Dreadful Radio Game

Chapter 133: Kinky

A+A-Chapter 133: Kinky

On the other side, Su Bai had no idea about the others" trap, neither did Shawn. Both of them had enhanced themselves for close combat, and neither was good at controlling the overall situation or sensing the atmosphere. Besides, they both were focusing on each other and couldn"t care less about what was going on somewhere else.

Shawn looked at his claws and then at Su Bai"s dagger. He was a little concerned. He used to be very proud of his claws since they could defend against knives, swords or even bullets, but Su Bai"s dagger had hurt him so easily that he didn"t dare to fight recklessly with his claws.

So he took out a metal boxing glove and put it onto his right hand while keeping an eye on Su Bai.

Su Bai didn"t rush for another attack. This man was still bleeding, so he didn"t have to take the risk, just wait and deal with whatever move his enemy took. He had the upper hand anyway.

Shawn was a little surprised that Su Bai didn"t take the chance to attack while he was putting on that glove, unlike he had expected. But Su Bai was right; Shawn couldn"t risk waiting for too long. The longer they waited, the weaker he would become due to blood loss.

Immediately, the muscles in Shawn"s chest pumped up, and he rushed at Su Bai. Not very fast, but quite steady, like an alpha wolf defending his territory.

It could be told how precious Su Bai"s previous success was. This man was no fool. If they had started their fight after they both were ready, they would be equal.

In fact, if Shawn was just muscles without a brain, he couldn"t have made it here. Reckless men would not even pa.s.s their experience tasks, let alone become a qualified audience.

After cruel selection and bloodshed, no fool was left alive.

Su Bai didn"t accept his challenge, or turn

into a zombie for the strongest physical defense and attack ability. He just stepped back and dodged about, leaving the battle to his rival.

Shawn dashed for several times but couldn"t even touch Su Bai. That made him a little angry. He was bleeding and upset because of Su Bai"s sudden strike. It was impossible to stay calm.

When Su Bai noticed that Shawn was going faster and faster and finally revealing his sickness, he felt more and more confident. And his gaze became deeper and deeper.

Shawn finally found a chance to get close to Su Bai. His fist came at him with the wind, ready to smash his head. Su Bai held Exorciser to defend. Immediately, metal collided and clanged, creating sparks.

Su Bai groaned, constantly stepping back, but he failed to get rid of this terrible force. Exorciser was fine and dandy, but his body could barely handle such attacks. Blood was dripping out of his mouth, indicating that he was hurt.

"Ha ha."

Shawn smiled and came at Su Bai again. Now he was absolutely confident that Su Bai was just lucky to succeed in that surprise attack, and wouldn"t stand a chance if he became serious.

This time, Shawn had sped up, leaving Su Bai no chance to dodge. Werewolves were strong and also overwhelmingly fast.

Su Bai also rushed toward him and stabbed Shawn"s neck with the dagger. Shawn swung his head and hit Su Bai with his shoulder. Su Bai was ready to undertake this. .h.i.t with his shoulder, but he wasn"t going to take the impact. He jumped up, planning to get rid of the impact by voluntarily undertaking the hit. It seemed unwise to fight against a combat-ready werewolf with human flesh.

With a dumb crash, Su Bai was knocked off and landed heavily on the ground. Looking pained, he pressed his chest with one hand and failed to stand up.

"Arrogant eastern. Brave enough to start a fight against me

me when you"re so weak. I admire your courage. But I"m still taking your life."

Shawn walked to Su Bai, step by step. His waist was still bleeding, but it didn"t matter since the battle was coming to an end. He was confident that Su Bai had broken more than one rib during the crash and was hurt or even disabled.

Su Bai coughed for a while, spit out some blood and started breathing heavily. He seemed weary and exhausted, but unreconciled and angry.

Shawn enjoyed it. In fact, most people would enjoy such a feeling, kinky or not. It was good to see one"s rival yielding helplessly.

"I"m gonna crumb your bones and keep your head as my trophy from this story world."

Shawn came to Su Bai, grabbed his shoulders, held him up and started to crush him.

Su Bai was almost curling up under Shawn"s power like a dead fish. Blood was running out from his nose and his eyes were gla.s.sy. He seemed to have given in.

Around the carriage, they were still in a stalemate.

Michael hadn"t done anything rashly, neither had Pierce or Jerre because they were following Michael"s lead.

Besides, Michael could feel that Shawn"s senses were getting more and more overwhelming. Apparently, Shawn was winning so he could stay calm.

"Sh*t, Bai"s dying." Fatty was worried. And he was scratching his privates. He was uncomfortable with this stiffness and couldn"t help touching himself.

However, he was speechless when he noticed that Gyatso and Seven was not suffering like he was. Why he was the only one? Were the monks really free from earthly desires, even physiological needs? That would be horrible.

Gyatso shook his head. "No, he"s just waiting."

Seven agreed. "He better hurry, or it won"t be good for us."

Afterwards, Seven raised his voice and said to those outside:

"Amitabh, we"re in a hurry and we don"t want to be late. What do you want? Let"s talk."

Michael didn"t reply, just stood there smiling. He was waiting for Shawn to end his fight and join them to decide what to do with this carriage.

"Monk, even I can tell you"re bluffing."

But Seven didn"t mind, just smiled and murmured, "I"m just foreshadowing."

Shawn was laughing recklessly. The sound of Su Bai"s bone crus.h.i.+ng was the most delightful music in the world, and it made him happy.

It was time.

Shawn was about to end Su Bai"s life.

However, just then, he saw Su Bai"s smile. Next, Su Bai, who was dying with his head hanging down, gradually looked up with his green eyes that would make anyone panic.



… as a zombie!

Su Bai"s filthy evil scents burst out.

At the same time, Shawn let go of his hands. It was impossible to destroy Su Bai in such anin such an easy way since he had taken in the Zombie King"s original evil energy.

Shawn"s hands were forced away, leaving himself unprotected in front of Su Bai— exactly what he had been waiting for.

Sharp fingernails had grown out, so Su Bai stuck all ten fingers deep into Shawn"s chest and pulled away.


Shawn"s flesh in his chest was torn apart, even his ribs were exposed.

Even though he was enhanced as a werewolf, he couldn"t stand such a sudden damage.

And Su Bai wasn"t satisfied with what he had done.

Better destroy his enemy while he was hurt.

Su Bai"s fangs came out. He approached Shawn"s chest and immediately bit two ribs off.

Shawn"s was madly smas.h.i.+ng on Su Bai"s back with both hands, but Su Bai was clinging to him, so he couldn"t get rid of him. At last, Su Bai pushed the bulky Shawn down and buried his head in Shawn"s chest.

Shawn"s fists were getting weaker and weaker, and finally dropped down with no trace of life.

Only then did Su Bai raise up his head with a piece of Shawn"s heart in his mouth. His face was covered with blood, as if heavily painted with red paint over and over.

He licked the blood on his face and sucked his index finger.

Then he smiled…

… with satisfaction.

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