Dress na Boku ga Yangotonaki Katagata no Katei Kyoushi-sama na Kudan

Chapter 4: Teacher, do you not know even these kinds of things?Updated: 25th May 2017

Chapter 4: Teacher, do you not know even these kinds of things?Updated: 25th May 2017

"Then, to gauge your current knowledge, I have decided togive you a simple test."

I ignored the protests of Princesses Sarasa and Orie and seta stack of test papers on the table, all while a sickly pallor and sweatingprofusely.

This was the first day of me pretending to be my famed,genius twin sister and taking on her role of as the tutor to the royal familyin Eren Kingdom.

Right up to this morning had I still been feelingoptimistic, thinking that even a failed college-entry exam student like meshould be capable of teaching kids between 5 to 11 years old.


"Teacher, why do you cross-dress?"

The eldest Princess who seemed to have lain in wait for mealong the corridor stared coldly at me and asked with a calm voice.

I was shocked into taking a step backwards, nearly fallingover.

She had discovered that I am male? So she had reallydiscovered THAT part of me when I knocked my head against the bathtub?

"W-w-w-w-what, what can you possibly mean? To suspect thatI"m not a girl just because I am flat, it is so hurtful. I have been a womanever since I was born, uhohoho."

I tried to laugh it away.

"Sorry, to maintain health and a shapely body, I have ahabit of running in the morning!"

So saying, I fled as if flying.

Due to my shorted nerves, I ran all around the palace andnearly got lost.

During breakfast, I sat and ate with the royal family, butPrincess Seria"s eyes seemed to be appraising me all the time, making me hardto swallow.

"Is this not to Teacher Glinda"s taste?" The Queen in maidcostume asked me anxiously (it seemed that the Queen Mother had preparedbreakfast herself).

"N-No, I am just testing a dieting medication and collectingdata, so this morning I have to limit my food intake."

I gave some random excuse.

"Is that so? But Teacher looks pretty uneasy, and keepssweating."

"Must be the side-effects of the medication, ohoohoo…"

Princess Seira kept looking at our exchange withwise-looking eyes.

Until even now.

Uwwwuu, she was still here, staring at me, kept staring… staringwithout changing direction for even an instance…

I laid down the stack of test papers, doing my utmost toavoid meeting the eldest princess" gaze.

What should I do if she suddenly jumped up and said, "Thisperson"s a man, not Ms Glinda."?

My brain was filled with the terrifying headlines of "Brokenalliance, Political criminal, Deceiver of the Royal family", and I nearly brokedown into pieces.

I peeked slightly around…

Whoa! She"s still staring!

If only I had been a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic lolicon, this might hadturned out to be an ideal situation. Then, perhaps I would be very excited atbeing forced to cross-dress and coldly glared at by a purple-eyed, silverhaired young girl who was as lovely as a western doll.

Unfortunately, I prefer cute ordinary girls of sixteen toseventeen.

So, in the face of Princess Seira"s silent interrogation, myweak intestines would just cringe.

Ohhh, what could she possibly be thinking about? Probablysilently cursing "This cross-dressing pervert" from the bottom of her heart.Uwwuuu, ooooh, please stop glaring at me.

I felt as if I had become the pathetic Emperor Ludwig theSecond who got dragged before court on charges of seducing his minister"s wife.Right, that Emperor seemed to have choked to death on a crab bun in prison.

Ahhh, this was no time to be sharing useless historicalanecdotes!

Right, I should just concentrate on the maths lesson.

Within the nursery with brightly illuminated window curtainsand wall-paper, the desk was seated with not just Princess Seira, but alsothose twin Princesses Sarasa and Orie, their elder brother Prince Ryuuju, andthe young Prince Shin.

The twins were currently sulking unhappily due to theirprotests against the pop-test being rejected; Prince Ryuuju tightened his lipsand refused to look at me; and Prince Shin looked sleepy as usual today.

The test-papers had been prepared by Helmut, with thedifficulty levels adjusted according to their age. Helmut had an "sincere"smile on his face as he explained that it would be a trivial task to justpretend to teach by pointing out the problems that the children had difficultyin.

