Dungeon Game

Chapter 15

-15- Dragonian Opelgua

Concealed in the darkness above and below, it continues without an end.

The exit to the white room disappeared and only a silver door can be seen floating ahead in the dark. It’s seen clearly even though there is no light.

I turned around and looked at Hiiragi-san. Since her face is one head below me, it’s natural to look down on her.

I look into the depths of Hiiragi-san’s eyes to search for the uncomfortable feeling I sensed in her. I won’t understand anything just by looking at her eyes. Still, with body clad in a certain atmosphere maybe because the seriousness was transmitted, she didn’t look away even though she’s puzzled.

「Fushimi-san. Why don’t we have a talk after returning from the dungeon later?」

「What kind of talk?」

「Maybe about what we are both thinking, like what we want to do after this, I want to hear about the things you haven’t come to grips with.」

She frowned at my words and had a face like considering it. The silence continues. She is watching my eyes.

I controlled my heart that became lovestruck with that alone and looked at her seriously.


I’m relieved with that short approval.

When I was about to open my mouth to answer, a voice containing just a bit of irritation reached me from behind.

「Lad, do it in another place if you want to flirt.」

The air received an impact like it was being ripped apart.

Hiiragi-san became pale and trembled. I got gooseb.u.mps on my hands.

I’m convinced that the owner of the voice is an ent.i.ty on a different level compared to the common demons. The path of retreat to leave this place has already disappeared, we will just wander around this dark world if we try to escape so we didn’t move, advancing to the other side of the door is our only option.

I can’t move the way I want to, even stepping my foot forward just a bit. I feel that the dissosiation of my mind and body. Hiiragi-san can only tremble as she is not able to even move forward. I walked to grasp and pull her hand.

She almost tumbled many times. We arrived at the other side of the door after some time.

Bottles, pasted with labels written in letters I can’t read, are lined in the shelves. It’s filled with brilliantly sparkling liquid.

Four round desks and several chairs. The floor is a hard and flat large slab of rock polished to a shine.

Hard gray scales that look hard. White and indigo hair that has grown long. Two horns grow in the head, the lengths of the pair are not the same because they were fractured and damaged. That guy with a lizard’s face didn’t conceal his displeasure.

With a hand propped up his cheek, he greeted us while sitting on the opposite side of the long and thin counter.

「Hmm, seems like this lad is the fourth person. My name is Opelgua. As you see, I’m a dragonian. One of the people in charge of Zakurekirifel. What’s your business for today?」

The dragonian Opelgua was the owner of that voice. Unlike earlier, the atmosphere was not trembling.

But the pressure given off naturally was even greater than that of the demon Streiya. Hiiragi-san’s fear is clearly transmitted to me since our hands are linked together.

Irritated with us who didn’t answer, he started tapping on the desk with his sharp nails.

I know that I should reply with something, but I can’t understand what he said at all.

Dragonian is still fine with me. It’s not much different from the images I’ve seen in games and ill.u.s.trations. But Zakurekirifel? The person in charge? We don’t even know what the meaning of the business he said.

The urging sounds speed up.

I prepared myself. Since he was only demanding a conversation, I won’t be killed suddenly. It’s not a big deal compared to that monster, Alabacent.


「Yeah, what?」

「We don’t know at all what kind of place is this though?」


Although I don’t understand a dragonian’s expression, he seems to be obviously getting angry. The intimidating air coming from him increased. I might die if I do something wrong.

Hiiragi-san reached her limit and sat down on the floor. A rising stench and sound of water came from somewhere next to me. Opelgua’s nose twitched and his gaze became sharper.

「Hey, Lad. Haven’t you heard anything from the sheep-headed woman?」

「Yes, she didn’t tell us anything.」

「Tsk, what is that b.i.t.c.h thinking. Well with that appearance, it seems your partner hadn’t heard of it as well.」


「Understood. I’ll explain a bit so take a seat. And also, Lad, at least discipline your woman properly. I’ll get mad if the shop is dirtied. I will lend you a dust cloth to wipe the floor.」

Out of nowhere, a bucket and cloth appeared beneath my feet.

