Dress na Boku ga Yangotonaki Katagata no Katei Kyoushi-sama na Kudan

Chapter 5: Disqualified once the clothes are off!

Chapter 5: Disqualified once the clothes are off!

 "I just want you to see my everything."

Haran dragged along the dumbstruck me to the guestroom within Eren"s palace.

-- I am… a girl.

Haran proposed to me abruptly, and even revealed this secret, causing my mind to go completely blank and unable to a.n.a.lyse anything.

Prince Haran of the Golden Desert Kingdom, was he not the world"s most famous "bachelor" with legendary charisma, pined for by all girls, and was still sailing his luxurious white ship in search of his ideal bride?

Such a prince among prince, was in fact a girl?

The room was darkened by the thick curtains hanging all over the place, and a sole candle flickering seductive flames atop a candle-holder was the only source of light which glowed against the n.o.ble face of Haran from the dark.

This beautiful face could definitely pa.s.s for a girl"s.

But even King Cecello had a beautiful face although he was already an old uncle with many children.

Haran undid his turban and a piece of thin linen floated down with a glitter. His beautiful black hair spread on top of his shoulder and chest.

Hair that had always been bundled beneath the white cloth certainly looked like it belonged to an elegant lady when released, but also gave off the aroma of a boy"s. Or perhaps neither gender - I was becoming really confused.

"In my country, females are the property of males."

A male voice that was somewhat on the high side; or maybe it was a female"s voice that was on the low end.

Haran took off his lovely embroidered clothes and continued.

"Females are not allowed to reveal their faces before other people, nor can they choose their way of life, imprisoned within their family by males who are their masters until the end of their lives."

Next, he untied the blue sash tied about his waist.

"My mother is the Emperor"s Queen consort."

The upper garment dropped beside his feet.

I could see a few coils of white bandages wound about Haran"s chest, and I held my breath.

Could it be, that Haran was really…

"My Mother"s duty was to bear a male child to succeed the Emperor"s bloodline, but even after taking great pains with her weak body, she could only give birth to a girl."

The white cloth spiralled downwards, gradually dropping beside the cloth that had fallen on the ground earlier.

I could see the remnants of the white strip covering the chest, as well as the portion of the chest that protruded even though concealed by them. My heart began to race.

The flame of the lit candle suddenly grew in length in the midst of the windless chamber.

"Due  boy."

Light from the flames unveiled a waist so thin that it looked fragile to the point of breaking as well as a midriff devoid of any spare fats.

And above it, gradually revealed a supple pair of…

"I travelled the world, seeking out an ideal bride to be my partner for life - someone who is my opposite, with an appearance of a girl but is actually a man inside."

When I heard this, I suddenly realised her meaning.

"I, I did not choose to be dressed like this, there is a reason!"

"Glinda has already told me about your situation. She told me that she has a twin brother who is weak of character, easily influenced and hopelessly untalented."

"So harsh!"

I could not help but shout.

Glinda was actually talking behind my back like this when it was her fault that I had to cross-dress! Wuuwuuwuu…

But, but, so what if I was hopelessly untalented!

"When I encountered you in the great hall, I knew immediately that you are Glinda"s little brother. You have the same face as Glinda, but your willpowers are so different."

"So what if I"m a useless little brother! Wuu… wahwah! You mustn"t strip further!"

The last wound of bandage binding her chest dropped off.

And before my eyes stood a half-naked dark-haired girl.

She did not try to hide her bulging pair of b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but just stared into me with her arms at her sides.

Her posture was like that of a mermaid that crept out from the deep sea in the dark night.

My eyes were locked into her pair of golden eyes which seemed to conceal mysterious magic.

"What do you mean by useless? To me, you are the ideal "woman"."

She continued pa.s.sionately in a sensuous voice.

"With you, I could also produce a child that could carry on my bloodline. I wish to bring you back to my harem and make you the next empress of Ismail Empire. I hope that you would make this convent with me in the name of the Great Sharra."