Princess Seira lowered her head and began to start writing.

I let out a breath of relief.

My heart continued to hammer like a drum against my chest.Muah, this was no condition to be teaching normally. But should I say anythingwrong by mistake, my fake ident.i.ty as Glinda might become unveiled.

I gave a reluctant smile.

"If there"s anything that seems too hard, you can just askme."

Seeing the tensed back and overly-serious face of PrinceRyuuju attempting each question, I walked behind him and said kindly.

"Is anything the matter, Prince Ryuuju?"

Prince Ryuuju violently retreated causing his chair to rockloudly. He frowned red-faced and glared at me in guard.

"D-don"t stand behind me!"

"… Sorry."

"A-a-a-a-and, isn"t your collar cut a little too low? Ladiesshould not expose too much of their skin!"

Most likely it had been due to my falling atop of him in thecorridors last night, he seemed to have taken me completely for a femalepervert. Then again, was this what a child who just reached 11 years old wouldsay? Strange?

Prince Ryuuju"s test script was filled in words and numbersas teeny as an insect, making me wonder "is there really such a need to be soserious about it?" It exhibited his earnestness and meticulousness.

"Really, Elder Brother Ryuuju is too mindful of Glinda ~~~!"

"That"s right, even his face has become swollen red. Couldit be love at first sight?"

The Princess Sarasa and Orie teased their Elder Brother.

"P-preposterous! There"s no such thing! I just felt that sheshould not be overdressed to teach…"

"Oh really? Elder Brother Ryuuju must have beenconcentrating so much at Glinda"s chest that he can"t think of anything else?"

"N-no way!"

Prince Ryuuju"s flushed face blazed, and his frown deepened.

I couldn"t help but cover my chest. Due to the low-cutcollar, I feared for my pads to be discovered.

"See? Even Glinda feels uncomfortable all over from yourstares!"

"T-there"s no such thing!"

"No! I have absolutely no interest in your chest!"

"Y-yes, sorry, but it seems like all my clothes have low-cutcollars…"

That Helmut, why did he only prepare clothes that could soeasily expose my male ident.i.ty? Was this a part of his extremely low-cla.s.sedtaste? If it was someone else who was wearing this, maybe I too would enjoy theview. But to put it on myself… Uwuuwuu…

Twin princesses danced about like a pair of birds.

"It had to be in-fashion to wear low-cut this year!Winstoria Empire after all is the world-centre of culture and fashion!"

"That"s right, Orie."

The two of them held each other"s hands overly excitedly. Itwas just last night that they had been weeping from being spanked. What a quickrestoration… ah, well. But both your scripts were still blank!

"Humph! Who cares about fashion. Rather than wasting time onmake-up, it"s more important to discipline the insides."

Prince Ryuuju declared un-amusedly.

"Ha! No matter how good your inside is, if your outwardappearance is c.r.a.ppy, n.o.body would even approach you, and there won"t even beany chance to show off your good points!"

"Sarasa"s right! Besides, the pursuit of fashion and beautyis every girl"s inborn character. If Big Brother Ryuuju remains so ignorant ofthe hearts of women, it would be difficult later when you actually inherit thethrone. For example, when dealing with the king of another kingdom, which ismore effective as gifts, precious stones for the opponent"s wife or lovers?Right, Sarasa?"

"Telling me to resort to bribery? I absolutely refuse! It"sbecause of people like you two that politics becomes so seedy! How can women beallowed into the sacred task of managing a country!"

"You are so gullible, Big Bro Ryuuju! Creatures known as menhave absolutely no means of refusing if a beautiful lady is to flirtatiouslyask him "Pleeaaasee?" ~~ "

"Nah, Sarasa. Big Bro Ryuuju who becomes shy from merelylooking at Glinda"s chest can"t even be considered a man yet."

"W-w-what! I am not shy! And I have said so earlier, I haveno interest in chest!"

"There"s no need to hide it, for someone as pure as Big BroRyuuju: your heart is written on your face."

