Dungeon Game

Chapter 24

-25- The Third Cla.s.s Meeting

A loud banging sound resounded in the room.

We are woken up by a noise that prevents us from sleeping quietly. It is the sound of knocking on a door. I don"t know who it is, but it seems he doesn"t plan to stop until we come out.

I and Hiiragi-san quickly wear our clothes. Gradually, the sound became intense as if in a hurry.

「Noisy! What"s your business early in the morning!?」

「Oh, you finally came out. Since you"re awake, gather downstairs.」

I opened the door and Dekoko informed us of the matter without hesitation even with my grumbling that held anger. It was a fresh smile that didn"t consider this side"s irritation at all.

Turning back before I tell my next words, Dekoko ran towards the neighboring room. She repeats the same act that she had done in front of my room just now there.

I breathed out a big sigh. What an unpleasant morning to wake up, isn"t it? I want to stay in the room but I know from my experience that Dekoko won"t allow it.

I embraced the truth in my heart and went downstairs together with Hiiragi-san.
The large square room was filled with our cla.s.smates who had dejected look on their faces. It seems that everyone was woken up by Dekoko.

Most of the boys were examining their abdomen, she must have stepped on them to wake them up.

I sit properly on a vacant spot. While waiting, people are coming down one after another from the stairs leading to the private rooms. n.o.body seemed to try hiding their sleepiness and irritation.

In the end, Dekoko who carried Heidi on her back appeared and the 28 people who are alive lined up in the same way as the first day.

She surveyed from the center of those sitting apart to confirm.

「Everyone, good morning.」

Clicking tongues and heckling reply to the greeting that was raised with a cheerful face. Even in front of the overwhelming hate, Dekoko was smiling like it was fun.


And when spread both of her arms open to settle them down the irritation and show that she wants to say something. She should be thinking about whose fault it is that we are irritated.

「For the time being, why don"t we settle down and eat breakfast? I got hungry.」

Dekoko, who does things on her own pace, stood up as she said so and walked to the mountain of cardboard boxes containing the rations.

I understand. Even if I say anything to that Deko, she would not care about it. Because she is someone who goes ahead with her own way no matter what. I had been tired since morning, but I still went to take breakfast.

Since today is scheduled to be a rest day, I ate slightly less this morning. It"s also the same for Hiiragi-san who is next to me.

Afterall, it was still not known why we were woken up without even any explanations. It seems that the cla.s.s has decided to eat breakfast, but what"s with a lot of them heating the sealed packs all at once using the heating materials?

Looks like a person settles their irritation when their stomach is filled with something mysterious. There are some smiles that lit up among the displeased faces.

Dekoko opens her mouth in a suitable moment.

「Alright. Since my stomach has swollen, let"s begin the third cla.s.s meeting. Yay! There was a group that abstained from the second, but everybody is here this time.」

Is this the first time we talked together? The second one that she said might be referring to is the discussion that took place when I and Wazuka"s group were not present. Even so, why did that Dekoko purposely gave it a t.i.tle like a cla.s.s meeting?

Dekoko, who waited for the voices that were noisy to settle down, spoke.

「Raise your hand if you want to speak, okay? You should listen quietly when a person is talking, good grief. So, what is it, Uji-kun?」

「It will be troublesome if we leave it to the cla.s.s president, so let me continue with presiding over the meeting.」

「No way.」

「It isn"t a no way. You woke up everybody early this morning despite them being tired and sleeping, even though it would be better if you called everyone to a discussion after waiting for them to wake up.」

Uji"s extreme dissatisfaction from yesterday and until now should have piled up. His words are getting rude unlike the usual.

The clamor between the two continued for a while. In the end, Uji lost. The vice-president drops his shoulders and starts sulking.

「Now then, since there some people who act on their own if left alone, I came to a conclusion that I who gathered you early this morning is correct. I will even tell everyone the report I heard from Wazukkun.」

Although the story is already known to me, it"s the first time for half of my schoolmates. Most of them had a joyful look on their faces with the development of the situation.

Everyone probably wanted to hear more of the details so they gathered their line of sight towards the four people naturally.

Wazuka Natsume, who looks annoyed, looks at Dekoko. Heidi was still sitting as she starts to embark on the other side of her dream. Oyabe-ane"s face is concealed by her long hair and her expression is unreadable. Fatigue was floating on the n.o.ble face of Oyabe-imouto.

「Mikan-chan, why don"t you tell us a bit about the dungeon?」


The guys who were near the voice that contained Wazuka Natsume"s anger raised startled voices.

I know why he is angry. He clearly does not trust his cla.s.smates. Therefore, he hardly spoke about the information yesterday as well.

