Dungeon Game

Chapter 12

-12- Ice Break I 2

Hiiragi-san’s face is right in front of my eyes.

「… h.e.l.lo, are you listening, Mukou-kun?」

A small girl is looking at me from above.

A figure I’m not used to meet my eyes in a different angle every time. Even her manner of getting slightly angry while tilting her head is cute.

As if my awareness completely flew away, I have not heard what she was talking about at all. I feel like she was saying something important but I can’t remember it. Yeah, what was I talking about?

「Sorry, I wasn’t listening for a moment.」

「Haa, it can’t be helped. So I’ll say it once again, please listen properly this time, okay.」


「While Mukou-kun and everyone else were continuing the tutorial, we had a lot of time. We didn’t spend the time pointlessly. Miyako-chan took the initiative at that time and began listening to everyone’s stories, and as a result of trying out various things, we confirmed a few of them.」

As expected of Dekoko.

Her communication skills are pointlessly high for being the cla.s.s president. If it was me, even if I am their cla.s.smate, I will not have the confidence to talk smoothly with people I am not familiar with.

Did Dekoko tried to test out the experiments? It is unlikely that there is information, that turns out to be like a capture hint that is not in my expectations. I will listen without any antic.i.p.ation

「To explain, please review your status first.」

I called status in my mind as instructed by Hiiragi-san.


<Mukou Hibari:♂16>

E :-




MS:Detection Operation




Fushimi Hiiragi


Cypress pole Naginata Demon stone×74


Private room Plate Key Restroom Bathroom

When I got information of my status once again, a field for PARTY and CREATION were newly added.

PARTY was the result of acknowledging the partnership with Hiiragi-san, it seems that it was validated by the function provided in the device. Aside from the system included in the tool used for support, are there any other benefits as well?

CREATION was acquired as a privilege of clearing the tutorial. I was surprised that a bathroom was also included in the private room reward.

Common point had changed from the time I checked it earlier. If you are alive, it is natural to excrete. There is a group of nearly thirty people so it is inevitable to use points in that case. Guessing from the value, it seems that it increased by 100 CP for each number of people who cleared the tutorial.

There are also 74 pieces of demon stones. With that alone, I become deeply moved while thinking of the number of monsters I had defeated. Points were also acc.u.mulated considerably in accordance with that.

The content of MS has changed. Why did cognition disappear in exchange for acquiring detection and operation? Even if it is not learned through point exchange, is it possible to acquire it through own effort if any kind of conditions were met.

There are two things that come to mind regarding those conditions.

First is the encounter with the monster, Albacent. That was abnormal and ridiculous that there was no other way. It is not strange for that to even have a sort of effect on me.

The other one is the masturbation that made use of the fake Hiiragi-san. At that time, when I imitated the denser mana that I felt, there was also a sensation like it made my mana move. Did those correspond to detection and operation?

Probably, the latter reason seems to be right.

Why did such notion crossed my mind? I looked at Hiiragi-san who sat in front of me and unconsciously recalled the feeling of the naked body and touch of her impostor. Was it revealed on my face? I smiled at her like I had a cramp and she moved some distance away from me.

「I said please call your status on your mind and yet what on earth did you think about? I said that you were showing a disgusting smile. Good grief…」

「I’m sorry.」

「Haa, I understand since Mukou-kun is that sort of lewd person after all. You checked your status, right? Please check it just one more time.」

I follow Hiiragi-san’s instructions obediently. Unlike earlier, personal points increased by 1 and became 1,381 points. Hiiragi-san showing a proud expression is cute.

But, I see, there was also that sort of function?

「It seems you understood. To put it simply, it’s possible to transfer PP to other people. Although it’s no good if the other party who can pa.s.s isn’t within the visible range.」

「Is that so. But if I want to return the points, what should I do?」

「It’s alright if you imagine transferring PP to the other party you want to give it to.」

This function is very convenient. There is no doubt that it will be very useful in capturing the dungeon. Particularly, it makes it easy to balance the fighting ability within the party. And also, it is possible to say that negotiations and transactions became easy by handling PP like currency.

But some people should have noticed. Convenient things, when used in a wrong way, turn into something very dangerous.

I wonder if Hiiragi-san is aware of that. Simply looking at her appearance of proudly teaching about an amazing function that was discovered, it seems she had not realized. So I really thought it was a good thing that Seika and his friends died.

While grinning with her cheerful face, Hiiragi-san continued reporting.

As I guessed during the tutorial, magic cannot be used just by acquiring the attribute. And now, majority of the cla.s.s choose the fire attribute, the balance of attributes seems to be quite amusing.

Various trials and reviews were carried out by using the transfer function of PP. As a result of that, a few things were confirmed.

For attribute, the needed points are doubled to get a second attribute. An attribute opposite to the one that was already acquired, water for fire, earth for wind, is impossible to get.

In personal point exchange, there is a case of an item not being displayed if it does not meet the requirements regardless of the amount of points. If the points are insufficient, E, MS and the newly discovered 『Creation』will disappear from the list. For MA with a different content, the only thing that can be checked is its ambiguous item name. HP, MP, and miscellaneous items are the system that does not disappear.

Regarding creation, only the private room is confirmed and the needed points for it is 10,000. Perhaps there should be optional items like the key and bathroom that are special, and in order to add it in, it is necessary to exchange points. I think it is really good that I was able to clear the tutorial.

For MS, it seems to be devised so that skills are acquired by stages. According to Dekoko’s confirmation, I heard that if detection is not acquired, the next skill can’t be known either. The next one after detection seems attribute sense and operation, and in order to learn it, twice the points are needed.

For common points, the exchange list is not displayed unless everyone is gathered together. For that reason, it can be said that majority rule cannot be carried out arbitrarily in places you do not know yourself.

The device without any explanation is not user-friendly as usual. Even so, some of its functions are convenient, but why does it seem to be hiding a malicious use and danger?

A new problem was also identified.

The point needed for miscellaneous items in the PP exchange substantially increased. Many items that existed in the original world are listed, but the rate is that 1 point is equivalent to 1 yen. The prices are adopted from that of j.a.pan, the food is expensive like that of a developing country.

This change was harsh for my cla.s.smates who died in the tutorial. They lost their weapons and spent points in acquiring an attribute they cannot even use. As a result, they should fall into danger when they challenge the dungeon unarmed.

This situation was somehow avoided by people who cleared the tutorial and still have their weapons. But Wazuka and Heidi were not already left when everyone woke up and Maizuru only had that knife. And for the remaining three, they had only two metal bats.

In the end, the distribution of the metal bats was carried out at the time of grouping and the situation of a lone person challenging the dungeon unarmed was avoided.

By the way, my cypress pole was not counted as weapon. Since the cypress pole seems weak, it was misunderstood like that. The cypress pole was unbelievably strong and useful, but it somehow disappeared from the PP exchange list. Is it a tutorial-limited item?

What I’m curious about is the weapons owned by those who cleared the tutorial. It is likely necessary to consider what kind of difference there is between the metal bat and the rest.

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