Dragon God Of Blood

Chapter 13

As his body trembled, his hand slowly emerges from the old man"s chest, Rus sees that in his hand there is a drop of blood that shines slightly red just like the mana stones of blood! The strangest thing is that his right hand, which must be covered with blood when entering the old man"s chest, does not have a single spot, the only thing in his hand is that drop of blood that shines.

When he thought there could be no more surprises, the old man"s body begins to have incredible changes: a red smoke begins to emerge from the old man"s wounds that constantly enter the drop of blood. While the smoke is still absorbed by the drop of blood, the old man"s body becomes increasingly thin, until in less than a minute Rus sees something familiar, the old man"s body is now similar to Fatri and Nacus"s body afterward that he completed his transformation!

Rus finally understand the process through which the bodies of Nacus and Fatri pa.s.sed to end in that unfortunate state as if all the blood and flesh of their bodies had disappeared. He looks at the drop of blood with curiosity after the drop of blood finished absorbing all the smoke, the brightness of the drop of blood changed, now it is so bright that it makes Rus have to squint when he looks at it.

Then, suddenly, the light disappears, Rus looks at his hand, he saw how the ring in his hand melted until it turned into liquid blood again and quickly the blood crawled to the bright drop and completely covered it. After that, the blood re-enters your body, taking with it the drop of blood.

With the drop of bright blood inside his body, Rus feels that his hand is colder than ever. Suddenly, several red veins begin to appear in his hand that extends throughout the arm until it reaches the chest where it stops. After the red veins stopped in his chest, the other veins in his arm disappear immediately.

Rus feels something hot in his stomach the moment the red veins disappear, that thing goes through his throat until "B-blergh!" From his mouth comes a puff of a viscous black liquid! He looks at the black liquid with perplexity, Rus believes that due to the viscosity of the liquid it may be blood, but it would be somewhat strange blood that he cannot understand...

The tremor in his body stopped the moment he vomited that black blood, even his mobility recovered, he can now move his body at will. Rus understands that the old man"s chest had something valuable that caused his body to lose control, however, there is something that intrigues him. Previously, Rus also felt the same kind of desire to want to approach the corpses of other close people as if there was something valuable like the drop of bright blood the old man had, but since the old man"s body is closer to him, the old man had the bad luck of being the first person to whom that drop of bright blood was taken. The problem is that now that Rus is done with the old man, his body is supposed to go to the other corpses to get the same drop of blood or whatever they have, but that desire disappeared completely from his body.

He looks at his body to see if he has any changes due to the drop of bright blood, but finds nothing that is different. He still has a somewhat muscular const.i.tution that he acquired when his body changed last night. His hair is still black due to the ability of the magic card and its height also remains the same.

Now that Rus can already control his body, it is time for him to leave this place. He looks at the surrounding corpses, a few minutes ago, he thought that the tribe had suffered an attack from the Clafall tribe, Rus still believes that this is a possibility, but he has some doubts when he sees the absence of young men among the corpses.

In the event of an attack, it should be normal for there to be corpses of men who tried to protect their relatives and also the corpses of some warriors and guards. Shaking his head, he stops thinking about those things that, even if he knew the answer, he couldn"t do anything with his limited fighting abilities.

Rus picks up the bag and gets up. Just when he moves away from the corpse of the old man, he hears the voices of some people who seem to be talking to each other, however, the most interesting thing is that the voices do not come from people who are close to here. Rus is sure that the voices are approaching his direction, but the strange thing is that he feels that the voices are still too far, so far that he should not be able to hear them...

He is not going to stay in this place to think about why he can listen so well. With careful steps, he moves away from that place, after moving away a little from that street, he increases his speed to the maximum running to the address of his house, which is where he thinks it is the safest place in the tribe, since he does not believe there is anyone who wants to go to that place where there is nothing of value. Rus is surprised at his current speed, he believed that the speed he used in the morning was the fastest he could run, that"s probably true and only his speed increased triple of his original speed due to the drop of bright blood he received from the old man"s body. Now that he thinks about it, perhaps the reason he can hear so well, even if they are distant voices, is due to that drop of blood.

While Rus creates the blood ring again to be prepared in case some enemy attacks him, his body disappears between the darkness and the small red light of the moon that illuminates the tribe leaving only the sound of the wind in the surroundings.


5 minutes later in that same place.

"Sigh, then it happened here too..." says a man with a brown armor made of the skin of an unknown beast and a long spear in the back. The man"s face has several scars, it seems that he even lost one of his eyes a long time ago, his hair is short and black.

