The students don"t have any useful rumours anymore, so I ignored them and turned my attention back to Rong Rong, flirting as we waited for our group to come.

Soon, all of the people from Old Shrek start filing in one by one within a span of five minutes. We all know each other well enough, so we all come to eat at around the same time even without communicating.

Little Jing comes in while holding hands with Little Yue and Feng Feng. When she sees me, her eyes light up as she screams out, "Daddy!"

The entire eating hall goes quiet as they look towards Little Jing. The teachers have a different eating area, so who could it be that she is calling for?

Little Jing ignored the stares as she released the hands of Feng Feng and Little Yue and ran towards me.

I caught her tiny body as she leapt at me, bringing her to stand on my thighs. She happily holds onto my shoulder as she nuzzles her nose against mine.

I quickly hold onto her furiously wagging tail before it starts knocking over all the food.

I give her a quick kiss as I say, "Alright, calm down, your tail is going to go into my food! I just cleaned it this morning, I don"t want to do it again."

"Daddy, I missed you a lot today!" She held onto my neck, smiling happily.

"You missed me a lot? I heard you were having fun being a little evil spirit around the academy, come and sit down." Her tail is trying to struggle free from my grasp.

Little Jing sits down while facing me and wraps herself around me like an octopus, she rubs her face into my body as she says, "I can do both!"

I give her a small knock on the head, "How are you going to eat like that, hurry up and turn around."

"No! Daddy can just feed me anyway! I need to recharge my Daddy Energy!" Little Jing puts up a cute and spoiled act.

She knows that she has no b.r.e.a.s.t.s, so she grinds her a.s.s deeper into my waist, trying to seduce me.

I let out a fake sigh, "Hah… Alright, who asked me to spoil you so much. You are just too cute." I lightly scratch her ears before picking at some food and feeding her.

She opens her mouth wide, swallowing all of my fingers as well, not letting them go until she licks them all clean.

Feng Feng sits beside me with Little Yue beside her, I wrap my arm around Feng Feng"s waist, "I heart some guys tried to hit on you girls, good job protecting everyone!"

Feng Feng righteously nodded her head, "They were just too rude, I couldn"t hold back my anger, they deserved a beating."

I laugh as I say, "Right, they deserved a good beating, but I heard you also burnt their clothes off, haha…"

Feng Feng flushed red, "It was Little Jing, she was the one asking me to burn it off!"

Little Jing looks up at me and smiles mischievously, I scratch her ears as I smile back to her.

Little Yue rests her head on Feng Feng"s shoulder, "Big Brother, did I also do well? I helped them too!"

I raise a hand and pet her head, lightly caressing her hair, "Of course, you also done a very good job. Later, I will bring you girls to the Heaven Dou Auction House, they have many cool things there."

"I also bought something that could be significant to everyone as part of the Guardian G.o.ds…" I look to all the others.

Everyone stopped eating and looked to me, "Sixth Brother, what did you buy? Don"t hide it from us!" Mu Bai says.

"You probably heard from my girls this morning that I was taking Rong Rong to the Heaven Dou Auction House, in that place, if you name it, it has probably been sold before, including people and Spirit Beasts."

Everyone is listening intently, except Rong Rong, none of the others have gone to the Heaven Dou Auction House before. Mu Bai and Qing"er also haven"t gone to anything similar in the Star Luo Empire.

"The most important and most expensive item I bought was a female slave named Xue Mei, she is currently resting inside my dorm." I say.

The others were a little shocked hearing that I bought a slave. Fatty instantly moved his thoughts to lewdness as he heard she was a girl.

"Brother Wulin, you bought a s.e.x slave? You must tell me what it is like, maybe I can buy one in the future as well!" Fatty"s eyes shined as he said.

I laughed a little, "I"m not sure if you will be able to buy a slave like Xue Mei, she cost me 800,000 Gold Spirit Coins."

The boys cried out, "What! She cost 800,000 Gold Spirit Coins?! She must be a princess or something, right?!"

"Haha, I"m not sure, but I do know that she is a thirty seventh ranked Spirit Elder. She is only 17 years old, and an Auxiliary System Spirit Master. I thought she would be worth the money." I say lightly.

"What! Such a genius, what is she doing being sold as a slave?! Any Academy would be dying to take her as a student!" Mu Bai cried out in shock.

I nodded my head, "That would be the case normally, but she has a couple problems with her Spirit. Every time she uses a Spirit Ability, it drains some blood from her body, causing her to gradually get weaker as she fights.

She will be a burden to any Academy that is not able to replenish her blood quickly during battles, and she will be like a black hole, consuming all the resources of the Academy."

"But if she is so useless, why did you buy her? Don"t try to lie to me, Brother Wulin! You really want a s.e.x slave, I bet she is still a virgin as well!" Fatty strikes again with his antics.

Rong Rong nods her head, "Right, Xue Mei is still a virgin, I checked personally!"

I give a dry laugh, "She isn"t even in a condition for me to have s.e.x with… I care more about her abilities as a Spirit Master… I can easily deal with her blood problems, so if she is useful then I will invite her as a Guardian G.o.d."

