After those four introduce themselves, I also introduce myself, "My name is Chen Wulin, level 41 Spirit Ancestor, control and offensive system Spirit Master. My Spirit is a mutated Monkey Beast Spirit." I summon my spirit beast behind me, showing its silver fur, and the new emperor character on its forehead.

The girls look at me and I nod at them, giving them permission to show their spirits, since Ma Hongjun is able to stay here without being hunted, it will also be safe for them.

Feng Feng is the first to introduce herself energetically, "h.e.l.lo! My name is Yan Xifeng, but close friends call me Feng Feng. I am a level 31 supreme offensive system Spirit Master. My Spirit is a Fire Phoenix Beast Spirit. Please take care of me!"

Little Yue has a cold face, and only says what"s necessary, "Chen Yue, level 31 control system Spirit Master. Ice Phoenix Beast Spirit."

We introduce our abilities and I allow Tang San to come up with a strategy. He is most experienced in tactics while I have no real experience as a commander. I prefer to not think when fighting and just enjoy the battle, I only have good team work with my girls because we understand how each other think and fight. Even the girls are better at strategizing than me, due to having to plan their 2v2 fights in the arena.

We came up with the plan that I would face Zhao Wuji while being supported by Ning Rong Rong and Zhu Zhuqing, giving time for Little Yue and Tang San to restrict him. Once he is restricted Feng Feng will use her Yang Fire Blast at max power to hurt him.

I transform into my first monkey form and summon my Yin Ice Staff before standing at the front line. Dai Mu Bai gets the hourgla.s.s and says, "You guys only have to last for the time of the hourgla.s.s. Ready. Set. Go!"

Zhao Wuji Instantly lets off a blast towards Ning Rong Rong, although it wasn"t his full strength, it was still around a level 50 Spirit Masters power.

I stand in front of Ning Rong Rong and redirect the blasts to the side using my Quintessence Staff Arts. Seeing that I was able to redirect his blast, he snorts and looks at me with some frustration because I stopped him from taking out the support.

Ning Rong Rong uses both her Spirit Abilities on me, buffing my power and speed by 30%, to a total of 110%. I charge at him, my steps flowing naturally and unpredictably like water, swift as wind. Thanks to my comprehension on the five elements, I became able to incorporate it in my movements as well to become a peak technique.

I use my Yin Ice Staff to strike and swipe at Zhao Wuji, who starts taking me a bit more seriously, seeing how unpredictable my Staff is.

I duke it out with him for a few seconds before a blue gra.s.s suddenly crawls up his body in Next, chains made of ice fly out from Little Yue"s direction and binds Zhao Wuji.

He doesn"t bother destroying the chains they as he wanted to see what we are planning, when suddenly he feels a heat coming from behind him.

He turns his head to see a giant ball of fire, still growing in front of Feng Feng. Once the ball grows to the size of a large exercise ball she fired it at Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji saw the ball of fire being shot at him and a bit of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, "If I get hit with that right now, it"s going to hurt like a b.i.t.c.h!" He unleashes his Spirit Rings to get rid of Little Yue and Tang San"s binds before activating his real guard.

A large surge of Spirit Power washes over the students, knocking them back a couple metres. Tang San, not wanting to give him time to fully integrate with his real guard begins a combo attack. Using his Spirit as a rubber band, he flings Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing towards Zhao Wuji.

Xiao Wu then kicks Zhu Zhuqing giving her more momentum while Ning Rong Rong uses her Spirit Abilities on her. At this time, Feng Feng gets close to Zhao Wuji and uses her third Spirit Ability, Phoenix"s Cry.

A loud bird call finds its way into Zhao Wuji"s ears, distracting him, and breaking the activation of his real guard. Zhu Zhuqing uses her Spirit Ability, Hundred Nether Claws, and strikes at Zhao Wuji"s body repeatedly.

Some cuts can be seen appearing on his body, but he soon regains his bearing and lets out a blast of Spirit Power, sending Zhu Zhuqing flying.

Zhao Wuji, with red eyes flaring with anger, activates his real guard again, giving no time for us to retaliate. He looks at Feng Feng with rage as she caused his real guard to disappear, and charges at her.

I try to run up to block his charge, but I am too far away, when he gets close he lets out a weakened Vigorous Vajra Palm at Feng Feng. She has no time to dodge it and gets. .h.i.t directly, she is sent flying towards me and spews out blood. I catch her from the air and quickly check on her condition.

Zhao Wuji regains his clarity and looks at Feng Feng Apologetically, "Uhm, I"m sorry, I didn"t mean to hit her that hard." However, I ignore him and continue to check up on Feng Feng.

She is greatly injured, with some internal damage. Although the Vigorous Vajra Palm was weakened, it was still too much for Feng Feng to block. Seeing the blood on her face as she unconsciously lies there, something inside my head breaks.

All the murderous aura I gained from killing the hundreds of thousands of Spirit Beasts in the Spirit Ascension Realm and Spirit Arena was released from my body.

Zhao Wuji who was getting closer, suddenly stops in his tracks, frozen in fear, "What kind of murderous aura is this? I have never felt a murderous aura as large as this one before, even on t.i.tled Douluo"s. How could a young kind have this aura, how much did he need to kill to gain this?"

All the others are also frozen in fear, even Tang San seems to be unable to handle it. I gently pick up Feng Feng"s body and hand her to Little Yue, "Use your third Spirit Skill on her, I need to go kill someone."

I use my Monkey Emperor Transformation, which brings my total amplification to 230% without Ning Rong Rong"s Spirit Abilities.

