders to the other five smoothly and calmly.

With their superior flight tactics, they slowly whittled down the Giant Earth King, causing it to become restless as time went on.

Seeing the battle was coming to an end, Wulin yawned as he returned to his tent, leaving the Primal Energy Staff to create a protective dome around it.

With the thickness and durability of the millions of years old Primal Energy, it would be impossible for a weak thousand-year-old Spirit Beast to penetrate, even 100,000-year-old Spirit Beasts would find it nearly impenetrable.

Once Inside, Wulin saw the girls sitting in a circle, having a girl"s talk.

They quickly noticed Wulin as Xue Mei questioned, "Is the situation already over?"

"Almost over, I left a barrier outside, so their battle won"t disturb us. Let"s go to bed now." Wulin slipped into the bed as Little Jing quickly crawled on top of him.

He used his hands to ma.s.sage Little Jing"s tender and lovely body as she quickly drifted off to the dream land.

The rest of the girls also snuggled up on both sides, with Little Yue and Feng Feng hugging his biceps, leading them to a blissful resting place made of clouds…

Early next morning, a group of 11 teenagers were sitting near each other, facing the rising sun.

A strange purple essence was coalescing in the morning rays, flowing into the bodies of the 11 students as they guided it to their eyes.

Once the morning sun finally rose above the horizon, the group stopped cultivating their Purple Demon Eyes and stretched.

The time of dawn was the most optimal time to cultivate the Purple Demon Eyes, creating the most abundance of Purple Essence.

"How long is Fatty going to take, it has already been an entire night, I could have absorbed the Spirit Ring in half the time." Oscar said in annoyance.

"He has probably already absorbed the Spirit Ring, he is just solidifying his cultivation and making the Spirit Ring"s energy completely merge with his body." Tang San speculated.

"Who cares, it"s just Fatty. Let"s have breakfast first, he will probably wake to the smell of Brother Wulin"s food." Rong Rong pointed out.

In the teachers tent, a beaming Liu Erlong and a red-eyed Yu Xiao Gang walked out of the tent.

Seeing them, Flander quickly moved to their side as he greeted them.

"Hehehe~ It has always been a dream of mine to sleep in the same bed as Xiao Gang, and even being able to wake up beside him~" Liu Erlong was in a cheerful mood.

Yu Xiao Gang was gloomy as he muttered, "It was truly a test of mental fort.i.tude, I almost gave in multiple times… I won"t be able to last for half a month…"

After a sumptuous breakfast created by Wulin, the peaceful atmosphere of the group was interrupted by a sonorous phoenix cry.

Everyone knew that this was the little Fatty announcing his completion as they all made way towards him.

Fatty leapt into the air as he let out a wild cry, his entire body shone brightly, like a tiny sun rising in the sky.

Four Spirit Rings revolved around his body as he flew through the air, two yellow and two purple.

Fatty saw the others coming near as he landed near them, absorbing the Spirit Rings back into his body.

"How is it, Fatty? What Spirit Ability did you get?" Oscar excitedly asked him, swinging an arm around his shoulder.

"Hehehe! Like the innate ability of the Giant Earth King, I can also create a delayed blast, it also locks down a small area, but the range is quite small." Fatty was extremely satisfied with such a Spirit Ability.

"Well, don"t just stand there. Hurry up and show us!" Mu Bai said as he crossed his arms, waiting to be impressed.

Fatty looked around for a target, but came up short, "What is with this mist? I can"t see anything around here?"

The morning mist had been here since they woke up in the morning and has only grown denser with time.

Now, without them realising, it has decreased much of their visibility.

However, Mu Bai and some of the girls were unfazed by this, "It"s just the morning mist. It became like this when I got my fourth Spirit Ring as well."

The girls nodded in agreement with Mu Bai, they had also gone through this when they went with Wulin.

Flander also noticed that the morning mist was beginning to thicken a lot and called out to the students.

