We get in the line to enter the Imperial Capital, as we got closer to the city walls, we could see a large announcement posted to the side of our line.

[Recruiting: Blue Tyrant Advanced Spirit Master Academy, Because of its expansion, is presently recruiting the following staff: Ten fortieth ranked or higher Spirit Masters. Higher Spirit Power has priority, favourable terms of employment.]

Flander was astonished that an Academy was able to advertise itself on the city gates. Qin Ming, who is the most knowledgeable about Heaven Dou Capital, hurriedly informed Flander in all he could about the Academy.

"Blue Tyrant Academy is an elite Academy that has an extremely strict education. In the last Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, they were even able to knock out one of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy"s two competing teams.

However, this year that Blue Tyrant Academy cla.s.s should have graduated, and this year the Heaven Dou Imperial Team is much stronger than last time, Blue Tyrant Academy probably doesn"t stand a chance anymore."

Flander had a thoughtful look in his eyes as he stroked his chin, "How big is this academy?"

"It should be around a third of the size of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, but the expenses are no less than Heaven Dou Academy"s because of their location in the Heaven Dou Capital. It is said that they refuse all n.o.bles and only accept commoners, suggesting that they have a ma.s.sive background." Qin Ming said.

"Dean Flander, let"s try enrolling in this academy, it is too difficult for us to gain Advanced Spirit Master Academy qualifications now. If we join this academy, we will be able to get revenge against Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!" I say.

A vengeful light shine in the eyes of the other students, they are all geniuses that have never been forced to scram like that before, so they are reasonably furious.

They all look at Flander in silent agreement to my words, hoping that Flander accepts my proposal.

Flander gives a little laugh, "I was also thinking the same thing. The requirements to reopen Shrek Academy and gain Advanced Spirit Master Academy qualifications are many, far too many. Plus, I am already so old, as are these old brothers of mine. Besides, not taking revenge for this day"s disgrace is not the style of me, Flander."

The teachers all expressed their willingness to follow Flander as we decided to enrol in Blue Tyrant Academy. With the familiar Qin Ming to guide us, we followed the address on the announcement and very quickly reached our destination.

Blue Tyrant Academy"s gates were around as large as Heaven Dou City"s city gates, causing the miserly Flander to shine with eyes of greed, "Hehehe~ To be able to have a gate as large as the city"s, the pay for teachers must not be low."

His laugh was so sinister that some walking pedestrians turned their heads and quickly ran away. We also wanted to keep our distance from Flander, he was even rubbing his hands together like a villain.

We walked up to the gates of Blue Tyrant Academy as we get a closer look at its grandness.

The gate house was made out of beautifully carved white marble, but that didn"t lower its imposing nature. On the top of the gate house were six large words in gold letters, "Blue Tyrant Advanced Spirit Master Academy".

I looked over to Yu Xiao Gang as I know he will soon meet with Liu Erlong. He has a strange look on his face, like he is uncomfortable but doesn"t know why. He follows behind Flander as he tries to figure out what he is feeling.

To the side of the gate house was a small building for receiving visitors, above the door was written "Recruitment Office".

Inside, a forty-year-old man was sitting in front of a desk, he looked towards us students and asked, "Are you all here to enrol at the academy?".

Looking at it from his perspective, we probably look like a bunch of village children getting escorted by some village uncles to enrol in the Academy.

Flander shook his head, "No, we are the ones to enlist in the Academy. These children are out disciples. If we can successfully get employed, our students will also want to enrol here."

Now that we are closer, the man was able to get a better look at us. He had a strange look on his face as he saw that most of us were young teenagers, there was even a small child only around eight-years-old.

He didn"t think that we would have very high Spirit Rank"s with our young age, and that our teachers must not be very high level either if the oldest looking student was just 17-18-years-old. It is more common for people around 20-years-old to enrol in this academy, even 16-18-year-olds are comparably rarer.

But he has been waiting here for several days, and now he is faced with several potential teachers, with enthusiasm, the admittance teacher said, "Whether applying to enrol as teacher or student, you must complete a test. If you are able to become Academy teachers, I believe it will also be possible to accommodate your disciples."

We naturally don"t have any problems with a small test, so Flander nodded his head, "A test is no problem, where is it?"

The admittance teachers hurriedly stood up as he led the way to where the test is held. Walking into Blue Tyrant Academy, we walked along a s.p.a.cious path, surrounding us were forests on both sides.

At the end of the path, a large field measuring at least 200 metres in diameter was surrounded by multiple three-story buildings.

The admittance teacher introduced the scenery as he led the way. Inside the three-story buildings were mimicry environments, student dorms, and teaching facilities.

We were brought to a sharp roofed building. Inside, the building was very simple, granite floors, white walls, lit up by the large windows placed all around. The admittance teacher let us stay inside the hall as he went to get the examiners.

Soon, three Spirit Masters came out from a room, each with a strict expression on their faces. They seemed around forty-years-old and had ordinary appearances, there didn"t appear to be anything extraordinary about them or their aura"s.

The person in the lead said, "Everyone taking the Spirit Master examination, please do so one by one. Who is first?"

Flander looked at Qin Ming and said, "Little Ming, you go first." Qin Ming is the weakest among the teachers, and also the most talented, so Flander let him go first to create a large impact.

Qin Ming stepped forward and nodded to the three, "May I ask, how will this test be conducted?"

The Spirit Master in the front said, "Please release your Spirit, as long as you"ve reached the fortieth level, then, in a fight with one of us, if you can last for ten minutes you are eligible."

Qin Ming was forced to choke back his anger in Heaven Dou Imperial Academy because of Dugu Bo"s incredible strength, but now that he was faced with weaker people, he vented his anger as he released his Spirit with full pressure.

