[2] See Doc.u.ment B.

[3] See Doc.u.ment C.

[4] Report of Naval Agent W. A. Sloc.u.m to the Secretary of State, March 26, 1837.

[5] Dunn"s _History of the Oregon Territory_, p. 143.

[6] Wilkes"s _Narrative_, iv, p. 327.

[7] See Doc.u.ment C.

[8] John Dunn was an employee of the Hudson"s Bay Company. He came from England to Fort Vancouver, in 1830, by sea. He returned to England in 1839 or 1840. The first edition of his history was published in London in 1844.

[9] Belcher"s _Narrative of a Voyage Round the World_, vol. i, p. 296.

[10] As to the high regard which Wyeth retained through his life for Dr.

McLoughlin, see Doc.u.ment O.

[11] See Doc.u.ment D.

[12] Rev. Gustavus Hines, _History of Oregon_, p. 16.

[13] Dr. H. K. Hines, _Missionary History_, p. 90.

[14] Rev. Gustavus Hines, _History of the Oregon Missions_, pp. 31, 32; Dr. H. K. Hines, _Missionary History_, p. 156.

[15] Lee and Frost"s _Ten Years in Oregon_, pp. 225, 226.

[16] See Doc.u.ments E and F.

[17] _Transactions_, Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1875, p. 45.

[18] _History of Oregon_ by Rev. H. K. Hines, D.D., pp. 166, 167.

[19] Gray"s _History of Oregon_, pp. 268, 269.

[20] "Narrative of Dr. McLoughlin" published in the _Quarterly_ of the Oregon Historical Society, June, 1900.

[21] Address of Medorum Crawford, in 1881. See _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1881, p. 14.

[22] See _Quarterly_ of the Oregon Historical Society, Vol. 3, pp.


[23] Wilkes, _History of Oregon_, p. 95.

[24] See Theodore Roosevelt"s _Winning of the West_.

[25] _Oregon Spectator_, November 12, 1846.

[26] A full summary will be found in Vol. 1, pp. 501-505, _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works.

[27] See Doc.u.ment R.

[28] See Doc.u.ment C.

[29] Vol. 1, pp. 504, 505, _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works.

[30] Vol. 1, p. 31, _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works, from ma.n.u.script of Jesse Applegate.

[31] See Doc.u.ment L.

[32] White"s _Ten Years in Oregon_, p. 200.

[33] Rev. Dr. H. K. Hines, _Missionary History_, p. 354.

[34] See Doc.u.ment L.

[35] Vol. 1, p. 204, _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works. See also Doc.u.ment L.

[36] This proclamation is set forth in full in Doc.u.ment I.

[37] This agreement is set forth in full in Doc.u.ment J.

[38] Vol. 1, p. 253, _History of the Pacific Northwest_, by Elwood Evans; _The River of the West_, by Frances Fuller Victor, pp. 360, 361; Vol. 1, pp. 224, 225, _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works.

[39] Vol. 1, p. 207, _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works; Vol. 1, p.

243, Elwood Evans"s _History of the Pacific Northwest_. See also Doc.u.ment H.

[40] See Doc.u.ment H, which is a true copy of all the Shortess pet.i.tion as printed in 1844 by order of the United States Senate.

[41] See Doc.u.ment N.

[42] See Doc.u.ment K.

[43] Set forth in Doc.u.ment J.

[44] _Congressional Globe_, Vol. 21, Part Second, p. 1079, first Session of 31st Congress.

[45] This letter of Dr. McLoughlin is set forth in full in Doc.u.ment L.

See also letter of William J. Berry, Doc.u.ment M.

[46] See Doc.u.ment N, where excerpts from this speech are set forth.

[47] White"s _Ten Years in Oregon_, pp. 220, 221.

[48] _Oregon Spectator_, August 22 and 29, 1850.

[49] _Oregon Spectator_, September 26, 1850.

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