A vow by the absolute G.o.d of the desert - Sharra.

To the people who had spent their entire lives in the desert empire, it was a vow that must be kept for all eternity. They believed that breaking of such a vow would bring about great disasters.


How hand!

Even if I were to expound on history and legends, the fact before my eyes would not alter.

In any case, the current situation of being in the presence of a naked beautiful woman was quite dangerous.

But my body could not move at all.

"E, even if you are to suddenly propose to me, I, I … Besides, wwweeee just met today!"

It had nothing to do with that at all!

How could I enter a harem and be forced to cross-dress for the rest of my life!

"Be, clothes?"

"I have let you into my secret, so I hope you would show me everything about you too. Then we would truly understand each other."

"Wah! Don"t unb.u.t.ton any further! And don"t pull that ribbon!"

Why did I have to be the one that"s screaming in fear for my chast.i.ty?

Why was it she that was so boldly untying the strings around my chest?

"Wait! Wait a minute! We just got to know each other, so we should not be doing such things so quickly! Please, calm down!"

I was stripped off of half of my clothes, pushed down onto the bed, and pale all over. And to think that I just got pushed down by Jerome not too long ago too. Why were such things happening all the time?

"I"m completely calm, and even think that it is fate. Ever since that evening when I parted with Glinda on the beaches of Folsy, I am destined to meet with you, Sher-kun."

Soft black hair fell upon my face and throat while a pair of golden eyes pa.s.sionately looked into me.

Seemingly  prince.

If I was a girl, I might actually meekly offer up my body too. But…

"I"ma boy! I don"t want my first to be at the bottom!"


"Sorry!I don"t want to become a cute bride!"

--That"s right, it should be me that wanted a cute bride!

Myheart was screaming such as I turned to open the door.


Seirawas standing insecurely outside at the door.

Why,why would Seira be here?

Seirabeheld my visage and instantly looked displeased; then seeing Haranwho was chasing after me, her expressions hardened; and when she sawthe exposed chest of Haran, her eyes widened greatly.

This,this didn"t look good?

Thesecret that Haran was in fact a girl was about to be exposed…

Ispread out my arms in an attempt to cover Haran"s body.

"Uh…The stuff that you just saw was just an illusion!"

Seira"sface turned pale, staring straight into Haran"s chest, and bit downonto her lips as if to stop herself from crying. She then ran off.


Ichased after her in a hurry and managed to stop her by catching hershoulder at the corridor.

Seirashoved away my hand and lowered her head, causing her silver hair tofall over her face and hiding her expression.

Shemaintained this position and said in an angry low voice:

"She- is undressed."

Seira"sshoulder trembled.

"Teachersaid it before, under that circ.u.mstances, it is just amisunderstanding if both parties are clothed. A complete acquittal."

Right,when Anneth spent the night over in my room until the next morning,Seira caught us sleeping on the same bed together, and I had utteredthat in the confusion.

Seirakept her face lowered and her body continued to tremble.

"Thatwoman… is undressed."

"Uh…That"s because the room was very dark, so you probably had notnoticed, her lower half is still clothed, and even I had beenstripped just down by half. The most important thing is… the bottompart is not undone! So, this situation is still a misunderstand, notguilty…"

"No!This is fact, guilty!"


Sherefuted firmly in an icy cold voice, shutting off my denialcompletely.

But,when I was about to feel relieved over the fact that she had notnoticed that the other party was Prince Haran -

"Ihave no idea that you are already in such a deep relationship withPrince Haran."

Thecat"s completely out of the bag!

"Please,Seira! Please treat what you just saw as a secret between you and I!This must never be revealed to other people!"

Igrabbed her slim shoulders and bowed profusely in plea.

Sigh,this seemed to have happened before too.

Thathappened when Seira discovered I was a male.

Backthen, I had begged her profusely not to tell anyone too.

