Dreadful Radio Game

Chapter 154

A large web had been slowly scattered out. Perhaps the students involved from twenty years ago did not feel anything about it but Su Bai as an outsider could feel stifling pressure deep within his heart.

Humans, at times, could transform to become so horrible. As long as there was a suitable method, as long as there was an appropriate primer. Nearly one hundred of Hushang University students, whose futures were limitless and who were considered the proud children of heaven, transformed one by one into a demon who sent others into a death trap and started using the note as a communication method to propose and plan a murder.

All of this was as easy as doing a test in a laboratory. This time was seemingly like an ordinary experiment, even if the results would cause the end a life like their own.

Su Bai was certain, ninety nine out of a hundred students would not dare to take a knife and kill someone. As for the remaining person, it was hard to tell since they were not fools.

However, the organizer only used this simple method of pa.s.sing a little note everyday, guiding them patiently and systematically; it was enough to get them involved in this nervous and exciting game. A majority of them never really thought what they would do if w.a.n.g Xue had actually died. This was because they had gotten involved whole-heartedly in this exciting game and couldn"t free themselves from it.

This led Su Bai to think of multi-level marketing. Yes, multi-level marketing.

Through this method of pa.s.sing messages through notes, particular wordings plus a filtered group, this was enough to carry out a special kind of brainwas.h.i.+ng for these outstanding students. Those companies who did multi-level marketing twenty years later only knew how to shout slogans and play music. Compared to the scene Su Bai was watching, these companies paled into insignificance by comparison.

Su Bai just sat in this cla.s.sroom as the skies turned dark and brightened up again. Day after day, he just sat there seeing the surrounding students going in and out nonstop, seeing the shadow getting busy after the lights were switched off by the administrator.

The contents of the note kept changing nonstop. Su Bai found something odd about the contents; the wordings were not of the same standard from the previous notes. Su Bai was guessing the contents of the notes as Chu Jianguo did not provide any, and they were all deductions based on the clues.

The words in the deductions should have had a similar meaning as the contents, but Su Bai felt it was short of an artistic style. These types of murder games paid particular attention to the details. Even the tiniest symbol was the result of the other party"s deliberateness.

However, the general train of thought and process was clearly displayed in front of Su Bai, the contents of the notes in order:

"I have compiled the methods from a few students; I find it not bad. Let us contemplate together which method you think is most suitable:

"The first method is poisoning. One of the students proposed a poisonous substance and not the typical poison but a special substance. There is practically no way for the hospitals to test it out.

"The second method is to invite the girl out, then have a few strong men in charge of killing her and moving her body. A few girls are in charge of the aftermath and being alibi of the others.

"The third method is to use many methods to threaten her, for example, send her a threatening letter. For example, have a few people create weird things that happen in her dormitory. Let that girl break down on her own, leading her to commit suicide. There are quite a few students who suggested this, and one of you gave a very detailed method.

"To be honest, when we finish our discussion, a beautiful life would be like beautiful and gorgeous fireworks released by our hands. 

"It"s pretty, isn"t it?

"Same old rules, throw your replies in the dustbin."

"I have compiled everyone"s opinion of yesterday"s three methods. A majority of you feel that the second suggestion is too obvious. It is very convenient if more people got involved, but it would also be easy to give the game away. The time used for the third suggestion is too long, there would be too many variables.

"Most people supported the first suggestion. There were even many of you who ask what substance would be used. Very sorry, I cannot tell everyone because this is a secret.

"I have to keep your ident.i.ties a secret. In truth, there are many people who have received notes but are no longer involved in the killing game this time. The notes they would be receiving are festive greetings or pointless discussions and not like the contents you are reading. Sending notes to them is only for cover up and also to a.s.sure everyone"s safety and secret.

"That is why, this is a game in the dark.

"We can be unscrupulous.

"The same old rules, throw your replies in the dustbin as usual."

"In today"s note, some of yours might have some additional words, some of yours might not. I am honored to tell everyone that our plan has officially been set into movement. This is the result of our many days of discussions. Every one of us is a part of it and yet we do not know each other. It might be your cla.s.smate, it might be your girlfriend or even the person you like.

"Do you find this interesting?

"I believe, those who received special content would complete our plan, letting the first steps of our plan be successful.

The same old rules, throw your replies in the dustbin as usual."

"Announcing the progress to everyone: with the efforts of a few students, we have obtained the substance we need. We have succeeded half of our plans. Next up is how we"re going to let her drink this substance.

"However, do not worry, I have left a special message to a specific group of people in today"s note. I believe they would be like the few students yesterday; they would not let down our expectations.

