Dungeon Game

Chapter 10

-9- Masturbation #

She didn’t give up even with both arms restrained. Her legs swinging up and down can’t reach me who is sitting on her back. Shaking her neck, her glossy hair falls into disarray.

Holding down the imitation who borrowed Fushimi Hiiragi’s appearance, I’m thinking of what to do after this. There are no places that look like an exit even after surveying the dome-shaped room. Even if I remember the only gate I supposed to have come from, it had already disappeared.

What should I do to get out from here? I have already understood the solution with my mind. I don’t like to put that plan into action and already thought that I should avoid it if possible, because she has the appearance of Hiiragi-san.

Her legs are flapping even now, twisting her body and struggling. Her profile that I tried turn face up by twisting her neck this way with all my effort had the same appearance as Hiiragi-san. But there are no emotions in it at all similar to a mask, and the killing intent that dwells in her eyes felt the same as the monsters I killed so far.

Her nape peeked through from the gaps of disheveled hair. It isn’t tanned by the sun, I unintentionally gulped my saliva because of the white slender nape.

My reasoning is telling me that I should not do it. I know in my mind that it is also impolite towards Hiiragi-san. But the only people here are I and something that isn’t human imitating Fushimi Hiiragi’s appearance.

The scales only tipped slightly.

I gather up the disheveled black hair and expose the nape of her neck with fascination. Cautiously, I fasten her hands like handling a fragile object.

Right after I came in contact with her skin, the faint illusion already disappeared.

Even if their appearance is like two peas in a pod, this is absolutely not Hiiragi-san. On the contrary, I even doubt it’s a living thing. I’m convinced that it’s fundamentally different ent.i.ty to the monsters I had beaten to death so far.

Was this based on my instincts? The euphoric feeling just by being near Hiiragi-san, I realize that I had not felt that in her even for a moment.

The neck I touched is cold as a container, and even the pulse of blood that is supposed to be flowing throughout the body is not there at all. And yet it has the feel not different from a human. Engulfed in strong uncomfortable feeling and disgusting sentiment, I looked down on it in daze.

n.o.body is watching this place.

Perhaps, there are even no monsters here either.

Only the fake that is wearing the same appearance of my beloved person. A doll that moves automatically. That’s right, a mindless lump of meat just having the shape of a human.

Reasoning and instinct fought each other, with a spark, my thought shorted. The memories from today flashed like a revolving lantern.

It was the same day no different from the usual. Woke up, fixed clothes, took breakfast, went to school, talked with friends, watched Hiiragi-san, and greeted the morning cla.s.s.

When I became aware, in a white room, there was a demon, in a different world, cla.s.smates and teacher were killed, and got acquainted with the current situation.

The unlikely experiences continued, thrown into a cave, fought, killed, surprised with magic, fought with Fushimi Hiiragi’s imitation, and won.

Death, death, death.

Instincts giving birth to the desire to live stimulated my l.u.s.t intensely. I might have died. If I made one mistake, I had probably joined those defiled bodies. Even though I’m not wondering when will I die, how much endurance do I have?

It won’t hurt the feelings of the real Hiiragi-san. There is no one who will criticize this kind of treatment and no hindrances. It is the right of the victor to Judge the defeated since old times.

Excuses to divert the feelings of guilt come into mind one by one. Reason yields to instincts and tells a convenient reasonable answer.

Licking my lips, I covered her.

I buried my face on her bare nape then held my nose against the boundary of hair and skin and sniffed. I licked the white nape by sticking out my tongue. The complete blandness is like pouring cold water to my excitement.

Not one sweat even though she moves around violently, that sweet-smelling fragrance isn’t there. I used my tongue to check if the taste of her skin doesn’t have the saltiness as well. Still, I am aroused just by the thought that it feels the same as Hiiragi-san.

I roll her body face up. I sat on top of the struggling legs and pin the shoulder down with one of my hands to stop her from moving.

While looking down at the well-proportioned cute face, I unfasten the b.u.t.tons on the black blazer with my free hand. The b.r.e.a.s.t.s emphasize their existence even from above her clothes. I want to fondle it, I want to look at it, those were my thoughts. I unfasten the b.u.t.tons on the white Y-shirt and open it.

A healthy and normal white skin. I release the plentiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s restrained in the light blue underwear that supports the pair of spheres. Covered in the underwear that was slid up were the b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipples. I felt excited.

