Dress na Boku ga Yangotonaki Katagata no Katei Kyoushi-sama na Kudan

Chapter 4: His Highness, the legendary handsomest, highly-successfulindividual

Chapter 4: His Highness, the legendary handsomest, highly-successfulindividual

"Today, Orland."

Under teachers.

The began.

Everyone sticks.

The in.


"It"s sections."

"Ok, Orie, let"s begin drawingfrom this side."

"Understood ~ Sarasa."

While ground.

Prince centre…"

"The beak looks pretty welldrawn."

When away.

"Don"t, don"t talk to me while I"mworking."

His it.

Sigh… This child was so easy toread, his entire body was revealing feelings of shy coyness.

It do.

"Big Bro Ryuuju really likesGlinda a lot!"


The twin princesses teased himmercilessly.

Hearing such, the prince"s faceturned even redder. He said:

"S, Shut up, Sarasa and Orie! I"mnot trying to make myself look more manly!"

"Really? milk?"



"P, lesson."

I rushed to stop them, but theyjust replied "Ok!" in a single innocent adorable voice.

"Glinda"s protecting you, you"reso lucky, Big Bro Ryuuju."

"Rather way."

"Wow, that"s a good strategy,Sarasa."

"Don"t you think so too, Orie?"



Prince ground.

From age.

He inside.

Oh! I"m sorry! I"m actually auseless guy with male parts, sorry!

At boot.

When Ryuuju.

On the other hand, the cooperationbetween Seira and Prince Shin proceeded soundlessly.

The exemplary.

Seira mystery.

Even though it was the middle ofsummer, she was still wearing her long-sleeved western dress with scarcely adrop of sweat, making me wonder how her body temperature really worked.

Come thing.

Seira doing.

For some reason, Seira had beenangry with me since that day.

I case.

A few days ago, she turned an icyface towards me and said in a chilling voice:

"Teacher… Did you kiss… ElderBrother Ryuuju?"

My hair stood on their ends and Ilet out strange sounds such as "Er?" and "Uuf".

That was right, I did kiss him!

That love…

But, it had somehow caused theprince to fall ill with high fever.

Actually throne."

Seira knew my true ident.i.ty.


When I worriedly asked her what"swrong, she looked back at me with a cold expression and said:

"Teacher, your faults are toomany."

So saying, she left quickly.

(Was she saying that I was unfitto be her teacher?)

I was dumbstruck then and stoodthere rooted for a full 30 minutes.

I was worried that I would berejected by her again, so just exchanging looks with Seira would give mestomach-ache. Even my tongue became twisted.


(Oh, it"s that action again.)

What was that supposed to mean? Inall things regarding Seira, it was all one big ball of mystery.

I Seira.

Soon, the map of Orland wascompleted on the floor.

"Orland fields."

I led everyone around the map toexplain it.

"The World"."

"The People of Meredith must alllook really beautiful!"

"They have shiny dull golden hairand eyes that are green like the leaves on the trees, right?"

The twin princesses said withtheir eyes sparkling. All girls seemed to love such romantic tales.

I l expression.

Strange, I thought she enjoyedknowing about mysterious events and legends, but apparently the Meredith didnot seem to be her cup of tea?

I returned to the topic at handand said:

"Going mines."

"I know!"

"I"ve heard that a super-handsomeCrown Prince there is currently looking for a bride!"

Princesses Sarasa and Orie becameeven more excited in this topic, and began to discuss about the Crown Prince ofGoemerz with frightful enthusiasm.

"I heard that the Haran, the CrownPrince of Goemerz, boarded a ship with white sails on his 16thbirthday, on a quest to seek out his ideal bride!"

"He"s 18 now! That"s to say he hadbeen sailing the seas all over the world for more than 2 years!"

"His hair is as black as the dark nightof the desert, his eyes as sparklingly bright as gold!"

"He"s so handsome and gentle, aswell as adept in both the sword and the book, excelling in every skill and hasbeen called the most charming prince in the world!"

"There dream."

"Wow, how romantic."

"Really wish that Prince Haranwould come to Eren."

Princesses stop.

Every expressionless.

As for Prince Shin, he remainedcompletely unconcerned and began to draw pictures of ships on the map.

Sigh… It was always like that. Thetwin princesses" idle chatter always caused the lessons to drift away from thetopic.


Then rich.


Right, harem.

Certainly, question.


Just individuals -

Noise invaded from all sides andpeople from the palace scampered around all over the place.

"What"s going on?"

Prince Ryuuju was the first tofrown.