"Shut up! Sarasa! Orie!"

This group of kids made a non-stop din.

Prince Ryuuju had obviously become a toy to the twinPrincesses, and as a male personally, I could not help but empathise with him.Girls were certainly eloquent or precocious… Even while I was in elementaryschool, I was often teased by the girls in my cla.s.s…

"T-that, exam is still in progress. Please be quiet andanswer your scripts."

I warned while shaken, and the Princesses Sarasa and Oriereplied adorably in unison.


Prince Ryuuju turned red when he heard this, probablybecause he felt that he should have been setting an example for his youngersiblings, but just added to the din instead. Embarra.s.sed at his actions, heshook his head angrily and continued his test.

But the twins started chatting again not long after.

"Ask you something, Glinda, what hairstyle is currently infashion at Winstoria Empire right now?"

"Have you watched the new show by Bilger Bauer? Did theactress playing the elven queen really descended from the sky?"

"Is the Emperor of Winstoria Empire handsome?"

"Disgusting! Sarasa just loves old uncles! I want to knowabout the Prince of Winstoria Empire. Heard that he is about our age, so whatis the colour of his eyes and hair?"

"Muah, boys of the similar age are just children, I"mcertainly not interested. Men must be strong, intelligent and reliable, justlike our Lord Father."

"Lord Father is exceptional."

"Does Orie think so too?"

"Of course."

"Oh, Glinda, that accessary looks so pretty."

"Is that a gift of your boyfriend?"

"How many boyfriends do you have (as in, right now)?"

The two of them bombarded me with mature question.

Prince Ryuuju screamed in impatience.

"Quiet! Boyfriends and whatnots are so pointless! Beforelooking for men, you should just pick up the education and character befittingof daughters of royalty!"

"Alright, continue your exams."

I said to defuse the outburst.

Was this called teaching? Wasn"t this more like being ananny? I was beginning to have gastric pains when…

"… Teacher."


Being called at by this calm voice sent a chill up my spine.

"I have completed the problems."

"Huh? So quickly?"

"It"s boring to idle around, so many I read my book?"

"P-please do so."

Princess Seira opened her ancient tome.

Right, she had been holding onto the book for a while now,just what was inside of it?

I carelessly peeked over…

And froze over.

W-what! The book was covered in equations and ancientwritings! There was practically no empty page, and the words-filled paper was awicked black from the ink, un-undecipherable at all!

"Ha… Hahaha… What book could this possibly be?"

I asked with a dry laugh, and Princess Seira casuallyreplied.

"… The Mathematical Theorems from ancient Anabelcivilization."

"I-is that so, the Anabel civilization huh, that"s the onewith pyramids and animalism, right? I was thinking was that really the one,hahaha… C-can you understand it?"

"… Yes. Because the grammar isn"t really that different frommodern tongues. The theorems that Ophelit put forth 2000 years ago is still soapplicable today, how marvellous."

 "… O-ophelit… That"sthe legendary ancient genius huh… hahaha… ya, yeah that"s true… So you canreally read these ancient texts so easily…"

Was I not here simply just to teach 5 to 11 year olds?

Helmut said that, just like teaching at an elementaryschool, even a college-exam failure like me could easily take on this task.

I had heard nothing about the eldest Princess knowing how toread ancient texts and even casually discuss Ophelit"s theorems!

W-what should I do? If she asked me any questions…

"Teacher, regarding Ophelit"s proposal…"

As if observing my reactions, Princess Seira stared at mewith her purple crystal-like eyes, pointing to a line of mathematics with herthin finger.

Not good!

"Prrrrrrrriiiiinnnncceee Shin!"

I screamed, turning to look at the youngest Prince Shin.

"Is there anything that confused Prince Shin?"

What if even Prince Shin was a genius that could speak influent ancient tongues and easily formulate a pile of equations?

But, Prince Shin was kneading clay.

He did not look like he was playing, but with theconcentrating expression of a craftsman at work, was seriously kneading theclay.

"…Prince Shin?"

"What are you doing?"

"… Secret."

"… Is that so? Then go ahead"

He sombrely nodded.

