13 The Morning After:

The soft light of the morning shone on her eyelids, she gave a soft groan. She would have to get up soon. Had she been making lace well into the night? She had to find someone to marry quicker than Leticia. But why did she feel so lazy? She wanted to sleep a bit more. She turned away from the light of the sun.

Hmmm, this feels nice. The silk sheets felt nice, not too warm and not too cold; very comfortable. She rubbed her cheek against the fabric; it felt so nice she smiled.

She decided to buy this kind of bed linen for her bed too.

She wanted to wake up in such a comfortable environment everyday.

But why was she sleeping in silk bedding? She frowned. Something was odd.

She rubbed her eyes as they opened,

‘My sleeping Princess, you look good enough to eat."


That voice was familiar but it wasn"t Matthias" voice. (Zuben: why would Matthias be calling you a sleeping princess) Iris was still hovering between dreams and wakefulness as the voice continued,

‘I"m reaching the limits of my restraint, is it alright if I attack you?"

What on earth is this person saying? And, who is this person who says attack without any preamble? Iris became irritated with the person disturbing her comfortable sleep. She opened her eyes ready to admonish the person, but her eyes widened to the limit.

She gasped.

‘What"s the matter, Iris? Did you forget about me, about last night?" he asked.


She really would like to forget if it was possible. Unfortunately, she remembered every single detail.

Ernest had drunk the love potion.

Iris had been proposed to before all the guests at the Royal Ball. And in front of them, she had been carried and brought to the Royal chambers, sweetly coerced and eventually her virginity had been taken.

Ernest was lying on the bed dressed in a casual shirt and trousers. He must have been awake awhile, and been staring at Iris" sleeping form.

‘Don"t worry, I cleaned you up and dressed you."


‘I had thought about calling the maids, but then I decided I didn"t want anyone else touching you even if they were a woman."

‘I see...Thank you."

She looked down and she was wearing a night dress under thick robes. While she fully understood it, she was still mortified enough to blush.

Ernest had cleaned her body that had been stained by hers and his body fluids.

Was this evidence that the desire to monopolise from the love potion was still in effect?

“A lifetime. Forever... give this potion to the man you want and watch him drink it while he looks at you and the man is forever yours.”

Matthias" explanation appeared in her mind.

What should she do? She bemoaned as she turned away from him.

But Ernest"s eyes flashed a hungry light and he dragged her back to him with the belt of the robe.

‘Iris, you think quite a lot."


‘In this situation, are you still not aware of me?"

He pressed his body against hers, pushing his hardness against her pelvis.

‘You don"t understand that just because you were sleeping next to me, I have been hard all night."

His hot hard lump was pushing against her in a distressing way.

Iris tried to push Ernest away and escape,

‘Iris don"t run away. Are you trying to excite me?"

‘But, don"t tell me such things early in the morning…"

‘Is it fine at night?"


Iris glared at him sharply, but Ernest chuckled.

His hand went, unhesitant, under her clothes, stroking her thighs and b.u.t.tocks.

Iris moaned subconsciously from the unexpected stimulation.

Though she had a nightgown and robe on, she wasn"t wearing a chemise and drawers.

‘Ernest, no…"

‘Don"t worry; it"s just the two of us here. There"s no one in the anteroom."

‘That"s not what I"m talking about, ah~"

Ernest ignored her resistance and kept stroking her skin and traced the seam of her womanhood from the between her bottom.

‘Ernest, really, no…"

It"s not good at night, but it is even more so in the morning.

The appearance of Ernest"s l.u.s.t heated golden gaze was indecent even if the canopy was lowered.

‘Hmm, why? Are you uncomfortable there?" Ernest stopped his wandering hand and asked a bit anxiously


Well, yes she had a bit of discomfort in her lower abdomen, but her entrance wasn"t uncomfortable at all, on the contrary, there was a slight heated feeling.

After her slightly stupid reaction, Iris" eyes widened. (Zuben: And her eyes popped out of her head)

Oh, she could use this. (Zuben: You show everything on your face, it"s not going to work)

This was a great opportunity to avoid his hara.s.sment if she said she was in pain.

She clenched the lapels of the robe together and she said,

‘Yes, I am still in quite a bit of pain. So if you wouldn"t touch…" as she tried to push his hand out of her now wet mouth of her honey pot.

But Ernest laughed and continued to play with her fleshy petals.

‘Why aren"t you listening?"

‘Because, you are lying."

‘It isn"t a lie...ahn~"

‘You"re so cute, Iris. Weren"t you taught not to show any hesitation when you want to deceive someone?"

He had seen though her.

Who would be teaching her such bad things? She tried to retort but when her mouth opened, she only moaned. She bit her lip to stop herself.

The thing with black-bellied people was that one should not show any weakness as their prey, but it was already too late. (Zuben: He was staring at your face)

‘I would have to punish you for lying, Iris." Ernest said, his golden eyes glimmering with pleasure.