A high-ranking official approachedus, calling out in an exaggerated and loud voice:


When the twin princesses heardthis, their twin-tails flew and shook as they let out a ear-piercing cheer.

How could this superior member ofthe cla.s.s of highly successful individuals come visit the palace here!

And so I went to welcome PrinceHaran together with the royal family.

The scene of His Majesty and theministers all gathering in the great hall was similar to my first day in Eren.


"Whoa… He looks truly handsome,Sarasa."

"En, it"s like a prince from thefairy tales."

The twin princesses whisperedtheir thoughts.

I stood beside the children astheir tutor and an honoured guest of the kingdom to observe the reception ofthis Prince Haran.

The strength.

Besides that, his entire bodydisplayed an air of n.o.bility and exotic charisma filled with a sense of drama -sigh, how disgusting! I truly hate this kind of flawlessly perfect studs.


G.o.d was so unfair.

"Thank here."

Prince Haran expressed his thanks.Even though his voice was high, it was lurid and crisp.

Of course, he was nothing like mewho stammered incoherently.

"Please travels."

When it came to looks andcharisma, King Cecello did not lose to Prince Haran. When He spoke, a pair oficy blue eyes glowed with the energy of youth.

The over.

Her frozen.

Prince Shin tugged at the Queen"sskirt with a dull look, his thoughts completely incomprehensible.

Seira had an icy expression asalways…

King Cecello introduced His familymembers one by one.

"And, this is the family teacherof our children - "

When I was introduced, PrinceHaran suddenly revealed a face of delight.



 Glinda… Did he mean me?

While me.

W, before.


Folsy was a southern island alsofamed as a paradise on earth, as well as a famous haunt for the rich andfamous.


I could feel the blood seeming tofreeze throughout my body.

Oh no, that must have been thereal Glinda!

Since doomed!

"Uh, y-y-y-y-y-yes, i-it reallyfelt like it"s not really that long ago! But in fact, much time had alreadypa.s.sed, even though it felt really like it was just a short while back!"

With cold sweat pouring down mybody, I replied in a shrill voice.

"What? Glinda even know aboutPrince Haran?"

"But you didn"t even tell us aboutit!"

The twin princesses asked me incuriosity.

"I, I did not have the time toreport that, a-a-a-a-a-and, it"s hardly appropriate for proper ladies to talkabout their private matters!"

I fought to find a suitableexcuse.

I mouth.

But, Prince Haran just narrowedhis beautiful and exotic golden eyes, revealing a look of euphoria towards"Glinda", and said shyly:

"That"s right. When we parted, Ifelt so lonely that it"s difficult to endure, but it was as though a blink ofan eye that you appear before me again, just like a dream coming true."

Prince Ryuuju instantly loweredthe corners of his lips.

Seira"s shoulder jumped nervously,staring at Prince Haran in suspicion.

But, smile.

Sigh, what would happen from now?

That night, the palace organised aluxurious banquet to welcome the arrival of Prince Haran.

I was also forced into partyclothes by maids, and made to attend the party despite my ulcer pains.

Even though I seemed to have beensaying the same things continuously recently, a real disaster-r-r-r isc-c-comminggggg!!!!!


There was no one in Eren that hadknown about the real Glinda Doyle, and that was the reason I was able to hidemy true ident.i.ty here.

But, young.

Then again, what was Glinda doingin Folsy in the South? She couldn"t be having holiday there right?

She atop?

Or did she have an affair with theprince-charming over the entire summer?

No, Glinda was not the type whowould have any affairs.

Holiday… felt implausible too… Icould hardly imagine the sight of Glinda enjoying a sun-bath.

Then, what was she doing in Folsy?

And, where was she now?

Until return.

Prince Haran seemed to have verygood relationship with Glinda, and might even have news of her.

Of to…

I Kingdom.

"Glinda must have fallen forPrince Haran."

"To meet again all of a suddenhere, don"t you feel it is the providence of fate?"

Hearing such words from others, Iimmediately woke up from my thoughts.

The twin princesses who had put onidentical party dresses were both staring at me with looks of curiosity.

"I, I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i had no suchthoughts. How would that possibly be!"

"You don"t have to hide it!"

"Ya! Prince."

"Right! him."

"Reuniting here with Glinda,Prince Haran seemed to be very happy too. Glinda, you might even become thePrince"s chosen bride."

"Wow! That"s too amazing!"

The twin princesses cheerfullyclapped their hands while they chatted.

I could feel Prince Ryuuju seemingto tighten his fists as he stared at me… There was also an icy cold air comingfrom the direction of Seira…

"I, I had no such desires, besidesHis Highness would never look at me."