Fueh… Luckily he was no genius.

But… For a child of 5 to emit an air of a craftsman andknead clay with a serious face… That was a little out of the ordinary…

What an awkward atmosphere.

Prince Ryuuju completed his test, the twin princesses justsaid nonchalantly, "I did work hard, it"s just that I really don"t know theanswer ~", "Orie feels the same. ~"

How horrid, if this was the result of the first day alone,Glinda"s rating would definitely drop, and Princess Seira might even say, "ThisTeacher is obviously an imitation! Unbelievable! How horrible!" Then, if theylet their King Father learn of it, I might even be executed… Noooo! I must heatup the atmosphere!

"T-then, I would mark the papers later. Everyone, let"s havea game!"

Hearing my desperate proposal, the children froze.

"Glinda, what game do you want to play?"

"Board games."

Ten minutes later, a stack of board games from the WinstoriaEmpire was laid on the carpet of the nursery.

These were gifts to the King of Eren, all custom crafted byfamed artists and could be considered pieces of art.

"Wow! There"re so many stars on this one here, so pretty~"

"This one is called "The Journey of stars". Oh, soromantic."

"This one is called "Exploring Lost History", it"s to hunttreasures from ancient ruins around the world!"

Princesses Sarasa and Orie looked at the game-boards witheyes sparkling.

"The Winstoria Empire has many board-games for educationalpurposes, and children of the Empire learn about history, astronomy and moralsfrom these board games."

"How interest ~ So, which board game should we play?"

"This one, "Princess Flora"s conversations - Within theForest of Philosophy" looks fun; it"s to guide Princess Flora and CharmingPhilosopher on their discussion on philosophy and romance, to become the 1stfemale pope in the world."

"Oh… That… That looks like it has been aimed towards teenagegirls, it may be a little too early for Your Highnesses…"

I seemed to have remembered many scenes of kissing andhugging, contentious scenarios… say, why were such things mixed in here?

"I am not going play such childish board games."

Prince Ryuuju crossed his arms about his chest and turnedaway.

I bent over to persuade him.

"Don"t say that, at least have a try. Keeping in touch withthe culture of other countries is a good experience for Princes too. Irecommend "The Coloured History of the World", and "Shaking the World ~Creationof Land and Skies", "I will be an Agricultural King!", "Path of the GreatKing"…"

"… Great King?"

Prince Ryuuju"s shoulders jumped violently.

"Yes, this game teaches step by step the politics,experiences and trials, to become a Great King."

"I-is that so, then I would try playing a little…"

He replied with a blush.

What should I say… this child was so pure.

"Then let"s play "Path of the Great King"."

Princesses Sarasa and Orie complained unhappily that "Aww,that"s so boring.", "Let"s play more romantic games", but I consoled them with"I will let you choose the next time."

Sigh, I had totally become a nanny.

Princess Seira still stared straight at me, as if observing.

"P-princess Seira, would you like to join us?"

I asked her stiffly.

"… Alright."

She calmly answered as if somewhat unhappily.

I asked Prince Shin the same question.

He merely nodded in silence.

Uwuwuwu… why was it that these siblings were either toonoisy or too quiet… so extreme…

That said, we somehow managed to begin our board game.

We spread out the colourful game board on the carpet, andeveryone sat on the ground in a circle.

"First, we throw two dice and add their numbers together."

"Six." Said Prince Ryuuju.

"Mine"s three." Princess Sarasa said.

"Mine"s eight." Princess Orie said.

"… Four." Princess Seria said.

"Oh, Prince Shin threw a Ten. Then, counting from thehighest to lowest we decide the starting points of everyone, Prince Shin"s is"Palace", Princess Orie"s is "Church", Prince Ryuuju"s is "Martial-arts Hall",Princess Seira"s is "Stables" and Princess Sarasa"s is "Wolf"s Den". Pleaseplace your game-pieces dolls at their respective starting areas."

 I handed everyonetheir porcelain doll game-pieces.