Seiraslowly lifted her head towards me.

Shewas tightening her face, lowering her brows and gripping her rightwrist with her left with a fragile expression.

Afterthat, she used a strained voice to question me:

"Teacher…What do you…"


AsI could not grasp her question and so tried asking, Seira"sexpression seemed more fearful like she was about to cry out.

"What,what do you… feel about me…"


Seira"svoice sounded quieter and weaker, as if she was afraid of something.Even her face revealed a look of helplessness. She lowered her eyesand bit down on her lips, and then laid the right hand that she wasgripping tightly on her thin chest.

"That…Seira, I don"t seem to understand your meaning, but would youplease keep the secret of Prince Haran?"

Ifearfully asked.

Whenshe had that, she suddenly became icy cold like a western doll.

Therewas no longer any sign of weakness in her face, but instead an icycold expression.

"Iam completely uninterested in this kind of thing. Besides, revealingPrince Haran"s secret is not going to be of any benefit to Eren.It"s not the right thing to do."

Shewalked off after saying in a calm voice.

Somehowfinding the time to redress, Haran approached me from the back.

"Seirawould not reveal your secret. She is an intelligent child, knowingwhat should be said, and what not to."

"Ifeven you say so, I could only believe it."

Asif realizing her mistake, Haran said.

That"sright, Seira would not do anything that she judged as "wrong".

Sinceshe had said that she was not interested, no matter which genderHaran was, it would not have mattered to her.



Wasthat really an ordinary action? She did not seem to act like thatbefore…

"Sher-kun,you should readjust your clothes. If you keep walking around likethis in the corridor, there"s no telling if you would attract theunwanted attention from ill-intending men."

Haransaid to me in a completely serious voice, causing me to nearly falldown.

Itwas you who tore off my clothes!


"Ihave finally encountered my ideal partner, and all blood seemed tohave rushed up to my head. I won"t force you. I would do my utmostto make you feel at ease about becoming my bride, and be with me byyour own will."

Haransaid to me.

Asa man, there was no way I would be at ease about becoming anybody"swife, but since Haran"s behaviour right now was that of agentleman, I would let it pa.s.s.

Igave a sigh of relief for the moment.

Andyet, a commotion exploded the very next day.

Atthe time I was having breakfast with the royal family and PrinceHaran. Haran sat opposite of me, elegantly eating the cheese omelettein mushroom sauce with fork and knife.

Herback was completely straight, displaying the pinnacle of n.o.bility andelegance. Even the suave way she delivered the omelette into hermouth was sufficient for me to exclaim: This is definitely PrinceCharming!

Evenat this point, I could not believe that Haran was a woman.


No,I had truly seen evidence that Haran was a woman with my own eyes.

WhenI recalled what happened the night before, my face burned up like ithad been scorched by fire.

Thinkingthings over, this had to be the first time that I had seen the nakedbody of a mature woman. Although her frame was slim, the chest areawas richly filled like that of a G.o.ddess"s statue, so beautiful…

Atthis moment, I could suddenly detect the icy cold eyes staring at me,and saw Seira wordlessly glaring at me with an icy expression.


Whenour eyes met, her eyes revealed an expression of wavering, seemingeither angry or fearful. She bit down on her lips and frowned.

WasI being despised by her again…

Atthis point, I had no idea what was my worth in the eyes of Seira.Most likely it was at rock-bottom.

Uwuwuwu,so sad.

Isighed and suddenly heard a "clank" sound.

PrinceRyuuju who was also sitting on my opposite was blushing and rushed topick up the soup spoon that had dropped beneath the table. What wasgoing on?

"PrinceHaran, your trip this time is to find a bride, right?"

"Haveyou found any girl you like in Eren?"

"Duringthe party last night, you somehow disappeared together with Glindaall of a sudden. It can"t be that love has bloomed?"

Thetwin princesses who were sitting shoulder to shoulder beside meinnocently asked.

