This pool houses the source of the two potent energies, just entering the water would tear the body to pieces before breaking down the bones.

However, Wulin gained control over Yin and Yang when his Spirit Awakened before, so he believed he could survive it.

Not to mention his Phoenix Regeneration would increase his threshold manyfold.

The most important factor would be to control the amount of potent energies entering his body.

Even though he has incredible regeneration skills, if he absorbs more potent energy than he can control, then his body would explode, not giving him a chance to regenerate.

Wulin took a deep breath before undressing and leaping into the middle of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Immediately, Wulin was bombarded with potent energies that he forced to keep out of his body.

However, his concentration was diminished by the searing and freezing pain his physical body was experiencing.

Wulin"s body had ring side seats to the brawl between Ice and Fire, and this fight"s damage extended to him.

His body was given frost burn one second, then scorched by heat the next. It created blisters and destroyed his skin before seeping into his bones.

Wulin tried his best to keep the potent energy at bay, even forcing some out so there is more energy focused on healing his physical body.

Even then, he couldn"t heal it perpetually as his regeneration was coming up short.

After half an hour, Wulin dragged his battered body out of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Once out, his body instantly started regenerating, as if it was rewinding time.

Wulin was on all fours as he breathed deeply in exhaustion while making sure to control the potent energies.

He wasn"t physically exhausted thanks to his Phoenix Regeneration, but the toll it had on his mind was immense.

He had to withstand the pain of having his body constantly brutalised and healed while trying to keep himself from exploding.

After recovering for an hour, Wulin plunged back in the pool and began another session of brutal destruction.

The morning sun was beginning to rise and Wulin knew that it was time for him to go back to the others.

He had been going at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well for eight hours and his body has undergone a refinement procedure.

From destruction comes creation, Wulin"s physical body was torn apart and destroyed for that entire time.

And each time it was destroyed, a new, stronger body was created.

Every time the potent energy rampaged through his veins, they widened and grew back stronger and more resilient.

Wulin knew before that if someone instantly burst out with all their Spirit Power, their veins would probably burst and their bodies severely damaged.

However, Wulin"s veins were far beyond what a normal Spirit King should possess, he could probably produce a Spirit Attack above the Spirit Saint level.

It wasn"t just this either, his muscles adapted to become more flexible and resistant to the potent energies.

With every tear, they grew more and more compact. This would have made Wulin look like a skeleton despite his strength if not for the muscles building at the same time.

Although he looked the same, Wulin"s raw physical strength reached a level far above his own Spirit Rank.

Sadly, Wulin wouldn"t be able to use this method forever. The more his skin and muscles were torn by the potent energies, the more his body acclimated to the energies.

To keep using this method, Wulin would have to dive deeper into the pool, but he didn"t know if his Phoenix Regeneration could keep up with the sudden increase.

For now, though, it is an excellent way to strengthen his body and foundation.

Wulin swam out from the pool and his red and blistered skin immediately turned back to normal.

While making sure to keep out the potent energies, there was one more thing Wulin had to do before leaving.

He wanted to try and take the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well into his Immortal Realm.

Wulin extended his senses to cover the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well as he willed it into the Immortal Realm, however, there was a problem.

Following the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Wulin noticed that its source was connected deep underground.

Even after extending his senses as far as he could, he couldn"t find the end.

This caused Wulin to believe that the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well might very well be connected to the core of the planet.

Since his senses can"t completely cover the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, it is impossible for him to even attempt to bring it into his Immortal Realm.

Sighing disappointedly, Wulin left the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well since the others are probably waking up soon.

Once he was freed from the wretched pain that is the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Wulin felt a refreshing clarity in his mind.

Like his body, his mind and willpower were constantly tempered by the pain he endured, and the mental strength needed to control the potent energies.
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It was like wearing weights for a day before suddenly taking them off, Wulin"s mind felt much lighter and stronger.

Quickly arriving at the camp, he noticed the others were already awake and surrounding Tang San.

Yu Xiao Gang already instructed him to try absorbing the Man Faced Demon Spider which caused his Spider Lances to undergo evolution.

They quickly noticed Wulin returning from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well as they ran over to greet him.

Tang San also stepped forward and bowed lightly, "Brother Wulin, thank you for helping me evolve my Spider Lances."

Wulin shook his hands in dismissal, "It was nothing, any of the others would have also done the same if they knew about External Spirit Bones."

"Alright, if we are all finished here, lets go back to the academy. I don"t want to be late and miss our chance to compete."

Flander came and hurried the younger group to stop their dilly dallying, there would be plenty of time to talk along the trip back.

The group returned from the Sunset Forest without any trouble and smoothly arrived at Shrek Academy.

However, along the way, one such conversation underwent.

"Dean Flander, my girls and I won"t be there for the start of the preselection tournament." Wulin casually said.

Hearing this, Flander"s eyes instantly widened and almost went bloodshot as a large vein appeared on his head.

"Y-you won"t be here? What do you mean you won"t be here!" Flander angrily questioned Wulin.