"Tsk… Why am I in the Wolf"s Den? What is the Wolf"s Denanyway! And this doll"s hair is so messy, with such a fierce expression, notcute at all!"

Princess Sarasa said unhappily.

"That"s because the doll"s character had been abandoned as ababy in the woods, and was raised by wolves."


"My doll is clad in a white, so elegant."

"Princess Orie"s character has been abandoned as a babybehind the church"s altar."

"Why is everyone an abandoned child? What about Shin"s"Palace"?"

"That character is a Prince born inside of the Palace."

"Huh! Only Shin"s so fortunate! Unfair! And I am evenbrought up by wolves, so unfair!"

"Hey, why is my doll"s hair tied with ribbons? This isobviously a girl!"

Prince Ryuuju was also displeased.

"That"s because Prince Ryuuju"s character is a daughter inthe Martial Arts house."

"What did you say?"

"… Teacher, what about me?" Princess Seira looked at me andasked monotonously.

I fearfully replied.

"Uh, Princess Seira"s character is the child of a travellingtroupe, born in the stable of a nearby village while returning fromperformances somewhere."

"… Is that so." She coolly replied.

There was no clue on her face over whether she liked ordisliked her character.

"Then let"s begin! Aright, Prince Shin, please throw thedice first."

I faked an optimistic air, and worked hard to overturn thedisappointed atmosphere.

"Three! Please move forward three steps. Ok, a choicequestion: To celebrate the Prince"s birthday, the ministers brought a Book ofLaw while the knights" captain brought a beautiful Sword. Please choose oneamong them?"

"What, choose only one? So stingy!"

"Isn"t the Prince just born? How can he decide for himself?"

Princesses Sarasa and Orie scoffed in order.

"Muah, it is just a game. So, Prince Shin? Which would youchoose?"

"… Big."

"… That would be the Sword."

The doll in a cape moved forward.

Next was the turn of Princess Orie who grew up in the Churchand the dice rolled a Four.

"Ok, Princess Orie also had a choice question: The clergyprepared Wheat Bread and Cake, which would you choose to eat?"

"Cake, of course."

"There"s another question: Just when you are about to eat, ahungry child entered, would you feed the child or eat it yourself?"

"Eat it myself, of course."

Like this, everyone advanced through the game.

Princess Sarasa who grew up in the Wolf"s Den seemed to keepencountering choice questions like: "A Rabbit and a Wild Boar were ahead, whichanimal will you hunt for tonight"s dinner?", "In the forest, an armoured knightlies dying, help him or bite him?"; These types of scenarios.

Prince Ryuuju"s Daughter of Martial Arts on the other handkept encountering questions such as: "A young knight comes inn-trashing, duelhim?" To which he puffed out his chest and said: "Of course." Then, thefollow-up choices were: "You and the knight fell head-over-heels in love, elopewith the knight?"

"I am a dignified Prince! Why would I fall in love and elopewith any random man! Isn"t the goal of this board game to become a GreatKing!?!"

Prince Ryuuju said in exasperation.

I could totally understand his point of view, being a manmyself. Why would anyone want to tie ribbons on his hair, and romance withother men…

Thinking about my cross-dressing self, I could not help butempathise with him.

Princess Seira expressionlessly moved her game-piece dollwhich represented the attractive youth of a travelling troupe.

"A corrupt n.o.ble of many evils wishes to see your dance.Dance? Or unsheathe your dagger?"

"… Dance."

"What kinds of dance? Loach Dance or Sword-Dance?"

"… Loach Dance."

Her replies were always cold.

It was a drastic difference from the twins Princesses andtheir Elder Brother who made a din every time that they threw the dice, theirexpressions changing wildly… though one could also say the same of Prince Shin,who seemed to be idling right from the start.

Anyway, Prince Ryuuju and the rest seemed completelyengrossed in the game, and by now, it was revealed that the youth who had beenbrought up by wolves and the one found in the church were in fact twin brothersborn of a n.o.ble house that had been executed for rebellion.

"Elder Brother Sarasa!"

"Orie! My Little Brother!"

The two of them hugged each other happily in play.