"Invite her as a Guardian G.o.d?! Isn"t it too early for that? Brother San isn"t here either, we should at least wait until he comes back." Xiao Wu says.

I nod my head, "I know, I plan to give her a trial period as part of our group until Tang San comes back. If she can prove herself and n.o.body else rejects her, then I will use my claim to invite her, there will be no problems about her loyalty, she is bound to me already."

My girls didn"t question any of my decisions, they already know that I won"t invite someone light-heartedly.

The others also know my character, Mu Bai said, "Alright, it is your decision to make anyway, why didn"t you bring her to meet us?"

"She is pa.s.sed out on the sofa of my dorm, she also is too weak to speak right now. I will see if she has the right att.i.tude before bringing her to meet you. If she doesn"t, there is no point in meeting her and I will just release her somewhere." I say.

They nod at my logic, "Sixth Brother, if you don"t want her, I don"t mind taking her. I need someone to help take care of my evil fire." Fatty smiles lasciviously as he asks.

"If I am going to throw her away, I could give her to you. But it will be up to you to take care of her health and wellbeing, by the way, she looks like a skeleton right now, if you take her virginity, she might die from the blood loss." I say.

Fatty sweats, "Oh… Don"t worry then, I don"t want her to take all of my money and food, I am satisfied with the pretty sisters from the brothels, they have much better bodies." He quickly rejects his previous notion.

We continued to talk about the things that I bought from the Heaven Dou Auction House, causing the rest of the girls to want to go there.

Mu Bai promised to take Qing"er there some time to pick out anything she liked, which she didn"t reject. Xiao Wu silently promised to herself that she would force Tang San to bring her to the Heaven Dou Auction House when he comes back.

After dinner, all of us left to go back to our dorms. I brought the girls to Xue Mei since they have never seen her before and wanted to see their new potential companion.

Xue Mei was still asleep, not having moved from the position I left her in. They all have a good look at her face, her beautiful blood red hair is cascading the sofa, however, she still has a slightly pale face and sunken cheeks.

Feng Feng smiles as she looks at her appreciatively, "She has very beautiful hair, is has a kind of surreal feeling to it, like she has been dyed in blood."

Little Jing let out a high pitch squeal, "She is so pretty! But, she looks very unhealthy… Daddy, is she going to be okay?"

I rub Little Jing"s head, "She will be fine, she is already looking a little better now that I gave her some food."

Xue Mei"s eyes fluttered, it seems like Little Jing"s squeal woke her up. After a couple seconds, Xue Mei opens her eyes, looking like blood crystals as they scanned the room in confusion.

Her eyes landed on the five on us as she looked a little alarmed, but her body only twitched a bit, unable to move.

I thought she might be alarmed that all of us are standing on top of her, so I knelt closer to her level, Little Jing in front of me is at the perfect height, so I hug her body while I look at Xue Mei.

"Good afternoon, Xue Mei. Seeing that you have a bit of clarity now, I guess the soup has worked pretty well…" Xue Mei looks at me deeply.

"Who… are... you…?" Xue Mei weakly said, staring vigilantly at me.

"I am Chen Wulin, but you can call me Master. These girls are my wives, including this little fox. I bought you from the Heaven Dou Auction House, I hope you are worth the money." I say.

"Since you are still too weak to move, the girls and I will be helping you out. Alright, girls, bath time." I give Little Jing a kiss on the head as I get up.

I pull the blanket off Xue Mei and carry her body in a princess carry. Xue Mei was instantly frightened when I pulled off the blanket, however she couldn"t muster any resistance.

"Don"t be scared, I am just taking you to the bath. I am not letting you on the bed without being clean. Even if the Auction House cleaned you, they probably didn"t put much effort into it." I ignore her fear as I walk to the bathroom.

Although I called it a bath, it is in fact an indoor hot spring, Liu Erlong arranged this for me because I am sharing with four other girls, so I need a lot of s.p.a.ce to fit all of us. I am also the strongest student, so I deserve the best treatment.

In the bathroom, all the girls take their clothes off familiarly before I hand Xue Mei to Little Yue as I take my clothes off.

Little Yue positioned Xue Mei so she had to stare at me. She stared at my body in wonder as I undressed, but when I took my pants off, she went wide eyed before shutting her eyes tightly while blushing.

The girls laugh at Xue Mei"s innocent reaction, after all the time we have spent together, they aren"t shy about looking at my body.

I walk to Xue Mei as I hold her waist, Xue Mei trembles as she tries to close her eyes even tighter.

"Calm down, I promise that I won"t do anything to you, for now. I am just giving you a bath." I console her lightly.

I lightly tear the rags off her body as she shivers. Now that she is naked, I can have a proper look at her body.

I stare at her body, it is a beautifully light tanned colour, but her body is unhealthily thin, I can see all her ribs sticking to her skin.

Even her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are tiny, and her b.u.t.t has barely any meat. I take her trembling body from Little Yue as we walk inside the bathroom…

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