Dragon-Blooded War God

Chapter 706 - Iron Demonic Wolf

Chapter 706 - Iron Demonic Wolf

In this small cave, with Long Chen controlling the soil on all four sides, the wind created countless of fist imprints on the walls of the cave, and when the cave was completely filled with fist imprints, Long Chen had been practicing for four days straight!

The reason why he was able to break through to the fourth level of the Earth Martial Stage this time was related to the suppression he had received from the G.o.d Clan"s Young Master earlier. The opponent"s strong aura was suppressing Long Chen"s body, causing Long Chen"s true essence to explode once again!

As he cultivated, the dragon-shaped Martial Spirit in his sea of consciousness gradually grew stronger, becoming more and more corporeal, and the might it possessed became more and more terrifying. The dragon-shaped Martial Spirit gave Long Chen a sense of fear, but he also understood that this was actually his own martial spirit.

Humans had a soul and a martial soul, and when the soul masters thought about it, they were split into three souls and seven souls. The martial soul was formed from cultivation and possessed a physique, so it could control the body"s true essence. It was the core of the battle and was also Long Chen"s original consciousness in the sea of consciousness.

The evolution of the martial spirit meant that Long Chen"s power had evolved. More and more earth vein spirit came out of the vast earth and entered Long Chen"s body, allowing him to control more and more dragon soul true essence, and his power became stronger and stronger!


A berserk energy was unleashed from Long Chen"s body!

"The fourth stage of the Earth Martial Stage is already so powerful. If the G.o.d Clan"s Young Master were to fight me, he would probably be able to crush me to death with a single finger." Long Chen was deeply aware of the gap between the two of them.

On the other hand, it was impossible for the G.o.d Clan"s Young Master to reach the Heaven Martial Stage, but the gap between them should not be too wide. That level of cultivation was not something Long Chen could contend against right now!

However, he wasn"t in a hurry.

"You want the wolf cub? Since that"s the case, then I"ll let you raise him. When that time comes, I"ll bring him back. I really don"t know how wonderful your expression will be then. Little wolf, is it something you can tame?"

A few days later, Long Chen"s cultivation had already stabilized at the fourth stage of the Earth Martial Stage. If he could use the Dragon Soul Transformation, he would be able to reach the fifth stage of the Earth Martial Stage, and he still had many divine powers, especially that Scarlet Emperor Burning Heaven Seal, which he could use to kill the sixth stage of the Earth Martial Stage.

Staying in the same place forever, there was no way for him to improve. After stabilizing his strength, Long Chen adjusted his mental state and started his journey again!

Fight to the end!

Long Chen used Spirit Devouring Demon Pupil s to travel through the dense forest. The forest was extremely huge and was lush and verdant, and there were even many spirit medicines growing in it. Long Chen noticed that there were some areas that were in complete disorder, and it was obvious that there were traces left behind by battles.

Over ten thousand people were scattered around the Archaic Graveyard. Since the Archaic Graveyard was so big, Long Chen did not see many people along the way. There were many traces of fighting, and there were even some large trees that were uprooted.

"The slaughter of the Archaic Graveyard is truly tragic!"

Long Chen squinted, and walked past the marks.

"There are sounds of people fighting in front of us. Someone should be here." After a while, Long Chen could roughly hear the voices in front of him, he realized that amongst all Archaic Graveyard, the thing that was the most blocked out was information. He did not understand what everyone understood, and that would put him in a very pa.s.sive position, so he had to understand these things first, so he had to start from someone else.

Hearing the sounds of fighting, Long Chen immediately rushed over.

In the process of advancing, he noticed that the trees around him had shrunk.

"This is the edge of the forest?" Long Chen realized this point. The trees and flowers were decreasing, and the birdsong and fragrance of the environment was also gone. As he moved forward, Long Chen left the forest and suddenly felt a sense of clarity.

In front of him, a dazzling metallic light could be seen.

Long Chen squinted, and looked at the scenery in front of him. In front of them was a large area. It was a place completely different from the forest. This place was more suitable for the Archaic Graveyard in Long Chen"s eyes, but there was a slight difference.

The only thing it had was a barren dark brown land. When Long Chen looked carefully, he discovered that this dark brown land was covered with fine, dense metallic sand, and everywhere he looked, there was this kind of fine metallic sand. Although the dark brown land was still made of mud, it looked similar to metal and steel.

In the distance, there were even many large pieces of steel that stuck out from the ground. They were malevolent and sharp, and under the rays of the sun, they emitted cold rays of light. There were even some bloodstains on them.

Before his eyes was a world of steel.

This world was no smaller than the one in the forest.

"Archaic Graveyard, Five Emperors" Treasures, I understand. It is possible that this Archaic Graveyard is divided into five regions. The area that I was in just now should belong to the "Mu" area, and the area that I am in now should belong to the "Jin" area."

