


"Almier!" Alma screamed as her brother flew through the air, with a large red gash over his chest.

When he landed Alma wasted no time healing him, using all her focus to tend to his wounds.

"Dumba.s.s..." Almier said as he coughed up blood, "Run..." Almier said as he pushed Alma away with the last of his strength. His life coming to a close.

"ALMIER!!!" She screamed as she felt the innate connection with her twin disappear, as he drew his last, shuddering, breath. Tears rushed down her face, streaking her beautiful cheek.

Alma couldn"t stop crying, however, she saw to her brothers final wish, and ran, as fast, and as far, as she could.

Soon she came upon a riverbed and she fell down to her knees. Tears continued marring her cheeks and pooling on the ground, her body shuddered as she realized she couldn"t even recover her brothers body, not evening being able to give him a proper burial.

"ALLLMMMIEEERRR!!!" She let out a helpless scream, filled full of sadness, regret, and rage. Her emotions swarmed her and threatened to destroy her and she lay on the ground, feeling as though she had lost one of the biggest parts of her.

Hatred, and anger, filled her when she couldn"t cry any longer, her tears all dried up. A powerful killing intent filled her as she realized someone was responsible for her brothers death. Her stamina had reached its limits however and she immediately pa.s.sed out, laying helplessly on the ground.


Back to the previously sealed cave.

A being with blood red horns, eyes with a black sclera, red iris, and golden pupil, completely black skin, as dark as a midnight sky, and nails as sharp as daggers.

This thing definitely looked demonic, and it exuded and aura of absolute pride, and total domination. It was expressionless and completely unfazed by the fading corpse of Almier, only sparing a, small, cursory glance, and a few words, "It seems I found the Balance Twin Bloodline holders." It"s voice was deep and domineering, filled with an untold might, incredible wisdom and power.

It then walked past the still fading corpse of Almier and, with an almost bored look, jumped 600 meters in the air.

Wings that looked like they were made from darkness, spread from it"s back, letting it glide awkwardly through the air.

It seemed content though.

The demonic thing flapped it"s wings, keeping it airborne. It was moving at an astonishing speed of about 700 miles per second.

It soon reached a town.

"Humans?" It"s expressionless face changes to one of surprise, and it spat out a lengthy gasp. "Those weak creatures actually dominated the lands of Almahara?"

Preposterous, this was the one word that continually went through it"s head.

Long ago, the creature had decided that he"d believe anything that he could see, and even now that he saw the various humans walking around, minding their respective daily lives, he still found it impossible.

"Those bugs were created by the G.o.ds to serve as slaves in the war between the Three Races, The Demon"s, The Fae, And The G.o.ds. They shouldn"t even be alive right now, and yet they now control the land I so desperately fought to gain, and are now weak."

This was something that was hard to believe, not only because the G.o.ds were the superior race, not only to humans, but also to the other two celestial races, but also because they had created these humans and were unable to keep them tamed. Yet they weren"t able to hold the lands, they fought to gain, from weak, helpless humans. "I had seen a trace of G.o.d within the boy that I killed so I had a.s.sumed that the G.o.ds had taken over, however, this is the most perfect possible outcome."

The Demon let out a satisfied laugh and disappeared from where he was flying.


Thud, thud, thud...

Alma trudged, slowly, through the endless forest. Her legs seemed like dead weight and her body didn"t want to move.
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Her neck was stiff from laying on the dirt, and her back ached, her mood was dismal.

As she walked in a straight line she soon stood in front of a very large tree.

She seemed unwilling to go around.


She threw her fist toward the tree apathetically, removing the tree from her path.

Her eyes were blank, emotionless, and apathetic.

Step, step, step.

She slowly stepped over the dead tree, not caring in the least for the world around her.

At that moment she realized something, "If someones evil... I will just have to be even more evil. I will just have to kill them all."


Her mind broke at that moment, she cackled loudly. She seemed fully gone now.

"Kill... KILL... KILL THEM ALL!!!" She screamed, her mind split into several pieces, several personalities.

"KILL!!" One of the personalities screamed inside her head.

"They all deserve to die. EVERYONE!!" It roared.

A powerful aura burst from her, the wind flew crazily. "Fine, I"ll kill them." She said calmly, a deathly calm, a scary calm. A cold light flashed through her eyes, colder than the coldest thing on the planet that she lived on. "They will all die." The kind and sweet Alma no longer had a place in this world.


She disappeared from the spot she stood.


"Arrghh!" Screams of agony rang out from every where and fire burned the helpless village to the ground. Alma slowly rose from the smoke, the cold light in her eyes still apparent. She stood on top of a mountain of bodies, hundreds, and hundreds of human lives beneath her feet. Gathering the gravity Magick around her she flew up into the air, she flew in front of a small house, a tiny girl whimpered quietly in it. "M-mama... Papa..." Tears fell from her marred cheeks to the dirt floor.

"Would you like to go see your Mama, and Papa?" Alma said coldly as she stared at the girl on the floor crying.

The girl froze, quite obviously in fear, and held her breath. "I can take you to them."



The head of a small girl, no older than six, fell to the floor. Dead, instantly, with a look of fear that would make even the coldest murderer feel pity. Alma... felt no remorse, she just turned around and continued killing the surviving humans. "Pitiful creatures. You will all die." A single tear drop fell down her cheek, "If he is dead, then you too shall die. Even if it wasn"t you who killed him. You will be the fuel of my power to take revenge on the thing that did it."

"Soul"s of the deceased, sorrowful sins, woeful endings..." Alma started a chant she thought she"d never use. "Power me, strengthen me. Destroy my foe, oh valiant dead. Let your sorrow become my strength, your regret my revenge. ~~ Falin Noir Al."

Strands of black energy, sinister energy, formed around Alma, entering her body.

Tears flowed down Alma"s eyes. An apathetic hate, borne of darkness, consumed her. "I... Shall have my revenge."


"Huh?" A curious light flashed through the eyes of the demonic being. "That forbidden spell, even forbidden by the demons, was used?"


A fist, powerful beyond even the demonic being, landed right in front of the face of the demon.

Flying back several hundred meters, he came to an abrupt stop as Alma"s leg landed right in the stomach of the demon. "Blergh!" The demon coughed up several liters of blood, as his lungs collapsed, one of his hearts ceased functioning, and every bone in his upper body, save for some lucky ribs and his skull, was viciously broken.

Before she could inflict anymore damage, however, he quickly stabbed a knife in her side.

He fell helplessly to the ground, and she stood her ground, albeit barely. The knife had been coated with a deadly G.o.d killer poison. It was a miracle she was still alive, it was unbelievable that she could stand, even if only barely.

Two powerful beings facing off, what will be the outcome of this ferocious battle? Will Alma live, will Alma die? Find out tomorrow. Maybe. I don"t know my releasing is kinda sporadic. See next chapter though.

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