Hiiragi-san’s face turned red with shame and hanged her head down while trembling in fear. Even the stimulating smell of ammonia in the air, If I consider that it’s something from her, smells fragrant.

I suddenly realized. If it’s Hiiragi-san’s urine, I can really even do a play that involves drinking it.

I busily wiped the floor with the dust cloth. A pale yellow color soaks into the brand new white cloth. I instinctively swallowed my saliva.

Maybe a dragonian’s hearing is good since it’s an ent.i.ty in seclusion, it seems that Opelgua heard it. At this age, is it my imagination that it felt like I was being attracted to him?

Opelgua was kind despite his appearance. He advised Hiiragi-san, who had soiled her clothes, to take a bath. Although I can’t read the changes in his facial expression, he is blunt but seems to be not a bad person.

I finish cleaning and sit on a chair. I faced Opelgua across the counter.

「Well, this drink is a service.」

The drawer in shelf opens by itself and he placed a ceramic teacup on the desk A white bottle floats in the air and a milk-white liquid is poured while it was steaming. The hot and thick liquid is smelled like a lot of concentrated cheese.

He drinks it with a calm face. His eyes urging me to drink. I made up my mind and moved in one go.

A very sweet taste filled my mouth. I made sure to chew it completely and then swallowed. Although I’m supposed to be drinking a beverage, I’m still thirsty.

「Is it delicious? This is a milk of a multi-headed cow mixed with honey from paradise ant. The chewy texture is addicting, isn’t it?」

「Th, that’s right.」

「I will also give you another serving so you can drink without holding back.」

「Yes. Thank you.」

Seeing the sharp teeth of the man who opened his mouth and smiled, I couldn’t do anything but drink. But my mouth feels more thirsty the more I drink it. Like violating the insides of my mouth, I completely drank the strongly flavored drink in the end.

「Now, where do I start explaining? This place is Ashia’s store on Zakurekiriferu.」

「Sorry, but what is Zakurekiriferu? I have heard the word Aisha spoken by someone called Albacent but I don’t know what it is.」

「Albacent, a name of a quite important person was mentioned. Zakurekirifel is the name for this world. Ashia is the organization to which I belong.」

「An organization?」

「That’s right. It is a corporate group active in different worlds. It’s famous for its cruel and dirty tricks. By crushing the rival groups with their military power and getting paid with protection money, they are building up a great strength. I’m just a low-ranked underling though.」

I wonder if this group called Ashia is this world’s equivalent of Yakuza. I’m worried whether it’s even safe to be involved with them.

Opelgua seems to have a big pride in being affiliated with the organization called Ashia. From my point of view, I feel danger when that monster said that he’s just an underling.

「So that means this corporate group do business?」

「Right. I’ll provide anything as long as I can receive a compensation for it. Because our organization follow the contracts.」

「People who came before me seemed to have gotten something in here, but what are those?」

「It depends on how much you can pay, Lad. Take out all of the demon stones inside your pocket.」

I took out all of the demon stones from my pocket and arranged it above the table. Opelgua judges the stones just by glancing at them.

「It’s merely sc.r.a.ps of demon stones. Just in case, I will also accept trading with Ashia currency, how do you want to pay?」

「How much are these in Ashia currency?」

「It won’t even reach one of its lowest coin at all. There’s only a recorded ownership proof showing the small amount you have that is less than a fraction. Frankly speaking, you can’t even afford a drop of what you are drinking, Lad.」

The spoils from the monsters I desperately killed is worth less than this drink that can bring physical pain. A dry smile sticks on my face.

「That was disappointing. By the way Lad, it seems that you’re partic.i.p.ating in the game of that s.h.i.tty b.i.t.c.h. I wonder if you’re so poor that you would settle with a stick like that or that toy.」

The cypress pole which played an active part in the tutorial is a stick, and naginata is a toy. Our common sense and Opelgua’s seem different from each other.

While looking at me with pity, he is nodding by himself with a groan.

「I heard from the talks that the number of partic.i.p.ating people are about thirty. Even though that s.h.i.tty b.i.t.c.h didn’t explain it in the record, you were able to come here, isn’t it amazing to be the fourth person? Alright, you can make a contract with me.」

「A contract?」

「Right. From now on, your dealings with Ashia will be carried out exclusively through me. On the other hand, you can receive a discount on transactions and I can give you preferential treatment.