I look towards Zhao Wuji who is still standing there frozen, "There are two things in this world that you must never do. One, never harm Little Yue, and two, never harm Feng Feng. Since you dared to harm Feng Feng, you must be willing to accept the punishment, and the only punishment for that is death." As I talked, my bloodl.u.s.t kept growing higher.

Using my full strength, I instantly charge at Zhao Wuji, who snapped out of his daze and unleashed his Spirit Rings, not daring to go easy on me.

He uses his Increased Gravity on me, I can feel it pressing down on me immensely, more than any weight training I"ve ever done before, but I force myself to move, tearing my muscles and fracturing my bones. My Phoenix Regeneration starts working at full capacity, mending the tears and fractures, making them stronger.

Soon, I rush around in his Gravity Well unaffected by it and attack him. The bloodl.u.s.t I"m giving off distracts Zhao Wuji, making him unable to fight at full power, and my unpredictable staff swipes at his neck.

He is able to dodge in the last second and sends a fist at me. I use my staff to turn his fist in a circle, putting it under my control, and drag it towards me.

While I am doing that I lift the other side of the staff from under and slam it into his jaw. He takes a couple steps back as a crack appears in his real guard. The others stand there in shock, "How is he able to fight someone over 30 levels above him?!"

Zhao Wuji Lets off a Vigorous Vajra Palm at me and I dodge it using my movement technique. He uses it continuously as I keep dodging it while using my Staff as a pivot, increasing my movement techniques unpredictable nature to impossible levels. As I am dodging my bloodl.u.s.t keeps increasing.

I concentrate on Zhao Wuji, while my bloodl.u.s.t that surrounds the area also begins to do the same. I keep dodging his strikes while sending a few of my own, my bloodl.u.s.t continuing to grow.

Zhao Wuji keeps feeling more and more pressured and increases the output of his Increased Gravity, but it only serves to slow me down a little before my body gets used to it again.

We battle it out for a couple minutes and I am able to find a couple weak points of his. I charged at him directly, which confused him as I usually dodge him and only hit him while running.

When I get close to him I suddenly use my Illusion Ice Transformation to release nine 100,000-year-old Red Spirit Rings, almost scaring him to death.

While he is dumbfounded I use my staff like a spear and stab him in the kidney, his real guard cracks everywhere as the staff pierces through, a small b.l.o.o.d.y mark can be seen but isn"t deep enough to deal any real damage.

Zhao Wuji snaps out of his stupor after getting stabbed and starts making this weird roar, "HONG! HONG! HONG! HONG!" I feel the pressure around me building, as if it"s trying to crush my body, this must be his Fifth Spirit Skill, Gravity Crush.

Feeling my body being restricted while he stands there angers me further, I struggle for a while as my bloodl.u.s.t reaches its peak. Suddenly, I feel a change in my body, my bloodl.u.s.t that was just floating around as I exude it begins to eat away at the Gravity Crush, allowing me to break free.

The bloodl.u.s.t starts organising itself in a 30m radius, and I feel as if I have absolute control inside the area. Instinctively, I realise that I have comprehended a domain, the Slaughter Domain.

I feel as if my bloodl.u.s.t has become a part of me and I can feel what moves within the area of my bloodl.u.s.t.

I look towards Zhao Wuji and see his ashen face filled with surprise, I can see all the weak points in his body. I run towards him feeling as if I instinctively know the best way to attack him.

I use my Illusion Ice Transformation to create clones of myself, with the same aura. We all dance around Zhao Wuji until he doesn"t know which of me is a clone and which of me is real. We charge at him, and attack with moves as aggressive as fire, while my mind is cold as ice.

Unable to tell which of me is real, he curls up and defends his vital areas. I attack him multiple times almost completely destroying his real guard.

Zhao Wuji starts sweating as he realises he is on the losing side, knowing that I really mean to take his life he doesn"t hold back anything and uses his Seventh Spirit Ring.

A giant golden bear avatar appears over his body, radiating a huge amount of pressure. Zhao Wuji uses his Gravity Increase Spirit Ability again, I feel a huge amount of pressure that forces me to my knees.

Suddenly, something flies over to the examination ground screaming, "What the h.e.l.l is going on?!" A human with a pair of black owl wings lands near us, it was Flander, the dean of the school.

Zhao Wuji releases his Gravity Increase Spirit Ability and tells Flander, "This kid is crazy, he"s trying to kill me!" As he looks at me, there is some lingering fear.

I glare at him, not releasing my slaughter domain. As I get ready to start another fight, I hear Feng Fengs soft voice.

"Brother, I am ok now, don"t fight anymore!" As I look towards Feng Feng, all my bloodl.u.s.t fades in an instant and I rush to her side. I pick her up in a tight hug, "I am so glad you are alright, Feng Feng, my Feng Feng…" As I hold her, tears start falling down my face.

Feng Feng holds my head gently as she pats my head while looking at my face with eyes filled with love, "I am alright, Sister Yue used her Phoenix Tears to heal my body quickly."

I look towards Little Yue, who was standing beside me, and wrap her up in our hug, "Please, make sure you two stay safe, I don"t know what I would do without you."

They both hug me tightly and rea.s.sure me, "We will stay together forever", "I still have a lot that I want to do with you, Big Brother." Feeling relieved that Feng Feng is alright, a wave of exhaustion attacks me, as I pa.s.s out in their hold.

(A/N: Alternate t.i.tles: "Rage of an MC", "Slaughter Domain", "Angry Wulin is Scary Wulin"

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