PrinceRyuuju"s soup spoon dropped again. I hurriedly answered:

"P,Princess Sarasa! Princess Orie! T, T-t-t-t-t-this is not a topic totalk about with "grueests"…"

Ouch,I bit my tongue again!

Imust maintain my dignity as a teacher, or these pair of twins wouldbe out of control.

Haranhad an elegant smile of his face as he said:

"Thisis a secret between Glinda and me."

Hey,wait, these words sounded like they were meant to admonish the otherside, but were actually trying to fan the flames, right?

"Wow~so romantic."

"Whatsecret? Glinda, you have to let us into the secret."

See!Both their eyes were now glowing in excitement.

PrinceRyuuju"s hands gripped the cutlery and emitted a dangerous airwhile Seira continued to eat with a flat expression. Prince Shin justlooked sleepy as usual.

"But, I do believe that my long journey had arrived at its promised land- Eren Kingdom. Your Majesty, I had already proposed to Glinda. MayI take Glinda back to my country to become my bride?"


H,how could she say something like that!

PrinceRyuuju"s cutlery dropped from his hands to the ground while thetwin princesses let out a "Wow" squeal of delight.

YourMajesty in a maid uniform who was coaxing the baby Princess Suzuna ina rocking basket also looked up with a smile on her face and gave alittle scream of "Ah".

KingCecello simply let out a little "Oh?" of interest.

OnlySeira remained quietly eating her breakfast, but her shoulders seemedto be trembling slightly.

PrinceShin… Sigh, let"s just leave him be for the moment.

Haran"sbarrage turned the peaceful breakfast table into an uproar, freezingme dumb in surprise.

Ihadn"t agreed to become her bride, and yet she was telling it toeveryone already. Wasn"t that against the rules?

En?Right! I had been sent over as the Winstoria Empire"s emissary toseal the alliance between Winstoria and Eren for two years.

If, right?

Hemost definitely would disagree -

"That,could be complicated."

Thebeautiful king whose looks did not lose to Prince Haran replied inhis lovely voice.

Thankyou, Your Majesty!

"MsGlinda is the bridge that connects my country with the WinstoriaEmpire. As the king of Eren, I cannot just simply give her away toanyone."

That"sright, that"s right, this was how it should be!

PrinceRyuuju nodded vigorously in agreement as well.


KingCecello suddenly revealed a smile.

"IfMs Glinda is willing, I had no reasons to rudely break apart twolovers."

Hey,wait a second! Even you would say something like that?

Thesmile on King Cecello"s face became even more demur and sweet. Heeyed Her Majesty in her maid uniform and said:

"Besides,if I am in the position of the Prince, even if I were to kidnap, Iwould bring this Queen back to my own country."

Onelook at his meltingly joyful expression was sufficient to feel likethere was a downpour of sugar-lumps from the sky.

Sigh,this was that kind of guy.

Eventhough he was acclaimed to be a skilful, wise and charismatic ruler,his brain was that of a romantic"s, otherwise he would not havetorn apart nearly three hundred years of restrictive policies inorder to marry a foreign lady.

HerMajesty looked very pleased as well, blushing as she said:

"Really,Your Majesty, how can you just blurt that out in front of everyone!"

Itwas only morning and they were already glowing like that. Enough. Iwas the fool for having expectations towards His Majesty.

Thetwin princesses said excitedly:

"Asexpected of Lord Father!"

"Iwish to support Glinda"s romance too!"

"Metoo! Even if Glinda were to go to Prince Haran"s home country, wewon"t mind it at all. Right, Orie?"

"That"sright, Sarasa. So Glinda can go with Prince Haran without anyworries."

Theywere discussing as though I had already decided to leave,discouraging me even further.

Theface of Prince Ryuuju who was seated opposite of the dining table waspale while Seira continued to sip at her soup with a severeexpression.


"That"stoo much, Haran!"