"The same old rules, throw your replies in the dustbin as usual."

"Continued announcement on the progress of the murder game. Today, those few people did not complete their task, but we will not give up. There will be others who will receive special messages at the bottom of the note, let us continue to wait and see. I believe we are just a small step from succeeding.

"The same old rules, throw your replies in the dustbin as usual."

"The mission has been completed.

In todays note message, I just want to tell everyone some news. After you finish reading today"s message, destroy it on the spot.

"Please remember, you are all partic.i.p.ants in this incident. You all are also murderers. You hands are also soaked in the blood of sin.

"That is why, please watch your own mouths.

"Don"t say what you are not supposed to say.

"Don"t do what you are not supposed to do.

"There are over one hundred students here watching over you. Even though you do not know who is who, and you are unclear who has been partic.i.p.ating in this game, I know and understand clearly.

"There are no more old rules, destroy this note on the spot."

Su Bai closed Chu Jianguo"s notebook. His eyebrows furrowed tightly. This was the results of Chu Jianguo"s investigation that year. It might even be Chu Jianguo"s personal investigation after the higher-ups put a halt to the investigations of this case.

Su Bai took a bottle of mineral water. He opened the cap and took a gulp. Su Bai suddenly felt extremely heavy-hearted. At the same time, there was also a deep feeling of doubt.

At that moment, the images of w.a.n.g Xue and Xiao Hui were flas.h.i.+ng non-stop in Su Bai"s head, followed by note after note. An unusual and weird feeling continued to haunt Su Bai"s thoughts, but he couldn"t comprehend any of it.

Su Bai took out his phone; he wanted to search on the web for the web discussions and speculations of the 1994 case. However, there wasn"t any mention about the notes. It was obvious that no matter how smart the netizens were, they were not really professionals and did not qualify to contact the core people.

Su Bai suddenly flipped open the folder he took from the study of Aroma"s home. At that time, Aroma"s uncle wanted to make a name for himself through this case but obviously failed in the end. Even Chu Jianguo was reluctant to speak about this case, not to mention other people.

He kept flipping through the information.

Su Bai kept replaying the contents of Chu Jianguo"s notebook in his head.

A piece of information fell out. Su Bai lowered his head and picked it up. This paper recorded the timeline when w.a.n.g Xue was poisoned and received treatment. Su Bai glanced through the information:

"From 24th November 1994 onward, w.a.n.g Xue started to display weird symptoms of poisoning: It started with a stomach ache, loss of appet.i.te; Following (5th December) acute stomach pain; Finally (8th December) Her hair started falling off and she became completely bald in a few days.

23rd December, w.a.n.g Xue was admitted into Shanghai Tongren Hospital"s Gastroenterology Ward. Even though the cause of the sickness was not found, w.a.n.g Xue"s condition improved after staying for a month and her hair grew back. She was discharged on 23rd January 1995.

20th February 1995, the winter holidays ended and a new semester started. w.a.n.g Xue returned to school.

6th March 1995, w.a.n.g Xue"s sickness worsened. Her feet were in great pain and she was experiencing giddiness. w.a.n.g Xue"s parents sent her to Peking University Third Hospital to seek aid.


Su Bai"s pupils suddenly dilated. His fingers were pointing at a row of words.

w.a.n.g Xue was poisoned but then recovered. When the new semester started, her condition worsened. In the end, it was irremediable and she died a tragic death.

Su Bai"s lips instantly turned dry. Over here, yes, over here. Chu Jianguo himself overlooked a detail. To put it in another way, Chu Jianguo did not overlook this detail but misunderstood this detail.

w.a.n.g Xue was poisoned, but she recovered after receiving treatment in the hospital. Her condition worsened when she returned to school. Even though the investigation pointed towards thallium poisoning in the end, she still pa.s.sed away.

Su Bai thought of the contents of the last note, "There are no more old rules, destroy this note on the spot."




If w.a.n.g Xue"s first poisoning was not thallium, perhaps w.a.n.g Xue at that time had already recovered. When she returned to school, she was already healthy, which meant that her worsening condition was in fact...poisoning once more!

This also meant that someone started a whole new murder game when the previous murder game ended!

This murder game was organized twice!

Su Bai rubbed his face with both his hands. "Chu Jianguo must have interrogated in private one of the partic.i.p.ants of that year. It might be one of the university students. Based on the other party"s description and Chu Jianguo"s own understanding and reasoning as an old investigator, he wrote his deducted course of events in this notebook. But what if the partic.i.p.ant whom Chu Jianguo found only partic.i.p.ated in the first murder game but did not partic.i.p.ate in the second?"  

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