Wulin"s gaze was unconsciously roamed to Little Jing"s lower region. Indeed, she is probably bigger than the other girls, he thought.

All this time, Wulin was afraid that his big member was too large for her tiny body, so he never tried taking her virginity.

However, things are different if she can transform into a beautiful woman, he could finally take her first time without destroying her.

In his mind, the twisted and perverted side of Wulin thought that he could begin training her tiny body to fit him as well.

With a hand caressing her hair, he pulled her closer and planted his lips atop hers, savouring the similar yet distinctly different feeling.

After a couple blissful seconds, he parted from her and ran his fingers through her hair, gently brushing past her ears.

"After the Spirit Master Tournament, I will take your first time. How about we keep it until the grand wedding night at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan?"

Little Jing showed her usual cute gestures that signify her thinking. Right now, they were busy with the Spirit Master Tournament.

She nodded her head, "Okay! I will be your prize for winning the Spirit Master Tournament."

She didn"t put much importance on her virginity at this point in their relationship, so she could easily joke around about it.

This evoked Wulin"s laugh, "Alright, how long can you keep this transformation up?"

"Around half an hour… It just drains too much Spirit Power." As she responded, her body turned into a puff of smoke.

Wulin could feel the weight in his lap lighten as Little Jing returned to her usual fun sized self.

Little Jing looked up at Wulin and smiled before throwing her arms around him and snuggling into his chest.

Wulin caressed her back lightly, "We should get back now, the others might get worried if we are away for too long."

Nodding her head obediently, she allowed Wulin to carry her as he created another Monkey G.o.d"s Nimbus and went back to the others.

Along the way, it was possible to see a couple Spirit Beasts still lingering in the area, hoping to catch wind of the Aromatic Silk Beauty.

Wulin entered the Poison formation from the skies as he quickly located the main group and landed.

The others have already absorbed their Spirit Rings and were sitting together, except for Tang San who was missing.

Once they landed, everyone quickly surrounded the pair as they asked questions.

"Master, you are back! Did you catch the Spirit Beast?" Xue Mei was the first to reach him as she held his hand.

Wulin nodded his head, "Yes, we caught it after a small chase. I didn"t want to get interrupted, so I let it run further away."

Little Jing excitedly explained her Spirit Ability and gave a demonstration, transforming into a fox spirit in the truest sense.

The others were surprised when the tiny Little Jing transformed into a tall and beautiful woman and congratulated her.

Afterwards, the group explained what happened after they left, and that Tang San was still absorbing the Spirit Ring.

It seems Tang San also had the same intentions as Wulin since he denied the chance to absorb a Man Faced Demonic Spider and instead took it a step further to absorb a 10,000-year-old Pit Demon Spider.

Wulin didn"t plan to fight together with Tang San"s group, meaning he will be the only Control System Spirit Master on his team.

Absorbing the Man-Faced Demon Spider meant he would likely gain an ability which strengthens his third Spirit Ability, not enough for the upcoming battles.

However, by absorbing the Pit Demon Spider, he will have a greater chance to receive a wide area crowd control skill, something crucial for him.

They didn"t mention anything about the Man Faced Demon Spider ambushing them, so it looks like something deterred it from striking.

Whether that be the numbers advantage from Wulin"s girls, or the oppressive pressure Yu Xiao Gang"s Spirit releases, Wulin didn"t know.

Wulin knew the secret to evolving External Spirit Bones, so this Man Faced Demon Spider is extremely beneficial to Tang San"s Spider Lances.

After explaining their new Spirit Abilities, the others followed the teachers" example and went to cultivate and recover lost Spirit Power.
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On the other hand, Wulin went out of the Poison Formation to look for the Man Faced Demon Spider.

It won"t take much effort for Wulin to capture the Man Faced Demon Spider, so he didn"t worry about doing something like this for Tang San. (Tang San is not the MC you f.u.c.ks! Friends do things for friends)

Wulin wandered aimlessly around the exterior of the Poison Formation, he didn"t believe that the Man Faced Demon Spider would give up on the Aromatic Silk Beauty so easily.

Alone and with a weaker Spirit Rank than the teachers, Wulin was looking like the perfect snack to many lingering Spirit Beasts.

It didn"t take long before Wulin was confronted by a mult.i.tude of Spirit Beasts, each of them over 4,000 years old.

Summoning his Primal Energy Staff and using his Monkey Emperor Transformation, Wulin began his battle against the Spirit Beasts.

Sure enough, the Man Faced Demon Spider was lurking around, waiting for a chance to get some easy prey.

The sounds from the battle echoed into the area, alerting the Man Faced Demon Spider of Wulin"s presence.

Quickly, a set of hurried scuttling sounded in the forest as the Man Faced Demon Spider sped through the forest.

However, as an experienced hunter, it knew when to slow down.

As it got closer to the battle, the Man Faced Demon Spider slowed to a crawl, not making a single sound as its large body edged closer.

Wulin was fending off the Spirit Beasts, not wanting to end it too quickly, lest the Man Faced Demon Spider either doesn"t hear the commotion or gets scared.

He slapped a Lion Spirit Beast with the head of his Staff, sending it flying in one direction before turning to face the other Spirit Beasts.