"Everyone, stick close together. Some Spirit Beasts are fond of hunting during the early morning." He said.

They became a bit more serious as they stayed in formation, in a way to not allow any surprises.

Liu Erlong lead the group while Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiao Gang and Flander protected the other four sides.

Along with Wulin protecting the center, their group was more protected than a stronghold made of diamonds.

However, within not even 300 metres of moving, the originally dense white mist turned an exotic pink colour.

Wulin took a deep breath of it, it had a kind of sweet and addictive smell, and it caused his heart to beat a bit faster.

However, after only a couple seconds, his heartbeat returned to normal as his body started creating antibodies at Mach speed.

"Careful! This mist"s poisonous! Oscar, detoxifying sausages!" Tang San called out as he activated his Purple Demon Eyes.

This prompted everyone else to follow as they tried to search for what was outside. However, their Purple Demon Eyes was on a lower stage than Tang San, so they couldn"t see anything.

Wulin also used his Golden Fiery Eyes and his gaze instantly pierced through the pink mist, finding their group completely surrounded by scorpion type Spirit Beasts.

"I, your father, have a small sausage!" along with a strange posture, Oscar chanted as he quickly produced detoxifying sausages for everyone.

Receiving the detoxifying sausages, everyone quickly ate it as Tang San reached into his storage item and pulled out a flower.

The instant the flower was brought out, all the pink mist within a ten-metre diameter turned into a purple stream of air that scattered quickly.

Inside this small protective dome, visibility had returned completely.

"We are surrounded by a bunch of Pink Maiden Spirit Beasts, probably a couple thousand." Wulin casually said.

"Pfft— A couple thousand?! Brother Wulin, do you have to be so casual about it? Just thinking about such a number is frightening!" Oscar said with fear.

"They are only around 100 years old, at that level, even if I fell asleep within them, they couldn"t harm me." Wulin shrugged his shoulders as he said.

Pink Maiden Spirit Beasts were generally extremely weak even within their own age group, and their main weapon was poisonous mist which had no effect on Wulin.

Tang San and Yu Xiao Gang were the most shocked when they heard this information as they knew about this Spirit Beast.

"Are you sure there are a thousand?" Yu Xiao Gang said as his face turned serious, "Are you able to find the Pink Queen?"

Wulin nodded his head and pointed in the direction they were heading, "It is that way, where the most concentrated clump of Pink Maidens is."

"It will take too much Spirit Power to fight them all, let"s directly kill the Pink Queen and the rest should scatter." Yu Xiao Gang said.

Yu Xiao Gang summoned Luo San Pao, covering up most of the s.p.a.ce they had, "Get on, we will fly out of here."

As he said that, Luo San Pao glowed and grew to twice the size, allowing enough room for everyone to stand on him.

Everyone jumped on Luo San Pao"s back and Yu Xiao Gang jumped on his head, lightly holding the golden horn to stabilise himself.

In these six months, Yu Xiao Gang got familiarised with all his Spirit Abilities and became combat hardened from all the sparring with the other three.

Luo San Pao spread its wings and swung them with force, using its muscular legs to jump at the same time.

Tang San immediately summoned his Blue Silver Emperor and created a rope, tying everyone together before manipulating it to wrap around Luo San Pao"s chest.

If not for Tang San"s quick wit, at least half of the students would have fallen off.

Without the protection of Tang San"s Aromatic Silk Beauty flower, they would quickly get poisoned by the pink mist and have their vitality overdrawn.

Yu Xiao Gang noticed his mistake and blushed slightly as he apologised, "Uh… I am sorry, I am not proficient enough in flying."

Yu Xiao Gang had only flown with Liu Erlong as a pa.s.senger before, and she didn"t have any troubles in lift off, so he didn"t think twice when lifting off this time.

Unfortunately, none of the younger generation have the experience and strength to easily keep their balance like Liu Erlong.

After the take-off incident, Yu Xiao Gang paid extra attention as they flew in the direction of the Pink Queen…

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