_Mother._ Tea! how good it smells and how glad I am! Now I will cook the supper.

_Father._ But where are the children? Hansel! Gretel! Where are they?

_Mother._ Oh, the bad children! They did no work and they were singing and dancing and spilled the milk, so I sent them to the woods to pick some strawberries for supper.

_Father._ Laughing and dancing! Why should you be angry? Where have they gone?

_Mother._ To the mountain.

_Father._ To the mountain! the home of the witch!

_Mother._ What do you mean? The witch?

_Father._ Yes, the old witch of the mountain turns all children to gingerbread and then she eats them.

_Mother._ Eats them! Oh, my children, my pretty little children! Come, we must find them! Hansel, Gretel, where are you?

[_Runs out._]

_Father._ I will go with you, mother. Don"t cry! we will surely find them.

[_Goes out._]

SCENE II.--_In the Forest_


_Gretel._ See, my wreath is nearly done.

_Hansel._ And the basket is filled with strawberries. Won"t mother be pleased? We will have them for supper.

_Gretel._ Let me put the wreath on you!

_Hansel._ No, no! boys don"t wear wreaths. Put it on your own head. You shall be queen of the woods.

_Gretel._ Then I must have a nosegay, too.

_Hansel._ Now you have a scepter and a crown. You shall have some strawberries, too. Don"t they taste good?

_Gretel._ Let me feed you.

_Hansel._ And I"ll feed you. Don"t be greedy!

_Gretel._ Oh, Hansel, the berries are all gone. What naughty children we are! We must pick some more now for mother.

_Hansel._ I don"t care, I was so hungry. But it is too late to pick strawberries now. Let us go home.

_Gretel._ Let us hurry; it is dark and I"m afraid.

_Hansel._ Pooh, _I"m_ not afraid. But I can"t see the way. Gretel, we"re lost!

_Gretel._ What was that?

_Hansel._ What?

_Gretel._ That shining there in the dark!

_Hansel._ Pshaw, don"t be afraid! That is a birch tree in its silver dress.

_Gretel._ There, see! a lantern is coming this way.

_Hansel._ That is a will-of-the-wisp with its little candle.

_Gretel._ I"m frightened, I"m frightened! I wish I were home!

_Hansel._ Gretelkin, stick close to me! I"ll take care of you.

_Gretel._ See! what is that little man in gray?

_Hansel._ I see him, too. I wonder who he is!

_Sandman_ (_comes_).

With my little bag of sand By every child"s bedside I stand.

Then little tired eyelids close, And little limbs have sweet repose.

Then from the starry sphere above The angels come with peace and love.

Then slumber, children, slumber, For happy dreams are sent you Through the hours you sleep.

[_Goes away._]

_Hansel._ I"m sleepy. Let us go to sleep.

_Gretel._ Let us say our prayers first.


When at night I go to sleep Fourteen angels watch do keep: Two my head are guarding, Two my feet are guiding, Two are on my right hand, Two are on my left hand, Two who warmly cover, Two who o"er me hover, Two to whom "tis given To guide my steps to Heaven.

_Gretel._ Good night, dear brother.

_Hansel._ Good night, dear sister. Don"t be afraid. I"ll take care of you.

[_They sleep._]

SCENE III.--_In the Wood--Morning_

_Hansel._ Wake up, dear little sister! The birds are singing and it is time to get up!

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