From this, it could be seen that the Archaic Graveyard was truly mystical.

After seeing this vast dark brown land and the piece of metal that occasionally exposed the ground, Long Chen"s gaze was attracted by the sounds of fighting. This was a battle between humans and demon beasts. The first thing that caught Long Chen"s attention was the demon beasts, this was a small pack of demon wolves, with a total of about ten or so, and each of them was about the size of a horse. However, Long Chen knew that they had probably changed their physiques in order to adapt to the battle situation, their physiques should be about the same as the little wolves.

This Archaic Graveyard was terrifying, even the demon beasts within were terrifying. The demon wolves fighting those people in front of me right now are at least at the king level four level, and the demon beasts at the king level four level, actually appeared at all in such a short time. It"s a little bit scary, really.

The most miraculous thing about these demon wolves was that they did not look like demon beasts, but metal. That"s right, these gray demon wolves looked like a type of gray metal. This gray metal was hard on the places it should be hard on, tough on the places it should be tough on. Even if the blades were to cut into their bodies, it would be difficult to injure them.

This body was much stronger than the Little Wolf"s body. If Long Chen didn"t feel the blood energy from their bodies, he would have mistaken these Iron Demonic Wolf s as a kind of puppet.

Each of these demon wolves had one or two human opponents. These Iron Demonic Wolf were extremely powerful. They pounced on one another and clawed at one another. The metallic sand on the ground danced wildly. The ground that was as hard as steel was even covered with huge craters, and the attacks of these humans were often unable to cause this kind of earth-shaking effect!

"Brothers, stop!" If we kill these demon wolves and sell the "Limestone Gold" and the "Demon Core" on their bodies, we will be able to get quite a few king crystal to buy other things. This" Limestone Gold "is sold at an extremely high price! " A hoa.r.s.e voice sounded from the crowd.

Long Chen looked over. This man was tall and st.u.r.dy, with tanned skin and a face filled with fiendish aura. The most sinister part was the scar on his face.

"Isn"t this guy the Du Jiu who was with Shao Yu?" On the Star Plate, the fatty called Shao Yu had even introduced many things to Long Chen. It was also because of him that Long Chen had met the young master of the G.o.d Clan.

With Du Jiu here, Shao Yu was definitely here. After searching for a while in the crowd, Long Chen discovered that fat Shao Yu was eating sh * t while battling against a demon wolf, he was a warrior at the fourth stage of the Earth Martial Stage, holding onto a gigantic black axe, releasing a dense cold light. Under his control, the axe flew towards the Iron Demonic Wolf, instantly attacking fiercely!

However, Long Chen realized that the Iron Demonic Wolf was extremely nimble and did not want to clash with Shao Yu head on. At this moment, Shao Yu was already panting, the rest of them were already on the verge of winning, his stamina seemed to be running out.

"Great Lei vulture, help me!" When his Quintessential Essence was almost exhausted, Shao Yu"s face was pale white, but that Iron Demonic Wolf seemed to not be tired at all, as it continued to fight even more fiercely!

The Iron Demonic Wolf"s fighting technique was extremely sharp, it had been pa.s.sed down for many generations, under their observation, it had already reached its peak. Their claws and teeth, even if it was the real sword shadow of steel, could still leave deep scars on Shao Yu"s axe, but when Shao Yu"s axe cut down on its body, it was actually difficult to kill them!

This kind of demon beast was invincible in the Holy Martial Empire. Even the Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji back then wouldn"t necessarily be able to deal with such terrifying demon wolves. Their physical bodies were simply too strong!

Even Divine Phoenix Bird may not be able to deal with one!

However, he acted as if he did not hear her, and continued to easily deal with his own opponent. This Du Jiu had the strength of at least the sixth stage of the Earth Martial Stage, and was much stronger than Feng Xuan"s cultivation, so it was extremely easy for him to deal with the Iron Demonic Wolf s. However, he chose not to make a move.

"Boss Du Jiu!" Shao Yu had already given up hope, all of them had made an appointment, but he was the weakest out of the group, so Du Jiu normally did not think much of him, but now he did not even save him, causing Shao Yu to feel a chill in his heart.

And at this time, the Iron Demonic Wolf in front of him let out a terrifying roar, its steel mouth suddenly opened wide, and instantly pounced towards Shao Yu. Shao Yu was shocked, he immediately used his axe to block in front of his eyes!


The Iron Demonic Wolf"s teeth had deeply bitten into Shao Yu"s axe and its teeth had deeply sunk into his body. Shao Yu felt a terrifying strength come from his arm, which nearly caused his axe to fall out of his hands. He gritted her teeth and used the last of his true essence to control the axe in his hand!

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