Itwas noontime after cla.s.ses, and I was rebuking Haran at a corner ofthe courtyard.


Haranhad no remorse in her face as she said steadily:

"Ithought that if I announced it earlier, it would be easier forSher-chan to resign."

"But,I have not yet replied that I would marry you, right? This isn"tthe issue of resignation!"

Icould not stop myself from rebuking her sharply.

Haransilently lowered her eyes, making me a little worried that I had beentoo harsh. I changed to a softer and gentler tone and said:

"A,anyway… What you"re doing would cause me trouble. The deadlinefor the teaching a.s.signment is still far off…"

"Thatis supposed to be Glinda"s job."

Haranlifted her eyes and directed clear golden pupils towards me as shesaid.

Hereyes contained within them the wisdom of a philosopher that had beensearching for the truth, and I was taken aback.

Herwords were… not wrong.

Becauseof Glinda"s disappearance, I had been forced to cross-dress as herdouble and had been sent here to Eren Kingdom.

Virtuallyevery day I was fretting with cold sweat, complaining why was it thatan ordinary repeat student like me should be the royal tutor to bigshots…

"Besides,to be completely honest, Sher-kun"s goal is to simply be a NEET."

"T,that"s true…"

Afterfailing at my college-entry exams, I was no longer motivated to workharder, resigning myself to thinking that if I could just continue toparasite on Glinda and live out the rest of my days pa.s.sably off, itwould be great…

"Then,  noon."


T,That"s indeed an ideal lifestyle.

"Youwon"t have to appear before anyone, nor worry about getting yourtrue ident.i.ty revealed. I think that should be far more convenientthan your current life right now?"


Howcould she… be so right on the spot? I almost bowed and said "Thanksfor your guidance". This sneaky fellow!

But,Haran"s expression did not reveal any sign of cunning or ulteriormotives, and even seemed to contain a streak of quiet sadness.


Thisperson… was actually very lonely, wasn"t it?

Beingthe heir to the throne, both handsome and charismatic… None of thatactually held any meaning at all to "her".

Tothis date, she had no way of confiding with anyone, living only toimitate the role of a perfect prince… But, she was in fact a girl.

WhenI thought about that, my heart felt hurt with pity.

Icould even feel empathy for her, whose situation right now wassimilar with mine.


Suchpains could only be understood by someone who had been forced tocross-dress and hide his gender as well.


"That…a.s.suming… you do not return to your country, give up on your statusas the prince, could you return to being a girl?"

Haranwidened her eyes in surprise, and then immediately revealed anexpression of anxiety, quietly shaking her head.

"My15 brothers are all idiots. If I am not around, the country would bein an uproar and the empire split."

Hergolden eyes were overlaid by a shadow of loneliness, causing even meto have difficulty breathing.


Eventhough she said that, her eyes exposed the conflicting emotions shehad within, and even her expressions seemed to be one of forcingherself to give up.

PerhapsHaran had not wanted me to see her weaker side.

"Ihad an appointment with His Majesty to tell Him about the experiencesI had from my journeys."

Shemuttered and walked alone towards the buildings.


Icould not just ignore the problems of Haran was so lonely in hersecret life as a crossdresser.

Thereason she had chosen me as her bride was because I shared the samesecret with her.

Evenif you were to look all over the entire world, it was highly unlikelythat you could find another person like that. So it was natural thatHaran would consider it fate to find me as her dream bride.

WhenI recalled her truthful but lonely eyes staring right into me, Icould feel my own chest tightening.

"…it might not be too bad to become a NEET in a harem."

Afterall, I was only Glinda"s replacement…

The more…

Comparedto them, Haran seemed to need me pa.s.sionately.

IfI could become her ideal mate…

"Whynot just… Accept her proposal…"

Justas I was murmuring to myself with my resolve waning -

"Whatthe heck are you talking about?"

Iturned, only to see the completely black, suave amba.s.sador to Erenstanding with an unimpressed face beside me.

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