_Little One-Eye._ Did I go to sleep?

_Little Two-Eyes._ Indeed, you did, and now we must hurry home. Come, little goat!

SCENE V.--_At Home_

_Mother._ Well, little One-Eye, tell us what you have seen. Why doesn"t little Two-Eyes eat the food we have for her?

_Little One-Eye._ I don"t know, mother. The way was so long and I was so tired; I fell asleep; and when I woke up it was time to come home.

_Mother._ It was a hard walk for you, my dear; but we must find out who is giving little Two-Eyes something to eat. To-morrow you must go, little Three-Eyes.

_Little Three-Eyes._ I"ll find out, mother. If anyone dares to give food to little Two-Eyes, I"ll tell you all about it.

_Mother._ Yes, my dear, I know you won"t go to sleep. I can trust you to find out everything.

SCENE VI.--_On the Hillside_

_Little Two-Eyes._ Come, sister, we must go on, for it is a long way to the top of the hill.

_Little Three-Eyes._ I"m not going any farther, I"m too tired! I"ll rest a little here.

_Little Two-Eyes._ All right, little Three-Eyes. I"ll sing you a song.

Are you awake, little Three-Eyes?

Are you asleep, little Two-Eyes?

Yes, you are asleep, and now I"ll have my dinner.

Little goat, bleat!

Little table, rise!

_Goat._ Bla-a! Bla-a! Bla-a!

_Little Two-Eyes._ Here is our dinner again, little goat. See this fresh lettuce and cabbage and good bread and b.u.t.ter. Here is some honey, too, and cake. Isn"t this a good dinner?

Little goat, bleat!

Little table, away!

_Goat._ Bla-a, bla-a, bla-a!

_Little Two-Eyes._ Now it is gone. Three-Eyes, wake up! It is time home.

_Little Three-Eyes._ How long I have slept! What will my mother say? But I think I have a surprise for you, little Two-Eyes!

SCENE VII.--_At Home_

_Mother._ Well, little Three-Eyes, did you go to sleep, too?

_Little Three-Eyes._--Yes, mother, but only with two eyes. Little Two-Eyes sang to me,

"Are you awake, little Three-Eyes?

Are you asleep, little Two-Eyes?"

and so two of my eyes went to sleep, but one stayed awake and watched.

_Mother._ What did you see? Tell me quickly, dear little Three-Eyes.

_Little Three-Eyes._ First she said,

"Little goat, bleat!

Little table, rise!"

and the goat said, "Bla-a, bla-a, bla-a!" Then a table came up out of the ground. Oh! it was such a pretty little table with a white cloth over it and all kinds of good things on it. No wonder little Two-Eyes doesn"t eat any of our common food. It isn"t good enough for her! She has food fit for a queen,--nuts and cake, and candy, too!

_Mother._ So that is why little Two-Eyes doesn"t eat the crusts we save for her! Well, I"ll see if she is going to have better food, than we have. Bring me the long sharp knife.

[_Goes out and soon returns._]

There, now the goat is dead. Little Two-Eyes, perhaps you"ll eat the food we give you now!

_Little Two-Eyes._ Oh, my poor little goat! What shall I do without it!

_Mother._ Go to bed, and to-morrow morning you shall go to the hillside alone. And you must stay there all day, too.

SCENE VIII.--_On the Hillside_

_Little Two-Eyes._ Oh, dear! Oh, dear! my poor goat is dead! Now I shall be hungry and lonely too! Where shall I go, and what can I do?

_Little Wood Fairy._ Little Two-Eyes, why are you weeping?

_Little Two-Eyes._ Because my mother has killed my poor goat, and she has sent me here to stay all alone, and I am so hungry and thirsty again.

_Little Wood Fairy._ Little Two-Eyes, let me tell you what to do. Ask your sisters to give you the heart of your goat. Bury it in the ground before the house door. Watch, and to-morrow a wonderful tree will come up out of the ground.

_Little Two-Eyes._ Thank you, dear little woman! I"ll go home and do as you have told me.

SCENE IX.--_At Home_

_Little Two-Eyes._ Little One-Eye and little Three-Eyes, please let me have the heart of my goat!

_One-Eye._ Certainly, if that is all you want.

_Three-Eyes._ Here it is, but I don"t see what you want it for!

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