Dreadful Radio Game

Chapter 109

Su Bai had returned the exact words to the Zombie King. Moreover, just when he finished talking, he knocked into the Zombie King with a loud bang, just like two cars cras.h.i.+ng into each other from opposite directions.

As a result, the Zombie King was knocked off, leaving a groove nearly ten meters long, while Su Bai had one arm dislocated and hanging besides his body. His bones were exposed in the air, but he look calm, as if he didn’t destroy his own body but just a disposable toy.

Such indifference could not only scare his rival but also his teammates.

The Zombie King was stabbed in his chest, then suffered the internal conflict of two energies, then burnt by flames, and now hit by Su Bai. Now he was totally smashed.

"Bai! Help!!!"

Fatty was desperate. A few zombies had grabbed his hands and feet, if he hadn’t struggled so badly, his neck would have be broken.

Su Bai roared with rage!

The zombies that were attacking Fatty suddenly stopped. They were confused. Apparently, as Su Bai’s power grew and the Zombie King’s decline, the zombies were not sure whose order they should follow.

The Zombie King climbed up. His death energy was leaking out. He had pa.s.sed his original evil energy to Su Bai and was therefore extremely weak; then, instead of taking back his power, he was pensioned with cold toxin after he ate Su Bai’s flesh; at last, he was. .h.i.t by Su Bai who had profited a lot from him.

All this was beyond merely "bad luck". The Zombie King was not reconciled to his failure.

Su Bai was still staring at him indifferently, which made the Zombie King feel completely helpless. To the Zombie King, Su Bai was a like a chewing gum that wouldn’t be chewed up. And their fight ended up with Su Bai’s victory. Now feeling the gloomy aura of Su Bai, the Zombie King couldn’t tell how much Su Bai had benefited from his evil energy. But he was in bad shape and could not afford more fight.

He was scared.

"How dare you do evil in my territory!"

Just then, a roar came from distance. Lam showed up by the bedroom door, with his eyes wide open. He really looked sacred; he was merciful with great power, and didn’t to pretend a saint because he was a saint.

The Zombie King finally made up his mind, turned around and vanished as thick black smoke.

Su Bai really wanted to stop him and ask him about cultivation. He would have if he could.

As the Zombie King disappeared, the other zombies followed him. Lam didn’t stop them. Although these zombies would be a huge problem out there, he just stood there indifferently.

After all the zombies left, Lam immediately crouched down with his hands holding the door and a painful look on his face. Clearly, he had just woken up and was too weak to fight. He was just bluffing. But it worked; his very appearance was the last straw to break the Zombie King.

Fatty, with wounds all over his body, walked to Su Bai while murmuring to himself about detoxication with sticky rice and patted on Su Bai’s shoulder.

"Bai, that was awesome!"

However, with Fatty’s pat, Su Bai fell down.

"...…" Fatty: "What the h.e.l.l? You survived the zombies but get killed by me? With merely a pat?"


After a long coma, Su Bai opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed and wrapped with cloth strips. His wounds were bounded up, but he knew it was not necessary because they must be almost healed.

Kuan was sitting by the bed. He was napping but woke up when he heard Su Bai sitting up. Immediately, he stood up and said crossly:

"I’ll go get my teacher."

Su Bai just quietly sat on the bed. His lips were pale. It felt okay while he was in a coma, but once he woke up, the desire for fresh blood came back to him. Now he had to fight against that, like a withdrawal from drugs.

Lam walked in. His head was wrapped with bandages and his steps seemed weak. But he didn’t say anything about the misunderstanding before, just sat by Su Bai and started checking his pulse with his fingers on Su Bai’s wrist.

Su Bai looked at Lam. Honestly, even till now, Su Bai still thought it was a bad joke that the Dreadful Radio had took the Lam Ching-Ying from the real world and put him into the story world. In order to make the stories more interesting, there was nothing that the G.o.dd.a.m.ned Dreadful Radio would not do. However, he had been watching Lam’s movies on the screen since he was a kid. Now looking at him so closely, he felt weird.