I move to a mounting position and grab her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with both of my hands like an eagle. My fingers are buried in the soft but springy b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A woman’s breast that I fondled for the first time. It is even similar to the person I like. I can’t endure it anymore and knead it violently. Changing its shape according to my fingers, I grasp it strongly. Fingernails that dug into it leave marks on her skin.

Looking at the scratches that glistened stimulated my possessive instinct.

I bring my face closer then lick, and suck on it. Marks are left by the strong suction. Like adding flair to the nail scratches, my desire is satisfied with the traces of the act.

I enjoyed sucking the b.r.e.a.s.t.s until it is soaking wet. While play-biting, feeling as if I became a baby sucking the nipples, I buried my face between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and drowned in softness.

I let my body slip between the struggling legs and rolled up her skirt. At the base of the sensual thighs, panties with the same color as her bra are being worn. The underwear that makes creases each time the legs move is fascinatingly enchanting and raises my heartbeat.

The thighs I touched in order to strip off her underwear felt smooth and springy. Forgetting my purpose, I rub and stroke it, enjoying the feel of it.

The female genitalia inside the underwear I forcibly stripped off is tightly shut, and the pubic mound is a hairless plains that had spread out. The unexpected shaved pubic area increases my arousal even more.

That place I touched with my hand doesn’t have the feel of hair at all, from its appearance there is no impression of it being shaved. If she didn’t remove the hair, it can be called a naturally shaved. How will Hiiragi-san really think about her own body? The image of her face turning red from embarra.s.sment comes into mind, it made me smirk.

I lift her leg upside down and turn her over. I brought my face closer to her waist and a.s.s that are raised in the air, and peeked into the secret place that I spread open.

It’s a beautiful pink color without any stain. When I brought my face to a breathtaking distance and looked, the c.l.i.toris hidden in the foreskin and also the thin hymen opened by a small hole in the middle are completely visible.

Unfortunately, even if I pushed my nose against it and inhaled, and also pecked with my mouth, there is neither smell nor taste. It is only the same sense of touch as the real one that made it possible for me to enjoy this cold body.

The absence of body warmth is why I can’t think of it as a living thing. I don’t have the disposition of piling up evil deeds. Enjoying the touch of the body without getting the consent of Hiiragi-san herself, I feel a little bit guilty.

The insides that I touched carefully with my little finger in order not to damage the v.a.g.i.n.al walls that are not moist, it was just a cold and also slightly soft meat hole.

There is no and warmth or pulse originating from life.

Although I should have understood such thing, just a bit of loneliness fell on my shoulders and tightened my heart.

What I’m going to do after this isn’t s.e.x, it’s thoroughly a justified act to earn self-satisfaction. It’s a selfish masturbation.

To make it more slippery, I add saliva while licking it. Thinking that it is identical to the real Hiiragi-san, I can’t suppress my excitement already.

I take off my clothes and expose a naked body. By simply undressing in a s.p.a.cious room, I feel a refreshing sense of liberation. My p.e.n.i.s that became completely stiff swells greatly, and the tip of the glans that seems to be waiting impatiently is wet with pre-c.u.m.

I bring my waist closer and place the tip against the entrance while adjusting it with my hand. When I moved forward to push my waist, I reached the proof of virginity that blocks the penetration.

It is completely expressionless when I look down on her face, if it harms me I will give more strength to it. That appearance is like Hiiragi-san saying that I absolutely don’t have interest with someone like you at all, anguish, pain, anger and arousal. Various emotions are evoked.

I brought my mouth close to it.

The white tooth that peeks through the pink lips is sharp and hard. I bite the forcibly separated lips and swallow the dripping blood.

I moved my waist forward and penetrated the hymen.

The pressure of the tightly shut v.a.g.i.n.a is too strong, I received pain instead of pleasure. I head deep inside and stroke it to tear apart her v.a.g.i.n.a that lacks lubricating juices.

I reach her deepest part and the sense of accomplishment and l.u.s.t for conquest fills me up. My p.e.n.i.s that is swallowed deeply in the small body had a bit of its base that didn’t fit left out, but I am stimulated by the sensation of its entirety being constricted and wrapped for the first time.

