Jiang Jiannan stared at the group of six cautiously, feeling the obvious malicious intent emanating from their bodies.

His instincts as a Spirit Saint warned him of the dangers the tallest cloaked figure presented, which caused him to believe their leader was also a Spirit Saint.

Wulin smiled as he used his Observation Ability on their headmaster.


Name: Jiang Jiannan

Spirit Rank: 72 Spirit Saint

Spirit: Sword Spirit


Jiang Jiannan was the only teacher in his group, with the other ten being part of the competing students.

After using his observation ability on the students, he found that none of them were very strong, with their strongest only being a rank 37 Spirit Elder.

Even though they are ten and Wulin"s girls are five, he believed that the teamwork between the five of them was much better than the teamwork between the ten of them.

Not to mention that all of his girls had their fourth Spirit Rings and were higher quality Spirit Masters overall.

"Why do you block our way?" Jiang Jiannan had a somber face as he asked Wulin, stopping his group from moving forward at the same time.

Wulin stepped forward as he spoke calmly, "Naturally, we won"t tell you our reasons unless you can beat us."

Jiang Jiannan didn"t back down in the least as he stepped forward and released his Spirit, an elegant looking longsword.

"Then, it looks like I will never hear it since you will not live past this battle." He sent a deathly glare at Wulin.

Wulin only smirked in response, "Are you sure you want to fight here? All your precious little students might die from our battle."

This caused Jiang Jiannan to pause as he thought about the wellbeing of his students.

If he and Wulin fought here, there was no doubt that they would die. Wulin could even use them as hostages to force him into a disadvantage.

However, he also knew from Wulin"s words that he was confident in his own people"s strength since he was allowing them to fight against twice the enemies.

Jiang Jiannan was hoping that Wulin was simply overconfident and the numbers advantage his student held would let them win.

"Follow me, we will fight further away." He said as he flickered away, making sure Wulin followed.

What Jiang Jiannan didn"t know was that Wulin was instead worried about his battle affecting his girls.

Feeling relieved, Wulin gave a glance at his women before following Jiang Jiannan through the forest.


The two of them travelled a short distance to make sure their battle wouldn"t disturb the others when something suddenly occurred.

Jiang Jiannan, who was leading the way, landed on one foot and bent his knee, coming to a short stop.

Then, like a spring, he shot backwards with all his speed as he summoned his Spirit and struck at Wulin"s heart.

A good attempt, but Wulin never let his gaze leave Jiang Jiannan"s body and was ready for his retaliation.

He knew that Jiang Jiannan would want to finish the battle as quickly as possible, so he could return to his students.

The Primal Chaos Staff was already in Wulin"s hand as he deflected the sword tip to the side and smacked Jiang Jiannan"s chest with force.

Jiang Jiannan was sullen that his surprise attack didn"t work but didn"t dwell on it as he once more charged at Wulin while activating his Spirit Ring.

Under Wulin"s straw hat, ash grey hair slivered through the gaps of the paper strips and a bangle of grey fur was slightly exposed from the cuffs of his cloak.

This was Wulin"s Monkey Emperor Transformation, increasing his capabilities by a couple times.

Wulin calmly pointed the tip of his staff at the incoming sword strike and allowed it to get close before making his move.

Once the sword came close, Wulin flicked his spear gently, smacking the face of the sword and causing it to veer from its target.

Jiang Jiannan was shocked senseless at this move, he had used a striking Spirit Ability, yet it was nullified by his opponent"s strange movements.

Jiang Jiannan tried a couple more times but Wulin deflected each stab before giving a couple counters of his own.

The force of his attacks caused Jiang Jiannan"s body to ache as he retreated.

"If you keep holding back, then you will lose before you know it…" Wulin spoke with certainty as he finally began his counter attack.

Wulin had scoped out Jiang Jiannan"s powers enough and figured that without his Spirit Avatar, he didn"t stand a chance against Wulin.

Making full use of his Monkey G.o.d"s Steps and Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, Wulin charged at Jiang Jiannan in an unpredictable and profound manner.

Whenever Jiang Jiannan thought Wulin was charging at him, he was actually retreating, and when he thought he was retreating, he was suddenly struck by Wulin"s staff.

Sweat was beading on Jiang Jiannan"s forehead as he struggled to keep up with Wulin"s strength, using his Spirit Abilities to give him some breathing s.p.a.ce.

Sadly, as a Power Attack System Spirit Master, he didn"t have any defensive Spirit Abilities and could only attack Wulin but his attacks were controlled at every step.

Suddenly, a black Spirit Ring rose from Jiang Jiannan"s sword as it glowed brightly.

Jiang Jiannan swept his blade at Wulin and created a destructive sword wave. Wulin had no choice but to dodge the attack and stop his chain attack.

With this small breathing room, another black Spirit Ring rose from Jiang Jiannan as it glowed brightly.

A giant illusory sword appeared behind Jiang Jiannan"s back. Looking exactly like the one in Jiang Jiannan"s hand, the sword was large enough for its tip to pierce the sky.

"Spirit Avatar…" Wulin muttered as a smirk uncontrollably found its way onto his face.

He likes it when he can go all out in a fight. At the academy, he could only fight the teachers, and they couldn"t go all out on each other without causing some problems in the academy.

Jiang Jiannan was different though, he treated the battle with the intent of life and death, if he didn"t die, then his opponent certainly wouldn"t live.