「Why a contract with me?」

「It is for my own interest. My intuition tells me that you are somewhat promising, Lad. If you make a profit, I get my hands on the margin. There are no disadvantages for you. Since the loss is also insignificant for me, I will be immediately compensated if you make profits.」

Dragonian Opelgua is very unlike me. Appearance, strength, and also status, just about everything is different. An existence that is far too high.

But even so, he doesn’t look down on me either, he’s also kind that I can’t think of him as a bad person. Because that is my intention and there is a possibility of carrying it out too. I had a favorable impression when he called the sheep woman a s.h.i.tty b.i.t.c.h.

「Opelgusan, please make a contract with me.」

「Lad, your name is?」

「It’s Mukou Hibari.」

「So it’s Hibari. There are times when a contract is unfair, there are also times it’s fair. There’s no need to call me with san.」

「I look forward to working with you. Opelgua.」

「Yeah. Best regards, Lad.」

The outstretched hand felt cold, my hand was wrapped in a big and hard scales.

With our hands linked together, something that rules my existence takes root deep inside me. It felt similar to being tied up, like something that should be called my soul is wrapped in chains.

A burning sensation pa.s.sed by slowly. Strength left my body and it collapsed on the desk

「Lad, you’re too shabby.」

While hearing Opelgua’s voice like he was disappointed, I could only do nothing but smile faintly.

I finished making an exclusive contract with Opelgua. After I was urged to gulp down a cloudy liquid, the strength in my exhausted body gradually came back.

「With the current value you have, you can’t even buy one magic equipment. Even the old magical tools are impossible. I honestly don’t deal with defective items like sc.r.a.ps as a merchandise. Especially trading like that old type and primitive items. Originally, It’s a situation where I can’t trade even one item with you, but your contract with me is effective here.」

Opelgua takes out various items one by one out of nowhere in the air and places them on the counter.

Pen, paper, ring, gla.s.ses, bag, lantern, knife, cup, clothes, and other miscellaneous items were lined up.

「These are all the items I plan to dispose of though. Items that do not have any profit. That magic device on your neck will identify from the list what kind of item it is.」

The real nature of this black and silver collar was a magic device that is a magic equipment manufactured by Ashia. Details of its function seem to be in conflict with the clause of the contract, Opelgua remained silent.

When I called the list to my mind, names if the defective items appeared and if I try to learn its details I will immediately know it. Something like its texture, weight, smell, use, function, size, appearance, and state, a large amount of information is burned into my brain.

I felt dizzy right after having a headache from all the information. Maybe this device is not user-friendly because it’s not fit for a human being.

Opelgua examined my condition through the device, my brain might have been destroyed if he didn’t stop the flow of information.

In the end, I chose two items while receiving an oral explanation from him. Even if I utilize the contract, it’s limited to things that I can pay for.

After I finished selecting the products and receiving them, Hiiragi-san returned from a bath just at the right moment.

Wearing a clean uniform, her damp hair that gives out a charming fragrance as she walks and her warm blushing face were able put me in a daze.

Oplegua cleared his throat, we expressed our thanks and left the Ashia’s shop.

On the other side of the open door is a black s.p.a.ce just like when we went in. The difference is that the door disappeared and in its former place there was a visible white membrane.

The view of the original white reception room was projected behind the membrane. Like the world is standing still, nothing moves on the projection behind the film. We returned by breaking the membrane.

I thought that quite a long time had pa.s.sed, but I should be within my expectations that only a few minutes elapsed in here.

We gathered the trash together with Sagara. He didn’t ask any questions about what happened.

We shuttled in and out of the room several times, carrying our share of water and ration. We checked if we have forgotten something and started preparing.

A huge gate separates the reception room and the hall that continues to the dungeon. A brilliant figure modeled after a white goat was constructed and placed on it.

Beyond the ma.s.sive open gate, black sparkling particles were swirling. The view was dyed with black light which becomes denser as it nears the center of the room and nothing can be seen.

As we kept moving forward, step by step, towards the center of the violent stream, the black particles lose its brilliance, became ashes, and turned into white glitters.

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