It didn"t take long before we were in front of Shrek Academy again.

With Little Jing sitting on my shoulders, I walk through the large Academy gates and into the main campus.

Mu Bai has already recovered from the teachers" generous teachings and seems to be glowing brightly.
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After absorbing his fourth Spirit Ring, his Spirit Power instantly broke through to the forty-third rank.

Cultivation is an arduous journey that only gets harder the further you get, so he is naturally elated to quickly gain a couple levels without even harming his foundation.

"We will be going to our dorms first, let"s meet up at dinner." I split off from Mu Bai and the teachers as went towards my dorm.

Once there, I could hear some light chatter from inside. Judging by the pitch of the voices, it should be two men and Rong Rong.

While slightly confused, I opened the door and called out to her, "Rong Rong, I am back!"

Their conversation instantly ended, and tiny footsteps hurriedly made their way towards the entrance.

Soon, a beautiful pink-haired fairy bounced down the hall before leaping into my arms while calling, "Brother Wulin!"

"h.e.l.lo, beautiful. You have guests?" I asked as my eyes were directed down the hall.

Two pairs of footsteps were calmly coming near. The timing of each step made Wulin feel like he was listening to a metronome.

Before Rong Rong could nod her head, a seemingly calm and majestic voice through the hall, "You must be Chen Wulin, Strongest of Shrek, Stealer of Daughters."

My face couldn"t help but twitch and turn a little strange as I heard the man"s words, yet I still replied, "Well, you got two of those things correct."

Rong Rong pouted as she yelled back to the voice, "Daddy~ I already said that he didn"t kidnap them! We are with him willingly!"

A graceful looking middle-aged man walked around the corner accompanied by a gigantic old man, he was only skin and bones, yet he stood over 2.5m tall.

I was a little shocked to see them still here, from my understanding of the novel, they should have left a couple days ago.

However, it didn"t delay my reaction in giving my greetings, "Wulin greets father-in-law and Grandpa Bone."

I could see Ning Fengzhi"s face turn vicious for a second, but Grandpa Bone was the same as always.

"How did you know who I was?" Grandpa Bone"s deep hoa.r.s.e voice sounded out, scaring Little Jing as she hid behind my back.

"Rong Rong told me about her two grandpas", "The tall and handsome one is Grandpa Bone and the white-clothed one is Grandpa Sword." I answered.

His old and withered face cracked into a sinister-like smile, though I think it was meant to be a happy smile from his words.

"Good! At least it seems you working eyes, I am much more handsome than that old coot." He let out a couple "sinister" laughs as he praised himself.

Turning to Rong Rong, I ask, "So, how did I get the honour to receive the t.i.tle of "Stealer of Daughters"?"

"Well, daddy saw the different sizes of clothes in our bedroom, and instantly knew that there were multiple girls. After introducing each of them, daddy said that you are stealing daughters from everywhere…"

Rong Rong had an exasperated expression on her face, she likely had to deal with her father"s comments the entire time.

I nodded my head at her explanation, "Well, how about we all sit down first, then we can start our discussions. Xue Mei, can you make some tea for everyone."

We moved back into the living room as I sat on a large couch with Little Yue, Little Jing and Rong Rong. Ning Fengzhi and Grandpa Bone sat across from us while Xue Mei and Feng Feng went to make tea.

Seeing everyone sitting around me, Ning Fengzhi is obviously displeased as seen by the expressions on his face.

However, there is no disgust or hatred towards the other girls, so he is probably just bitter that Rong Rong is in a harem.

"Father-in-law, what would you like to discuss?" I look at Ning Fengzhi as I ask.

His eyes flashed with irritation as he harrumphed, "You say that so smoothly, you must be very used to saying Father-in-law."

Ning Fengzhi felt unjustified, his own daughter was talented, beautiful and had incredible background, so why does she have to share with others.

