Dungeon Game

Chapter 28

-29- Ice Break II 3

Talent exists.

The high-speed movement that I seem to hardly recognize a few hours ago. The flash that was released by the overwhelming speed cuts not only the meat but also the bones. Lots of blood flow from the opened wound and the monster died.

She moves at a speed that exceeds the four-legged beast and her blade cuts its flank. With unbelievable strength that came from her slender arms, the beast"s body was lifted high overhead and was shaken off towards the wall.

Composure is showing in her calm face.

The traces of the dented bat here and there are the proof that the subjugated monsters had been slaughtered until now. A swing that cuts the wind. Her figure that lets her the golden hair flutter is like an angel.

Its brain flies out from the smashed skull, fractured bones turned in the wrong direction and pierce through the flesh. The whiteness that shines throughout the red meat highlights the gruesomeness.

Her beautiful face is enjoying it for some reason.

Two beautiful girls fight before my eyes. Hiiragi-san and Heidi are killing monsters that they discovered with overwhelming strength one after another.

Hiiragi-san worked out the details of the conditions and Heidi accepted. The discussion proceeded as there was no word of my clear refusal and the promise to do a.n.a.l f.u.c.k was exchanged. Thus, with the deal being completed, Heidi joined as our party member.

She also taught us the method that allows superhuman movement to follow the agreement.

「I"m using mana.」

It was as I had imagined, I understood it with Heidi"s answer.

We can upgrade our status using the black and silver collar-shaped device. MP is an entry that represents mana, the amount of reserved mana increases according to the increase of numerical value.

I was just a bit aware of the mysterious power that mana brings. For example, in accordance with the desire during the height of s.e.x, mana activated and the senses were strengthened. Also from that event, I guessed that there is some kind of way to utilize mana.

I was planning to carry out various tests based on that standpoint in the exploration of the dungeon this time. However, the original plan collapsed. Right, it became unnecessary to speculate after we acquired the cooperation of Heidi who knows the answer.

She says that sense and operation magic skills seem to be required to handle mana.

Deeply feel the mana invisible to the eyes and manipulate it to match with an image. With a strong will and powerful image, mana will operate to completely rewrite reality.

It"s possible to momentarily enhance the movement speed and physical strength by concentrating the mana inside the body on each part such as the arms and legs. However, the explosive strengthening with this method for an instant is possible, but being able to sustain the effect is difficult.

The technique to solve that flaw exists.

Wazuka Natsume created a technique to circulate mana on his own. That method is even recognized as MS, circulation. It"s also possible to acquire it by exchanging with PP and is an item that requires 4,000 points.

Specifically, let the mana that dwells in you flow like drawing a loop inside the body.

With this alone, mana consumption is suppressed and makes it possible to fight continuously in a physically strengthened state.

Hiiragi-san, while listening to Heidi"s advice, learned circulation in less than an hour. It"s even properly displayed as MS on her status.

The thing called talent is really unfair. I can"t help but think that people are standing on unequal grounds.

It seemed like I have no talent for circulation.

There was no problem as far as sensing mana and manipulating it to match the image. Rather, my mana perception proficiency is high to the point of acquiring detection and, probably with that having an effect, the strength that I can instantaneously display clearly exceeded the two.

However, I was not able to make mana circulate in any way.

For example, moving a large boulder to drop down from above can be done easily. However, the technique demanded by the circulation is carrying it up from below and doing it back and forth. Based on my intuition, mana feels like a large boulder but it seems something like a pebble for these girls.

Are the varying results because of that difference?

Without room for me to partic.i.p.ate in fighting with the monster, it reached the end in a flash. I let out a sigh by reflex with how pathetic my uselessness is.

Hiiragi-san and Heidi, who picked up the mana stone and came back, expressed their worry about me who is feeling down.

「Isn"t it just also fine not to worry so much? How about if we consider Hibari-kun holding back for the critical moment? Understanding the structure of the dungeon and identifying the location of monsters saved us a lot of trouble.」

「That"s right. Leave the fighting to me and Hiiragi. Division of roles in a party is important, Yuzuriha even said so.」

Coming to a fantasy world, fighting with monsters, and becoming strong. Anyone will long for it if they have a heart like that of a boy"s. For me as well.

But the reality is cruel. I seem to have no technical talent needed in close combat. I might be able to be an effective help in case of a quick decisive battle, but I"m no way suited to travel the dungeon"s long path. Being too much picky and hindrance of not being able to join in the group fight will even break the sense of stability.

Currently, my role such as guiding using detection, carrying the tool bag, stepping back during fights so that I won"t be a hindrance, and standing by is that of a supporter no matter how I think about it.

I feel the emptiness in the supporting voices of the two.

「Shall we have lunch soon? If we explore just a bit more after eating, let"s return today.」

I carry out the food preparation together with the two who agreed to the call. I don"t wish to be something like a domineering husband. However, Hiiragi-san hardly lets me do something like meal preparation.