Prince Shin"s character who was supposed to be the heir tothe throne simply rotated eating and sleeping each day in indolence. About thistime, the love-troubled but diligently-training Martial Artist Girl (PrinceRyuuju) showed up to become a bodyguard knight to the prince, all whileencountering a never-ending train of issues surrounding her love-life.

"Why are ALL my choices between "LOVE or WORK", "LOVE orHONOUR", "LOVE or GLORY"?!? Is LOVE the only thing that can be weighed on thescales?"

Prince Ryuuju shouted with a face puffed in red, but continuedto diligently select "WORK", "HONOUR" to advance his status.

The youths from the Church and the Wolf"s Den raised arebellion with their statuses as the heirs of the Duke"s house.

In the midst of all this, Princess Seira"s young actor movedtowards the heart of the country via flattering powerful officials and n.o.bles,becoming even a close aide to the Prince, turning the Prince into his puppetand taking power by means of cloak and dagger.

What was wrong with this board game! Where did these scary scenarioscome from! I should have known better and chosen the safer-sounding "Scenes ofWorld History"!

That was apparent when Princess Seira was asked: "Loyallyserve the Prince? Or serve Him with ulterior motives?", the manner in which shecalmly answered: "… with ulterior motives.", was truly terrifying.

If this Prince did not come around soon, He might even endup like the Eighth King of Romancia, Louis the Second who was brought beforethe guillotine by his own close-aide!

But Prince Shin just continued his rotatoryeating-and-sleeping lifestyle. Sigh… He was really shaping-up into the path ofthe useless ruler.

As the story went on, the Martial-Arts-Girl-turned-Knightencountered her Destiny.

In fact, the girl had been the illegitimate child of the King,and the younger sister of the Prince from a different mother!

Even though this was a ludicrous scenario, the young girlbecame the Kingdom"s 2nd heir-to-the-throne, even leading thecountry into victory against the rebels and becoming a great hero.

"Wait a second! Doesn"t that make us the Bad Guys?"

"Ya! How frustrating!"

"That is the path you two have chosen. If you have chosenvirtue, putting the commoners before self, you would have naturally gainedtheir support."

Prince Ryuuju puffed out his chest in satisfaction.

"No matter where the starting point is, the one with royaldignity would ultimately be seated on the throne."

He seemed to have forgotten about all the dismay he previouslyencountered, smiling satisfactorily. This innocence so befitting of his age wasso adorable. En, even though he was a Prince, he was still a pure ordinary boy.

Prince Ryuuju was not far off from the finishing line.Fight!

But the King suddenly pa.s.sed on, and rebels attacked thecapital.

The young Heroine was about to lead troops when, at thismoment, Princess Seira stepped in.

She accused the birthplace of the Heroine as the base of therebels and persuaded the puppet-prince to send soldiers to attack it.

"Hey! What are you doing! Seira!"

Prince Ryuuju stood frowning.

Princess Seira stared at him coldy and said calmly.

"… I am merely making the "right choice"."

Whoa!~~~ What a cold expression! Her words and expressionwere nothing like a 9 year old child, how terrifying. I had heart-felt pity forPrince Ryuuju.

"… It is Elder Brother Ryuuju"s turn to throw the dice."


Prince Ryuuju had a severe expression as he threw the dice.


Great! He would make it to the finishing line this turn!

But, before he could advance, he was given yet another choice.

"Uh, would you lead your troops to your birthplace? Or tothe Capital?"

Prince Ryuuju jumped in fright, shut his lips and clenchedhis fists. Whoa, he was really thinking hard.

If he went to the Capital and defeat the rebels, he wouldreceive support from the populace and become the King.

If he returned to his hometown, he would be accused ofrebellion and be wounded in an attack, sitting out two turns.

Going to the Capital would be the "right choice" in thewords of Princess Seira, and perhaps this was to ill.u.s.trate some of thenecessary sacrifices a King would have to eventually make for greater good.

But, it was too cruel to make a child choose such choices.