With an angry expression, a man in black and yellow armor with a helmet that covers his head and also with a spear on his back says "Those d.a.m.n elite warriors, they didn"t have to be so cruel killing even innocent children!"

"Shhh" The man with the scars on his face looks at the other man with a worried look "Don"t say unnecessary things, you know that elite warriors have advanced racial skills to hide in the shadows, any of them may be hiding somewhere near here"

The other man nods, stops talking and approaches the corpses that are nearby. Neither of the 2 needs a torch to see any detail in the dark, so he easily sees something that catches his attention "Hmmm?" He looks at something that looks different, he sees a black puddle that differs a lot from the surrounding blood.

"What"s up Bithus?" The man with the scars on his face asks in a serious voice. He approaches his friend Bithus, whom he has known since he was a child who barely had the strength to lift a spear like the spear he has on his back.

"What can this thing be?" Bithus points to the black liquid on the floor "Here there are only pools of blood and corpses, but this black liquid is too strange..." He looks at his best friend Harion to see what he says about the black liquid on the floor, but Bithus sees that his friend has his only extremely open eye, his mouth is also wide open while looking at him or looking at something behind him.

Harion quickly regains his composure, so he says "...Look at the corpse that is near that black liquid"

Bithus turns his head to look at the corpse that Harion is talking about. He had already seen sideways that there was a corpse near the black liquid, but he paid no attention since he does not want to see the corpses of the tribe"s inhabitants.
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He sees the corpse that surprised his friend so much "!!?" With an agile jump, Bithus away more than half a meter from the corpse and adopts a combat position with his spear. Since he jumped, he took his spear from his back and adopted his combat stance, it didn"t take him more than 1 second! A sign that Bithus has a lot of experience fighting with his spear. He saw something that scared him a lot, the corpse next to the puddle of that black liquid almost looks like a monster!

The skin of the corpse is dry as the bark of a tree, there is no presence of blood in his body, his chest has a hole and the expression of the corpse is of despair.

"Calm down, it"s not a monster, so there"s no need to adopt your fighting position" Says Harion. He approaches the corpse with slow steps, he can identify what is the body of an old man, but does not understand what could have happened so that the old man has that appearance "Did someone from the elite warrior do this too? Hmmm, I don"t think it"s possible, in the records of the tribal library there has never been anyone who is one of the races of the dragon G.o.d of darkness who has this kind of ability racial... maybe an intruder?"

Bithus keeps his spear on his back again and says "It makes no sense that an intruder did this, what would he gain from that?" He remains silent for a few seconds and says "...Do you think we should report this to the elite warriors?"

"N-no, we better not say anything, they may not believe us and try to torture us for information or something worse... They can do the same with us as they did with men who did not want to go to war or who did not allow their children to be taken to war" Harion says with a terrified expression, he really is very afraid of elite warriors.

Bithus nods, although he is not so afraid of elite warriors, it is still difficult for him to talk to them. He looks at the corpses on the ground, all the people who are dead are those who disobeyed the orders of the elite warriors, they are so cold-blooded that they even killed children and the elderly who could not defend themselves in any way.

"I hope there isn"t a hidden guard somewhere to listen to us or we would really be dead..." Says Harion. He was going to leave that place ignoring the corpse and the black puddle since his nose was already being lost with the strong smell of blood. But then remember something that still has an impact on him "I would like to have the same courage that this boy had this afternoon when he spoke with Onsul, he is too scary, not for nothing he has earned his fame as chief of the elite warriors who does not blink a little when he kills children, women or olds mans"

"That boy? Ah, I think his name was... Reo, wasn"t he? He was too reckless, saying he would voluntarily go to kill the last enemy of the tribe, that boy should know that they would only use it as cannon fodder" Although Bithus disapproves of that child"s behavior, he still has a smile on his lips under the helmet, he respects the fact that a child under 15 can shout his name out loud in front of the head of the elite warriors and say he will kill To all the enemies of the tribe. What seems most incredible to Bithus is that this boy has managed to capture the attention of that cold-blooded man. Not only will he not be used as cannon fodder, but even that boy will be taught directly by Onsul himself to fight and probably teach him things that help him evolve rapidly until he can use advanced racial skills.

"We can meet that boy later since we also have to go to war" Harion says with an excited tone of voice.

"It"s possible" Says Bithus as he nods.

"Anyway, let"s get out of here, I really can"t stand this smell anymore" Harion turns around and quickly walks away from that street.

Bithus looks at the pool of black liquid and the old man"s corpse for the last time "...I hope this doesn"t mean anything bad since the tribe has too busy hands with the current tribal chief and his irrational orders" He leaves that place following Harion without thinking more about what he saw.

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