「What? Will Wazukkun tell us instead?」

Wazuka glared at Dekoko with an angry expression. Even Hiiragi-san is trembling with his frightening look. However, Dekoko was smiling like it is fun.

She should be confident about winning.

Right now, Wazuka can do nothing but tell some information. The silence here is because there is a possibility to gain hostility needlessly. Even though there is no problem if he is alone, there is no guarantee that there will be no problem with the remaining three.

If it is what I expected, there should still be more that goes on in the dungeon. In other words, it appears as if there is a need to work together for a long time. I know deep in my heart the harshness when the hostility of a group is concentrated on an individual. He can probably imagine that.

Therefore, I think that he got angry with Dekoko who would not let him go if he does not speak about the information. There might be also the frustration of being trapped and led around by the nose.

While his veins were popping out and he was making a sullen face, Wazuka Natsume spat out.

The distance from the entrance of the dungeon to the discovered gate is approximately seventy kilometers. Monsters start to use magic within forty kilometers. Those that can be confirmed are the dog, rat, and bat types, only these three. The dog-type also forms a pack of at most eight in the deepest part. The rat-type increases in size up to about one meter. Bat-type starts to one-sidedly attack with magic in a swarm from the air. The PP that can be earned in the deepest part is 150 per head. The size of the cave in the depths expands up to 10 meters in height and width.

He mentioned the information above.

I heard that he was able to measure the distance accurately by calculating the number of his own steps. Nope, I cannot help but think it is strange but don"t feel pointing it out.

I am curious how just the four of them dealt with twice their number. Naturally, questions regarding the fights were brought up, but he usually replied with beaten to death as an answer. He did not speak of having the means to attack in a distance. I won"t also speak about it.

The question particularly about traveling on foot for nearly 150 kilometers in three days was also brought up. The other parties seem to be advancing with the exploration while pretty much getting lost. Judging from their standpoint, the progress of the labyrinth exploration felt slow. If they believe in the words of Wazuka, they would think that he did not get lost. Otherwise, they could consider that there is a way to keep walking for more than 150 kilometers in a few days even if they lose their way. Wazuka hinted the existence of MS and drove away pursuits. He seems to own detection just like me.

When asked what did they do about water and food, he replied that they got it through point exchange when needed. I am sure that this is probably a lie. He hid the existence of the magic bag.

And finally, a lot of inconsequential questions ended. Although he answered some of the questions, he dodged the questions kept his mouth shut regarding important information.

「Wazukkun, thanks for telling us a lot.」

The limit of his patience to the words of the shameless Dekoko might have been reached, he stands up and left from his spot.

「Where are you going? The discussion is not yet finished.」

She calls out with a lively cheerful voice.

「The toilet room.」

「Is that so? Sorry for stopping you.」

Making a loud sound that reverberates in the room, the door of the toilet was opened and closed.

「When he comes back, I think there"s one thing we better had decided and established, shouldn"t we use the common points and exchange it for food and water? Because the confirmation for the item exchange can"t be confirmed if everyone is not gathered together.」

Wazuka returned and five days worth of fresh water and food were exchanged. As a change after the tutorial, the items in the extended base expansion item became hidden probably because the points were consumed and insufficient.

And finally, the cla.s.s meeting ended.


The private room feels s.p.a.cious.

Hiiragi-san is mingling among our female cla.s.smates. Unlike me, she has a lot of friends so she"s not bothered by her conversation partner.

It doesn"t mean I don"t have someone to talk to, but I don"t want a conversation right now. It"s because when I see their faces, all of the asks the same thing.

I will never forgive this d.a.m.n Sagara.

Why did he spread the relationship between me and Hiiragi-san? Thanks to that, I"ve been looked at with faces that were grinning. Seriously die.

Since the parties won"t go to the dungeon today, there is too much free time. The topic is just the same if I walk around and chat. That is why it is right for me to stay in my room.

Also, it is not good if I do not take a proper rest to remove my everyday fatigue, but it does not mean that I do not want to move. Because it is troublesome so I do not want to meet people, it does not mean that I do not have real friends.

Even so, CP decreased considerably. Isn"t the food remaining insufficient for ten days? When the present amount is consumed and run out, the following exchange cannot be done under the current situation. Maybe we should earn new CP, if everyone"s plans do not overlap with each other even if they acquire some, the exchange would not be fulfilled.

If I a.s.sume the worst case, will it happen at that moment? I was not able to deny the possibility of that.


I think that I should be tired.

It seems that I slept soundly without noticing it. I wake up with the sound of knocking. I got up to let her in.


CP balance: 895


Water and ration(11 days)×28

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