"Let"s stop here for today… If this keeps up, I fear that the Spirit Master Tournament will already begin." Flander stopped the group.

"Aren"t the top-quality Spirit Beasts too pitifully few?" He sighed in dejection.

They have been in the forest for another two days already, yet they have not found a single Spirit Beast suitable enough for the others to absorb.

During these two days, the did encounter some Spirit Beasts that fit the age requirement, however they were not of suitable characteristics.

Tang San looked at everyone and saw their dejected expressions. He felt like he had to do something yet was also hesitant.

"Dean Flander, I actually have a solution to this… However, it is quite dangerous." Tang San said cautiously.

Flander and the others fixed their eyes onto Tang San intently, almost piercing him with their strong will to know his solution.

Tang San hesitantly looked at them as he answered, "Using a special method, I can increase the scent of the Aromatic Silk Beauty flower manyfold. Being an Immortal Treasure, its aura alone will attract the attention of many powerful Spirit Beasts."

Zhao Wuji"s face instantly changed as he knew the implications of this method.

They would have no way of telling what kind of Spirit Beasts they would encounter and there was no way to control the amount of Spirit Beasts they face.

Even though there are five strong Spirit Masters guarding them, in the worst case, they could face total annihilation against a large horde.

Just like the Star Dou Forest, there could be strong existences like the t.i.tan Giant Ape hidden deep inside the Sunset Forest.

Even with the Golden Iron Triangle"s Spirit Fusion, they might not be able to win.

However, the wise and tactically minded Yu Xiao Gang quickly found a viable method of approach.

"It is not that Little San"s solution is unusable, it all depends on how we approach it. Little San, are you able to locate Dugu Bo"s lair?" He asked.

Tang San had a look of enlightenment as he instantly realised what Yu Xiao Gang was hinting towards.

This caused Tang San to feel inexperienced and silly as he felt he should have thought of that much sooner.

With this as a lesson, Tang San made a mental note to become more mature. As the brain and strategist of the group, he couldn"t afford to be immature.

"Yes! That Old Freak"s lair is protected by a poisonous formation to keep Spirit Beasts away. We could use this formation to our advantage." Tang San nodded his head.

The Aromatic Silk Beauty will attract many Spirit Beasts and if they feel like they will be overrun, they can retreat to the safety of the poisonous formation.

Although the poisonous formation is deadly to most Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters, it is worthless in the face of Tang San and Wulin"s antidotes.

After discussing their plan of attack, the group followed Tang San in the direction of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Wulin was especially excited to go to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well since he wanted to see if he could bring it into his Immortal Realm.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well can increase the growth of plants in the area by 1000 times.

With the current time dilation in the Immortal Realm, that will be multiplied by 6 times. However, Wulin didn"t know if the Flower of Life will also multiply the rate, or just simple addition.

Because they had already moved deep into the Sunset Forest during these two days, it only took half a day to reach the outer perimeter of the poison formation.

Standing before the poison formation, Tang San handed out two small pills to everyone, "Old Freak"s poison is really insidious. A single step inside the formation and anyone under Spirit Saint is doomed."

The younger generation opened their eyes wide in shock and fear, but when thinking that Dugu Bo was a t.i.tled Douluo they found it extremely believable.
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What are Spirit Saints to a Spirit Douluo? They are the same as a Spirit Grandmaster, weak little ants held at the mercy of the t.i.tled Douluo.

Tang San told them that each pill can protect them from the poison formation for a day, giving them two days to get their Spirit Rings.

Tang San entered the poison formation and brought back some soil from near the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Unlike the Yearning Heartbroken Red of Xiao Wu"s, the Aromatic Silk Beauty will slowly wither when taken out of Tang San"s storage item.

Tang San planted the Aromatic Silk Beauty in the top-grade soil and pulled a small bottle from his storage item.

He quickly pulled the stopper off and carefully dripped a single drop of the contents on the Aromatic Silk Beauty.

Purple mist instantly began to spread from the Aromatic silk beauty as a pungent smell spread in the air.

Everyone scrunched their noses in disgust as they caught a whiff of the smell, it was almost as bad as Oscar"s stinky tofu from before.

"The solution I gave the Aromatic Silk Beauty will nourish the flower and the scent of the flower will quickly spread to a minimum of 5 kilometres." Tang San explained.

Yu Xiao Gang nodded his head, "That should be more than enough to attract some Spirit Beasts here."

Now all they had to do was wait for the Spirit Beasts to file in like cattle and choose the plumpest one.

Everyone went in their own groups to explore the surrounding area but made sure that they would be able to react fast and come together quickly.

Meanwhile, Tang San set up a smaller poisonous formation to keep out unnecessary Spirit Beasts below 2,000-years-old.

Soon, a low grumbling sound could be heard in the distance. Trees began to sway from the wind produced by the approaching Spirit Beast.

From the grumbling growl of the Spirit Beast, the Spirit Beast could be identified as part of the Tiger family.

However, just identifying by sound wouldn"t matter as the Spirit Beast was rapidly approaching, it would be easy to see its appearance soon enough.

Since there was only the one Spirit Beast, the group would obviously fight it out right away as they got into formation.