It was lucky that Xue Mei or Feng Feng didn"t hear his words, otherwise they would be deeply saddened again.

Especially Xue Mei, she has only recently lost her family and would have no chance to introduce their son-in-law to her parents.

I could only shake my head sadly, "You are the only one I have ever called Father-in-law. The others don"t have any family left, only each other."

Ning Fengzhi was taken aback as his eyes opened wide. He had only said that out of irritation and didn"t think about something like that.

At this time, Xue Mei and Feng Feng came in with a tray of cups and two pots of tea.

They both poured a couple cups before gently handing them to everyone, Xue Mei making sure to put some honey in one for Little Jing.

Ning Fengzhi had an awkward look on his face as he watched the girls innocently hand out tea without knowing anything.

He hesitantly accepted a cup while Grandpa Bone casually accepted one as well, he didn"t seem to be fazed by anything and just liked to watch.

Not wanting to waste time, I look directly at Ning Fengzhi as I state, "I would like for Father-in-law to accept my relationship with Rong Rong and give his blessings."

Ning Fengzhi"s face hardened as he glanced at eacah of us, the awkward event from before is different to now, so he changed mindsets quickly.

Rong Rong also looked at Ning Fengzhi pleadingly as she silently begged him to accept.

Grandpa Bone calmly sipped his tea before suddenly speaking up, "Fengzhi, you should just accept it. It is better this young man than any others, even if he has other girls around him."

Ning Fengzhi helpless sighed as he also thought this way, "Fine, fine… I will give you two my blessings, but you must come and officially get married at the clan after the Spirit Master Tournament."

Rong Rong lit up like a candle as she excitedly thanked Ning Fengzhi, "Thank you, daddy!"

I was also happy that he gave in so easily, but he has had five days to mull over this, so he likely already had his answer a long time ago.

"We will come and visit after we win the Spirit Master Tournament." Nodding my head, I say.

I thought for a little bit before deciding to try something out.

"Father-in-law, I will give you a couple things as a dowry for marrying Rong Rong." I say.

Ning Fenzhi was intrigued and delighted, he knew that I was a great blacksmith, so he thought I would give him some weapons.

However, he was confused when I brought out three small gourds.

Inside these gourds was the Spirit Liquid made by my fifth Spirit Ability. Two of them cleansed up to the bone marrow while the other cleansed even the soul.

After the Spirit Ring reached one million years, the Spirit Liquid can cleanse the entire body and even the soul. I also became able to manipulate the effects of the liquid.

Creating Spirit Liquid with cleansing effects drains many folds more Spirit Power than Spirit Liquid with just poison purifying effects.

Naturally, the first two body cleaning liquids are for Grandpa Bone and Grandpa Sword while the final one is for Ning Fengzhi.

I have never tested the Spiritual Liquid before since I was afraid that the cleansing effects were a one-time use.

Having Grandpa Bone and Ning Fenzhi here today coincidentally allows me to see how it works before I use it myself and for the others.

"These gourds contain extremely rare Spiritual Liquids that can cleanse the body." I explain as I had two gourds to Ning Fengzhi and Grandpa Bone.

Grandpa Bone and Ning Fengzhi looked at the gourd with interest, I also handed Ning Fenzhi Grandpa Sword"s portion to which he stored.

Grandpa Bone opened the gourd and took a cautionary sniff. A fresh feeling of warmth travelling through his nose and into his body.

This warm feeling spread throughout his entire body and he instantly felt parts of his body feel lighter.

Now understanding the potency of the Spiritual Liquid, he threw his head back and downed the entire gourd of Spiritual Liquid without hesitation.

Ning Fengzhi watched as Grandpa Bone closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

The girls and I also watched Grandpa Bone intently, his body was trembling slightly, and copious amounts of black liquids began to leak from the pores of his body.

This continued for ten minutes and Grandpa Bone was almost completely encased in an armour made from impurities.

