[50] _Oregon Spectator_, November 7, 1850.

[51] _Western Star_ (Milwaukee, Oregon) February 20, and March 13, 1851.

[52] Attention is called to the correspondence of S. R. Thurston, Nathaniel J. Wyeth, R. C. Winthrop and Dr. McLoughlin, which is set forth in Doc.u.ment O.

[53] See Doc.u.ment P.

[54] _House Journal_, 1853-54, P. 165.

[55] See Doc.u.ment Q.

[56] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1887, p. 16.

[57] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1888, p. 134.

[58] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1888, pp. 135, 136.

[59] For further opinions of contemporaries of Dr. McLoughlin, see Doc.u.ment S.

[60] Greenhow"s _History of Oregon and California_, pp. 323-325, 467-476 (second edition, 1845); Martin"s _Hudson Bay Territories and Vancouver"s Island_, pp. 151-165; Bryce"s _The Remarkable History of the Hudson"s Bay Company_, Chapters XXIV to XXIX.

[61] This copy of the Shortess pet.i.tion is made from the United States Senate Doc.u.ment as printed by its order of February 7, 1844. It is Senate Doc.u.ment 105, 28th Congress, 1st Session. One copy of this original Senate Doc.u.ment is in the possession of Milton W. Smith, Esq., of Portland, Oregon. By his courtesy the foregoing copy was made from said Senate Doc.u.ment. The purported copy of the Shortess pet.i.tion in Gray"s _History of Oregon_ and in Brown"s _Political History of Oregon_ are not true copies.

[62] See Doc.u.ment N.

[63] Bernard"s Heirs v. Ashley"s Heirs, 18 _Howard_ (U. S. Supreme Court) 43; Hot Spring Cases, 2 _Otto_ (U. S. Supreme Court) 698, 706.

[64] Rev. Gustavus Hines, _History of Oregon_, Chapter x.

[65] See Doc.u.ment J.

[66] Mrs. Frances F. Victor, _The River of the West_, pp. 359, 360; _History of Oregon_, Bancroft"s Works, Vol. I, p. 223.

[67] See Doc.u.ment L, where this injunction by Thurston, written on the copy of his letter, is set forth in full.

[68] Hall v. Russell, 101 _U. S._, 503.

[69] This correspondence was also published in full in the _Western Star_ (published at Milwaukee, Oregon), in its issue of April 10, 1851.

[70] See Doc.u.ment F.

[71] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1876, p. 18.

[72] Col. J. W. Nesmith was a Captain of Oregon volunteers in the Cayuse Indian War of 1847; and also in the Rogue River Indian War of 1852, and was Colonel of the First Regiment of Oregon Mounted Volunteers in the Yakima Indian War of 1855. He was a United States Senator and also a Representative to Congress from Oregon.

[73] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1876, p. 58.

[74] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1879, pp. 29, 30.

[75] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1875, p. 51.

[76] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1882, p. 26.

[77] _Transactions_ of the Oregon Pioneer a.s.sociation for 1886, pp.


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