Drake crown prince of Britannia and former black dragon king of chaos

Drake is the soul of the dragon king put into the very prince that had killed him he was known as the black dragon king of chaos.

Ability"s: s.p.a.ce manipulation, and time manipulation these two powers can not be used regularly with his human body because the morph and age his new form. Dragon flames, memory change,

and body morph (does not full not fully work in human form), many many spells.

Note: for him to regain his true form he must learn to truly love a human

Author: I choose to do this because he completely hates humanity so thought this would be very funny for him to experience love for the first time and it be a human.

Shadow-fang dragon servant

Shadow fang is Drake"s most loyal and oldest dragon servant .
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Abilities: shadow movement,shape manipulation,soul transfer,and a few spells that are important for the story so I have chosen not to name them.

Note: more will be revealed on the both of them.

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