Suddenly, Grandpa Bone"s eyes swung open powerfully as a dreadful pressure exuded from his body.

Everyone quickly paled as the pressure tried to crush us, I quickly released all my Spirit Power to shield the girls since they are much weaker.

However, it wasn"t helping much, so I also released my Slaughter Domain and used the power of the domain to force Grandpa Bone"s Spirit Power back towards him.

Luckily, Grandpa Bone took control of his Spirit Power and stopped the leaking pressure in an instant.

The girls had white faces and sweat on their forehead as they took deep breaths of relief.

Ning Fengzhi didn"t have the time to check on us as he stared at Grandpa Bone in shock, "Uncle Bone, you—you made a breakthrough?"

Grandpa Bone nodded his head deeply as he laughed uproariously, "Indeed, I have finally made a breakthrough! I have caught up to that old b.a.s.t.a.r.d Chen Xin!"

I was also happy to see Grandpa Bone make a breakthrough. Even though he is scary looking, he is very caring to Rong Rong and seems to be an amiable man.

However, a disgusting stench made its way into my nostrils. I scrunched my nose up as I tried to block the stench, I could tell the girls also quickly smelt it.

"Gross! Grandpa Bone, quickly go and take a bath, you smell so bad!" Rong Rong pinched her nose as she shooed Grandpa Bone away in a strange voice.

Grandpa Bone left as he went to the bathroom, Rong Rong turned to her father as she asked, "Daddy, did Grandpa Bone really make a breakthrough? He has been trying for so long!"

Ning Fengzhi nodded his head excitedly, "Uncle Bone has never released Spirit Power that strong before, it is clear that he has broken through to the 96th rank."

Ning Fengzhi looked at the small gourd in his hands with some expectation and uncertainty.

I could naturally figure out what he was thinking as I rea.s.sured him, "Father-in-law, your one is slightly stronger than the one Grandpa Bone took. It may even solve the problem of your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile PaG.o.da."

Ning Fengzhi"s eyes brightened as he nodded his head, "Great! I will drink it right now."

Popping the cap of the gourd, Ning Fengzhi also swung his head back as he downed the contents of the gourd in one go.

Black filth quickly started seeping from Ning Fengzhi"s pores. His expression was as if he was floating on clouds, serene and peaceful.

Soon, Ning Fengzhi slowly opened his eyes, they were crystal clear and shined with a light he did not have before.

Not minding the filth on his body, Ning Fengzhi quickly summoned his Spirit. A crystal paG.o.da coalesced in his hand as many rays of light shined in the room.

All of us counted the number of layers with haste: one, two… seven, eight, nine! Ning Fengzhi"s Spirit evolved to become nine layers, just like Rong Rong"s.

Ning Fengzhi laughed heartily, "Finally! I am at the eightieth rank! My Spirit has evolved, my dream! It has come true! Good, good, good! You are truly a good son!"

I smiled happily when I saw Ning Fengzhi"s evolution, proving the capabilities of my Spirit Ability.

Now, I can safely give some to all the others, I might even be able to fix Yu Xiao Gang"s Spirit.

Rong Rong was also very happy to see her father"s Spirit evolve just like hers, but as soon as she smelt the stench of his impurities, she also shooed him away.

Rong Rong came back as she sat by my side, snuggling closely into my arm, "Brother Wulin, how can I ever repay you! You were able to help Grandpa Bone and evolve daddy"s Spirit!"

I gave her a peck on the lips as I said, "It"s fine, we are family. Your father is my father, and your grandpa is my grandpa, helping them is natural."

Rong Rong"s eyes turned a little red as she heard my words and deeply nodded her head, "Right! My family is your family."

She also looked at the other girls, "Sisters, my family is also your family as well."

The girls smiled happily at Rong Rong"s words, they no longer had families, so they were very happy to hear Rong Rong say that.

They moved over and each gave Rong Rong a hug and a kiss, thanking her for being a part of their family…

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