Jiang Jiannan"s blade glowed once more as he swept out, shooting a blade wave towards Wulin.

However, unlike the previous one, this one was three times larger and faster, giving Wulin barely any time to dodge.

The sword wave shot over Wulin"s shoulder and sliced through tens of trees before running out of Spirit Power and dissipating.

Not giving him the time to recover, Jiang Jiannan flickered in front of Wulin and slashed violently, "Die!"

Wulin had his head down, in the perfect position to get decapitated as he had no chance to dodge.

The blade quickly made its way towards Wulin"s neck, bringing elation to Jiang Jiannan, "Serves you right, underestimating me and not using your Spirit Avatar! Now, you will die, and I will also kill your goons."

However, before Jiang Jiannan could rejoice, a light flashed from Wulin"s back and his blade was blocked.

With wide eyes, Jiang Jiannan saw an ash grey tail sprouting from Wulin"s sacrum and blocking his Spirit, his Spirit!

"This, it must be a Spirit Bone. However, it doesn"t follow the conventional six areas… wait! It must be an External Spirit Bone!"

Jiang Jiannan couldn"t believe his own thoughts as it was simply too ridiculous, but greed soon took over.

After all, any normal Spirit Bone could make many high-ranking Spirit Masters go crazy, let alone an External Spirit Bone like this.

However, Jiang Jiannan was in no position to get greedy. Under his hat, Wulin smiled as he said, "Got you!"

Taking a forceful step forward, Wulin arrived right under Jiang Jiannan and stabbed his staff into Jiang Jiannan"s sternum.

"Kugh—" Jiang Jiannan was winded and coughed up water from the force of Wulin"s attack as he quickly tried to retreat.

However, Wulin wouldn"t let him have another chance and chased him with incredible speed and stuck him multiple times.

Wulin slammed his Primal Energy Staff onto the face of Jiang Jiannan"s blade, sending him flying a couple meters.

Jiang Jiannan was glad that Wulin made such a move since it will give him a chance to breathe.

However, he went aghast as he saw a giant Staff glowing and piercing the heavens above Wulin"s head.

The giant Staff began to tilt towards the ground as it parted the clouds and made a loud whistling noise.
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Jiang Jiannan stood stiffly as he helplessly watched the giant staff plummet towards him, no matter where he ran, he would still be in range of the Staff.

Only a single thought ran through Jiang Jiannan"s mind, "I am going to die. Hahh… at least I forced him to use his Spirit Avatar. I am sorry, my students."

Jiang Jiannan raised his Sword and used all his powers to try and defend against the gigantic Staff, but it proved to be fruitless.

Jiang Jiannan was crushed by the weight and power of the Staff as he was knocked unconscious in an instant with large injuries covering his body.

Wulin retracted the Giant Staff and approached Jiang Jiannan"s unconscious body.

Quickly inspecting him, Wulin made sure that Jiang Jiannan didn"t have any injuries that would hurt his foundation.

It is after all Wulin"s fault for picking a fight with this group, Jiang Jiannan is only an innocent man trying to protect himself.

So Wulin didn"t wish to bring unnecessary harm to them, but he has to keep them unconscious at least for the start of the tournament to take their place.

Wulin picked Jiang Jiannan up and looked in the direction he came from, wondering if the girls had already finished their battles yet.




Seeing the cloaked figure casually returning while carrying the Spirit Saint with his ash grey tail, Little Jing immediately leapt into his embrace.

Wulin caught her tiny body with ease and ma.s.saged her little fleshy legs as he looked around the area.

There were a couple trees broken and patches of burnt and frozen ground all around the place.

The ten students from Brave Sword Academy were all unconscious and tied up in a bundle, their clothes were all patchy and destroyed.

But it could be seen that they went considerably easier on the females since their clothes were much better than the male students.

Little Yue, Feng Feng, Rong Rong and Xue Mei were sitting on a couple tree stumps, keeping and eye on the unconscious students while chatting happily.

Seeing them acting so casually made Wulin unsure of how to feel, "You girls, what if I had lost? You didn"t even come to check on me!"

Rong Rong stuck her little tongue out as she replied, "We knew that Brother Wulin would definitely win!"

Wulin was happy that they were that confident in his abilities, but there are no certainties in battle, and he could get killed randomly.

"Master, we only finished our fight a little while ago. We were going to join you, but when we saw your Raging Monkey G.o.d"s Slam, we knew you had already won."

Perhaps seeing his helpless face, Xue Mei tried to explain their reasoning as she quickly reached his side.

Wulin nodded his head and accepted their excuse, setting the unconscious Jiang Jiannan down with the rest of the students.

"Let"s take a little break before we find a place to keep these people, we don"t want others finding them before the start of the tournament."

Luckily, Wulin had asked Tang San for some sedatives in advance, prompting Tang San to give him some of his strongest stuff.

Even Jiang Jiannan won"t be able to wake up for a couple days once he takes a whiff of the poison.

"You are too late, we have already found you…"

A bone-chilling voice appeared out of nowhere, causing Wulin to become startled as he went on full alert.

However, he felt like the voice was quite familiar. He didn"t have to wait long before it was confirmed.

"Grandpa Bone?!" Rong Rong stood up and looked around as she called for her grandpa.

Sure enough, a black portal opened near where Wulin was standing and two figures walked out.

The first obviously being the gigantic frame of Grandpa Bone, while the other was of course the leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and Wulin"s Father-in-law, Ning Fengzhi.

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