Suddenly, from behind the flying Lion Spirit Beast, a dark shadow appeared before pouncing at Wulin"s back at top speeds.

Wulin felt a p.r.i.c.kling feeling in the back of his neck and smiled, he knew the Man Faced Demon Spider couldn"t wait any longer.

Using his Monkey G.o.d Steps in conjunction with Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to disappear from the Man Faced Demon Spider"s sight.


The Man Faced Demon Spider landed where Wulin once stood, unable to understand where he went.

The other Spirit Beasts were also surprised, but then quickly looked at the Man Faced Demon Spider in anger.

The Man Faced Demon Spider is extremely aggressive, so most other Spirit Beasts are either the Man Faced Demon Spider"s prey or predator.

However, before they had a chance to get aggressive with this Man Faced Demon Spider, a large shadow loomed over their heads.

Looking up, they saw a large cylindrical object with a dragon pattern head, like a hammer made for the largest of giants.

Suddenly, with a large gust of wind, the hammer fell towards the group of Spirit Beasts like an asteroid crashing into the ground.

The Spirit Beasts instantly fled the area, as did the Man Faced Demon Spider.

However, the hammer seemed to follow the Man Faced Demon Spider as it was always in the middle.

The panicking Man Faced Demon Spider could only run away in despair as the pillar closed into it.


The hammer crashed onto the body of the Man Faced Demon Spider, cracking its carapace and breaking a couple legs.

Although alive, the Man Faced Demon Spider was incapacitated and looked worse for wear.

Wulin dissipated the Primal Energy Hammer and grabbed the Man Faced Demon Spider by the leg before running back to the Poison Formation.

Wulin fed the Man Faced Demon Spider some Spirit Liquid that can defend it against the poison of the Poison Formation.

Once inside, he gained the attention of the others as they asked him about it.

"This Man Faced Demon Spider will be useful for Tang San to evolve his Spider Lances to another level." Wulin explained.

"I thought that it would only happen if he absorbed its Spirit Ring?" Yu Xiao Gang asked in confusion.

"External Spirit Bones have a special characteristic of being able to absorb the life force of the Spirit Beast the bone originated from." Wulin shook his head.

Yu Xiao Gang was interested, his original theory was based on the fact that an External Spirit Bone could be strengthened by absorbing the Spirit Ring of the same Spirit Beast.

The group went back to their cultivation as they waited for Tang San to finish absorbing the Spirit Ring.

Hours pa.s.sed by and everyone already refilled their Spirit Power, yet there was still no sign of Tang San coming out.

Xiao Wu, being the most attached to Tang San, was beginning to get anxious and constantly asked if he was okay.

Wulin was very certain when he told her that Tang San was fine, but it had diminishing effects the longer time went by.

The regenerative strength of Spirit beast was also quite impressive, as the Man Faced Demon Spider had recovered enough to move.

However, Wulin didn"t give it a chance as he broke its legs again, eliciting horrifying screeches like ghosts burning in eternal h.e.l.l.

Ten hours pa.s.sed and Tang San finally left the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, leaping from the mountain with an umbrella made from Blue Silver Gra.s.s.

Everyone noticed a distinct whistling sound made from his umbrella as Xiao Wu rushed forward and leapt into his embrace.

Tang San caught her and caressed her tear-soaked cheeks, "I"m sorry, I made you worry again."

"Bro, bro…" Xiao Wu could only call for Tang San in between her sobs.

Seeing that the two of them needed their time alone, the others left them and went to sleep for the night.

Wulin returned to the tent with his women and spoke up, "I am going to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well."

"Brother Wulin, why are you going to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well for?" Rong Rong asked in confusion.

None of them were able to get near the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well because of its high toxicity and didn"t have Wulin"s poison nullifying gourd.

"There are a couple things I want to try out, I will only be out for the night. I"ll see you girls in the morning."

Giving each of them a goodnight kiss, Wulin left under the shade of the night sky towards the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Wulin found the large oval hot spring of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, the water was clearly divided into two colours.

The milky white coloured water gave off a chilling mist that could freeze a normal human.

On the other side, the vermillion coloured water was boiling hot, as if it was not water, but lava instead.

The grounds around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well were completely bare, obviously from being scavenged by Tang San.

As Wulin neared the hot spring, he was immediately attacked by the two kinds of potent energies.

The two energies entered his body and seemed to come under conflict, wreaking havoc inside his body.

Wulin felt that with his control over Yin and Yang, he could also control the potent energies and stop them from fighting, however he allowed it to do so.

The potent energies filled his body and started making obvious effects, tearing apart his meridians.

At this time, his Phoenix Regeneration automatically moved in overdrive and immediately healed the damaged meridians.

Seeing that there was no end to the potent energies, Wulin began forcing some control over them and blocking new energies to enter his body.

Wulin allowed small amounts of potent energy enter his body each time it leaked from his torn meridians.

This way, he was constantly allowing it to tear his body more, he even controlled the inner potent energies to conflict in all his pathways.

With each time his meridians were torn apart, they regenerated instantly, growing a little stronger than before.

Although this doesn"t influence his body or Spirit Power, a strengthened pathway will allow him to exert Spirit Power he wouldn"t normally be able to exert all at once.

However, Wulin knew this wasn"t the best way to train as he looked towards the oval pool…

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