When I try to shoulder it, I am being held back as if to say that this is her duty. Nothing but the thought of grat.i.tude are forming so far but, just by watching, it made me strongly feel my own incompetence right now.

When the heating material like a large hand warmer is opened, it starts to rapidly generate heat. I wrap the pack of ration before it reaches a high temperature and heat it up. In even less than ten minutes, the heat is transmitted and the temperature became suitable for it to be eaten.

「Hibari owns convenient things. The lantern and also the tool bag are very helpful for the capture of the labyrinth.」

「Didn"t Wazukkun have them too?」

「Yeah, he had a tool bag but I think he didn"t have a lantern.」

I thought that he also has lantern if it"s Wazuka Natsume, but it doesn"t seem to be like that?

Although I have heard that he visited an Ashia"s store, I don"t know so far as what he was able to get.

「Is that so? Did you use a flashlight as a light source?」

「Yah. We exchanged it with PP and used it.」

「Heeh. Then what weapons did you use? Lichtenstein-san had two bats so you use those as weapons?」

「It"s different. The bats were used by me and Yuzuriha, but Natsume and Mikan were using stronger weapons.」

「What were they using?」

「What do you think?」

A weapon stronger than a metal bat.

Like how I got the naginata that Hiiragi-san is using, Maizuru had gotten a tantou. He might also have obtained some weapons in the tutorial similar to that.

If that"s the case, an edged tool? It feels that the possibility that it"s a type of sword is high. However, anything is possible with imagination so I don"t know the answer.

「Without a hint, I won"t even know.」

「There"s also that, isn"t it?」

Heidi extends her index finger straight ahead and raises her thumb perpendicularly. The remaining fingers were grasped tightly.


With her hand that looked like a handgun, her mouth mimicked the sound of gunfire.

No way, are you saying that the thing that he got was a handgun? If so, that explains the ranged attacks. But is it really true?

「It"s according to what you"re imagining. He got two guns in his hands. Since the bullet fired uses the mana of the person holding it, is it called a magic gun?」

「A magic gun?」

「Yah. It"s possible to fire once with only the cost of MP. I wonder if its power was able to penetrate the body of a monster and pierce through?」

「Wazukkun and Mikan-san were using it, right?」

「Yah. Mikan is used to handling guns. I have heard that she had an interest in firing real guns while studying abroad so it"s nothing strange. She also coached Natsume.」

If I"m not mistaken, the destination where she studied abroad was America. As expected, a large country of guns.

「Although Natsume"s skill also improved very fast, Mikan was more skilled.」

「That"s amazing, isn"t it?」

「Yah. Mikan is amazing. But you see, who are even stranger are Yuzuriha and Natusme, those two.」

With a sad, frustrated, and uncomfortable expression, Heidi spoke. The strangeness of the two was standing out.

Oyabe Yuzuriha returned just before the tutorial ended. That was what I learned from asking Hiiragi-san. She has failed in capturing the tutorial.

However, from what I heard from Heidi"s story, it seems that she had acquired detection and operation at the point when the tutorial ended. In addition to that, different from the method that I and Hiiragi-san learned, everything was acquired by exchanging PP.

The PP that can be earned by defeating a monster in that tutorial is between 10 to 20 points. The needed PP to acquire the two MS is 3,000 points in total. I don"t know the specific time, but she should be consuming how many torches to move in the dark. Moreover, she must have acquired a weapon in addition to water and food. It might be possible that she upgraded HP and MP too.

Based on those, she kept killing more than 200 monsters as a result. Since fatigue is not something to joke with, it does not seem that continuing to fight alone in the dark is good for mental health either. Despite that, she kept doing it to raise her level just like a game.

The mind of Oyabe Yuzuriha seems slightly different from an ordinary person.

Even during dungeon exploration, she seemed to value efficiency and completely omit anything pointless. The story tells that it was the effect of her precise instructions that sustained their abnormal advancement speed.

Wazuka Natusme is abnormal. I can"t think of it as anything but a fake story.

According to her, he basically killed monsters unarmed. Moreover, they were finished in almost one blow. Acquiring MS such as detection and circulation on his own. How is it even possible to kick the walls and jump multiple times?

Even if there"s the a.s.sistance of mana, the same thing doesn"t seem to be possible no matter what.

「In addition to that, he also fired mana to get their attention.」

「He used magic?」

「Hmm, will it be magic if you say it is? it"s even absurd to call it a downgraded version of the magic gun. The range and also the power are low, in a sense, it felt like throwing a pebble.」

「Can we also learn that too?」

「It was impossible for me. Aside from sending out mana, I wasn"t able to sense it after all. As far as it goes, there should also be some sort discharge listed in MS though.」

The food sealed in the pack was being heated slowly.

The inflated pouch is swelling because of thermal expansion. As I open the seal, hot air escapes and white steam rises.

This time, an insight flashed in me. Let"s experiment at once after having a meal. While thinking so, I chew and tasted it.

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