"Population of Viel: 1467, Number of Survivors: 23." said a knight as they continued walking through the ruins of Viel. "Let"s return this group to town. Forsyth, Leone! Keep searching!" shouted a knight wearing a red cape, who seemed to be in charge. "I"ll have to make a report to the Marquess. Then I"ll have to get accomodations for the refugees and gah! Wait...How many of you want to become Vanguards?"

"What, no way!"

"Mummy, Where are you, mummy"

"A Vanguard, that"s not such a bad idea."

"If you want to become monster food, feel free."

In the group of survivors, Rei quietly marched to the front. He walked until he and the commander were practically breathing each other"s air. "I want to be a Vanguard...sir." the boy said with a look of anger in his eyes. "Just one huh... Well, at least it"s a child. Less rations." said the commander of the knights. "Alright, lets move!"

The group moved tirelessly, stopping only at night to eat and sleep. In three days, they reached the capital city. "That"s our destination, Asfáleia. You guys can set up camp on the outskirts for now. I"ll go inform the marquess about the current situation." said the commander, the knights setting up while a few of them accompanied him. "It"s a shame. I had great goods in that shop." said the man next to Rei. "Luckily I didn"t really have anyone I was that close to. Doesn"t seem to be the same story with you, is it boy?". The child looked at him with dull eyes and the man looked away, deciding to ignore him and make merry with the new group of survivors that arrived that night.

The next day a group of knights rode up to the camp as a leisurely pace, the commander absent. "We"ve come to retrieve a representative for this group of survivors." said a plump man wearing a red coat. "May we inquire as to who you are?" said a man who was better dressed by the other refugees in his vicinity. He had a thick beard and a well built body, with an aura of respect radiating from him. "I am Viscount Felt Grande. I am the one they have put in charge of allocating the survivors of the dragon attack a new settlement." said the plump man. "Then you are looking for me." said the well dressed man. "My name is Demetri. I am the representative of the survivors of the Viel dragon attack."

"Come with me...I shall show you to your settlement." said Felt as he offered Demetri a horse, and the group left south wards. Except for one knight in black armor, who stayed behind. "I am here for the Vanguard volunteer." the eerie knight said. The survivors looked among themselves looking for any who would step forward. Then they saw a dull eyed boy walk to the knight. "I am." said Rei, looking at the knight.

Upon closer inspection he could see that chunks of armor were missing and replaced with leather. The helmet was scratched, the claw marks suprisingly deep. His" arm was also make of metal, with a few gems in the wrist. "Why do you wish to become a Vanguard?" asked the knight. Rei"s eyes flared to life and he shouted at the top of his voice. "TO KILL ALL DRAGONS!!!!!!" he screamed, shocking the people behind him. "...while I don"t approve of that, a strong motivation is required." said the knight. "You"ll live longer with one. Get on."

Rei got on the horse and they headed towards the town. The trail was full of people giving pitiful looks at the two, one had stopped to give them money. The knight accepted it, and kept moving. "Remember this boy...as a Vanguard every penny matters...you"ll need them for your treatments...we tend to get poisoned a lot." the knight said. As they arrived in town there was a general gloomy atmosphere, and soldiers running helter skelter. The few shops in sight were crowded with soldiers buying all sorts of weapons, but the same kind of armor was being sold in all stores. There was a shop selling stones similar to the gems on the knight"s metal arm, at exorbitant prices. "Those are mage stones." said the knight, looking at the boy who seemed concentrated on the gems. "They give strength to the wielder. They can make a man faster, stronger, st.u.r.dier or even smarter. Only mages can make them...as they have access to the ancient arts."

The pair continued their trip until they arrived a grey fort with black flags, the flags having a shield on them. As they went through the gates they pa.s.sed soldiers in black armor training, some with sticks and others with real blades. They stopped to look at the pair, giving them a look that showed the horrors that they had witnessed. The pair continued until they reached an outpost. "This is where we keep those who are too young to become Vanguards directly, but have potential." said the knight. "You are eight correct?" he asked. Rei nodded. "After six years of harsh training you will be formally inducted as a Vanguard. I will make you aware know...that the death rate...is 76%."

Rei looked at the man with a glare of acceptance, and he sighed. "Welcome Rei Dragã, to the 209th Vanguard squad of Asfáleia. May the h.e.l.l you go through make you a man of steel...no. Diamond." said the knight, riding way and leaving Rei at the outpost. "Population of Asfáleia: 27,629. Number of Vanguards in Asfáleia: 1247. Number of Vanguards in the 209th squad: 5."

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