She does not move after being restrained, but because she still struggles, the v.a.g.i.n.a shakes and flesh moves. I gradually get used to the strength of the constriction, the pain fades and it becomes pleasant.

The cold v.a.g.i.n.al walls draws up the warmth. Deprived of the congested heat, I thrust while stirring it and resist ejaculating. At this rate, there was nothing else to do but to c.u.m. I boldly slap my waist against it. There are neither restraint nor hesitation at all, I lift her leg and repeatedly pound into the body that was in a piledriver position.

Pre-c.u.m that gush out from the tip mixes with the spilled saliva and produce a viscous liquid. While my body is continuously cooled, the stolen warmth made her temperature rise. Different temperatures blended together and leveled off. The condition improves with every thrust and pleasure steadily increases. My stimulation is accelerated with the tightness that never loses strength and struggling movement, flesh strike against flesh over and over again.

I gradually become accustomed on how to move my waist, steadily and rapidly, I penetrate deeply with intensity. The pleasure like being numb walks along from the glans to the rod, then spine, and inside my head, dyeing it pure white.

While raising a strange voice similar to a beast, I shook my waist in ecstasy and a cloudy liquid was shot vigorously. I screw it in deep inside to squeeze it until the last drop.

I gasped wildly on top of her. I did not wake up from the aftertaste of pleasure, my length that is still congested with blood did not lose its hardness. The veins beat strongly. It was still not enough. The sensitive tip matched the squirming of the v.a.g.i.n.a and transmits its pleasure to me. I let my unbearable pistoning resume.

Until her deepest and most interior parts of her depths, I want to indulge in the existence before my eyes. My senses are sharpened in the desire of my instincts to seek for stronger pleasure. Sharper with each time I thrust inside, sharper with each time I pull out, my senses are being polished.

Following along the rising body temperature are sweat, tickled nostrils, lively tongue, ears filled with the sounds of flesh coming in contact with each other, and sense of touch connected directly with pleasure, I take a good look at the face that is being held down. The sixth sense deepens and perfectly complements the mana that dwells in the body. Mana is induced from the strong intention to seek pleasure.

The stimulated mana gathers around the sensitive points inside the body. The sense of liberation, like being released from the shackles of pleasure that overwhelmingly increased, fills me up.

The quality of pleasure is completely different from masturbation done by the hand. Wrapping my entire length, the clamping that the tight c.u.n.t provides was the best. Heat brought by all those movements warms the body, I sweat slightly with the increase of blood flow. Flesh that come in contact with each other brings excitement and pleasure, moderate fatigue further increases those.

The v.a.g.i.n.al walls wet with s.e.m.e.n changes shape, it transforms to fit my superb article. Before I know it, it displays a flexibility that completely engulfs my d.i.c.k, l.u.s.t and pleasure continue to rise. I can no longer stop the movement of my waist, I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed over and over again.

For instances, to cover the back of that one collapsed on the floor, I make her stand on her knees and thrust from the rear. I lift one of her legs and while licking it, stack our crotches together and shake my waist while binding her hands behind her back. While I fondle her b.r.e.a.s.t.s I hold near my crotch, I force it up.

I forcibly push into her dirty hole and it gapingly opens, I kept on violating it without even letting it recover.

I inserted my son between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, fondled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and put it on my face.

I tore her clothes and changed the binds of her hands, stripped her naked and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed many times.

Even if I was completely dried up already and nothing comes out even for another drop, until I felt pain and reached the limit, I did not stop the masturbation that used the body similar to Fushimi Hiiragi.

In addition to the terrible lethargy, fatigue reached its limit. I delivered a slap into my body that is about to fall asleep and arranged my clothes.

I look at that person who is tied and rolled over. Even after being raped that much, that face is still expressionless, deep in her eyes is hostility that should not be neglected.

Not even wearing clothes, s.e.m.e.n is spilling out from her genitalia and a.s.shole. That was a miserable appearance that is hard to look at.

Maybe because it has the same face as Hiiragi-san, I feel guilt gushing forth like denouncing the deed that I had done.

I shake my head to clear away such sentimentality, and point the blade of the naginata I grasped tightly in my hand towards her.

I pierced the position of her heart with resolution.

Even though she vanished, she left nothing behind. Only the weapon I grasp in my hand shows that she was really there.

I walked towards the door that appeared in one of the walls.

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