Soon, the Spirit Beast appeared as swift as wind, it was covered from head to toe in charcoal coloured fur besides one feature.

On its forehead, a white "King" character was visible, the contrast between the two colours made the character more p.r.o.nounced.

Even before the Phantom Tiger was fully visible, it pounced at the closest target, Mu Bai.

However, Tang San had been using his Purple Demon Eyes and was able to react in time, sending a flurry of Blue Silver Gra.s.s to try and restrain the Phantom Tiger.

The Phantom Tiger quickly dodged Tang San"s attempt and was about to leap in again when it suddenly felt a danger.

As its instincts are rarely wrong, it immediately retreated a couple metres. Where it once stood, multiple chains made from ice sprouted from the ground.

Although the Phantom Tiger was fast, Control Type Spirit Masters were the bane of its existence and it had to constantly dodge out of the way.

If it was restrained by a single Control Skill, it would be locked into an endless loop of restraints and become at the mercy of the others.

This is the true terrifying power of Control Type Spirit Masters like Little Yue and Tang San.

In a one on one battle between two Spirit Masters of similar level, the Control Spirit Master will thrive.

Of course, in the face of true power, a Control Spirit Master will have no effect.

For example, none of the restraining Spirit Abilities Tang San and Little Yue own have an effect on the four teachers in a serious battle.

As they were fighting, a couple more Spirit Beasts were attracted to the smell of the Aromatic Silk Beauty and appeared.

The teachers quickly made their move and intercepted the Spirit Beasts, knocking them far away.

Because of his Spirit, Yu Xiao Gang stayed next to the Aromatic Silk Beauty while Wulin also followed the teachers to fend off the Spirit Beasts.

None of the Spirit Beasts were that old, with the oldest being seven thousand years old.

They tried to be pa.s.sive at first, beating the Spirit Beast away with force but they seemed to have lost their fear and wanted the Aromatic Silk Beauty even with the risks.

The four continued to beat the Spirit Beasts, not allowing them to pa.s.s the protective barrier of the small Poison Formation.

Various roaring and grumbling could be heard in the distance and it was getting louder with each pa.s.sing second.

Once they arrived, Wulin and the other three each took on a couple Spirit Beasts at once, some of the Spirit Beasts were even over 10,000 years old.

Faced with some 10,000 year old Spirit Beasts and a couple other thousand year old Spirit Beasts, Wulin was forced to get a little more serious.

After a few minutes of defending the youngsters from the oncoming horde, they finished their fight with the Phantom Tiger and Qing"er dragged it into the Poison Formation.

Tang San quickly took back the Aromatic Silk Beauty and retreated into the safety of the Poison Formation followed by everyone else.

Now, only Wulin, Liu Erlong, Flander and Zhao Wuji remained outside fending off the Spirit Beasts.

"Teachers, come to me!" Wulin called out as he used his staff to knock the 10,000 year old Gra.s.s Mink away.

Following his words, they gathered around Wulin, causing all the Spirit Beasts to come together in a big group.

The combined strength of these Spirit Beasts could even wipe them out, so they were beginning to feel a bit anxious.

However, Wulin quickly resolved their worries as he released his Slaughter Domain at full power.

With the keen senses of every Spirit Beast, they immediately picked up the dreadful Slaughter Aura.

With their sensitive senses, the power of the Slaughter Aura was magnified, and they immediately froze in fear.

The weaker Spirit Beasts lost control of their body and plopped on the ground while they urinated in fear.

Wulin smiled at the results and quickly retreated to the poison formation, "Let"s go, those Spirit Beasts are too scared to follow now."

Flander, Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong were shocked at how easily Wulin dealt with the Spirit Beasts but didn"t hesitate in following him.

There were tens of Spirit Beasts rushing out of the forest, many of them were over 10,000 years of age.

With their targeted Immortal Herb in their direction, the horde of Spirit Beasts immediately charged at the group.

However, the second they reached the outer perimeter of the large Poison Formation, they stopped in their tracks, unable to move a single step closer.

Unwilling to let it go, some of the Spirit Beast let out some long-ranged attacks that were blocked by the teachers as they moved deeper into the formation.

Qing"er was already silently absorbing the Spirit Ring of the Phantom Tiger while the rest of the group was restoring their lost Spirit Power.

At this time, Tang San went to Yu Xiao Gang as he removed his Flying G.o.d Claws from his arm.

"Teacher, the Spirit Beasts don"t dare to come inside the Poison Formation, so they must be pulled inside so we can hunt them. With the teachers" strength, pulling them inside should be no problem."

Yu Xiao Gang stared at the thing Tang San was handing him and examined it, "If you are saying this, then this thing can probably help us pull them inside, right?"

Tang San nodded his head, "This is called the Flying G.o.d Claw. With this, there is no need to get close to the Spirit Beasts. Boss Dai, Oscar, Fatty, give your ones to the teachers."

Tang San helped them equip the Flying G.o.d Claw and gave them a detailed explanation on its uses.

After testing it a little inside the Poison Formation, the four of them were extremely satisfied with the uses and also wanted one for themselves.

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