Lam was indeed… quite ugly…

Lam had no idea what Su Bai was thinking about. However, he was a little embarra.s.sed, even seemed guilty of something. He coughed, retrieved his hand and said:

"Honestly, I can’t tell anything from your pulse."

Su Bai smiled. Of course, he was neither human nor zombie, how could he tell anything merely from his pulse.

"But when I checked your injury, I noticed that you were in great loss of blood and energy, even beyond my knowledge. So I asked Councilor Chen for some red beads that he had bought from some Tibetan sellers, ground them into powders and spread them onto your wounds. And then…"

Lam stopped talking.

But Su Bai knew what he was trying to say. He must be shocked by how fast his wounds were healing.

"The Tibetan monk has told me about your mission. Sorry about my mistake." Lam apologized sincerely.

"Never mind." Su Bai didn’t care that Lam tried to kill him. That was just the consequences of mistakes.

Just then, Gyatso appeared by the door.

Lam got up, "I’ll leave you guys to talk. I’m going out. By the way, I’m gonna find those zombies tonight. They might be dangerous to other people."

"We’ll come with you." Su Bai said.

Lam smiled, "Thank you."

Then he nodded to Gyatso and walked out.

Gyatso went to Su Bai and checked him. "You look well."

Now Gyatso seemed somehow different. He was more restrained, and even his temperament had changed dramatically, but Su Bai couldn’t really tell what the change was.

"More or less. What was that red pill?" Su Bai asked.

"That’s refined from essence and blood of yak and other animals. People in the Central Plains use them to improve their s.e.xual abilities." Gyatso got himself a gla.s.s of water and took a sip, "Thanks to Lam and this pill, otherwise I would have to kill some people for blood."

Su Bai knew Gyatso wouldn’t hesitate to do that. Seven probably wouldn’t, but Gyatso, as a descendent of Esoteric Buddhism, he wouldn’t feel anything bad about such practice.

"Where’s Fatty?"

"Can you walk?" Gyatso didn’t answer.

"You know me. As long as I’m awake, it won’t be a problem."

"I really envy you for such a blood." Gyatso smiled, "He’s in the next room."

Su Bai got off the bed, "Can I go see him?"

"You sure?"

"Why ask?"

"Never mind. I’ll go with you."

Su Bai and Gyatso walked to the next door. Fatty was sitting in a bathtub, but the water in it seemed to be muddy because it was mixed with something like sticky rice.

Fatty saw Su Bai and showed him a bitter look:

"Bai, help me!"

"With what?" Su Bai was a little confused.

However, the next moment, he saw that a snake appeared from under the water, climbed onto Fatty’s shoulder and darted out its tongue.

"F*ck! I told Lam to get me some old sticky rice to draw the ptomaine out, but he said these snakes could also do that and put so many snakes into my tub! I’m afraid of snakes! Terrified!"

"He said it would work, so you should be enjoying it. He’s the professional."

"Easy to say! Do you have any idea how it feels when so many venomous snakes are swimming around your b.a.l.l.s?" Fatty said bitterly.

Then he seemed to remember something: "By the way, I met a monk in that demon nest, he told me to tell you something."

Su Bai raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"He said: ‘This story world is nothing but a joke’." Fatty frowned, "I never figured out what that meant."

"This story world is nothing but a joke?" Su Bai repeated in his mind, then he looked at Gyatso but he was thinking hard as well. So he turned to Fatty. "You saw him, why didn’t you come out together?"

"We were smas.h.i.+ng a Buddha statue to get the Sarira[1] in it, then there came a fox demon, the monk told me to leave first and he would secure the rear."

Su Bai was surprised. He did consider Seven as a rather nice monk, but it didn’t sound like him to be so generous in a story world.

"And then?" Gyatso asked.

"And then…" Fatty ground his teeth. "He kicked me down from that Buddha statue and ran away with that Sarira! Just for a moment, it seemed to be really touching!"



[1] Sarira: It is a generic term referring to Buddhist relics, although in common usage it usually refers to pearl or crystal-like bead-shaped objects that are purportedly found among the cremated ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters. —Wikipedia

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