That"s right, this was the famousprince charming with numerous female followers.

Light-hearted dancing.

Top said:

"Our ourselves."

He energetically announced.

"If you prefer someone youngerthan yourself, Your Highness may also consider my grand-daughter Jaina who"sthree."

Was that even legal?

Also, he kept sticking to thePrince, giving me no room to approach.

At this moment, the princecharming elegantly moved towards my direction from behind the crowd of people.

"Wow! Prince Haran is coming,Glinda!"

"This is the best opportunity,we"ll be rooting for you!"

"Huh? What?"

Prince Ryuuju clicked his tongueand Seira quietly drew in a breath.

"May I ask for a dance? Glinda?"

Prince Charming elegantly bowedtowards me, extending a hand.

Every girl has dreamt of being"invited to a dance by a prince", but for such a thing to happen to a boy likeme!

Also, everyone was looking at us.

The forbidding.

His eyes.

The froze.

"A, Alright."

I squeezed out a reluctant voice.

I must really give myself a pat onthe back for not saying "All Bite" when trying to say "Alright".

Prince Haran"s long fingersstabbed between mine, causing me to jump in a start.

His Highness gently pulled myhand, and elegantly led me in a dance.

"You, You dance… pretty good."

"In my country, men do not dancein public with women, so I only learned this after I left my home-country."

"Real, really? Even so, you"restill pretty skilled."

Compared follow.

I shyly directed my line of sightto the front to say his bright golden eyes looking right at me sweetly,displaying a light smile on his red well-shaped lips.

Whooooa! longer…

No, now"s not the time to benervous! I should be asking him about Glinda!

"T, That… w, what did we talkabout in Folsy?"

I accidentally tripped my foot onthe hems of my skirt, and nervously held my breath while I asked.

Prince Haran"s eyes continued toemit a bright honeyed sparkle.

"We talked about our dreams."



"… Turn the impossible topossible?"

I did not seem to understand thesewords.

Had not Glinda, who thus far hadbeen known as the omnipotent genius, been able to turn every impossible thingto possible?

She was born with immeasurabletalents and power, so what else was there for her to pursue?

That Glinda, was there evenanything that she could not do?

A kingdom where dreams can befulfilled?

Another world?

"T, That, where is this kingdomthen?"

Had Glinda left for that placealready?

Hearing my question, Prince Haransuddenly revealed a face of regret, saying:

"I alone."

His charm.

I could clearly feel that, HisHighness valued highly his encounter with Glinda.

The fingers that held onto minealso increased in strength and warmth.

"That here."

Prince Haran"s voice and eyesbecame even more intense.

Following the lead of PrinceHaran, my evening dress swirled and swayed, my heart speeding up with everyspin and my head spinning in confusion.

The opposite side was conveyinghis intention with such clear words and expression that even a monkey couldunderstand.

Prince Haran had fallen in lovewith "Glinda".

He considered the coincidentalreunion as the arrangement of fate.

Whoa, what a headache!

When I came around, I discoveredthat we had arrived at an empty balcony.

Ah! When did that happen?

It was probably when we weredancing that we slowly approached this place.

I was dumbstruck by the way thathe managed to speedily and smoothly guide his female partner without rousingany suspicion.

But, the thing that would alarm memore was yet to come.

The n.o.ble prince of the desertkingdom knelt before me. My goodness!

Using a voice br.i.m.m.i.n.g with honestemotions, he said to me who had become completely frozen:

"You are the ideal partner that Ihad been looking for all this time. Please come back with me to my country andbe my bride."



Become his bride… me?

How could this behaaaaaaaaaapppeeennning!

My insides were screaming such.

Then, I frantically replied:

"W, W-wait! Glinda is the one youlike, right? Even though I am Glinda, I am also not Glinda…"

Sigh, this would definitely beimpossible for him to understand. But, if I were to tell the truth, I would beimprisoned for deceiving the royal family.

But I most definitely could notbecome Prince Haran"s bride, least of all because he was mistaken about myident.i.ty.

As I was confused over what to donext, Prince Haran straightened his face, directing his exotic gold-colouredeyes towards me.

"No, you are not Glinda."


"I am proposing to you,Sher-chan."

I could not help but suspect myown ears.

… Sher-chan?

His lips which were so red thatthey seemed to be dyed in lipstick had actually uttered my own name.

The prince continued to gaze rightinto the me who was holding my breath in surprise, and then announced calmly:

"I am… a girl."

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