"Ordinary Advanced Spirit Master Academies like ours can only enter one team in this tournament, but there are 12 of us here."

"There are too many of us, so we decided that we would form two teams. Tang San also has the same idea, that is why he absorbed the Pit Demon Spider instead." Wulin explained.

Flander was shocked and angry that the students had already come under this conclusion without consulting him before.

There was also a look of anxiety in his face, afraid for Wulin and his girls leaving the Academy.

"We can have all of you in one team, and just compete in every second battle! You can even save energy by swapping between each other." Flander tried to reason with him.

But it was something that was already decided by Wulin, and he wasn"t going to change his mind.

However, he did understand some of the worries that Flander had and tried to console him.

"Dean, we are not leaving Shrek Academy, we just want to compete at the same time as the other group."

"But… how are you going to do that?" Hearing his words, Flander did calm down a little but was still worried for them.

"About this, Rong Rong had a pretty good idea…" Wulin answered with a smile.

The group was given free time for the rest of the day. Flander had to go and gather a couple subst.i.tute members for the tournament since Wulin"s group wouldn"t fight with them.

Wulin was relaxing in his dorm while receiving a ma.s.sage by Xue Mei, the other girls were also relaxing on the sofas.

"Brother Wulin, what are we going to do about our partic.i.p.ation in the Spirit Master Tournament? Are we going to follow my suggestion?" Rong Rong asked with bright eyes.

Wulin nodded his head while laying face down, he lifted his face slightly to talk.

"We will follow your suggestion. The day after tomorrow, we will wait outside the city gates for an Advanced Spirit Master Academy to appear."

"I will take care of the teachers while you girls take care of the students. We will use their ident.i.ties to gain qualification to compete." Wulin said.

Rong Rong seemed especially excited to take part in this daylight robbery, as did Little Jing.

These two were the most mischievous among the group and liked to cause many troubles for others.

Wulin listened to the soothing voices of his women talking as Xue Mei"s soft hands gently ma.s.saged his back and shoulders.

He could feel her elastic b.u.t.tocks resting on his legs, moving up and down as she applied pressure with her hands.

Xue Mei was staring at Wulin"s bare back intently. As she continued to ma.s.sage him, her gaze went a bit further up, reaching his neck.

Her hands caressed the smooth skin as she inwardly gulped.

"No! Xue Mei, resist! You are better than this!" She quickly shook her head and focused on the ma.s.sage.

However, temptation was too great for her to resist as she lathered her body against Wulin"s back and gently kissing his neck.

Wulin was relaxing with his eyes closed when he felt Xue Mei"s supple body press against his back.

However, that wasn"t the end of it. He also felt something pierce his neck and suck his blood away.

"Ah! You naughty girl, drinking my blood already. You are too addicted!" Wulin moved quickly and pinned her under his body.

Xue Mei was embarra.s.sed that she fell for temptation and took a bite out of Wulin and tried to hide her face.

However, Wulin grabbed her hands and restrained them above her head.

Wulin decided to punish her as he said, "You need to be disciplined more. We have one day of free time, so I will make the most out of it!"

Not giving Xue Mei a chance for reb.u.t.tal, Wulin closed in on Xue Mei"s neck and bit it strongly, causing her to moan a little.

"I will teach you to try and take advantage of me!" Wulin said.

He tore her clothes off with ease and plunged himself into her embracing cave, beginning the punishment.

Many hours later…

"Hah… Huff… Big Brother… why did we get punished as well…?" an exhausted Little Yue laid on the bed with her sisters.

"Hahh… You are all sisters, you have to take reward and punishment together…" Wulin was also breathing heavily.

He stopped his Phoenix Regeneration capabilities towards the end of the battle so he could feel the satisfaction of being exhausted.

Only Little Yue, Feng Feng and Wulin were still awake, the other three already losing consciousness from their exhaustion.

The three of them cuddled on the bed, still recovering from their tiring night battle.

"This reminds me of the times when we would sleep in the hollow tree, cuddling closely together like now." Feng Feng reminisced.

Wulin thought back to those times, it had been almost a decade already.

The three of them would spend all their time at the lake next to the hollow tree and sleep inside the tree.

Little Yue was a cuddle monster and always slept while hugging Wulin, this quickly influenced Feng Feng to do the same.

Every day, they would have an afternoon nap while snuggling close together.

Little Yue nodded her head in agreement, "It is nostalgic… but I like how we are now too."

"I also like how we are now. I am surrounded by all the girls that I love, I couldn"t wish for anything more." Wulin said as he tightened his hold on the pair.

Feng Feng and Little Yue felt a sweetness in their hearts, they were also very happy to have these sisters.

Although they were greatly saddened by past tragedies, they never wanted to rewind time as they loved their sisters too dearly.

The girls also reciprocated and hugged Wulin tighter, wrapping their legs around his as they snuggled into his chest.

Like that, the three of them drifted off to the dream land as the next day rolled over.

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