Was this board game really made for kids? Why would there besuch psychologically damaging choice questions within? If it was like this,even winning the game would not bring happiness. Why the crabbage did you sendsuch a serious board game? Helmut!

Prince Ryuuju tightened his fists in deep concentration,chewing his lips and looking extremely pained.

Ohoh, this child was being too serious!

"That, Prince Ryuuju? It is just a little game, please relaxyourself."

I worriedly adviced, but he asked gravely:

"If I were to go to the Capital, would my hometown"s peoplebe all slaughtered as rebels?"

"Er, that may not always be the case, besides this is just agame."

What a headache. As a teacher, what was I supposed to say atthis point of time?

Princess Seira stared straight into me. Uwuwu… sopressurising.

At this time, one of the twin princesses said impatiently:

"Aya! Big Bro Ryuuju is overthinking things! Glinda isright, it"s just a game, so hurry up and go to the finishing line!"

One of the twins, Princess Sarasa, or maybe it was PrincessOrie, got up and grabbed Prince Ryuuju"s doll.

"Ok, Five, right? Finishing line~!"

She ended the game all on her own.

"Whoa~~~ Sarasa! What are you doing? The people in myhometown…"

"Humph! Anyway since the doll has reached the finishingpoint, the game has ended. As promised, this time let us choose a romanticboard game!"

"Y-You…  No way! Thatmove doesn"t count! I must restart!"

"Ara, really, let"s just consider this Big Bro Ryuuju"s win."

"Sarasa agrees! Being a King is so boring; I absolutely don"twant to become one."

"That"s right, whoever says he wants to become a king musthave no dreams at all."

"Don"t insult the duties of a King! Don"t run away with mydoll! Return it at once, Sarasa!"

"Don"t waaannaaa~~"

Princess Sarasa playfully stuck out her tongue towardsPrince Ryuuju while tugging his doll tightly in her chest. The latter rushedtowards her with a huff.

"Whoa! No fighting!"

I hastily leaped over in order to jump between the two ofthem, but tripped and fell.



I fell atop of Prince Ryuuju.

The Prince Ryuuju crushed under me looked abashed and angry,reddened and trembling from head to toe.

"Ah! Glinda is sooo daring!"

"It must have felt great to be pushed over by Glinda, BigBro Ryuuju!"

The twins" cheers made the stricken Prince Ryuuju widen hiseyes.

"N-No! This is just an accident! I-i-i-i-i-i-I haveabsolutely no perverted intentions…"

I stammered out an explanation.

"Impudent fellow! Go away!"

Prince Ryuuju screamed in rage.

Sigh, what a mess.

If this was just the first day of my lessons, how would Iever be able to handle being these children"s private tutor?

Princess Seira continued to simply stare coldly at thefrightened me.

Fue, cla.s.s was finally over.

Afternoon, I returned to my room, and, once alone, threwmyself in abandon onto the bed.

A mere short three hours, and yet my body felt as if it hadendured three long years.

"I"ve had enough ~~~ Muah, I said I can"t be a privatetutor~~~ Helmut, when would you be coming back?!?"

I no longer wished to cross-dress into this stifling,ridiculous dress.

Princess Seira had discovered the truth, and kept giving anaccusatory glare as if to say "You, pervert!", not to mention that my job as atutor turned into a mess, with Prince Ryuuju hating my guts, the twinPrincesses not bothering about anything I said, and Prince Shin staring in idle…

As I thought, there was something wrong with making a manlike me to pretend to be Glinda.

Was it not said that Winstoria Empire"s Intelligence Agencywas so professional that they could locate Glinda in just 3 to 4 days? Was thatfellow who just dumped me here and escaped back home really reliable?

Maybe I was abandoned since a long time ago…

Would I have to stay here as a cross-dressing pervert forthe rest of my life? Must I shave my legs as long as I live?

As I mulled over my worries, my stomach began to twist andturn in unrest and tears started to flow tragically.

"Uwwwuwu… Come back quickly! Helmut!"

As I grasped the bed sheets and cried into it, a soundsuddenly came from within the room.

"Excuse me, but do you happen to be lovers with Lord Helmut?"


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