At that moment, Iris regretted that Ernest had drunk the love potion as he pushed his finger into her hot flesh.

14 The Marriage Trap:


Ernest pushed his finger into her wet honey pot. As he pushed his finger deep in her, Iris gasped and grasped her night clothes in antic.i.p.ation.

When nothing happened, Iris opened her violet eyes and stared at him,

‘Does it really hurt?" He asked softly. He must be trying to be careful despite catching her in a lie.

‘No, it doesn"t but…"

‘Really…" he gave a sigh of relief and smiled.

It seemed that although his deep affection for her was from the love potion, it did not wear away as the days went by. Ernest began to stir her inside as he undid the tie of her robe,


‘I have to check if there has been a change in size." He said as he pulled open her clothes to uncover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and touch the warm softness directly,

‘Why do you keep doing such things…?" She asked as his large hand enclosed a modest bulge and stroked it to ascertain size and feel,

‘Ahn~" she moaned. Her breast responded sensitively to his hand. Sweet sensations ran through her skin as he touched her and her coral bud hardened and rose quickly. As he caressed her breast, the walls of her honey pot tightened around his restless finger.

As Iris" resistance was worn away by the gentle pleasure generated from inside lower abdomen her hips rocked and she clenched the sheets.

‘It looks like it has not changed much yet." Ernest said seriously, as though this was a very grave matter. (Zuben: it is a grave matter)

So why won"t he take his hand off? (Zuben: I thought you were a smart lady)

‘So, Ernest…"

‘Well, do not worry," he continued, ‘we have to do this everyday."

He may be right. If it had been so easy to get the breast size she wanted, Iris would not have a complex about it. Persuaded by Ernest, she became swept up according to his desire. But she quickly recovered her senses,

‘So-so, how about you take...your fingers…"

She wanted him to take his fingers out of her v.a.g.i.n.a which was now wet enough to audible.

His hand on her breast and his fingers in her were generating a sweet feeling that suffused her body, inevitably the walls of her honey pot began to contract.

She tried to be strong but loud mewl emerged from her lips.

The pleasure was not enough to take her to the heights, but generated a delicate desire that continued to heat up her body.

Ernest chuckled as Iris clenched and unclenched the silken bed linen,

‘Have you forgotten, Iris?"


‘Because you lied, you"re being punished."

Sunlight flickered through his silver hair as he moved his head.

‘But, that"s-anh~" He had scooped up her breast from the edge and pinched her nipple, pleasure shot through her and Iris" inner muscles contracted more around his finger.

‘But, I am not so narrow-minded. What would you like, Iris?"

‘Ah, your finger...please take it out...ahn~"

Her bashfulness was chased away and she said her honest feelings as Ernest pinched her coral bud.

‘Then Iris, this is really a punishment, isn"t it?" Ernest said in a tone like he was speaking to a young child.

Her strong-willed violet eyes glared at him as he kissed her soft cheek. There was laughter in his eyes.

He moved up to her ear and whispered, sending shivers through her.

‘You seem to have a dissatisfied expression on your face," he said

‘Ah no…~" How could he read her so easily?

He was able to discern the nasty desire she was trying to hide. Iris flushed.

‘Iris," he said to her, ‘I will do everything to love you from now on, so remember to depend on me a little more. Alright?"

‘Depend on you…"

No way. No matter whom he was, Iris could not bring herself.

Unlike Leticia, Iris did not have the desire to be protected. She did not understand being pampered or spoiled.

Ernest took her hand and made her hold on to him,

‘Just look at me with those lovely violet eyes and call me with your dignified voice,"

If she did that, then what?

‘If you do that," he continued, ‘I will easily become your devoted servant. I love you, Iris."

Her body responded to his l.u.s.trous voice, he dominated her body and mind.

Was he being true?


He smiled and he kissed her.

‘Very good," he said hotly against her lips as he inserted another finger into her and stirred her up.

Iris could not help but moan out loud.

He teased her nipple with his fingers while teasing the part inside her that he discovered the night before.

The pleasure began to acc.u.mulate and grow. The sound of her breathless moans combined with the obscene sound of his fingers stirring up her love juices filled the bedroom. Soon Iris was led to her peak.

‘You were great." he said as she panted.

He dropped little kisses on her eyelids and nose as she stroked her silken hair.

‘Little by little, give in to me like that,"

He held her close with his lips against her head and they lay together in silence for a moment. (Zuben: Because Ernest can"t shut up for too long)

‘I promise to love you with all my strength." He vowed and he kissed her lips.

The love potion was still in effect. (Zuben: Yes, you said that earlier)

Though his affection was deep, it was only as a result of the potion.

Because of this, the false love will never become true. And guilty Iris will not become happy.

A sharp pain pierced her heart.

There was a knock on the door.

‘Pardon me for interrupting your pleasurable morning, but I have the marriage contract here." A voice said from the other side of the door.

Iris" flushed face went pale. 

Index ♔

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