The atmosphere in the entire hall grew heavy and the three Blue Tyrant Academy Spirit Masters in front of Qin Ming staggered, barely able to keep their balance as their faces turned pale with fright.

These three Spirit Masters were only Spirit King level Spirit Masters, and when faced with Qin Ming"s Spirit Emperor level pressure, they were barely able to control themselves. They looked at Qin Ming with aghast and saw his Spirit Rings float from his body.

A total of six Spirit Rings floated behind Qin Ming, two yellow, three purple, and one black. Qin Ming stood in front of us as he lightly said, "Sixty second ranked Inferno Gray Wolf Spirit Emperor, Qin Ming, Power Attack System. Which of you will advise me?"

The three Blue Tyrant Spirit Masters were astonished, "Advise? Advise your d.a.m.n mother! How are we going to advise you when we are weaker than you!"

The leading Blue Tyrant Spirit Master gave a slight cough, "Eh, there is no need for a combat test. The Academy rules state that any Spirit Master exceeding the sixtieth rank are exempt from further tests. You have already pa.s.sed."

Qin Ming gave a satisfied huff as he retracted his Spirit, allowing the atmosphere to go back to normal. The three examiners inwardly wiped their sweat now that they were no longer pressured by Qin Ming.

The Blue Tyrant Spirit Master on the left couldn"t help but ask, "If I may be so presumptuous to ask, how old are you this year?" He used an extremely polite tone since Qin Ming seemed so young and was an even higher rank than himself.

"Thirty-four." Qin Ming was calm as he glanced at the three Blue Tyrant Spirit Masters.

The eyes of the three Blue Tyrant Spirit Masters opened wider than they have ever opened before. They have never seen, let alone heard of a Spirit Emperor at the age of thirty-four, now, one such impossibility has appeared in front of them.

Flander didn"t give them any time to recover as he said, "Oh, since Spirit Masters over the sixtieth level do not require additional testing, then there is no need for us to waste time. Brothers, Spirit Rings."

Apart from Yu Xiao Gang, the teachers from Shrek Academy released their Spirit Rings one after the other. In an instant, two Spirit Emperors and three Spirit Sages appeared in front of the three examiners.

Flander has already recovered from earlier today and arrogantly shows off his Spirit Rings, "So, do we also pa.s.s?"

The examiners were shocked to death when they saw the five teachers all above the sixtieth level, and only came back to life when Flander asked his question.

The leading examiner nodded his head like a chicken pecking at the ground as he hurriedly said, "Y-yes, of course you can. Seniors, please withdraw your Spirits."

When faced with weaker Spirit Masters, Flander has his usual arrogance, yet when faced with a t.i.tled Douluo, he has no choice but to lower his head. In the end, it is strength that speaks the loudest in this world.

The leading Blue Tyrant examiner stepped forward as he took a deep breath, "My humble name is Yin Shu, Fifty-fourth ranked Power Attack System. I am unable to evaluate all the seniors" levels. As it is like this, I will bring you to meet our dean who will be able to determine everyone"s levels and treatment."

"Let"s go then." Flander smiled lightly. Naturally, he and the Shrek Academy teachers are much happier being admired than when they were disdained and were in a happy mood again.

Yin Shu and the other two examiners lead us out of the hall to a small path behind the Academy. This path led directly into the forest that surrounds the main campus.

Yu Xiao Gang was puzzled at their direction as he asked, "Your dean isn"t at the campus?"

Yin Shu shook his head, his eyes revealing a deep and sincere reverence, "The dean normally isn"t in the Academy, preferring the quiet and living alone in the forest. The Academy"s everyday affairrs are handled by the teachers, only when there are major matters, do we seek out the dean."

Yu Xiao Gang nodded his head. He was moving a little sluggishly, it looks like he wants to run away, but his heart is forcing him to stay. Flander also knows that Liu Erlong is in this Academy, so he pulls Yu Xiao Gang to keep up with him.

We continue to walk for around ten minutes as we bask in the fresh and clean atmosphere of the forest. Suddenly, a soft voice of a woman could he heard singing far ahead. The voice seemed to hold many unbearable emotions, the deep sorrow, mourning and bitterness flowed through the gentle voice, making all of us unconsciously feel the torment that she has endured.

Flander and Yu Xiao Gang had already stopped walking when the singing started, Flander had a strange and slightly bitter expression on his face, while Yu Xiao Gang had tears streaming down his face.

Yu Xiao Gang seemed to be struggling within himself but couldn"t bring himself to run away. I walk up and put a hand on his shoulder, "She has not been suffering any less, at least go and see her…"

His body trembled a bit as he looked back at me. It seems my words worked, as he forced himself to move forward.

We continued for a couple hundred metres as the forest began thinning, on one easily noticeable tree, a sign is hung, "Restricted area, please do not enter."

Beyond this tree, the scenery completely changes. There was a large clearing, containing a small lake, small enough to be considered a pool. Beside the lake, a simple thatch cottage stood, surrounded by a magnificent garden of flowers.

In the midst of these flowers, I could see a beautiful woman with a forlorn expression on her face, she had a kettle of water in her hands as she tended to the flowers.

Perhaps she heard our footsteps, she raised her gaze to our direction as she saw the three Blue Tyrant Spirit Masters. She was a little annoyed that people were disturbing her peace and tranquillity, but she saw that there were many more people behind them as she moved her attention to them.

Her gaze wandered over all of us before reaching Flander and Yu Xiao Gang, her entire body stiffened as her body trembled, her hand relaxed and the kettle fell to the ground, spilling water everywhere, but she didn"t seem to notice as she stared at Yu Xiao Gang.

Countless emotions rippled in her eyes as tears began to stream down her face, although she was crying, she had an expression filled with love and disbelief, "Xiao— Xiao Gang, is that truly you? I"m not dreaming?"

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